Burning Shinto

Chapter 10 Return

(second update, today's fourth update)

Everything before came so suddenly, which was very incredible, but Qin Yanwu knew that it was all caused by strange black iron.

At this time, the black iron no longer emits red light. As usual, it hung on Qin Yanwu's neck, as if there had never been any abnormality.

"This black iron is strange enough. I don't know what kind of treasure it is. It's unimaginable that the impurities in my body can be discharged at one time." Qin Yanwu is still addicted to surprise.

At most, one-tenth of the impurities are excreted from the body for the first time, and some people have not even reached this level. Because impurities have been deposited in the body for a long time, they need to be separated and excreted many times. If you want to excrete them all at once, it is simply stupid and impossible. But everything just now proved that this was indeed possible, because Qin Yanwu had no impurities in his body at this time, which was extremely pleasant.

"It seems that this black iron should not be exposed, otherwise such a powerful strange treasure will be known by some people. I'm afraid the Qin family will suffer a great crisis." Qin Yanwu thought about it carefully. He knew that although the Qin family is one of the five families in Canglan City, which is powerful, the outside world is wider and there are naturally many powerful people, but he has such powerful treasures. He knows this truth very well.

Although he thought of this, Qin Yanwu did not take it off his neck. After all, such an ordinary pendant will not be doubtful. If it is placed in a space bag, it will be easier to peep. After all, the space bag is also an expensive item that ordinary people want to get. Qin Yanwu no longer thought much and thought that he could only be cautious in the future.

Then he looked around casually, but accidentally found a different place, and there was a gap in the wall of the cave.

"Huh? This is..." Qin Yanwu walked into the gap in the cave wall, and the rocks around the gap were extremely loose, as if they would collapse at any time.

"Is it caused by the breakthrough?" Qin Yanwu asked himself a sentence.

Because he was afraid that too many movements would cause the wall of the cave to collapse, he did not pay attention to the gap. Then he changed his dirty clothes and sat cross-legged again. He first realized the realm of the martial artist before making a plan. After all, this cave was surrounded by the Warcraft forest. If it hadn't been for the nest of the golden python, I'm afraid there would have been a lot of it. Warcraft will enter, and it will not be as easy as it is now.

It's been another half day.

"It's time to go home. It's been more than a week since I came out. If I don't go back, I'm afraid they will think I'm gone, alas!" Qin Yanwu slowly stood up and shook his head with a sigh.

Qin Yanwu did not leave home immediately after recovering, because his strength was too weak. After all, this is the inner enclosure of the World of Warcraft Forest. He was afraid that he would fall into another death gate when he went out rashly. He didn't know if the black iron would save himself again. Therefore, he wanted to break through to the realm of martial arts before leaving. After all, even the ninth-order peak warrior is much worse than ordinary martial arts. As long as he breaks through to the realm of martial arts, he can have one more guarantee.

After cleaning up, Qin Yanwu came to the mouth of the cave. The huge golden thread python that had fallen to the ground was no longer there. When he entered the snake's nest, he had already taken out the scorpion-tailed tiger that was originally in the space bag, and then put the golden thread python into it, although However, he was a little reluctant, but he still installed it, and then sprinkled the blood of the scorpion-tailed tiger in the hole, which made an illusion. Naturally, the warcraft outside naturally thought that the golden-line poisonous python predred on the scorpion-tailed tiger.

It's noon, and the sun shines on the whole Warcraft Forest.

Leaning against the mouth of the cave, Qin Yanwu carefully observed the surrounding environment and found that there were no traces of warcraft around, probably because this is the chassis of the golden thread python. Even other monsters of the same level dare not come here to make trouble. After all, the strength of the golden thread python was there. If it hadn't been for the black iron, the ten themselves would not Enough to die.

"Well, if you leave, it will change!" Qin Yanwu no longer thought about it. He was very careful and quickly left the cave.

These simple actions not only show that Qin Yanwu is cautious in doing things, but also show that his strength has increased a lot after breaking through to the realm of martial arts. Few people can compare with that speed in the same realm.

In the period when Qin Yanwu disappeared, a great incident happened in Canglan City.

At the beginning, after Qin Yanwu disappeared, the Qin family thought that the Mo family secretly sent someone to kill him. After all, the former's cultivation qualification can be called genius, which is the pillar of the future of the Qin family and has unlimited potential. The Mo family, which is also one of the five major families and the biggest enemy of the Qin family, is obviously one of the biggest suspects.

Therefore, at the beginning, the spies of the Qin family secretly diverged the family and paid close attention to the movement of the Mo family, but a few days later they found that the conjecture was wrong, because a servant of the Qin family said that he accidentally heard that Qin Yanwu and Uncle Hua went to the Warcraft Forest that day, so he turned to the Warcraft Forest to investigate, but there was no news. .

Because of the arrival of the Warcraft Forest, many peripheral warcrafts were killed, and most of them fled to the inner enclosure. The Qin family inevitably suffered casualties, so they no longer went deep. Moreover, the inner perimeter is different from the periphery, and the level of Warcraft inside is higher, even if the Qin family does not dare to enter easily.

And such a round of actions of the Qin family obviously could not hide from the people in Canglan City, and it was soon spread, but the point was right, that is, Qin Yanwu, a genius of the Qin family, broke into the Warcraft forest, and then all kinds of rumors flew all over the sky. Some said that he died in it, and some said that he may still be alive. In short, each There are all kinds of styles.

The happiest thing about all this is the Mo family, which is hostile to the Qin family. Qin Yanwu is too powerful, which makes the Mo family feel full of crisis. Although it has not yet become a climate yet, if it is bound to be another Qin Zhenyu, or even stronger, at that time, I am afraid that he will suffer. After all, the family can Only Mo Hao, the best of the younger generation, barely fought with Qin Yanwu, but he was still worse than the former.

Therefore, after Qin Yanwu disappeared, the Mo family vigorously spread rumors that the latter was killed by Warcraft and could not die. This seemingly simple rumor really made the Qin family's popularity blue.

The streets managed by the Qin family are still full of people, and there are shouts around.

"Haha! Who is that? I heard that he died in the World of Warcraft Forest, hey! It's a pity that he died at such a young age. At this time, a 12-year-old teenager said with a mocking face.

"Oh? I heard that it was torn to pieces by Warcraft. It's terrible, haha!" A teenager next to him said in a sad tone, but that expression was not the case at all.

The two teenagers were dressed in blue-rimmed clothes with a Mo character embroidered on their chest, which was obviously the son of the Mo family.

Just as the two were laughing, two teenagers and a young girl not far away came over angrily.

"Mo Jun, you actually cursed the death of Brother Yanwu here. This is the land of our Qin family. You want to die!" One of the teenagers said angrily that the three were obviously from the Qin family.

"Oh, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Qin Xianwei. Ha, did you hear me say that your Qin Yanwu is dead? What's more, what I said? The whole city is saying that you have the guts to scold one by one. The teenager named Mo Jun didn't care.

"That's right, that's the street of your Qin family. The city stipulates that anyone can manage the streets. Do you want to disturb this city rules? Who do you think you are? Don't measure yourself!" Another Mo teenager said.

The people around seemed to be used to it and did not surround them to watch.

"No, Brother Yanwu won't die. You are talking nonsense." The girl of the Qin family choked.

"Get out of here, you are not welcome here!" Qin Xianwei shouted angrily.

"Oh? Want us to go? OK, I'll talk about winning first, but if you lose, just kneel down and call me grandpa, haha! Dare not?" Mo Jun sarcastically.


Qin Xianwei really dares not, because he is only a third-order warrior, while Mo Jun is a fifth-order warrior. There are two small realms between the two sides, and the difference in strength is there. It is impossible for him to agree to fight, which can almost be said to be a must-lose. It doesn't matter if he loses, but it is impossible for the Qin family to lose face.

How about it? Dare not? If you don't dare to shut up and go back to practice. Mo Jun laughed.

Suddenly, there were bursts of ** sounds from the crowd around, as if they had seen something.

"Oh? When did I die? Why don't I even know myself?"

At this time, a sound sounded, and everyone looked away. All of them were stunned and looked unbelievable.