Rich flowers bloom

036 purple pearl clam

Just loosened, the nerves are tight, which is the advanced trouble of headache. Not to mention that she can't recite poems at all, even if she wants to find two ready-made poems left in her mind, she usually doesn't like to read them, and most of what she learns is worrying about the country and the people... However, wait!

When the spring silkworm dies, the wax torch turns into ashes and tears begin to dry.

I remember that the teacher said this poem that originally meant lovesickness, but it seems to be a little inappropriate at present. First of all, she did not resist marriage with unswerving determination. Moreover, isn't it too urgent and deep to talk about lovesickness like this? As a woman, it is not appropriate to be too active in ancient and modern times. Moreover, love is the most effective way for whoever is to be moved first and dies first. No matter how anxious it is, it is the most effective state to be. It is said that heart can be exchanged for heart, and too many things can't be done without paying attention to thirty-six tricks. It's just that at present, she really can't squeeze out the right words, so that whether she plagiarized the fruits of the labor of the ancients can be ignored.

Bitong frowned at the girl's eyebrows, hurried to the desk to grind, and prepared a brush aside.

Cheng Xueyan's face is black again. Do you want her to show her earthworm body calligraphy in front of Ling Su? Besides, she can't write traditional Chinese characters...


Bitong saw that the girl handed her the brush and quickly picked it up.

"I said you wrote it."

Ah? Girl, how can this work? Bitong waved her hand quickly.

"How dare you not listen to my words?"

She has always disliked to use power to oppress people, but sometimes this is the only way to work.

Really, Bitong held the pen in embarrassment and hung her wrist on the blue and white paper: "Girl, what are you writing?"


She muttered the famous sentence, and Bitong's cheeks turned red: "Girl, this is really affectionate and unforgettable!"

Bitong's words are not good, but they are also beautiful.

"Well, that's right, you will be my secretary from now on..."



She was not in the mood to explain this profession to Bitong, but just folded the letter into a concentric knot and gave it to her.

Bitong hesitated: "Girl, isn't it too fast?"

She woke up suddenly.

Indeed, it is so reserved. Besides, if he writes again and can't understand it at all, how will he reply?

She suppressed the letter and secretly said, thirty-six plans of love, Ling Su, let's wait and see!


After ten days of life, Fang sent the letter out.

Ling Su's reply is fast, and there are still two lines on the printed letter paper:

"The willow head on the moon, after dusk."

She understood this time.

Bitong was also happy: "Girl, hurry up and dress up. Let's go out to see Mr. Ling later."

"There is no such day. What's the hurry?"

"It goes well that it is naturally today. Did the girl forget what day it is today? In the morning, the second lady also sent someone to bring black rice..."

She remembered that today is the eighth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, which is said to be the birthday of Sakyamuni. Last night, Tang Fanrou came to Yanran Pavilion to ask her if she was well and if she could go to Ganlu Temple together the next day.

In the past, Cheng Xueyan often went into incense with the second lady when she was in the boudoir, but she was upset by Ling Su's affairs, so she had not recovered. Recently, because of him, even the affairs of Guan Juguan have been delayed.

Tang Fanrou was not reluctant. Early in the morning, she went to Ganlu Temple to worship devoutly, watched the monk bathe the Buddha with fragrant soup, and then donated money for lamp oil, received black rice, and sent some to her by the way.

The black rice is made of black leaf dyed rice, which looks pureer than the black rice sold in the supermarket, but she avoids the color and refuses to eat it.

"Girls should hurry up. I guess it's almost sunset after finishing my work, and I can still catch up with Xihu to release.

Bitong said, and brought in a copper basin with water from the outside. There were two palm-sized turtles stretching their necks and sliding their limbs desperately. They looked charming and cute.

"These two little things don't recognize people."

"Where did this come from?"

The two green turtles are really cute, and she can't help touching the clear lines on the shell.

"The girl hurt her hand carefully." Bitong hurriedly stopped: "Of course, it was bought by the kitchen, and it is available in every room. The second girl got two clams. Miao Tong said that this was a Tianzhu clam on the other side of the Botang River. There must be purple Tianzhu in it that can lead the marriage of three lifetimes to pry open the clam. The second girl said that this was for release, and she was not allowed to move.

Bitong smiled so much that she couldn't close her mouth: "This Miaotong is really worried about the master. I just hope that the second girl can get married well..."

"Can that purple Tianzhu really bless the marriage?" Her heart moved.

"Is the girl also moved?" Bitong winked mischievously: "It is said that there is a kind of clam in the boiling pond river called Tianzhu muchi, which is extremely rare, and its most precious thing is not the quantity, but that it can grow to the size of a wine cup in 500 years, and there will be a pearl the size of a nail in it. Although the girl sees it small, it is very valuable. At the high tide of the Botang River in early summer, many tides jump into the river to fish for this pearl clam. However, there are many people who go and few people who come back, and few people can catch this pearl. Does the girl know why the Botang River is called? Because once the tide rises, it is like boiling water in a pot, and as soon as people jump in, they disappear..."

"It's true that people die for money and birds die for food..." She sighed.

"Actually, it's not necessarily for money," Bitong's eyes suddenly sparked with a touching light: "Tianzhu clam only appears with the largest boiling pond tide every year. Some people jump into the water to fish for it just want to get a good marriage for themselves..."

"Is it really that effective?" She doesn't believe it.

"It is said that if you give the purple beads to your heart, you can be close to each other and set three lives. About a hundred years ago, a long worker took a fancy to the young lady of the master's family, but how could this disparity match? When the young lady was 16 years old, the rich man promised her to a richer family. The long worker was very sad. He knew that he was not worthy of the young lady, and now he only wanted her to be happy. So he jumped into the river at the high tide of the Botang River to find Tianzhu clams for his pet. He wanted to give her the best things in the world as a dowry..."

"Did he find it?"

Usually in such stories, treasures will definitely be found.

Really, Bitong nodded: "But he drowned. When the man was picked up, only the fist of his right hand was clenched tightly. Everyone struggled to break the hand and saw him holding a clam the size of a tea cup tightly. Those who knew the goods recognized that this was a pearl muchi and quickly pried it open. There was really a purple pearl in it. Because it was night, the purple light of the pearl actually lit up everyone's face. The mother of the long worker knew her son's heart and gave the purple pearl to the lady. Miss also admired him, but she suffered from her father's majesty, but this time she took Zi Tianzhu desperately to cry..."

"Is the long-term worker alive?" She couldn't help interrupting.

Bitong opened her eyes wide: "How does the girl know? I don't think the girl will hear this story circulating in the market. Is it Gu Sanxian..."

Stop talking. Gu Sanxian spent most of his time wandering outside, and even if he went back home, it was rare to say a word with the girl.

Cheng Xueyan was too lazy to listen to Gu Sanxian: "Then they got married, right?"

"The girl is so amazing!" Bitong clapped her hands and praised: "So this purple pearl is a divine object. As long as you give it to your heart, the affectionate couple can't be separated..."

If she said that she still had some magical fantasies about Zi Tianzhu before, she didn't feel anything after listening to this story. Only Bitong, a silly girl, still believes in such old legends.

"Oh, I just talked and delayed the time."

Bitong hurriedly served the girl to dress up.

While busy, he kept talking: "Actually, this release was picked by the three girls first. She took a fancy to two koi, as if she was afraid that others would grab them, but I just saw Qitong crying in the courtyard and said that the koi's belly was sky..."

Bitong laughed so much that her hands with the horn comb trembled: "That's good. It's killing. I've seen that the three girls will definitely force Qitong to go to Mingjing Lake to fish..."

Poor Qitong, Cheng Xueyan sighed and suddenly said, "Bitong, don't you feel tired of being busy alone?"

"Before, Bingtong was there, and it was quite easy to live." Speaking of Bingtong, Bitong always didn't forget to curl her lips: "The girls in the courtyard are all a large group of maids and maids..."

"It's really hard for you."

Cheng Xueyan does feel sorry. She has strong hands and feet, but she is always served by others. However, without Bitong, she really can't handle some things now.

"I'm just disgone with the girl." Bitong was indignant: "Why are they all girls? There are so many people there? This is obviously bullying the girl, which makes outsiders laugh at it. I think the girl has time to talk to her..."

"What do you think of Xiaoyu?"

Bi Tong was indignant and didn't turn the corner for a moment.

"It's the little girl who delivers the letter. I think she is also smart and not stupid. If you carefully ** and be a helper for you, will you be more relaxed?"

Bitong blinked for a long time before recovering: "Did Xiaoyu say something to the girl?"

She quickly recalled that she and the girl were inseparable. When did Xiaoyu have time to beg the girl?

"I just think that the child is not bad. Besides, we are indeed colder, and we need you to do everything alone..."

In addition, Cheng Xueyan is thinking about having one more person. Can she fight a landlord to pass the time when she has nothing to do?

"Girl, don't be encouraged." Bitong doesn't seem to appreciate this feeling: "Girls don't know that these rough girls always think about climbing high branches. If the master responds, they will not only have to rise several times a month, but their identities will also change. They can also look at them when they come and visit. The most important thing is that they can find a good family when they get married. If the girl agrees to her, the girls in the yard will think that the girl is easy to talk to and come to the girl. The girl's heart is soft-hearted, so won't our Yanran Pavilion become a miscellaneous courtyard? Besides, Xiaoyu has been in Chengfu for three years. If she is really clever, how can she be a rough girl in the outer court? Miaotong, Qitong and Bingtong and I were divided into the girls' rooms as soon as we entered the house. The girl must not be deceived by her apparent cleverness. If she really wants to come to the room, I'm afraid she will steal and play tricks..."