Burning Shinto

Chapter 380 Joint

Except for Chu Xiaoyi, everyone stood on the spot. Even Ye Zhanlong just shook his head with a wry smile at this time. In his opinion, he was worried for nothing.

"It's impossible. You must have used some treacherous means."

"Yes, how can you win Brother Chat Muting?"

Mu Ting's companions shouted in disbelief.

How powerful Mu Ting is. Even Luo Xing has to be afraid of three points in the inner door, and Wang Ming is not his opponent. However, at this time, he was defeated by a new disciple who had been in the beginning for less than half a year, which made them unacceptable.

In their opinion, Qin Yanwu must have used some despicable means, otherwise it is impossible to win.

"Shut up!" Mu Ting shouted angrily, and those people suddenly dared not make a sound again.

Mu Ting slowly stood up. Although he was defeated in this duel, he was not hurt and did not consume much, but the fact that he was defeated is undeniable.

He looked at the distance, the young man with a faint smile on his face. There was no sarcasm in this smile. It seemed that in the eyes of the young man, the victory of this duel was meaningless to him, or he had long known that there was a certainty of victory in the duel.

Therefore, he doesn't care or laugh at the defeated.

Mu Ting suddenly has a sense of admiration for the young man in front of him. How many people can not humiliate and ridicule when their opponents are defeated? This kind of demeanor is very rare at such an age. After all, when they are young and frivolous, young people will become arrogant because of victory, and Mu Ting is no exception.

At the same time, he is also a little ashamed. Unexpectedly, because the other party has been inexperienced for less than half a year, he despises and looks down on others. Such a state of mind is a great obstacle to the future cultivation. After this battle, his mood is suddenly enlightened, and he will definitely reach a higher level in the future.

"Humhaha. I was defeated and convinced. From then on, I will never appear in front of Sister Chu again. Mu Ting laughed at himself and said.

"Where, if Brother Muting is in a life-and-death confrontation with me, I'm afraid that I may not be able to take advantage of it." Qin Yanwu said modestly and indifferently.

Qin Yanwu's words are true. Mu Ting's strength may not be as strong as the silver-horned blood demon, but if the two really want to fight to the death, Qin Yanwu may have to pay some price to kill him.

However, it is not a life-and-death battle now, so there is no need to consider this layer.

In fact, Qin Yanwu can defeat Mu Ting with one move. In fact, a big reason is that the latter has the psychology of contempt the enemy. In this way, he obviously did not really do his best between the moves. The move is a strong move, but he does not do his best. No matter how strong he is, it is in vain.

As for the "dragon and fire phoenix" performed by Qin Yanwu, he combined the characteristics of the eight wilderness dragon palm and the firebird mark to understand it. Under the full use, its power is comparable to the ordinary king-level advanced mysterious skill, which can be said that in essence, it is a higher than Mu Ting's "Zhanting thunder cloud halberd", which is also Qin One of the reasons why Yan Wu could defeat Mu Ting with one blow.

"Loss is defeat. I, Mu Ting, have never made excuses for defeat. Since I have been defeated, we will not stay much." At this time, Mu Ting's whole temperament has changed a lot. He is no longer as arrogant as before. This does not mean that he has left a shadow because of his defeat, but that he is arrogant and restrained.

Qin Yanwu and Chu Xiaoyi looked at each other as if they were asking for their opinions. The latter and others pondered for a moment and nodded one after another.


Just as Mu Ting and his companions were about to leave, Qin Yanwu shouted at them.

"Is there anything else?" Mu Ting turned around and said doubtfully that Qin Yanwu would not embarrass him until now.

"We have a distribution map with the distribution of monster tribes, but we have swept a lot. Now I'm afraid it has attracted attention. It's obviously a little difficult to continue the raid. I don't know if Brother Muting is willing to work with us to deal with the remaining tribes?" Qin Yan's martial arts.

"What? The distribution map of the monster tribe!"

When Mu Ting and others heard this, they were immediately surprised. In the past two days, in the process of killing monsters, they also knew that there was a monster tribe. However, when they tried their best to find them, they found three monster tribes, all of which were all small tribes, among which the monster leader was only that The strength of the first-order martial arts can be done at will.

Therefore, when they heard Qin Yanwu say that there was a distribution map of the monster tribe in their hands, they were so shocked. They had also thought about finding a distribution map or something in the three monster tribes, but unfortunately there was none at all, which made them very depressed.

Now, except for Mu Ting's demon crystal color has turned blue, everyone else's is only dark purple. You know, the worst person among Qin Yanwu and others is also light blue, and Qin Yanwu and Chu Xiaoyi have reached light cyan.

Each color of demon energy crystal is divided into light color, normal color and dark color.

"You, do you really want to share it with us?" Mu Ting didn't believe it. After all, the monster tribe distribution map is very rare. It can be said that it is possible about the final result of the hegemony competition.

"I just said that with our current strength alone, we can defeat those monsters under normal circumstances, but now they have some precautions and will inevitably ambush everywhere, so that there will be danger. I will not hurt my companions around me for these demons." Qin Yanwu shook his head and said.

"However, if you add Brother Muting, I think that even if they have an ambush, they are not our opponents, and there is also a strongest monster tribe on the distribution map, where there may be a fifth-order martial arts monster leader. If you can defeat this monster tribe, there will definitely be a lot of demon power." Qin Yanwu said with a smile.

"Think about it yourself. If you don't want to, you can leave."


Hearing this, Mu Ting's companions secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The demon leader of the fifth-level martial arts master may directly make a transparent demon crystal hit dark blue or even higher.

Just kidding, who wouldn't want to have such a good thing.

"Big." The members of Mu Ting are moved. In their opinion, as long as the monster tribes on the distribution map are defeated, their demon crystals will definitely reach more than blue.

"Okay, we joined, but how to allocate it?" Mu Ting finalized it.

"Simple, there are still five remaining monster tribes, four of which are of the same level. As for the strongest one, we will defeat it at that time. After all, even we don't know the level of the monsters, just a rough estimate." Qin Yanwu pondered for a moment and said.

"It's a deal." Mu Ting laughed and said that in his opinion, the four so-called red dot monster tribes were definitely much stronger than the three they defeated, and the demon power was naturally much more, and he did not expect that Qin Yanwu was so generous that he was willing to give them half equally.

In this way, the two teams joined together to prepare to sweep the remaining four red dot monster tribes tomorrow.

The next morning, after everyone packed up and had breakfast, they set out for one of the red dot monster tribes.

Among these four red dot monster tribes, there are at least monsters with third-order martial arts strength, and the monster leader should also have the same fourth-order martial arts strength as before.

This level was originally not a problem for Qin Yanwu and others, but because the monster tribes of the alliance were swept away within a day and attracted their attention, which made Qin Yanwu and others afraid. He did not want to take risks and hurt his companions for those demons.

Now Mu Ting's joining is undoubtedly a greatly enhanced overall strength. Not to mention Mu Ting, who has the strength of the fifth-order martial arts, there is a fourth-order martial arts master among his team members, and the rest are two second-order warriors, and five first-order ones. The rest are ninth-order peak martial arts. This kind of strength is enough to easily sweep the defenseless. The red dot monster tribe under preparation.

If it hadn't been for the addition of Chu Xiaoyi and Lu Guansheng, I'm afraid that Qin Yanwu's overall strength is slightly worse than that of Mu Ting.