Burning Shinto

Chapter 61 Distress

Qin Yanwu sat on the ground, thinking about how to use the white flame to help his grandfather and father. And there is a bigger problem. He has not experimented on people and doesn't know whether he can really achieve the same effect as the tiger roar gun, which is also one of the biggest problems.


A sudden buzz appeared, which did not come from the depths of the eyebrows, but from the mind.

In fact, after that day, in addition to the firebird that went deep into his eyebrows, there was one more thing in his mind, a white light mass, with a sacred breath like the white flame he exerted.

"I don't know if this light mass was also made by firebirds, but I can really feel it."


Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, and a hint flashed through his mind, which made him solve the difficult problem he had just thought about.

Blood? My blood may have the same effect!" Qin Yanwu muttered.

"Drinking my blood should not be as terrible as being burned by me. Black electricity should be able to try it."

I have never let black electricity as a white mouse before. It is precisely because Qin Yanwu has developed feelings for him that it is impossible to experiment with him rashly, but now it is different. There are two different ways to drink blood and be burned.

"Black electricity!"

Qin Yanwu shouted, and the black electricity came to the former quickly like lightning, looking excited. These days, the former has been practicing, but it has been neglected and making it very boring.


Qin Yanwu gently scratched his index finger and suddenly appeared a shallow wound, from which blood slowly oozed out.


Black electricity didn't know what nerves his master was and asked him to come. He thought there was something interesting, but he suddenly hurt himself. Looking at this scene, he roared anxiously for a moment.

"Don't worry, come on, open your mouth and drink my dripping blood." Qin Yanwu smiled and said.

Hei Dian looked puzzled, but when he heard his master's instructions, he could only open his mouth.


A drop of blood dripped from the index finger and fell into the mouth of the black electricity. The black electricity smashed the mouth, as if it had swallowed the blood to the stomach.

After half a sound, the black power did not have any situation as Qin Yanwu thought.

"Can't it be? No, this is the hint that the light ball clearly flashed. Qin Yanwu stared at the black electricity with a distressed face, and the latter was stunned by it.

"Of course, ordinary blood is not good, otherwise taking a drop of blood on me will have this effect. That's too worthless. Yes, it should be the essence of blood to work. OK, try again." Qin Yanwu suddenly woke up.

The blood contains the essence of the warrior, which is extremely rare. It is condensed by the innate essence of the human body. Once too much is lost, it may not be cured for a long time, and more serious people may even die. There is a big difference between sperm blood and ordinary blood. It takes a long time for sperm blood to recover, while ordinary blood only needs to absorb enough nutrients to recover.

Of course, Qin Yanwu also knows the importance of blood, but he can still bear to lose a drop or two. Immediately stimulated his own mysterious power, and a drop of blood containing innate essence slowly emerged from the wound of the index finger. This drop of blood was obviously different from the ordinary blood just now, with a strong innate essence. Qin Yanwu's face was also slightly pale, but it was not a big deal.

smiled and waved his finger, and the blood fell into the mouth of the black electricity.


At the mouth of the blood, the black electricity suddenly roared, and the fur of the whole body kept trembling, and it became more and more violent. At this time, the whole body emitted an extremely violent breath, and there was a crackling sound, which was the power of thunder and lightning. The power of thunder and lightning is the most violent force in heaven and earth, and black electricity is a cloud electric leopard, which naturally has the ability to control the power of thunder and lightning. However, the breath emitted by the black electricity at this time is very powerful, and it looks a little ferocious, and its mouth is almost clenched, as if it is enduring some kind of pain again.

"Black electricity!" Qin Yanwu exclaimed, but this sudden change surprised him and quickly wanted to come forward.

Black Power seemed to know what his master thought, raised his head and shook it slowly, as if to say that he didn't worry.

Seeing this, Qin Yanwu stopped moving, but still looked at the black electricity with a worried face, fearing that something would happen to the latter.


After a few minutes, some black ** oozed from the black electric fur, just like the previous tiger roaring guns, but now these black ** emit a disgusting smell.

"This is the phenomenon of impurities in the body being excluded. My blood, my blood really has the effect of quenching. It's great." Qin Yanwu was surprised to see those black **, which proved that his blood, like those white flames, had the same quenching effect, and what made him happier was that this method was simple and not easy to be found.

After a quarter of an hour.

Black electricity is obviously much better than at the beginning. It does not tremble so violently, and the face no longer shows a painful expression, and the black ** oozing from its body gradually decreases. The original shiny fur is stuck to the black dirt, which looks a little awkward.


After a while, the black electricity roared, and its cry was full of cheerful emotions. Obviously, the quenching just now eliminated a lot of impurities in its body and made it feel comfortable.

"Haha, that's great, black electricity. Fortunately, you're fine. I was really scared just now. After this quenching, your progress will definitely be faster in the future. Well, you guy, go take a shower. It's too dirty. Qin Yanwu laughed and was extremely happy. He originally wanted to come forward, but when he saw the dirt all over his body, he frowned and smiled bitterly.


The black electricity shouted happily and immediately rushed out.

"Well, after practicing the dragon crack, I'll go back and make a good plan."

Qin Yanwu saw that the black electricity was fine, and it was also confirmed that his blood also had the effect of quenching. He took out the Jiaolong split terrain again and slowly opened this spiritual advanced metaphysical martial arts.

What comes into view on the first page is the cultivation conditions of this mysterious skill: the dragon cracks the terrain, and its cultivation conditions need to cooperate with halberds weapons to fully practice, otherwise it can only exert half of its power.

The introduction of the first line is as Fengrao said at the auction that day, and there is no indiction.

The following is the introduction of this move: once the dragon cracks to a great success, it can evolve a dragon. Under the bombardment of the dragon, its momentum is like a broken earth, and its power is strong and domineering.

"When you cultivate to great success, you will have the power of breaking the earth. Is it really such an amazing power?" Qin Yanwu looked at the brief introduction and looked forward to it.

"However, any mysterious skill that can evolve into a virtual image when it is performed generally requires a look at its shape to really evolve. I haven't seen this dragon for so long since I was born, and the picture in the book is too abstract. And according to some books, there is a big difference between the ancient dragon and the dragons on the mainland. Its body is extremely long and it can soar in the air without wings. It is an ancient dragon. Today, it seems to be extinct on the mainland. Do you want to watch those dragons on the mainland? Hey! What a trouble." Qin Yanwu was distressed for a while.

Some mysterious moves can evolve all kinds of virtual images. If you want to really cultivate these moves to great success, the best way to start is to watch the real things. Just like the Qin family's unique beast king Ba Lingquan, the beast king is also the tiger, and the tiger is the king of all beasts. On the Tianwu continent, the tiger clan is strong and weak, but its appearance is similar, so it is easier to evolve the essence of the tiger.

According to the introduction of the dragon split terrain, what has evolved is a giant dragon. The giant dragon is an ancient dragon family, which has been extinct in the Tianwu mainland. Even that record is just a rough description. Today, the dragon clans on the mainland are only descendants of giant dragons. This is also the reason why Qin Yanwu is so distressed. If he only looks at the abstract pictures in the books and will evolve a nondescript thing when he shows the dragon split terrain, the power will be greatly weakened.