Burning Shinto

Chapter 81 The Battle of the Master

The battle between the second-numbered figure of the two families ended in a draw.

Originally, before the competition, everyone knew that the strength of Qin Tianchen and Mo Fan was almost the same. Many people thought that this was an insoluble competition, but they believed that the former could eventually win with a subtle chance, and the Mo family would eventually hate today and move away.

But he didn't expect that Mo Fan would take the hidden magic grass before Bidou, causing Bidou's victory balance to be seriously inclined to him, so everyone knew that this final victory had been decided.

Unfortunately, the world has changed a lot. Mo Fan was originally able to win, but due to the short abnormal performance, the passage of hidden magic herbal power made him unable to make a judgment at the last moment, thus making this suspense several times a draw.


"How can it be? Is it possible that God will destroy my family, no! Mo Xiong has dominated Canglan City for most of my life and will never fall like this. When Mo Xiong saw the result of the fight, he was stunned for a while, then got angry and sat down on the chair and suddenly turned into pieces of wood.

The Mo family and the Qin family quickly walked to the bidding field and carried them back. Both of the bidding were obviously seriously injured. There was not a period of time before they could walk on the field. Qin Tianchen was better, and Mo Fan was miserable. Within a year, he lost all his mysterious power, no different from ordinary people.

"Grandpa, how's your father?" Qin Yanwu asked eagerly.

Qin Zhenyu examined it carefully, frowned, then exhaled and said lightly, "Although the injury is relatively serious, some of the tendons and bones are damaged, and there is no fundamental injury. After a period of cultivation, you can basically move around. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to fully recover."

The son's life is not in danger, which is Qin Zhenyu's peace of mind. As for the problem of serious injury, it will naturally be solved over time.

"That's good!" Qin Yanwu listened and breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the Mo family, with a murderous spirit in his eyes. He could be said to hate the Mo family.

However, there is nothing we can do about it. In this life-and-death duel between the two families, not to mention Mo Fan took the hidden magic grass before the fight. As long as you go to the arena, you can't take restorative things except for what was originally agreed, even if you use any dirty means, which makes this life-and-death duel is extremely Extreme, there are no rules to speak of.

Qin Zhenyu ordered, and several children of the Qin family carried Qin Tianchen down for treatment.

At this time, the whole fighting field is boiling, because the last key fighting is about to begin, and the battle of the head of the family is related to the survival of the two families.

If the Mo family can win this battle, the normal life-and-death duel will be a draw, and both sides do not have to move away from Canglan City, but this also means that the head of the Qin family will die in the battle, and the Qin family without the owner may be more miserable than the relocation of the whole family.

If the Qin family wins, then there is no doubt that the Mo family will move away from Canglan City and go out completely. All the property of the Mo family will belong to the Qin family, which is actually an extremely miserable end.

However, no matter what the result is, everyone present is looking forward to this battle of the family leader. After all, the strength of the two is comparable in everyone's cognition. They are the kind that has been friends with their opponents for many years, which are completely different from Qin Tianchen and Mo Fan.

and Lin Ba, where the referee's seat is located, has no performance on his face, but he sneers in his heart. He was very impatient with this last fight. For him, no matter what the result is, Cang Lancheng's two families will be hit briefly after this life-and-death duel, and this period is the beginning of his unified hegemony.

Qin family...Qin family...

Mo family...Mo family...

The people present called out, some supporting the Qin family and others supporting the Mo family, but the voice of the former was obviously much higher, while most of the supporters of the latter were their vassal families.

Just as the fight was about to begin, a son of the Qin family went to Qin Zhenyu and whispered something.

After hearing this, Qin Zhenyu nodded slightly and motioned to the son of the Qin family, and the latter left quickly.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Qin Yanwu asked in a low voice.

"When Mu Lang came to Canglan City, he brought several men. When they saw the death of their young village owner, they left in a hurry and released the communication bird. Fortunately, I had a back move when you were about to kill Mu Lang. Those people and the communication birds were all killed, but I'm afraid the news of Mu Lang's death will come back soon. In the fierce beast cottage, Grandpa ordered Professor Hong to handle some things to prevent future trouble. Qin Zhenyu said in a small voice. Obviously, this matter can't be said to others.

Qin Yanwu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was even more impressed by his grandfather's post-event measures, but he still felt a little guilty in his heart. After all, killing Mulang finally provoked the fierce beast copycat.

"Ha ha, don't worry about Yaner. Grandpa, I have my own solution." Qin Zhenyu saw Sun'er's expression, patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

Qin Yanwu also knew that there was no change, so he could only be relieved, nodded slightly, and then entered a state of recovery again. The mysterious power of fighting with Mu Lang was almost exhausted, and before, in order to attack Mo Fan's soul, it was briefly dull and consumed a lot of soul power. At this time, it can be said that it needs to be a double recovery, and no time can be wasted, because he always feels that something bad is going to happen next.

"Qin Zhenyu, get out of here!"

At this time, there was a roar in the field. It turned out that Mo Xiong had already stood in the arena. Seeing that Qin Zhenyu had not come out for a long time, he was furious and roared.

"Hmm! Mo Laogui, you are not in a hurry to die. You are also despicable and cruel enough to let your son take harmful things such as hidden magic grass. I, Qin, have to admire your cruelty. Qin Zhenyu heard the roar and did not hesitate to step into the fighting field.

"Nonsense! Nonsense! If you want to fight, you want to affect my mind and delusion!" Mo Xiong heard the sarcastic words of the other party, although he was angry, he was not upset.

"It's worthy of being an old opponent of my Qin, and he is really calm." Qin Zhenyu did still admire his old opponent, and then turned his head to Lin Ba and said, "Lord Lin Cheng, let's start."

Lin Ba walked forward, looked at the two people, and sighed, "If it weren't for you, Cang Lancheng would not be so stable. Now it's a pity that they want to fight."

"Cut! Pretending to be a pity, you just think that our two families are too backbone and want to tear them down so that you can inherit the sky. Qin Zhenyu suddenly despised Lin Ba's words and tone.

"The last fight, let's begin!" Lin Ba returned to the referee's seat and then shouted.

With an order, this battle related to the fate of the two families is finally about to begin.


As soon as the word 'begin' fell, Mo Xiong suddenly rose, and the mysterious power in his body suddenly broke out, and it was a powerful killing move.

Mo Xiong and Qin Zhenyu are both Jin Zhixuanli attributes, so the two are no different in their previous exchanges, but precisely because the two have the same Xuanli attributes, they become water and fire, and neither of them will be allowed.

"broken gold and cracked soil!"

Mo Xiong's palm was split, and his palm was suddenly like a big knife. A broken metal burst out in vain. Although this move was only a low-level mysterious skill, its power was extremely amazing under his performance.


Qin Zhenyu had been prepared for a long time and knew that the other party's work had always been fierce. When the other party's palm was about to attack his body, a heavy fist exploded out and bombarded the place where the palm was split fiercely.

"Chiyan Fist!"

Qin Zhenyu's display was not the most skilled golden mysterious skill, but a fire mysterious boxing technique, which surprised everyone present.


The fists and palms hit each other, bursting out a dull sound, and the two immediately separated.

"Hey, Mo Laogui, I knew you couldn't wait. Although you are fast, you have a slow way to deal with it." Qin Zhenyu said disdainfully.

Only then did everyone understand that among the five elements of Xuanli's attributes, Huo Kejin, if Qin Zhenyu used the metal mysterious skills before, although he would not be injured, but because of the slowness of half a beat, even if he was not injured, he would inevitably appear to be at a disadvantage in the eyes of outsiders, which was not what Qin Zhenyu wanted. However, even if the fire attribute mysterious skill is still slow, the fire is still slow, which balances the two, so that the two sides form a situation.

Only then did everyone marvel at Qin Zhenyu's temporary coping ability and judgment. They couldn't help admiring that he was worthy of being the head of a large family. No wonder that the Qin family could stand still in Canglan City and became more and more prosperous.