Rich flowers bloom

034 first love

Who made this soft call, as if it were a fishing line thrown out of the mess and pulled her out of the whirlpool?

But it was also in an instant that the wind and electricity passed, and she put together herself again... No, maybe it should be Cheng Xueyan...

His brain is buzzing... Why is he here? Come to find her? She couldn't believe it, but her eyes were still full of tears.

Indeed, he was so determined to divorce her before, how could he be... is it a conscience discovery? But how did he get here?

She arranged countless possibilities for him to come here, and each possibility was fragmented and fell to the ground with a sound.

Is it a dream? It can only be a dream, only a dream can be so strange...

Bitong showed an understanding smile.

The girl was so shocked that she had thought for a long time.

Today, Ling Su is a gentleman who lectured in the Four Books and Five Classics of Yingtian Academy. His acquaintance with the girl should be traced back to the autumn of six years ago.

The girl followed the second lady to the Ganlu Temple to give incense. From afar, she heard someone discussing the Buddhist Zen machine. One of them had a clear voice and extraordinary opinions.

The second lady lifted the brocade curtain and took a look and praised, "It's rare and rare to have such understanding at a young age..."

Cheng Xueyan took a look along the cracks in the curtain and saw a weak-crowned man talking with several men of the same age and a monk in the temple.

He is thin but good-looking, and his hands and feet are all unrestrained. However, he is still too young and too sharp.

At this time, the car has passed by that group of people. When the man avoided to one side, he inadvertently glanced at the car and looked at Cheng Xueyan, who had not had time to withdraw his eyes. At first, he was stunned, and then he showed a shocking look.

Cheng Xueyan hurriedly put down the curtain and did not look strange, but stood on the terrace all evening after returning to Cheng's house.

I thought it was just an accidental encounter.

When everyone forgot about this, the Double Ninth Festival came.

Chengfu is a family of officials and eunuchs, and everything pays attention to a show. Since it is the Double Ninth Festival, it is essential to enjoy chrysanthemums. This time is called "posing golden cup", because that year's ** is mainly yellow * chrysanthemum. He also specially sought people to cultivate the "ten auspicious brocade", and put ten famous products of wind and snow moon, new jade peacock, jade hall golden horse, independent cold autumn, spotted jade bamboo shoots, mane green Buddha dust, Fangxi autumn rain, Taizhen smile, snow-covered red plum, Bianliang green green ten famous products on a very high yellow flower chrysantheon. At that time, ten colors of flowers bloomed, like colorful satin flying in the air, very gorgeous.

Cheng Shangshu invited officials from the same dynasty to the house to enjoy flowers, and also invited celebrities from the dynasty.

That day, the huge Cheng Mansion was full of people, and they were full of praise for these ten auspicious brocades.

After everyone left, the girls who were not yet ready in the house also came out to enjoy the chrysanthemums.

She accompanied Cheng Xueyan in Xinyuan for a while and saw Gu Qian, who was already a lieutenant at that time. He paid attention to the girl for a long time and said to Cheng Zhuhuai, "Let the daughter know how to be reasonable at a young age, be dignified and decent. I like it very much. Why don't you marry my third son in the future?"

Official gossip was mostly a joke. At that time, Cheng Zhunhuai didn't take it seriously.

Cheng Xueyan stopped under the Shixiang brocade for a moment, but there was no joy and play on other people's faces, but Qi Ran said, "' Under the east fence of chrysanthemums, you can see Nanshan leisurely'. This chrysanthemum was originally a hermit in the flower, but it came to the earth to be contaminated with dust. Now that people are already vulgar, why bother to involve the flower and follow the muddy water?

"'If we hadn't met at the top of Qunyu Mountain, we would have met Yaotai under the moon'. I think it's because this hermit can't help coming to the mortal world when he sees a good man. Moreover, how can you just think that the secular world is dirty? ** may come here to cleanse the whole secular world with fragrance?

After Shi Xiangjin turned out, he was the young scholar he met at Ganlu Temple that day.

Ten Xiangjin is in full bloom behind him, like a brocade, which makes him more elegant.

He saluted deeply: "I'm Ling Su, may I ask the girl's name."

People are as rampant as their names. How dare they ask about the girl's name?

She was about to scold her, but she saw Cheng Xueyan's slightly blessed body, with a blush on her face, and she whispered to the door.

Knowing that the girl was the daughter of Chengfu, Ling Su was only slightly surprised and looked up at Bianliang Lucui fluttering by Bisi: "There are beautiful women in the north who are left behind and independent. Take a look at the beautiful city, and then look at the beautiful country..."

This is a prodigal son...

She was about to get angry, but the girl's face became more and more delicate, just like the half-open smile.

The sudden movement of the heart, the girl is not...

She is one year older than the girl and the oldest of the maids who entered the house in the same batch. Mrs. Cheng Zhun ordered her to be around the girl in order to help the girl make an idea for everything.

How can't you understand the current situation? She can't let it develop like this, otherwise she can't escape if something happens.

For good, he just chanted these words, and then left with his hands behind his hand.

That night, the girl sat on the terrace all night.

She forgot what happened later, but she only remembered the biography of the two, but not frequently. Sometimes it took three months to exchange a printed letter with only a few lines.

She has seen it, and it is full of poems, with a faint meaning of missing. If it is summer, there will be a lotus petal in it to show miss and concern. Cheng Xueyan often looked at it with water waves in her eyes, and then replied with a pen. She wrote very slowly, and she was stunned by the window when she wrote a few words, and it had been written for a long time before she had a chance to spread it.

She never knew who was passing the message for them, and occasionally knew a little through Cheng Xueyan's occasional joyful or sad tone. There is a famous scholar and doctor today, but he can read it, write a book, and be talented. Many families are deeply honored to invite him as a guest.

She doesn't know how talented Ling Su is. Is she talented to write a few poems? Why don't you take the imperial examination and eat and drink from door to door? Chengfu is so closed, where did the girl know this? Is it possible that Ling Su is bragging about himself?

The night before the girl was appointed as a boudoir by the emperor, she told herself that Ling Su was invited by Tianshu Academy several times to be a gentleman who lectured four books and five classics there.

With the girl's attention, she also paid attention to Ling Su's movements from time to time, but she also heard about it.

In Yingtian Academy, the talents trained will become the students of heaven without exception. Does this Ling Su really have some skills? But why did he refuse repeatedly?

Later, he learned that although his family was average, he had no intention of fame and fortune, but no matter how difficult his life was, even if his mother Ling Shi went out to buy vegetables, he would definitely call a carriage to see him off.

is quite filial. This is her only affirmation of him.

A year later, the master somehow knew about their private teaching. It is said that You Cui beside his wife accidentally found Dongming, a young man outside the gate, secretly sending letters to the house, which also brought out a string of people related to this matter.

She is uneasy. Although he was not involved in this matter, it is also a big crime not to report it.

Those who sent letters disappeared like evaporation overnight, but she was only punished to kneel on the shadow wall the night before and detained another half a month. I am also deeply grateful.

Then the wife ordered the family not to mention this matter again, otherwise it is not just family law * punishment.

The real party is fine, but he doesn't sleep all night, sitting on the terrace, and I don't know what he is thinking.

Later, I heard that it was better for my wife to negotiate with the master and make mistakes and let the girl Ling Su. Although Ling Su comes from an ordinary background, has an average family background and no official position, he is smart and talented. He has a bright future, and it is not a loss for a girl to follow him. In the future, if the family helps more, it will not make their life difficult. Besides, the girl's reputation has been somewhat damaged by this. If it is delayed, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get married in the future. In a word, it is repeatedly emphasized that women are not left.

The master disagreed. Although the master is elegant in making friends with literati, he has never been used to their unmotivated progress and only indulged in the wind and snow. He felt that although this Lingsu man was talented, he was extremely arrogant, and had no intention of fame, and his family background was weak. If the girl married him, she was afraid that she could only drink the wind and drink dew. He doesn't mind helping them, half a son-in-law, but he doesn't want outsiders to say that his son-in-law can only enjoy the cool under the tree. Besides, everyone related to this matter has been dealt with, and Cheng's whole house has been banned. What else is there to spread? Whoever spreads it has ulterior motives and must be severely punished. No one is allowed to mention this matter again. After a while, I will find a good mother-in-law for the girl.

So, the matter between the two was over, and Lieutenant Gu personally went to Chengfu half a month later to propose marriage for his third son.

According to the master's temperament, he didn't like Gu Haoxuan very much, but he was afraid that he would have many dreams at night and answered this marriage.

The girl had no objection and sat on the terrace all night. Because it was an autumn night, it was cold and I fell into a serious illness. After recovering, he spoke less, but he didn't look at the terrace.

After six gifts, Cheng Xueyan married Gufu six years later in early summer. That day, Bitong seemed to see Ling Su's figure in the crowd. But at a glance, he was blocked by countless happy and envied faces.

Three years in a flash, two people who thought they would meet again unexpectedly met again. Can this kind of shock and joy be appreciated by outsiders?

"Since you are here, why don't you sit in the courtyard?" She made a hearty invitation.

"How dare you?"

Ling Su saluted slightly again and looked modest.

In three years, he has also changed, grinding away his former extraordinary and sharpness, becoming gentle and calm. Like a piece of jade, it removes the floating light on the surface and shows the inner warmth. She couldn't help sighing that if this had been the case three years ago, the master would not have excluded him from the candidate so resolutely.

These two simple dialogues gradually made Cheng Xueyan wake up.

He is not Ling Su, at least not Ling Su who lives in the time and space she came from. He is just a person with the same name, the same appearance, the same voice, the same temperament, the same... But what's the difference except for time and space?

She is a little confused. How can there be two people in the world who are similar to replicas? Although it is a coincidence, does such a seamless coincidence indicate something?

PS: Solemn thanks to half a dragon friend for rewarding me... Tears filled my eyes, and the little woman bent her knees to be blessed... Thank you!!!