Rich flowers bloom

024 Flute Strings

Bitong's eyes lit up: "Girl, do you think fireworks can release the appearance of peony flowers?"

Cheng Xueyan's eyelids jumped. The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games ignited fireworks in different forms... Gu Haoxuan is quite forward-looking.

"He lay there in the punished hut in the backyard. At that time, no one knew what he was doing. He only said that he had been beaten the most this time, and he must be reflecting on being so quiet. Unexpectedly, on the afternoon of one day, there was a loud noise in the backyard, and even the ground was followed by three earthquakes. Everyone was shocked. They thought it was the earth moving and ran out crazily, but after a while, they found that only Gu's family ran out of the door and looked back... Smoke came out of the backyard! So he hurried to the backyard. On the way, I saw a dark man running towards them with his hair and shouting. Everyone thought they had seen ghosts in broad daylight and hurriedly fled everywhere. The man had to chase him, which scared Bingtong to pee in his pants. So many people copied the guy and prepared to beat the ghost, but the ghost was very flexible, but after running for a while, he suddenly fell to the ground. Everyone gathered together in shock and found that the black-painted ghost was actually the third son. Later, I learned that he was studying fireworks that could release peony patterns, and as a result, he blew up the small building. Fortunately, he was fine, but for a period of time, everyone, including himself, had to speak in his voice..."

Cheng Xueyan was stunned. Is Nobel's previous life Gu Haoxuan? Or did Nobel travel through time to become Gu Haoxuan?

Bitong couldn't help laughing and said that it was lively at that time: "As a result, Captain Gu was so angry that he punished him again. This new wound made him lie down for a month. In fact, he was punished by Lieutenant Gu for such things, but he always recovered his scars and forgot the pain. And last time, he didn't know what to prick the bottom of the plum blossom silver pot given by the emperor, so that it was full of soybean-sized eyes, and then let the close-body Xiaoxi keep pouring water into him. He sat in the bathtub and said that it was cleaner to take a bath in this way..."

Shower shower... Cheng Xueyan has a black line on her forehead.

"Captain Gu was so angry and said, 'How can you single out this imperial pot with so many pots there?' He said, 'Is there any difference between this pot and other pots? He also takes up a place on the shelf every day. Since Dad always says it is special, it's better to let it do something different. It's a pity that it's not good-looking and not easy to use. It's too small, and Xiaoxi's arms are almost broken, so Captain Gu quickly found someone to closely guard the precious pots and bottles in the house..."

This Gu Haoxuan is really... a freak!

"What's more," Bitong was excited: "He made a kite and took it out on a rainy day, saying that he wanted to catch the lightning in the sky..."

Is Franklin on the upper body? Cheng Xueyan is waiting to hear the wonderful clip of him being blown into instant noodles.

"As a result, before catching the lightning, he changed his mind and decided to make a big kite, and then sit on it and fly in the sky like a bird..."

Cheng Xueyan was completely speechless.

"It took him three months to finally finish the kite. Everyone can see that it is in the shape of a swallow, which is as big as a house. He took a group of people to the Yunnan Cliff in the southwest and said that he would fly through the Liulan Valley below to Xiyu City 50 miles away. The girl has never gone out. She must not know why the cliff is called Lanyun Cliff, because it is particularly high. It seems that you can touch the clouds in the sky as long as you raise your hand, and the mountains are full of smoke in the morning and evening. You can't see the bottom of the valley clearly. Even if the grinding stone falls down, you can't hear the echo at all. That day was very sensational. He fixed himself in the middle of the kite and planned to force him to put him into the sky with a thick kite line. When he flew up, he would release the rope. Everything is ready, waiting to fly this big kite. As a result, Captain Gu arrived when he heard the news, and immediately removed him from the kite and trampled on the thing that almost caused trouble. He asked a group of servants to stuff him into the car and pulled him back with wooden strips, which was locked for two months. It's a pity that the girl doesn't remember anything. We mention him in private..."

Bitong laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Although she has never seen Lieutenant Gu, Cheng Xueyan imagined the scene of an old man who could be dictated in front of others but was made angry and helpless by her son. Poor old man... But who can say that it was not because of his obstruction that the plane could only be invented by the Lake brothers in the United States?

Gu Haoxuan is really nonsense. Cheng Xueyan must be as headache and helpless as Captain Gu in the face of such a husband. Now she really doubts whether he has opened two holes in the door, let the big cat go through the big hole, the kitten goes through the small hole, or even lay on the egg and hatched the chicken...

Thinking of this, I said it casually.

Bitong was stunned and then laughed and burst into tears: "The girl must not have lost her memory, otherwise how do you know that he hugged ten eggs and hid in ** hatching? It was crushed while sleeping, but I didn't know it yet. As a result, the person was stuck ** the next morning, and he was so angry that Captain Gu taught him a hard lesson..."

Cheng Xueyan: God, let's petrify together, Amen!


Unconsciously, three days have passed. Cheng Xueyan has gone to the stage of the East Academy - the listening building for several field investigations, and let Bitong exercise with petals again. It is relatively successful, that is, she has to risk collecting part of the petals, and now only Bitong is absolutely busy with one drama, but Bitong is not worried. "Girl, you forgot that there is still a big son..."

Cheng Xueyan's eyes lit up. Yes, how did she forget this? There will be at least five people outside here to help, which is enough.

While doing the preparatory work, she did not forget the most critical part - song selection.

The agreement with Du Mizhen is to perform in the listening building on the day of the beginning of summer. All the girls in Guanju Hall will go to watch it. If the girls think it is good, they can temporarily let her be a singer, and then report it to the court, and wait for the emperor to issue a decree to officially take office.

Geting public recognition is the first step to success, and song selection is crucial.

She soaked in a sandalwood barrel with warm water, pillowed her head with a bunch of towels on the edge of the bucket, unconsciously lifted the water, looked at all kinds of petals slipping down from between her fingers with water, and hummed a small tune in her mouth: "... I'm like a falling flower following the water, floating to the sea of people with the flowing water, and I don't know where the sea of people is. I always feel You have to lack a little love..."

At this moment, she really seems to be falling with the water, drifting freely, strange and lonely.

These few sentences made people feel sad. She didn't realize that she was stunned at the ceiling, but she didn't notice that the gentle water gently swayed the smooth skin like snow and jade. Mercury flashed on it, as if it were a broken diamond, and her graceful figure was like a silk yarn under the slight movement of the water.

turned over, pillowed with a towel on his chin, looked at the toiletries on the side, and then reached out a flower-shaped rose pancreas from the gold-painted porcelain box painted with sunflower petals to wash his body.

The cold smoke and green window screen on the carved door is reflecting the beautiful shadow, shaking from time to time.

Bitong wanted to serve her to take a shower. She was not used to it. Bitong refused to leave, so she guarded outside the door.

The candle shadow shakes and sets off the room.

What song is suitable for singing?

The brain turns to this problem again.

She will have a lot of songs, and according to this time and space man's idea, songs that are too lingering must be rejected. Although they hope to fall in love with their lover in their hearts, if they make it clear, they will not keep the woman's way.

A group of hypocritical guardians!

If singing is positive and progressive, but can you understand what is the highest ideal of human beings for these women who only focus on families, men and children?

She arranged all the background in order to attract attention and create a sensational effect, but now it is not appropriate to choose the songs that match the background.

This was the problem she thought was the best to solve, but she didn't expect it to be the most difficult to decide.

She impatiently buried her whole body in the water and watched the petals floating above her head.

A string of bubbles floated from the mouth to the surface of the water, and then burst, making a few small ripples on the surface of the water.

A slight wind-like sound of spider silk falling on the light ripples, rotating... drifting...

She immediately got out of the water.

The sound of the flute... gently, like a dream wandering in a spring night, brushing the curtain on the ground, wandering outside the carved rail with expectation but hesitation.

She listened motionless.

It's him, dressed in white, as elegant as a fairy... Moreover, Zichen, he is playing the song "Clove Snow" again...

The slightly sad beauty gradually eased the irritation at the bottom of her heart.

She reached out to get the home-style magnolia sleeper on the red sandalwood carved Wenxinlan embroidery screen, but her hand stopped as soon as she was halfway...

is another voice, which is also gentle, but seems to be timid, bursting out a few thin syllables with the sound of the flute, like a plain snow quietly flying beside Hanmei, admiring and accompanying the proud and fragrant plum blossoms, but only faint, silently, carefully hiding his heart...

Her hand stopped there like this, as if it had been fixed. She just listened to the sound of the flute, the kite and the sound. Although the instruments were different, they played the same heart music, and the result sounded so harmonious.

Water droplets fell on the surface of the water along the wet hair, and the sound was almost inaudible, and the petals swayed around the ripple boat...

The whole night seemed to be stained with a layer of moisture by this slightly sad song, like fog linger on the water, while the deep or light petals bloomed in the fog like a lotus flower, floating with the fog, faint and fragrant. There are stars and snow floating, shining like broken diamonds, rising one after another...

Snowflakes float, how much attachment has floated; snowflakes have flown, how much love has flown. The lotus blooms in the middle of the snow. How many hopes, how many wishes, silently waiting for lovers, but I hope that the feelings will never change. Snowflakes fly all over the sky...

Clove Snow...Lian in the Snow...

Cloves make flying snow, and the lotus looks at the cold stars...


PS: About the update speed...

To be honest, I have always been envious of the author of the daily update, because the feeling of waiting for the update is really uncomfortable, but I am very slow. In addition to the time problem, it also has something to do with IQ. Even if I write a sentence, I have to think about how to say a more appropriate kind of grinding type, so I can only update it once a day, and there may be more on rest days. Although only one friend talked about speed for the time being, I was always worried and ashamed. I'm sorry, I can only strive to give full play to the current level of my ability to finish every word. I hope you won't be disappointed with me, and I promise to finish the end, otherwise I can't forgive myself.

These days have caught up with the recommendation. Thank you for editing and thank you for coming to support my friends. I thought only children needed encouragement, but I didn't think I was not familiar with it yet...

PS on September 19: I suddenly found that there was a bug in this chapter in the later text. I corrected it and changed it three times. Dizzy