Burning Shinto

Chapter 119 Martial Soul Pavilion

When the evil emperor saw the dark light wheel, his whole body was excited, as if this light wheel had any special meaning for it, or evoked its oldest memory.

The dark light wheel rotated at an unpredictable speed, creating a wave of energy ripples around it. It was such a light wheel less than half a meter that blocked the last blow of the evil emperor.

Although the dark light wheel blocked the attack of the evil emperor, Qin Yanwu was obviously uncomfortable at this time. He almost fell to the ground and knelt there with one knee. His hands painstakingly supported the dark light wheel in front of him. His whole body trembled involuntarily, obviously reaching the limit.

"Very good! Originally, I just thought that you could realize the concentration of soul power, but I didn't expect that you could even learn the master's soul-killing light wheel. It seems that you have indeed been recognized by the master, otherwise it is definitely impossible to be able to perform this soul skill so soon. However, with your current situation, there is no way to control the soul-killing wheel normally for half a month. Come back later. I'm looking forward to it." Unexpectedly, a trace of relief appeared on the horrible face of the evil emperor.

"I will definitely defeat you then." Qin Yanwu also knew his current situation, and it was the limit to be able to barely display the soul-killing light wheel, let alone attack.

The evil emperor did not answer again. It looked deeply at Qin Yanwu below. It had a feeling that the little guy in front of him would inevitably reach a level that ordinary people could not reach in the future.



Slowly opened his eyes. Although Qin Yanwu's face showed fatigue, his dark pupils were still bright.

"I still failed. I didn't expect that the last level of this first soul prison was facing such a powerful opponent, but fortunately, I could stick to it, otherwise I would not be able to penetrate the ability of the new realm of the soul master, and even got the powerful pure soul skill of 'the wheel of soul extermination' from the petal soul seal." Qin Yanwu's face showed a smile.

At that time, Qin Yanwu did not realize the ability of the new realm of the soul master until the last moment, and at the moment of realization, the petal soul seal in his mind also operated violently at the same time. It was also at that time that he learned the pure soul skill of 'the wheel of soul extinguishing light' from the soul seal.

The so-called pure soul skill is completely exerted by soul power without any foreign objects. This pure soul skill is much easier to use than controlling foreign objects, and can even change as you want. More importantly, there is no limit to the power of pure soul technology, that is to say, The stronger the soul power of the user, the stronger the power will be. Unlike the manipulation of external objects, it is subject to certain external restrictions.

Of course, pure soul skills have extremely high requirements for the control ability of the soul master himself. When ordinary people reach the stage of soul power condensation, they can at most condense the soul power into relatively ordinary things, such as soul needles, soul shields, etc. These can only be called condensed attack methods and cannot be called pure soul skills.

And the 'soul light wheel' is a powerful pure soul skill. This soul skill has a terrible cutting ability and can easily cut things in half. Even if the Xuanli shield faces this soul skill, it has no ability to fight. In addition, it has a stronger defense ability, and its soul power fluctuation can Form a transparent soul shield according to the idea of the manipulator, which is harder than a simple soul shield.

At that time, Qin Yanwu could only reluctantly display the 'Soul Destroyer Light Wheel', but the 'Soul Destroyer Wheel' in such a situation also blocked the attack of the evil emperor. It can be imagined that once Qin Yanwu performed it in his heyday, he would definitely have a chance to defeat the evil emperor. The first soul prison. After all, this soul skill was created by the master of the evil emperor, and its strength is unquestionable.

"Half a month? Well, when I become proficient in the soul-killing light wheel first, I will let you try the taste of this soul skill, hum!" Qin Yanwu hummed angrily.

This time, it can be said that he was defeated miserably, and there was almost no power to fight back. All the attacks of Qin Yanwu were in vain, and there was nothing in the eyes of the evil emperor. This was the worst loss he had since he stepped into the soul prison.

However, Qin Yanwu has also learned a lot from failure. Sometimes failure is not useless. It is also a great blessing to be able to understand new things from failure.

The sky outside has gradually lit up.

Although this soul prison trial failed to break through the first soul prison in the end, it has also reached the last level. The previous level has been completed, and the soul power has been greatly improved. Qin Yanwu has now reached the peak of the nine-star orange soul master. If the senior officials of the wilderness building know, I'm afraid he will directly let him Entering the inner door may even become the object of key training, but Qin Yanwu does not want to do this. What he wants is to do step by step to make himself have traces at every stage, so that his cultivation path can be more fulfilling.


Qin Yanwu stretched out his right hand, and his palm shook slightly. Suddenly, a dark light wheel appeared on his palm. The light wheel made a high-speed rotation sound, and there was a trace of crack in some of the decorations around him, which was obviously caused by the fluctuation of soul power emitted by the dark light wheel.

Seeing the dark light wheel in the palm of his hand, Qin Yanwu grinned. This soul skill is indeed powerful, much more powerful than his native dragon anger. After all, the earth dragon anger has conditional restrictions, and the soul destruction wheel can be used as long as the soul power is sufficient, which is also one of the greatest benefits of pure soul skill.

"There is still a big gap between the power of the light wheel and what was introduced at the beginning!" Qin Yanwu sighed for a while.

At that time, Qin Yanwu learned the 'soul-extinging wheel' from a light and shadow in the petal soul seal. The power of the light wheel he saw at that time could almost flatten a mountain in an instant, and even reach its peak, it could condense tens of thousands of light wheels at the same time. That power can only be described as horror.

And now, Qin Yanwu can only condense a light wheel, which can only be regarded as an entry. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to reach the level of light and shadow.

An hour later, Qin Yanwu has gradually become proficient in the dark light wheel. At this time, the light wheel is no longer as unstable as before, but can sometimes spread attack fluctuations according to his ideas, and sometimes condense the soul power to protect the wall.


At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Yanwu put away the light wheel, got out of bed, and came to the door to open the door.

Standing outside the door is a girl in a long pink dress with a clean face and a sweet smile. It is Shangguan Chan.

"Hmm? Miss Shangguan, what can I do for you so early? Qin Yanwu asked.

"Can't I find you if it's okay?" Shangguan Chan pretended to be angry.

"Of course not. I just asked casually. Don't be angry." Qin Yanwu scratched his head and said shyly.

"Cut! The whole is stunned." Shangguan Chan muttered.

"What did you say, Shangguan girl?"

"Nothing, do you remember that one of the additional rewards was an opportunity to enter the Martial Soul Pavilion?"

Qin Yanwu heard this and nodded slightly. Even if Shangguan Chan didn't mention it, he would go to see what the Martial Soul Pavilion was like in a few days, but he wanted to practice for a few more days before going, but he didn't expect Shangguan Chan to mention it at this time.

"Does Miss Shangguan want to invite me to go to the Martial Soul Pavilion?" Qin Yanwu asked.

"Ghost, the ghost invited you. I just want to ask you if you want to go since everyone has this free opportunity. If you don't go, forget it." Shangguan Chan blushed slightly and obviously understood Qin Yanwu's meaning in other aspects.

"Oh, well, then I'll go with Xiaoyuan." After saying that, Qin Yanwu went straight to Qin Yuan's residence.

Seeing this, Shangguan Chan didn't react. She immediately snorted and stamped her feet, but she followed helplessly.

On the way.

Qin Yanwu and Qin Yuan chatted very happily, but Shangguan Chan beside them didn't even have a chance to interrupt, with a depressed and cute look on her cheeks.

Qin Yuan obviously noticed Shangguan Chan's appearance and whispered to Qin Yanwu beside him, "Brother, why does Shangguan seem to be angry?"

"No way, I don't seem to have offended her." Qin Yanwu frowned.

"Brother, why do I feel that Shangguan's attitude towards you seems to be a little different? Does she like you?"


As soon as Qin Yuan finished speaking, he was hit on the head. Qin Yuan spit out his tongue strangely.

"Bad boy, don't talk nonsense. If other girls talk nonsense, it's not good for their reputation." After saying that, Qin Yanwu glanced sideways at Shangguan Chan, but secretly said in his heart that it should not be true, and immediately withdrew his eyes.

The two chatted without saying a word, and soon came to the door of the Martial Soul Pavilion.

Standing in front of it is a towering pavilion building, surrounded by a strong martial arts atmosphere. From time to time, people enter and exit the door, and on the plaque above the gate of this pavilion is engraved with three powerful characters - the Martial Soul Pavilion.