Rich flowers bloom

001 is self-defeating

Yan Ran doesn't really want to die, otherwise she won't have gone to the most notorious pharmacy in the city to buy sleeping pills.

It's all because of her husband, Ling Su.

I think that when I was in college, Yan Ran, who was the flower of the image design department, was also chased and blocked by him - there was a strong pursuit of the posture of catching donkeys in the alley, and finally defeated the heroes to hold her back as a beauty. Just after the graduation ceremony, he pinched the graduation certificate in one hand and dragged her with the other to sign the marriage certificate... He actually bit the fingers of the two people in her screams to show his heart.

The white certificate and red fingerprints made her immediately feel like Yang Bailao, but Ling Su was overjoyed, and everyone also cast envious glances at her, not only because Ling Su's sincerity can be seen, but also because he has been hired as a marketing director by the most famous foreign company in the city, and he is tall and handsome, which is the heart of many girls. Prince Charming. So the vow not to marry in this life was annihilated by the sweet waves. In the ups and downs, the mother's melancholy and worried eyes were faintly visible...

Perhaps excessive vigor will drain the ** in the blood prematurely. After a short sweetness, everything will calm down, and the initial unaccustomedness is gradually ignored because of their increasingly busy work.

Just when she thought that plainness was the truth, Ling Su's seven-year itch was advanced, and a weak female voice called her "helpless and aggrieved" to announce the birth of the mistress.

Ling Su did not say anything in the face of her questioning, but looked at her calmly: "Let's divorce!"

Is the mother's fate about to happen to her?

Calm down, be sure to calm down!

The routine of crying and hanging from ancient times is too damaging to her, the current well-known image designer, and she is a person who cherishes her. She just won't buy a bottle of Valium in a pharmacy famous for selling fake drugs in the city. Don't worry. It is said that her medicine is mainly made of starch. fen.

So, I prepared an extremely emotional suicide note and put it at the head of the bed, took more than half a bottle of medicine, and threw the bottle on the ground. The pills were scattered beside the bed, and the cup was also pushed down. The water smashed water stains like firecrackers on the ground, and a line of water ticked by the bedside table... Entered the crew twice. , and also roughly understand how to make the effect a little shocking.

In order to prevent the water from evaporating too quickly and affecting the effect, Ling Su was specially selected to get off work.

She lay in **, imagining over and over again that Ling Su regretted and vowed to stay with her for a long time. She was as sad and indignant like Brother Ma, and moved herself to tears.

... She felt that she was asleep, but she didn't sleep soundly. She kept dreaming and was very tired.

She is walking in a cloud of gray.

She didn't know where it was, didn't know why she had left, and didn't know how far she had gone, but gradually found that there were many shadows in front of her.

I ran over happily, but...

It looks like a downtown, and there are a lot of people here. What surprises her is that these people wear clothes and everything, not only the four seasons, but also the different ethnic groups, but also wear ancient costumes, and the styles are very different.

For a moment, she suspected that she had come to the film and television city.

There are shops on both sides, and the things they sell are also strange. For example, a store where sellers use electrical appliances also sell copper mirrors, and some cultural relics that can only be seen in museums. The clerk's dress is also strange. One is the appearance of a shopping guide with a suit trousers, a shirt and a tie, and the other is the appearance of a shopkeeper with short clothes and shoes with a headscarf...

"Oh, I'm calling you, come here!"

A voice smashed into my ear with a heavy hum.

Looking at the sound, I saw a young man in a white suit pointing at himself impolitely.

She still looked around in disbelief.

"Don't look, just talk about you!"

The man said as he walked towards her through the crowd...

It's strange why these people are like air, no, more like shadows, making him come here so easily... Oh, my God, he actually passed through a fat belly...

After the man came, he grabbed her and said hatefully, "If you want to escape from my eyes, there is no way!"

"It's rude!" She struggled and shouted.

People looked at her with indifferent eyes, and then continued to move forward.

The world is cold!

She was going to give him a kick in taekwondo with her half bottle of water, but it was easily taken down: "Don't work hard. Let me tell you, you have to listen to me now, or you will never want to go back!"

Yan Ran was shocked: "You..."

"Not only do I know who you are, but I also know why you came here. To tell you the truth, you are dead..."

Yan Ran was shocked: "You talk nonsense..."

"I'm not talking nonsense. I don't believe it. Do you think you have a shadow?"

She looked at her feet tremblingly, the shadow...

"Ah..." She began to scream.

Daw, that rotten pharmacy usually sells fake medicine. How can you sell real medicine to her this time? There must be no good intentions!

"What are you shouting? I still want to shout. I don't know what's going on with you people. Yang Shou has to look for life, which has increased our workload. We not only have to work those who have to die, but also have to arrange for you who deliberately look for trouble. As a result, we don't have to take a break on the day off. Although we are ghosts, we still have to live!" The more the man said, the more angry he became: "Your housing is tense, so you go to the underworld to join in the fun. Look, look..."

He stroked angrily: "There is no place for you to live here, and this...this..."

Yan Ranfang saw several cats and dogs shuttling at the feet of the crowd, and a tiger also swaggered among them, followed by two Tibetan antelopes.

"I tell you, if you guys don't rush back to the sun within 24 hours, you will go to hell on the 19th floor!"

A sudden and tragic scream tore apart the chaos around him, and everything was quiet in an instant.

But the vibration... There is a strong vibration coming from under your feet...

Is there an earthquake?

Yan Ran looked at the ground in horror. Is there also an earthquake in the underworld? She is dead... Can she die again?

But then she found that there was no earthquake, but people were trembling. Yes, everyone couldn't help showing panic and trembling.

The man smiled sinisterly: "Do you know what this sound is? This is just from the first layer. Do you know why there is the 19th floor? It's because there's really no place to let you go. At that time, I will let you suffer the first 18-level crimes and directly disperse. You just want to be reincarnated! You...especially guilty!"

Yan Ran shivered: "I don't want it. Can I still..."

The man showed an imperceptible pride: "It's not that you can't. There is nothing good about people, and it's better to change it. But..."

He suddenly cracked his mouth and showed his sharp tusks like a sharp knife, which made his handsome face suddenly ferocious: "If you cause us more trouble..."


Yan Ran thought that he would hang his breath and never swallow when he really came to hell!

The man smiled with satisfaction, stretched out his arm, and pulled out a person from the crowd ten meters away like a trick.

It was a very young woman in an ancient costume, dressed in a plain white gauze skirt, embroidered with an inverted light orchid on the side of the skirt, and light yellow rice beads embellished with stamens, which was very unique. Yan Ran's understanding of ancient times is only limited to a few TV series. For a moment, she couldn't see what kind of dynasty costume it was, but this woman was really beautiful. The hair is as black as clouds and the skin is as white as snow. The most photogenic melon seed's eyebrows are like smoke, his eyes are like cold stars, his nose is beautiful and straight, and his lips are picturesque. At this moment, she is about to cry, like a delicate flower with dew.

She looked at Yan Ran with tears and immediately lowered her eyes. Pearl-like tears were embedded in the thick fan-like eyelashes and trembled slightly. Even Yan Ran, as a woman, couldn't help but be moved.

If there are such people around, image designers will lose their jobs, Yan Ran sighs. Her professional habits made her continue to look at the woman with critical eyes. If she had to find out anything wrong, it was that the woman's body was too delicate, but it also made her very weak during her actions, which made people naturally protect the flowers. If she goes to run for Red Mansion...

Yan Ran looked at her and suddenly moved her mind and looked at the crowd... Could it be that ancient and modern coexist? Just that they are in invisible time and space?

"Take it!" The man in white interrupted her thoughts and took out two egg-sized flat signs and stuffed them into their hands: "This is the number plate back to the sun. When they call the number, they will rush there in time. They can only shout three times... Otherwise..."

Yan Ran raised his feet and saw a tall city gate-like building standing in the gray.

"This matter can't be humane to the outside world, otherwise..."

After the man in white walked away with a gloomy smile, Yan Ran tried to chat with the ancient costume woman while watching the bustle, but she had been sad and answered her concisely.

"What's your name?"

"Cheng Xueyan."



"How old are you?"


"Why did you get here?"

Cheng Xueyan didn't answer.

Yan Ran only hated that she was careless and asked about other people's privacy, and Cheng Xueyan's tears almost drowned her again.

"Well, let's go that way, otherwise we won't hear it when we call."

"I don't understand what's written on it..."

Cheng Xueyan gently pulled the loose cuffs, revealing her silky hands, and was a little weak to hold the sign, which made Yan Ran hurriedly take over.


How simple it is, what can't be understood... By the way, the ancients don't seem to recognize Arabic numerals...

She smiled, suddenly remembered something, and took out her brand.


This brand is crudely made, and the "1" is so simple that it is just a vertical line.

She shook her head and returned the sign to Cheng Xueyan: "Be careful, don't..."

As he spoke, a man rushed like a smoky wind and fire wheel, and suddenly knocked them to the ground, and he also fell and gnawed mud.

Yan Ran was furious, grabbed him and shouted a sentence that would usually blurt out in this case: "You are in a hurry to be reincarnated!"

"Yes, yes, I want to be reincarnated... I want to be reincarnated..."

The man's eyes were scattered, broke away from her, and shouted all the way to the gate.

Yan Ran was about to catch up, but was stopped by Cheng Xueyan.

She has already stood upright, and her skirt is spotless, as if the collision she had just been hit by was just a breeze.

"Why bother with reckless people?"

Her voice is not loud, but it is like a spring, which is very calm and calm.

Yan Ran grabbed the sign she handed over, but her mouth still refused to give up: "Just let him go."

At this time, the emotionless broadcast report on the side of the city gate: "Once on the 16th... twice on the 16th..."

"Ah, I'm leaving. Take care!"

Yan Ran didn't have time to say more to Cheng Xueyan, and she ran like that man.

The gate is already a sea of people, and they are struggling to rush into the unusually narrow gate.

Several modern guards and ancient bodyguards are struggling to block them, shouting: "There is no number plate, and no one leads the way in..."

Yan Ran held up a sign and shouted, "I have a sign, I have a sign, let me go, let me go..."

Countless hands grabbed her sign eagerly and angrily, and a guard pulled her out like a chicken: "What's the hurry? The guide is changing shifts."

After waiting at the door for a long time, he saw a man hurried out of the same gray inside while putting on his clothes.

took a look at the sign and said, "Come with me."

Yan Ran hurriedly followed up...

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