Burning Shinto

Chapter 198 Wujun's Tomb

After some tempering, Qin Yanwu immediately felt that his whole body had a different feeling than before, and it seemed that every part of his body was more powerful than before.

"It's a pity that I didn't break through to the late ninth stage, but this harvest is no less than a breakthrough. Let's go back and meet Brother Ye." Qin Yanwu thought for a moment and no longer stayed.

Every inner door force has its own headquarters. To be precise, this headquarters is not built by the inner door forces themselves, but the residence of the boss of the inner door forces is the headquarters, because the stronger the strength in the inner gate, the larger the place to live, especially at the level of Wuzun, that place at least It is twice the size of the place where the ninth-order Wuzong lived.

Therefore, Ye Zhanlong, who has the strength of Wu Zun in the second stage, naturally lives in a very wide place.

Qin Yanwu came to a building in the direction previously instructed. The building is also a house, but the area is indeed more than twice the area he now lives in, and it is extremely imposing, with an extremely domineering word "war" engraved on the gate.

"Awesome, many people can live in places at this level, and I feel that the energy of heaven and earth here is also very high. Sure enough, the stronger the strength, the better the treatment." Qin Yanwu sighed for a while.

Qin Yanwu walked over and knocked on the door.


After the door opened, the man named Chi Cheng appeared in front of him.

"Yo, Brother Qin, are you here? It seems that the practice is over. Come on, come in and talk about it. Boss Ye and the others are also in it. Chi Chengyi changed his previous cold attitude. Obviously, he already knew that Qin Yanwu had joined the War League and was the same inner force as him.

Qin Yanwu smiled and walked in.

As soon as I entered the interior, I was immediately shocked by the architectural design inside.

Some buildings around here make people feel a "war" momentum, surrounded by some stone carvings carved into huge weapons, and a humanoid statue standing in the middle of the front yard, nearly ten meters high. The statue holds a big knife and shield, and looks extremely domineering.

"Hey, this is the war saint Situ Zhan that rings on the mainland. It is the existence of the martial saint and the idol in the hearts of all the people of our war alliance." Chi Cheng looked at the huge statue with a look of admiration.

"Wu Sheng!" Qin Yanwu was shocked. Wu Sheng is the highest figure in Tianwu mainland. I'm afraid that any finger of this kind of character can destroy the whole Fengzhou.

"Is the Xuanxiang of Brother Ye Zhanlong this saint of war?" Qin Yanwu suddenly remembered the mysterious appearance of Ye Zhanlong that day.

"Well, in our war alliance, there are four martial arts, and their mysterious appearance is condensed from the appearance of this war saint." Chi Cheng walked along the way.

Qin Yanwu is clear in his heart.

After walking into the hall, Ye Zhanlong, Ye Bin and others also sat in it, as if they were talking about something.

As soon as he saw the arrival of Qin Yanwu, Ye Zhanlong laughed and looked very enthusiastic: "Haha, Brother Qin, have you finished practicing?"

"Well, I just experimented with an intermediate practice area and almost finished it." Qin Yanwu scratched his head and was a little embarrassed. If it hadn't been for the hint of the firebird mark, he would have been unable to withdraw at that time.

Hearing his words, Ye Zhanlong and Ye Bin looked at each other and showed shock.

"Brother Qin, did I hear you correctly? Are you going to the intermediate practice area?" Chi Cheng recently opened his mouth with a look of disbelief.

"Brother Qin, you are so powerful that ordinary people dare not enter the intermediate cultivation area at will. You know, at least Wu Zun can enter there. In addition to more violent characteristics, there will also be invisible flames, which is difficult for ordinary people to bear." Ye Bin was also shocked.

"Well, I almost couldn't stand it at first, but later I tried repeatedly, but I was a lot familiar with it. After that, I could easily control it and not be affected by the invisible flame." Qin Yanwu is half true and half false.


Speaking of this, Chi Cheng suddenly swallowed and coughed violently.

"Evil!" Chi Cheng looked up to the sky and sighed for a while.

"Hahaha, Brother Qin is indeed a cultivation wizard. No wonder he can already practice to the ninth-level martial arts level when he was outside, and he has extraordinary combat power. Even Yan Hao failed to overwhelm you for a moment. I feel sighing!" Ye Zhanlong sighed for a while, thinking that after he entered the intermediate cultivation area, he was miserable, and it took a full month to barely be affected by the invisible flame.

"It's really a great blessing to have Brother Qin join our war alliance." Ling Qing, who had never spoken, couldn't hide his surprise and then laughed.

"Brothers, don't praise me anymore, or I'm really proud." Qin Yanwu looked embarrassed.

"Come here, since Brother Qin has joined our war alliance, let's get to know our members first. I won't introduce Ye Bin and the three others. Zhan Feng is also here..."

Ye Zhanlong introduced the others present to Qin Yanwu one by one.

Among the people present, Ye Zhanlong is the strongest and the boss of the war alliance. In addition, there is also one Wu Zun in the early stage of the second level, called Zhan Feng. After that, Ye Bin is also a Wu Zun in the late stage of the first level, and another Wu Zun is not here.

As for others, the weakest person also has the strength of the late ninth level. From this, it can be seen that the selection of members of the War League is very strict, unlike other inner forces, who accept and fill the number of people.

And the whole war alliance is only about 30 people. It can be said that for an inner gate force, this number is pitifully small, but the overall strength is indeed very strong. It is recognized that the war alliance can rank in the top ten among all the inner gate forces, which is by no means comparable to the self-ranking of the ten heroes of the inner gate.

Just as Qin Yanwu and Ye Zhanlong were chatting, a member of the War League rushed in.

" boss, we have discussed it, and those people have agreed." The member took a glass of water and laughed.

"Oh? Have you finally figured it out?" Ye Zhanlong had an expectant smile on his face.

Qin Yanwu didn't know what they said, but he didn't say anything. He never liked to ask more about other people's affairs. Even if he has joined the War League now, if others don't want to say it, he won't ask more.

"Brother Qin, it's time for you to come. We are going to a place this time. It is said that the place is said to be a tomb. I found the tomb by chance. I think there should be something good in it. As for you are interested in it, that's your own decision. Our war alliance is very Of course, this does not mean looseness. Ye Zhanlong smiled at Qin Yan's martial arts.

"Tomb? Is it built by a strong man before he died? Qin Yanwu was surprised.

"Well, I also think so. As for whether it is or not, it is not clear. There are some prohibitions in the tomb, and it seems that it is not easy to open them. At least the prohibitions are also strong at the Wujun level." Ye Zhanlong had a burst of regret.

"In the realm of Wujun, Brother Lu only achieved such an achievement with the inheritance of a strong Wujun, and it seems to be a scattered cultivation, and the person who can build a tomb before his death obviously has his own power." Qin Yanwu's heart was hot.

As soon as he thought of this, he did not hesitate to say, "That brother has the audacity to participate."

"Well, since you have also opened your voice, you naturally have a share. What you get in the tomb can be completely owned. After all, I don't control the people who can live there. However, if anyone gets an inappropriate good thing, he must consider the people in the alliance in advance." Ye Zhanlongdao.

Qin Yanwu nodded slightly. Of course, good things are naturally left to their own people.

After discussing with everyone again, Ye Zhanlong returned to his residence and waited to leave tomorrow morning.

There were 12 people on this trip, and the rest of them did not come, or where to practice, or team up to carry out sect tasks, so only the people present participated in this trip.

After returning to their residence, they found that both Heidian and Xiaotao had returned, and there was a faint trace of evil spirit on their bodies. Obviously, today they also practiced in the Warcraft Forest.


"Brother Qin."

As soon as the two saw Qin Yanwu coming back, they shouted.

"Well, I'm going out tomorrow, and it may take about a week. You have to take good care of Xiaotao these days." Qin Yan's martial arts.

"Going out? Why don't you take us?" Black Dian quickly said that he was afraid that the last thing would happen again.

"Ha ha, don't worry, there are several brothers in the inner door who go out with me. They are strong and arrogant, and I have no problem with them." Qin Yanwu said with a smile.

When he heard about the black electricity, his heart was also a little stable. These days, he also heard Qin Yanwu talk about things in the inner door. He knew that there were many people with strong strength in the inner door, and even many people who were stronger than Xiaotao.