Burning Shinto

Chapter 255 Phantom Dopplic

However, it is appreciated that Qin Yanwu's cultivation method is indeed a little difficult. As Tang Chengdong said, now he can stand on a wooden stake and control his own Xuanli well, but once he walks, the Xuanli will move with it, which is easy to mess up, which will naturally lead to imbalance. Those wooden stakes are simply Xuanli held it up, and once it encounters something heavier, it will inevitably collapse. At that time, the original neat wooden piles will also be scattered.

According to Qin Yanwu's idea, each pile has a different distance to form a simple pile array, but this simple pile array is not so easy to walk.

"Although you practice here, I have dispersed all the monsters within 100 meters of the swamp with my breath. Even if you fall down, you can eat a handful of mud at most." Tang Chengdong laughed.

Qin Yanwu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

Then don't talk nonsense and restrain your mind.

Qin Yanwu controlled the mysterious power in his body and tried not to make it messy, and then his body flashed like a flying swallow and flew to another wooden stake.


"Damn it!"

On the wooden stake that had just arrived, the wooden pile was suddenly invaded by a force and shook with a bang, and the other wooden piles around began to be scattered because of the imbalance of one of them.


The wooden piles were scattered, and Qin Yanwu could not stand still. Before he could react, he fell into the swamp and suddenly became a clay man. However, the swamp was not that kind of dangerous swamp, so he urged Xuanli a little and returned to the flat ground.

"Hahaha!" Tang Chengdong, sitting under the tree, immediately laughed when he saw this scene.

Qin Yanwu's current appearance is so funny that ordinary people can't help laughing when they see it.


When Qin Yanwu heard the laughter, he suddenly stimulated the mysterious power in his body. When the mud in his body burned out, his body was restored.

"Come again, don't worry." Tang Chengdong smiled and waved his hand. The wooden stakes lying on the swamp stood up again, exactly the same as before.

"Hmm." Qin Yanwu answered and immediately walked to the stake again.

In this way, Qin Yanwu has made great progress in his control of his mysterious power after close contact with the swamp again and again.

From the beginning, when you can't even walk one, you can now walk back all the stakes at a "slow" speed.

Tang Chengdong under the big tree has been watching. With Qin Yanwu from the beginning to now, what he sees is the progress of the latter. This speed of progress is absolutely not comparable to that of his peers.

"This son will definitely make a famous place in Tianwu mainland in time." Tang Chengdong said secretly in his heart.

The time of practice always passes so quickly that half a day has passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, it was dusk, and Qin Yanwu was still walking back and forth on the stake. At this time, his speed was much faster than at the beginning, and he could faintly see a shadow behind him, but this was far from meeting the minimum requirements of the magic shadow step.

"Yanwu, come on, take a break and eat something before practicing." Tang Chengdong took out some food.

When Qin Yanwu heard this, he also felt a little hungry. If he changed to normal times, he may rarely feel this kind of hunger, but at this time, in order to practice the magic shadow step, he did consume some physical strength.

When I came back and saw the food, I suddenly felt my index finger move, took something similar to a cake and stuffed it into my mouth: "This is delicious."

"This is made by your sister Meng." Tang Chengdong laughed.

"Brother Dong is so lucky to marry a woman like Sister Meng who can get in and out of the kitchen, and she is beautiful." Qin Yanwu grabbed the second cake and said as he ate it.

"Haha, boy, are you praising me or your sister Meng?" Tang Chengdong laughed when he heard this.

The two of them talked and laughed.

After half an hour's rest, Qin Yanwu was ready to go on the pile to practice again, but before practicing, he once again let Tang Chengdong get more wooden piles.

Suddenly, dozens of wooden piles were erected on the edge of the swamp, forming a larger pile array.

Every time you add an extra wooden stake, it will be more difficult to walk. From the first ten to dozens of them now, it will be completed at one time, and it is obviously more difficult to control the mysterious power than before.

At the beginning, after Qin Yanwu walked more than ten, he lost control and fell directly into the swamp. I don't know how many times it took him to barely walk through the whole wooden pile array.

However, the speed is obviously much slower than before.

Time passed quickly, and it was the next morning.

On the wooden pile array erected in the swamp, a figure walks back and forth quickly. I don't know how many times he has walked, and every time he stays on the wooden pile, he will not breathe for more than a breath.

After a while, the figure walked through the pile array of dozens of wooden piles again.



"Good! Now I'm afraid you have reached the minimum requirements of the magic step. Next, those stakes are useless. You can start the next round of cultivation on the swamp. Tang Chengdong clapped his hands and praised.

"Well, it's still too much for Dongge to erect those fallen wooden piles again and again." Qin Yanwu grinned and said.

"Ha ha, compared with saving your master, it's not worth mentioning. Well, let's eat first and then continue the next round of practice." Tang Chengdong waved his hand and took out some food.

Qin Yanwu seems to be addicted to the food made by Yao Mengxiao. Every time he eats it, he eats a lot and eats it with relish.

After breakfast.

Tang Chengdong removed all the stakes on the swamp.

The swamp itself is different from the wooden pile array. The wooden pile array has the support of mysterious force, so it will not sink easily, but the swamp itself has adsorption power. Once it is subjected to external forces, it will absorb that thing. The more force is used, the more it will adsorb more. Therefore, the control of Xuanli is more stringent than walking and practicing on the wooden pile array and practicing on the swamp.

Qin Yanwu is also well aware of this and naturally dares not neglect it.

Previously, it only fell on the edge of the swamp, so it could easily return to the ground. Now it is necessary to go to the center. The deeper the swamp is to the center, the deeper it is, and the stronger the adsorption force there is, so we have to deal with it carefully.


I jumped to the swamp and saw that the soles of my feet had just touched the swamp. The swamp was like a suction cup, sucking the soles of my feet, and I obviously felt that my body was pulled down.


After Qin Yanwu felt this feeling, he naturally did not feel that it was an illusion. Immediately, his body moved quickly and medited on the formula of the magic shadow step in his heart.

His speed continued to accelerate. After half an hour, he could still walk on the swamp. Although he would still be stained with the muddy water of the swamp, it was obviously much better than when he swam with the wind on that day.

You know, he could only walk for ten minutes that day, but now he has surpassed it.

With the passage of time, the figure on the swamp became faster and faster, and it was obvious that there was a shadow behind him, and the shadow even stayed for several breaths before disappearing.

"It seems that it is not far from success." Tang Chengdong nodded slightly.

Soon, it was dusk again.

"Phantom Shadow Step!"

I only heard a sound. On the swamp, two figures appeared at the same time. In addition to the same appearance, the two figures were almost the same.

"It's done, hahaha!"

An excited laugh also sounded at this time.

Qin Yanwu stood on the swamp and looked at the split that was exactly like him, with a satisfied smile on his face.

This is the most special feature of the phantom shadow step. If you practice to a certain extent, you will produce a phantom split. Even when you practice to the extreme, you can produce up to nine such phantom splits. Although this kind of split does not have any combat effectiveness, it is easy to deceive others and make people fake.

After nearly two days, Qin Yanwu finally achieved the magic step. Although there is still a gap between the extreme, he finally met the minimum requirements and did not work in vain.

"Hehe! Very good. Well, if you practice more in the future, you will definitely be able to transform into nine splits in time. Tang Chengdong.


Qin Yanwu returned to the ground and answered with a smile.

"Bear, Meng'er sent me a message saying that Master was already on his way back. I think it won't be long before he returns to the city lord's mansion."

After a pause, Tang Chengdong said again.

Qin Yanwu's face smiled more when he heard it.