Burning Shinto

Chapter 174 Xiaotao

The idea is very simple, which is to subdue the evil lion crocodile, let it subdue the grass and become its own bodyguard in the future.

You know, this evil lion crocodile has the strength of the second-order martial arts master, and even with its hard scale armor can compete with the third-order martial arts master for a while.

However, in return, if the evil lion crocodile does not want to, Qin Yanwu does not want to force it. After all, the strength of the other party is not weak. If it is overcoerced, it will not only not subdue the former, but also trigger a war.

After many wars, Qin Yanwu has felt a little tired and has not had a good rest, which is not a good thing for practitioners. Therefore, he feels that if it really doesn't work, more is better than less.

After making a decision, Qin Yanwu went to the evil lion crocodile.

The lion crocodile is huge, ten meters long, and even if it is close to two meters in height, it is still much taller than Qin Yanwu.

The evil lion crocodile was originally enjoying sunbathing. It felt that someone was approaching him. It quickly opened its pupils and stared at the visitor with a wary face.


Qin Yanwu got closer and closer, came to the place two meters away from the evil lion crocodile, and then stopped.

Although the black electricity beside him did not know what his eldest brother was going to do, he still walked over. He deeply knew the strength of the evil lion crocodile. If he hadn't used the power of soul-eating that day and his strength had increased a lot, I'm afraid he really couldn't control this murderer.

"Brother." Black electricity shouted in a low voice.

Qin Yanwu did not respond, but waved his hand and signaled not to worry. He knew that this evil lion crocodile had been deterred by black electricity, otherwise he would have taken the opportunity to attack the two people long ago. How could he be sunbathing so leisurely?

"What are you doing? Don't come here, I'll bite you." The evil lion crocodile said, although it sounded a little fierce, but in Qin Yanwu, it sounded a little like a child pretending to be fierce.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just here to ask for your opinion. Do you want to take shape? Qin Yanwu was straightforward and didn't bother to turn the corner.

"Hueform? What is that?" The evil lion and crocodile wondered.

Ah? Don't you know what metamorphosis is? Qin Yanwu was surprised. Generally, warcrafts knew what the transformation was about, but the evil lion crocodile in front of him did not know what the transformation was. No wonder he was so surprised.

"I don't know. I have lived here since I was a child. My parents seemed to have taken something and were killed by bad guys. In a hurry, I swallowed it and became like this. After that day, I cleaned up all these monsters, leaving me. I hate other monsters approaching. They are all bad guys. ." There is a trace of sadness in the eyes of the evil lion crocodile.

After listening to it, Qin Yanwu was surprised again and thought that the evil lion crocodile had such an experience.

"How long have you lived here?"

The evil lion and crocodile seemed to be thinking, recalling, and then said, "Well, I calculate, it seems to be five years."

"Damn it! It's shocking and amazing to reach the sixth-level Warcraft level in five years. What on earth did you swallow?

"At that time, I heard those bad guys say that it was called ten thousand animal fruits."

"Wan, ten thousand beasts and fruits, no wonder they are such natural treasures." Qin Yanwu was shocked.

Wan beast fruit, a fruit that needs to absorb 10,000 kinds of Warcraft blood to mature. During the seed period, it is no different from ordinary fruit seeds. It is buried deep in the land, but once 10,000 Warcraft blood is absorbed, it will grow quickly and break through the soil, so thousands of beast fruits It is difficult to cultivate, because few people know what their seeds really look like.

And the role of the fruit of all beasts is extremely domineering. Once swallowed, the body will be instantly transformed by this thing, and the ten thousand kinds of Warcraft blood in the fruit also erupted at this moment. After the transformation, the strength also increases rapidly.

However, not everyone can easily take the fruit of all beasts, because it contains ten thousand kinds of Warcraft blood, and the human body can't withstand the terrible blood impact inside.

However, for Warcraft, it is much easier to absorb the blood of the same Warcraft, and it plays a greater role than human beings.

Humans swallowing thousands of fruit is at most just to enhance their physical strength, but Warcraft is different. In addition to enhancing their physical strength, because they have absorbed thousands of Warcraft blood, they can continue to advance after swallowing.

The evil lion crocodile itself is an extremely strong warcraft, and even the flesh of the evil lion crocodile is comparable to steel.

And the evil lion crocodile in front of him actually swallowed the fruit of the beast. No wonder it has been promoted to the sixth-order warcraft level in just five years.

If you change the normal evolution time and want to be promoted to the sixth-order warcraft level, it will take at least decades or even longer to calculate the ordinary bloodline warcraft such as the evil lion crocodile. After all, they are just ordinary bloodline, that is, ordinary warcraft. Except for the body that is stronger than other warcrafts, there is nothing special. Elsewhere.

Qin Yanwu smiled bitterly. No wonder he felt that this evil lion crocodile was a little silly, and his tone was not like that of an adult evil lion crocodile. It turned out that he was just a child.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with the transformation you just mentioned?" The evil lion crocodile said impatiently when he saw Qin Yanwu half silent there.

"This is faster than saying. I'll ask my brother to demonstrate it for you. Black electricity, please change back to the body and transform it again." Qin Yanwu turned his head and said to Heidian.

Hearing this, no matter how stupid he is, he knows his eldest brother's plan.


With a low roar, the black electricity instantly changed back to the three-meter-high and five-meter-long cloud electric leopard body.

"Wow! It turns out that you are also a Warcraft. No wonder I felt a little familiar that day. The evil lion crocodile looked at the black electricity that turned back to the body and shouted, looking very shocked.

Then the black electricity came back to the two-meter man.

"Do you see it? This is metamorphosis. Let me ask you again. Do you want to metamorphosis? Qin Yanwu asked again.

"I think, this is so funny." The evil lion crocodile is full of interest.

"It's okay for you to transform, but the condition is that you leave here with me and follow me in the future. Of course, I will give you anything good." Qin Yanwu said with a smile.

In his opinion, this vicious lion crocodile has swallowed tens of thousands of animal fruits, which has great potential and has an obvious inhibitory effect on the side effects of metamorphic grass. It will not only be limited to the peak of the sixth level, but will not surpass the eighth level, which is his preliminary estimate.

Of course, it does not mean that all animal fruits can completely eliminate the side effects of metamorphous grass. After all, even black electricity has the magical devouring ability to do this, otherwise he would not have risked black electricity to swallow metamorphic grass at the beginning.

Ah, do you want to get out of here? But I like it very much here." The evil lion and crocodile looked reluctant.

"Don't you feel lonely? In the past, I only stayed in the ethnic group like you, but when I went out, I found how wonderful the world was. Although it was accompanied by danger, it was better than staying in one place until I died. Didn't wait for Qin Yanwu to speak, the black electricity beside him laughed.

"Is it really that fun? In the past, when my parents were here, they also said that when I grew up, they would take me out to see things, but when they died, I could only stay here." The lion crocodile said sadly, and then seemed to have decided to pay attention, "Okay, I want to leave here. I don't want to stay in one place to die. I want to play the whole world."

After listening to the words of the evil lion crocodile, Qin Yanwu was speechless for a moment. This guy actually wanted to play the whole world. Is this ignorant or naive?

However, since the evil lion crocodile has paid attention, Qin Yanwu naturally stopped talking nonsense. He took out the metamorphosis grass, reached out to the former and said, "Swallow this thing, and you can transform. Let's wait for you here."

The evil lion crocodile didn't want to think about it. With a roll of its tongue, it directly swallowed the metamorphic grass into its stomach.


After swallowing the grass, a tornado was rolled around the evil lion crocodile, and the tornado lasted for about half an hour and then stopped.


After the tornado dissipated, there was a sound of footsteps.

Soon, Qin Yanwu and Wu saw that a child, who was only about one meter, came out and fell and bumped a little. Obviously, they were not used to walking on both feet.

"Haha, it's transformed, I can transform, haha!" The child was stunned when he saw his own changes, and then laughed happily and was very happy.

"Okay, put on your clothes. You will be called Xiaotao in the future. Also, you can't change back to the body before I agree, or I'll spank you." Qin Yanwu said seriously.

"Uh-huh, Xiaotao must listen to his elder brother." Xiaotao smiled and said cleverly.

Seeing this, Qin Yanwu smiled bitterly, and then took out a Wangpin Xuanjing from the space ring and threw it to Xiaotao.