Rich flowers bloom

042 shocking gossip

He is going to see her!

This idea emerged after learning that she had returned to Cheng's house, and after several days of suffering, it was finally confirmed.

It didn't seem to take much effort. He saw her.

She is still as beautiful as a fairy, but a little haggard.

The original excitement and expectation suddenly calmed down at this moment, as if nothing had ever happened. It's just... She seems to have changed. Although her previous contact was just letters, and her previous meeting was also confused by yesterday. Now she sits in front of her eyes so clearly, why does he feel that something is wrong?

Maybe it's a change, not only her, but also herself...

If so, even so, he still hopes to sit under the tree and watch the light clouds and wind together like now...

I didn't feel anything when we were together, but when I got home, I missed him like layers of fine sand.

Turn out the letterhead that is pressed in the deepest part of the case.

Three years of neglect have made them lose their color and fragrance, but her calm voice and smile are now revived in her mind, and her breath seems to be close to her ear... never before...

"The coral on the palm can't be pitied, but it is taught to be a sunny flower."

There are pity and resentment, love and expectation...

Her reply still needs to wait.

"When the spring silkworm dies, the wax torch turns into gray tears and begins to dry."

He was shocked directly. Unexpectedly, she did the same thing to him...

In this way, the very strange handwriting can also be ignored.

He asked her out, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Isn't he not clear about her current situation? This is beyond the rules, not just being criticized? But he wants to see her, and he even has a bolder and more indistrudeed idea. He wants to...marry her!

A lost joy is full of chest, and all the rules and restrictions have been blown to unknown places by this powerful joy.

That's it. Meet and walk together... However, it seems to be a little awkward, that is, it is not awkward, and just as he came to his senses from thinking left and right, there was only one winter bamboo shoot left in front of him...

Is something wrong, or something wrong, but... what's the difference? Is it the imperceptible dust on her face...

It must have scared him, but she has been very restrained. Besides, according to her appearance, even if she wolf it up, it is very demeanor. How can... Cheng Xueyan reflected tightly, her eyes unconsciously fell on the winter bamboo shoot, and her heart thumped. For the time being, she didn't care about it. Is everyone's boudoir so amazing? Didn't Bitong's suspicion of herself start with the amount of food?

"Uh... this vegetarian dish is really good. You don't seem to have eaten much. Would you like another one?

She almost waved to "waiter".

"If you are still hungry, you might as well eat more..."

Ling Su's eyes were soft, and Cheng Xueyan only felt that her heart fell into it and swayed, crisp and soft. She couldn't see any vegetarian food, and there was only one in her eyes...

"Girl," Bitong refused to disappear like a TV stunt production: "It's getting late, isn't it... time to go back?"

Indeed, it seems that it's time to go, and the gate of Chengfu is about to be locked...

My mind suddenly moved. I remember that in my previous life and Ling Su were late to go back to school because of the midnight scene. The school gate was closed and the wall was high. The barbed wire was pulled like a person from escaping, and broken glass fragments were erected on the wall. In desperation, the two had to go to a nearby hotel to open a room.

The small hotel was specially prepared for college couples. When entering the door, the waiter only glanced at the ID card, but stared at them for a long time. The eyes, the expression... deliberately tacit, making her follow Ling Su like a thief and went upstairs.

The two lived in a room and slept in a **... back to back, one was afraid of being scolded as a "pervert" and the other was worried about being recognized as "frivolous", so they fought. Such an ambiguous sound of time and space from the next door and the next door made them afraid that they were awake, but they didn't leave a sound in their ears.

Maybe it was because of this special night that Ling Su on the wedding night was particularly brave, regardless of the fact that she was still a small yellow flower that had not yet opened. After that, she lay in ** and laughed twice, full of pride and finally vent her selfish anger.

Thinking of this, my heart was surging, and I glanced at Ling Su.

This look seemed to be happy and ashamed, which made Ling Su's hand on the table tightly.

Bitong is a little redundant, but she is a living person, and she can't be deleted from the picture, so the two people just look back and forth. The air is about to be wiped away by the fiery eyes. But Bitong put out the fire with no eyesight: "Girl..."

I want to get angry, but I can only stay there.

She stood up and said, "It's getting late. Let's go back..."

The dead Ling Su did not keep him, and then got up to prepare for escort.

Is the ancient people's brains elm-cut or really abide by etiquette? She doesn't understand, but since she has become an ancient man, she has to follow the customs.

The formation was the same as when she came. She walked in front of her angrily. Bitong followed closely, and Ling Su fell behind the nearby, still calm and relaxed.

The mountain air is not only fresh, but also sweet, mixed in the humidity of the early summer night to cleanse the body and mind.

The anger subsided unconsciously and was replaced by shame and regret.

Which nerve just got the wrong line? How could it give birth to such an idea that is extremely ridiculous from ancient times to the present? There seems to be a trick called lustful indulgence. The more difficult it is to get, the more precious it will be. In the previous life, Ling Su was caught by this move. Why can't he calm down in this life? Is there wine in the fast food? Her wine virtue has always been embarrassing...

Fever on the cheek.

Looking back, Ling Su's figure has blurred in the night, and he can only faintly see a touch of light color moving slowly.

I suddenly felt that even if I couldn't walk side by side, as long as I had each other in my heart, I could see him every time I looked back, and my heart would be at ease.

Maybe marriage is really the grave of love, so why can't it always be so far and close?

She was sweet and was pulled aside by Bitong's arm. Just as she was about to ask, she covered her mouth and forced her to sit in the deep grass by the steps.

Is there a situation?!

She immediately followed Bitong's eyes...

The night is dark, and the distance is a little foggy, and nothing can be seen clearly. After staring for a long time, it seemed that the dark vegetation began to swim, ghostly.

She blinked her sour eyes and looked at Bitong, who was still as alert as an owl that found a vole.

She sighed, and it seemed that she had to eat more carrots.

When I looked over again, I only heard the grass and trees rustling, but it stopped with only one or two sounds. She immediately stared at the sound point, waiting for a field rat to suddenly burst out of it...

She hadn't seen anything for a long time. She was a little tired. At this moment, she suddenly thought of Ling Su. Looking back, she found that the pale figure was also missing.


In this time, the groan suddenly became loud, and she immediately turned her eyes...

The black mass was stirred by a vague dark red dot, and the dot gradually became bigger... It turned out to be a person!

The man moved slowly this way...

She didn't understand what was beautiful about it. When she was about to ask Bitong to leave, she suddenly found that the man's clothes were a little familiar and earthy red. Even if the distance was still far away, she could still tell that the clothes were very thick by the wind, and the blue triangle scarf wrapped around her head...

Her eyes suddenly became good. Isn't this Gu's grandma Qin Manhe? No wonder Bitong wants to pull herself to hide... But why is she alone, the maid? At this time, another person came out of the night and couldn't see clearly. He was not tall, but very burly, wearing a dark robe... He was a man...

The man took two quick steps and grabbed Qin Manhe: "Xiaohe..."

Is it the eldest son of Gufu? The two of them are quite interesting. They are still walking on the mountain so late...

Qin Manhe broke away from him: "Be careful of being seen..."

Has this time and space been feudal to this extent that even the love between husband and wife is not allowed?

"Just now you..." The man's voice has a passion that has not yet dissipated.

"That's just now. Let me tell you, you are not allowed to come to the house to see me in the name of sending things..." Qin Manhe's tone was resolute.

Cheng Xueyan's brain began to work. Could it be... Ah, gossip, gossip... The daughter-in-law of the captain's mansion unexpectedly came out of the wall. If this is put in modern times, it must have been speculated. What kind of "door" is this called?

"I know, you came to me for..."

The man's anger was about to blurt out, but he was covered by Qin Manhe: "Do you still want me to live?"

She seemed to be scared by her loud voice and hurriedly looked around, but saw the shadows of the trees. She was relieved and cried with her voice: "You are trying to kill me..."

"Xiao He," the man immediately regretted his words: "Don't cry. I'm wrong. I agree with what you say. Don't cry..."

He hugged Qin Manhe and coaxed like a child: "Don't cry, don't cry, oh, don't cry..."

This clumsiness makes people want to laugh and move.

"I know that you have suffered over the years, but I..." Qin Manhe sobbed.

"I know, I know," the man said repeatedly, "You have your suffering. If I hadn't been too poor back then, my aunt couldn't have married you to the Gu family. Didn't Gu Haoran rely on his father to become a servant of the household department? What's so great?"

"He naturally has his ability and doesn't rely on his father-in-law," Qin Manhe was unhappy when he heard that his husband was not good: "Bepo, you are not rich now. Isn't it those few acres of land..."

"Do you think I'm poor?" The man's self-esteem was damaged, and he immediately let her go.

Qin Manhe chased after him and pulled him.

The man didn't really want to leave, so he stopped.

"Is her sister-in-law... okay?"

The two were silent for a long time, and Qin Manhe hesitated to open his mouth.

"She is naturally fine." The man's anger seems to have not yet dissipated.

Qin Manhe sobbed again.

PS: It will be updated tomorrow, after about 11 a.m., thank you for your support! O(∩_∩)O~