Rich flowers bloom

030 skillful hand cloud

But this matter always needs to be solved. She doesn't want to change anything by getting married. Moreover, it is such an era of parents' life matchmaking. Who knows who will marry? It's just that she is not in the mood to think about this now. When the performance is over tonight, she will think of a good idea.

So I looked at the bustle of the garden.

The girls were surrounded by maids, but the maid's mind did not seem to be here, but circled around the group of young men.

She couldn't help laughing. It's really the beginning of love, just like the flowers on this branch. As long as the season comes, it's impossible not to let it bloom.

I don't know which girl finally found the eyes of her. The two of them smiled, their eyes flowed, and the clouds flew, and the spring light in the garden became vivid.

Then someone coaxed, so they pretended to chase and beat them shyly.

The master doesn't care.

In such a spring day, anyone will have a good mood.

In the excitement, she smiled at Cheng Xueman.

Beautiful and colorful, like a fairyland.

"Qing'er, it's your turn. Hurry up!"

There was a shout from the crowd in the west.

A little girl in a red dress jumped into the crowd.

Cheng Xueyan only saw a thick wooden stick from the seams that came out easily, with a large basket hanging in the middle, and one person at each end should be responsible for lifting the basket.

"Six catties and 17 taels--"

Someone sang loudly.

"Ah, Qinger, you have grown up this year. Does Mr. Du only raise you in captivity? Be careful, the New Year is coming soon..."

Someone is laughing.

Qing'er jumped out of the basket and went to chase the man.

"Xinxin, what are you talking about, Liuliu, but Dashun..."

Someone interrupted again.

Qing'er immediately blushed and chased after her.

"Three girls, this way, please."

A stewman came out of the relatively orderly crowd on the other side and said respectfully to Cheng Xueyao.

Cheng Xueyao is shaking her handkerchief impatiently: "Qi Tong, how much will you say that you have grown this year in a while? What season is it to eat and not work? Why don't you find the fan?

Qi Tong is obviously superior to other girls in appearance and clothes. She doesn't know the details and thinks that this is a girl from a large family. No wonder she is jealous. I don't know if she realizes this superiority and deliberately humbles herself or is inferior because of the trouble caused by this superiority. At this moment, her head is extremely low and she doesn't say a word.

The young green not far away showed a trace of sneer.

I don't know who shouted: "Son, please..."

Countless maids followed the sound, but they saw a tall and straight figure led to the other direction by the two little men.

When I looked back with regret, I saw that the other party was also thinking the same way, and I couldn't help looking at or ridiculing each other angrily.

You Cui looked at Qitong provocatively.

Qi Tong withdrew her lost eyes and was facing her again, and her head was buried deeply again.

Cheng Xueyan couldn't help sympathizing with Qitong. At this time, someone in the crowd sang loudly: "75 catties and four taels..."

Cheng Xueyao stood up from the basket with a red face and angrily: "Huang Bo, I told you not to report it, you..."

Someone in the crowd couldn't help laughing, and even Qitong barely stiffen her face.

Although the basket is wider and stronger than that of the subordinates, and it is not safe after all. Cheng Xueyao was so angry that she wanted to leave. As a result, she fell to the ground with a basket and fell into a "big" word.

The crowd laughed, and Cheng Xueyao couldn't see who was committing the crime in shame. As a result, she slapped Qitong who came to help her.

The sound was crisp and suppressed the laughter.

Qi Tong's face quickly became red and swollen. She was in tears, but she still carefully helped Cheng Xueyao, who kept scolding, leave slowly.

The corners of the mouth on the side of You Cui are hung higher.

"Miss, it's your turn..."

Huang Bo ignored the chaos around him and shouted to the side.

Who is the cousin...?

Cheng Xueyan looked around and saw a pair of little maids carefully supporting a rich little girl. Because it was too far away, someone blocked it and couldn't see the appearance clearly. I just felt as if a complicated satin was moving.


Busy makes time go fast, as if in the blink of an eye, it's evening.

After returning from Huanlin Garden, Cheng Xueyan had been depressed. She wanted to take a nap at noon, but she just tossed and turned.

Bitong knew what was going on his master's mind and thought that even if he lost his memory, his master's heart was still so soft, but he was in charge of each room. If he intervened, the consequences would be unpredictable. Moreover, it was common for the master to teach his subordinates. Why bother himself?

Once you enter the application, after bathing in water, you will officially put on makeup.

Unfold the dress that Li Yan sent as early as seven days ago, from the coat to the bra, is spread in ** and put on one by one.

I can't but admit that Li Yan's craftsmanship is indeed unparalleled. Cheng Xueyan has seen the masterpiece of the most advanced sewing master of the college, and now it seems that she has to bow down in front of Li Yan. Li Yan even added her own ideas to some details, making the whole set of clothes more dreamlike.

Around the chest, a white lotus slanted from the waist to the chest. I don't know what embroidery method she used. She could hardly see the lotus from the front, but in the slight movement of her body, the lotus petals moved, as if they were slowly opening, swaying in the wind, and there were silver stars flashing like snow.

The outer shirt is a jade-white silk short coat, which is simple in style and only the material is soft and transparent. The sleeves are extremely wide, longer than the fingertips. When they are raised, they are soft and slippery, revealing a snowy lotus arm, which is held by clusters of lotus buds embroidered in the cuffs.

The lower skirt is extremely outstanding, made of light silk. The skirt is wide and swayed, and a regular circle is spread on the ground between stillness. The skirt is covered with silver silk. The silk was extremely thin, wearing countless fine crystals, but it was still nothing. Only the light could be seen flashing in the action, but there was no trace when searching. It is fascinating and thought-provoking.

This skirt is more exquisite than that. The skirt is divided into multiple layers, with lighter silk inside, lined with white and pearl powder, sprinkled with silver stars. In this way, when dancing, it forms a blooming state of lotus, which is bright and moving, amazing.

There is also a silk cover, which is densely embroidered with snowflakes, but the three petals, five petals and six petals are irregular, and the shapes are also different, and the silver wire is buried in broken crystals at an indefinite point, and the light silk is hidden.

When Cheng Xueyan stood neatly in the room, Bitong couldn't breathe for a long time and called a few times to wake her up from her dullness.

"Girl, you are so beautiful, just like a fairy..."

Bitong stuttered this sentence and cried.

Cheng Xueyan couldn't laugh or cry: "What's there to cry about? Time is coming soon. Why don't you hurry up?"

Bitong uh-huh, wiped her face with a veil and combed her master's hair.

Although Bitong's craftsmanship is also good, if you want to match such a dress, the complicated bun is cumbersome. As a result, under the guidance of Cheng Xueyan, only a single bun is tied behind the head, and the rest of the hair is tied down under the bun, which is simple but elegant, noble and elegant.

The trouble occurs when choosing the hairpin.

Cheng Xueyan suddenly found that she only paid attention to the value of these jewelry in the past, but ignored their exquisiteness.

Jewelry is indeed real gold and silver jewelry, but the style is too thick and lacks aura. Today, this dress is not suitable for luxurious dress. She has a suitable headdress in her heart, which is to put on a broken diamond with extremely soft silk and divide it into three layers. The hairpin is on both sides of the bun. It looks like a cobweb with dewdrops. It is clear, trembling, and shining between actions, looming, extremely subtle.

It's a pity...

She is a little excited. When this happens, she must get the jewelry out.

At present, she could only choose a god-like hairpin, and she was dissatisfied that Su was too long, but she could only reluctantly insert it into the bun for those strings of broken crystals, and let Bitong pick a few smiles and cut half a circle along the bun.

Pow powder.

Bitong's technology is still good, and she can draw such a beautiful makeup with such a simple rouge gouache.

No wonder Cheng Xueyan's skin is so good. These cosmetics are all natural.

Luo Zidai sketched the distant mountain eyebrows, the jade hairpin jasmine powder patted on both cheeks like pink haze, and rose rouge dots on the lips, like peach blossoms blooming with dew.

Cheng Xueyan looked in the mirror and stopped a red agate that Bitong wanted to decorate for her eyebrows. Instead, she picked up a few broken diamonds and stuck half of the butterfly wings on the outside of her right eye, making her eyes more hopeful.

Bitong repeatedly cheered.

She picked up a soft pen and sketched a budding white lotus in the middle of her eyebrows. The color of the petals gradually became stronger, and the tip was a delicate pink, but it was only a very small one.

Put down the pen and finally spit out the breath that had been screened for a long time.

get up and squint in front of the floor mirror to look at the overall makeup.

In the swaying candlelight, a beautiful woman in white came. She simply raised her hands and feet, but she was like flowing clouds and water. She was charming and colorful. She only looked back slightly, but she was magnificent and graceful.

It's a pity... This body is not hers, which gives her a sense of guilt of plagiarizing the achievements of others.

She sighed slightly depressedly, but turned around and saw Bitong looking at her in a daze.

"Bitong, what's wrong today? You must cheer up. There are still important things to do later. Don't be careless..."

"Girl," Bitong said dreamily, "Marry!"

Such brainlessness stunned Cheng Xueyan.

"Marrying can have no need to be angry here, you don't have to show up in front of so many people, you don't have to work so hard, you can wear whatever you want to wear..."

said and sobbed again.

"You girl..." Although Cheng Xueyan is a woman, she is also at a loss at the sight of others crying: "What are you talking about? I still think it's quite interesting, although..."

Although the last one moved her, she still knew what was more important to her at present.

"Don't cry. Be careful that you lose your hand in a while. I'll marry you when you come back!"

After coaxing and persuading, Bitong finally stopped crying, and then Cheng Xueyan said a few more words. She went to listen to the arrangement of the sound building in advance with red eyes.

PS: Yesterday, a reward column suddenly appeared. Seeing that others have themselves but blank, they are still vain and want to charge some money to fill the facade, but they didn't expect to be suddenly rewarded today. The excitement is indescribable. O(∩_∩)O~, beautiful appreciation for a long time, here solemnly thankzhaoshan112 2. Thank you for supporting my friends these days, Rainbow, Monkey, Meimei, Qinman, Qingcicada, Yuanhong, Danya... There are too many. Even if you don't mention the name, you will remember your valuable support and suggestions. Thank you again!