Wind control

Chapter 880

After half an hour, the four of Feng Ruo were finally unable to move forward at a normal speed, because in front of them, the number of isolated islands suddenly increased. Originally, the distance between the previous isolated islands could be maintained for thousands of miles or hundreds of miles, and the worst was dozens of miles, but the isolated islands in front of them were separated. There are only a few miles away. What's more, the demons gathered on these isolated islands are all more advanced red demons, including a large number of second-level red demons and a small number of third-level red demons!

In any case, they can't rush, because once the millions of red demons on the isolated island are disturbed, they will definitely die!

"Feng Ruo, how far is the location of Qinglanxuan from here?" Lei Ling couldn't help asking cautiously at this moment.

"It's not far away, just above an isolated island about 300 miles ahead, strange? Why didn't she startle these red demons? And it seems to be in peace with each other?" Feng Ruo also doubted.

"Feng Ruo, will this be a trap? As you said, Qinglanxuan has been controlled by a very powerful guy. The cold doesn't come back and worries.

"I don't know, but I have to go in and have a look. You don't have to go in. Pick me up here. Even if something happens, I can escape from these 300 miles." Feng Ruo's tone was firm.

"Let's go together. Although your strength is very strange, we are not paper, and we can help at the critical moment!" Lei Ling shook his head.

"Hey, it's not that serious, really. Don't forget that I still have the kind of escape spirit that can be invisible in my hand. With this thing, there is no problem for Anran to pass through here, but this thing is so precious that you will waste it here!" Feng Ruo smiled and said.

Hearing what Feng Ruo said, the three of them also felt very reasonable. Indeed, with the Dunshuiling, they could sneak in without alarming those red demons. It's just that this Dunshuiling is too rare. With one drop less than one drop, Feng Ruo is fine, there are as many as 30 drops in your hand, and Lei Ling and Han don't return to two to 30 drops. As for the cold, it's a little less, only eight drops, so this suggestion still makes sense. What's more, it's only three hundred miles ahead. Even if there is something, you can respond quickly.

At present, Feng Ruo did not hesitate to take out a hundred-flowered glazed cup directly, swallowed it in one bite, and the whole person turned into nothing in an instant. Even the three Lei Ling, who were close at hand, still could not detect his existence.

Feng Ruo, who has been invisible, feels like a fairy all over his body at this time, like washing the essence again, and this should be the spiritual effect contained in the escape water spirit. However, he was not in the mood to understand this at this moment. The purple fire's wings flew out of three hundred miles in an instant and arrived at the isolated island where Qinglanxuan was located, and the countless red demons around him were really imperceptible!

At this time. On the contrary, Feng Ruo was a little nervous. In fact, although he could sense the existence of Qing Lanxuan, he was really not sure about the situation of Qing Lanxuan, otherwise he would not have left Lei Ling and others outside, because he was very worried about any unfathomable situation.

Although he was completely invisible, Feng Ruo still dared not be careless and carefully controlled the wings of the purple fire. Then he flew to the isolated island in front of him. The isolated island is not very large. It is only dozens of miles in size, and there is no difference. Even the red devils who are engulfed on the isolated island are quiet. It is worth mentioning that the green demons will kill each other and devomit each other, but once they advance to the red devil The face restrained a lot, but if the companions are injured, they will be rudely swallowed up.

Soon, Feng Ruo flew directly above the isolated island in a stealth state, and he also saw Qing Lanxuan again, but the scene in front of him made him feel extremely strange. In the center of the isolated island, there was a large open space with a radius of 300 feet, and all the red demons did not dare to step into this area, and In this open space, Qing Lanxuan, dressed in white, seemed to be asleep, lying on the blood-red ground. Other than that, there was nothing different around.

"Strange? What's going on?"

Feng Ruo was secretly puzzled in his heart. He knew that he had practiced the Qingmu rune and got the strength of the wooden attribute Tongtian Tower. At least the strength of the six-level immortals was almost comparable to the first-level purple and green demons, so naturally he could easily slaughter a large number of red demons, but in this way, It is absolutely impossible to be shocked by some red demons, especially in the hinterland of the red demons. Once detected by those red demons, the tens of millions of red demons around them will be killed like a tide. Not to mention the six-level immortals, even the seven-level immortals can't bear it.

"It's weird!"

Feng Ruo did not dare to fall directly into the open space, but slowly observed carefully around. Anyway, the stealth time of the drop of the water spirit was a cup of tea for a long time, and there were as many as 30 drops in his hand, so it was enough for him to observe and wait patiently. He had to be careful, because once the If you control the whole scene, even if there is a hidden spirit, it is likely to cause other unknown changes.

After observing for a while, Feng Ruo found that there was nothing strange about Qing Lanxuan. Her strength was still there. It seemed that she really fell into a deep sleep, but this should be the strangest place.

"It seems that her fairy soul has had some strong fluctuations, which led her to enter this state of deep sleep, and this fluctuation should be the conflict between the control of Haotian Shenzun and the consciousness of her body!"

Feng Ruo soon guessed a general situation in his mind, because in addition, he really couldn't think of any other power to make Qing Lanxuan sleep here. In addition, he also thought that the key to causing all this should be the Tongtian Tower with wooden attributes.

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo decisively released a wisp of divine thought. He wanted to enter the fairy soul of Qinglanxuan to have a look. Only in this way can he finally determine what happened.

However, the stealth effect of the escape water spirit only includes Feng Ruo's body, but does not include his divine thoughts. Therefore, his wisp of divine thoughts were within ten feet of Qinglanxuan, and it was bounced off by a vast force, and this force is not strange at all. It is the power that belongs to the Aoki Tongtian


Feng Ruo praised in his heart. I have to say that Haotian God is too powerful. Not only is his strength extraordinary, but also the means of layout are unparalleled in the world. Who would have thought that the Tongtian Tower he left millions of years ago had such a role. However, now he also understands that Haotian God's body It's over, or at least it can't appear so far. At most, it relies on the previous layout and a few splits to plan in the dark. Otherwise, he will never allow the three towers to fall into his hands.

Maybe Qinglanxuan was sent out this time to seize the three towers. ( To be continued) RQ