Burning Shinto

Chapter 359 Magical Cultivation

The main reason why Qin Yanwu can control two thousandths of the deep power is that after the flame test of the firebird mark. Since that time, his understanding of the mysterious power of fire has been much stronger than that of ordinary people. With the improvement of the realm, this feeling has become deeper and deeper.

Sometimes he even has a feeling that the firebird mark is the existence that fully controls the deep power. The so-called complete control is to reach the level of "one", that is, to really exert the power of mysterious power, but this is only his personal feeling, and there is no actual proof.

It is said that no one can fully control the deep power on Tianwu Continent. As for whether it is true or not, it is unknown.

At this time, Qin Yanwu is in the fantasy world. This place is the best place to exercise deep strength. Although it may not help him rise to three thousandths of the level, it can be improved on the original basis, and there is also a lot of help for him. After all, the deep power has not been improved at all. It's great, and it's extremely difficult.

On that day, that line of Ying was already the ninth-level peak martial arts master, and even if he had such a high cultivation, he only exerted three-thousandths of his deep power, which showed that the difficulty of improvement was unimaginable.

"Ten days, then I will practice here for ten days to see if I can have a chance to break through to the level of three thousand." Qin Yanwu grinned and his fighting spirit soared.

The "flame Qin Yanwu" not far away exudes a strong fluctuation all over his body, which fluctuates to a deep force.


There was no more nonsense, and the replicator on the opposite side could not speak. As soon as the body moved, the two sides stormed towards each other again.


The palms bombarded each other again, and the flames around them shuddered.

"You can't use mysterious skills. It seems that it is simply to exercise deep strength." Qin Yanwu's palm exploded and suddenly felt that he could not use the mysterious skill, but could only control the mysterious attack.

"This fantasy is really special, but it's interesting."

At the corners of his mouth, between Qin Yanwu's palms, deep forces burst out, and the replicator on the opposite side seemed to have the same idea. Unexpectedly, it reached its peak every moment between attacks.


A replica, like a ghost, quickly came to the right side of Qin Yanwu. However, when his palms were bombarded, two explosion-like sounds suddenly sounded, and then his palms were fiercely bombarded on Qin Yanwu.


The violent power exploded from Qin Yanwu's body, and his whole body was torn apart at this time, and an extremely terrible severe pain permeated his body.

However, although the body was cruelly torn, Qin Yanwu did not die. He could feel his consciousness floating, and the replicator that tore it in front of him was motionless.


Qin Yanwu took a cold breath in pain. He didn't expect that being "killed" in this environment would produce severe pain, which was directly transmitted to his body.

However, fortunately, his tolerance for pain has reached the level of abnormality. ordinary people can't compare with him at all. If it were for others, I'm afraid he would have withdrawn from the fantasy world because of severe pain.

The severe pain is fleeting, and it doesn't seem to hurt the body, which is very strange.

"This replica knows my attack like the palm of its hand, and its strength is still strong on the front line. It's really not easy to fight." Qin Yanwu looked at the replica in the distance, which was slightly bitter.

The replicator bursts into the peak power every moment. Obviously, Qin Yanwu has not been able to do this yet, but it is also because of this that it reflects the role of the fantasy world.

Qin Yanwu's consciousness fluctuated, and then the light condensed, and his body was condensed again. His palms were slowly clenched, and then looked up at the replica he had seen again in front of him. Up to now, there was no need for more nonsense. Step out, and his body was swept out.


The two figures fought fiercely again, but this time, Qin Yanwu only persisted for more than ten rounds than before, and was cut off by the replica with a knife.

" hiss..."

Qin Yanwu's consciousness floated, and there was a faint sound of inhaling, in which there was an unconcealable pain.

"I don't believe it. I can't beat it even once. Come again."

Qin Yanwu did not believe in evil, shouted angrily, his body condensed again, and rushed out again.

Bang! Bang!

In the flame fantasy, the low sound kept ringing, and the two figures, like tireless beasts, collided with each other again and again, and the fierce palm wind broke out, and there was a harsh cracking sound.

Qin Yanwu's soul body was hit again and again, and it was constantly blown up by the replica with a cold face, but he was not at all because of this seemingly unnecessary impact. In the reversal of consciousness, the soul body continued to condense, and then rushed out like an angry lion.

In this way, Qin Yanwu seemed to have spent an extremely long time in this flame fantasy. During this period, he kept bombarding each other with the replicator. However, the replica did not know what consumption is at all, and the power that broke out of every punch and foot was amazingly terrible.

"Mom, I've fought more than 50 games, but I still can't win." Although he said this, Qin Yanwu's face did not look decadent at all, but vaguely there was a trace of joy.

Although he has not won a game in more than 50 battles with replicators, after so many battles, Qin Yanwu feels that the deep power he exerts is improving little by little. Although it is very small, it has accumulated a lot, not to mention that this is a deep force, rather than a simple improvement in cultivation. .


Another deep voice sounded in the flame fantasy. Qin Yanwu and the replicator bombarded a terrible heavy fist at the same time, and they hit each other's heads. Their heads could not withstand such a terrible power and suddenly exploded.

The two sides actually died together.

After the replica head exploded, the body twisted a few times, and then slowly scattered the flames around the city, and Qin Yanwu's body also fell down, burst at the moment of touching the ground, turning into a mass of consciousness floating.

"Hey hey, I finally killed you as a fake. Although we died together, it feels really good." Qin Yanwu, who was floating, grinned.

In the following days, Qin Yanwu has been staying in the flame fantasy. As for the outside world, although he is a new face, they will not easily disturb him, because they all know what Qin Yanwu is going on. Coupled with the sect regulations, no one is allowed to disturb him. Disciple who practice on the fifth level, otherwise they will be severely punished.

In these days, Qin Yanwu has been fighting fiercely with replicators again and again. With more and more battles, Qin Yanwu has not only died with replicators, but sometimes even "kill" replicators.

When the fifth day came, Qin Yanwu's closed eyes also slowly opened. He sat cross-legged and shook hands, and suddenly felt obvious changes in his body and five days ago.

"Although it has not broken through to three thousand, it has also reached the peak of two thousand, which is also good." Qin Yanwu smiled. He knew that it was extremely difficult to break through to three thousand, so he was not disappointed by it.

For ordinary people, it is unimaginable to reach this level so quickly. However, Qin Yanwu himself is different from ordinary people, and his understanding of Xuanli is much stronger than ordinary people. Therefore, although he did not break through to three thousandths, it is also extremely exaggerated to reach the peak of two thousand.

If he had to waste some time and use some means to defeat the general fifth-order martial arts master, then he may be able to do it easily under the instantaneous explosion.

Looking around, he found that the people who were practicing had changed, not those five days ago, but he was not surprised. I'm afraid that not many people can still persist after suffering hundreds of severe pains like him.

Qin Yanwu stood up and left the fifth floor directly. This is the cultivation time he had planned for a long time. In these ten days, half of it was used to cultivate Xuanli and half was used to cultivate soul power. Now that Xuanli has been cultivated, then the next step is to practice soul power, that is, to break into a new soul prison.