Rich flowers bloom

049 bargain

"If you tell him again, if I follow my condition and have good jewelry in the future, I will still look for him..."

Bitong has already understood that the girl has a restraint with the gold shopkeeper. If the gold shopkeeper doesn't follow and makes a lot of the same jewelry to sell, even if it is a sensation, it's only for a while. If he doesn't follow the girl, his income will be long. As a businessman, he can't figure out which one is more important?

"Yes, girl, I'm going now."

As soon as the forefoot stepped out of the threshold, he heard a sentence: "This is satiable..."

Do you mean the girl herself, or the gold shopkeeper, or...

My face was hot again, and I didn't have much time to think about it, so I hurried away.

Within less than half a column of incense, Bitong's feet came back without touching the ground.

"It's really approved by the girl,""The gold shopkeeper said that as long as the girl can receive two jewelry patterns every month, he promised not to pass on the current patterns, and he won't charge the girl's jewelry. He also said that he couldn't let the girl work for nothing and asked the girl to make a price. This business is still long..."

"Do I offer the price?" Cheng Xueyan estimated that the gold shopkeeper had already set a trap and waited for her to drill. She couldn't help but slightly up the corners of her mouth and bit her silver teeth fiercely: "One hundred taels..."

"Ah..." Bitong was shocked.

"Monthly!" Cheng Xueyan squeezed out two more words.

"Ah!" Bitong screamed.

This is in the eyes of money, isn't it? No matter how good the jewelry is, as long as it is not real gold and silver inlaid with beads, it can be sold for two coins at most. Besides, who can always buy jewelry to wear it?

"Girl, don't you want to think about it anymore?"

"It's settled! Go and tell him that if you don't agree, he will hit my jewelry at will. At worst, I will paint a new look and go somewhere else..."

Bitong went there tremblingly.

Half a column of incense did not reach, and he entered the door breathlessly.

"The gold shopkeeper said that the girl was too... 'hard'." Bitong weighed a suitable word: "His small business is not easy. I hope the girl will raise her hand. He offered a price and asked the girl to weigh it..."

"What's the price?"

Bitong hesitated for a moment: "Ten taels..."


It was Cheng Xueyan's turn to scream, and the bargain was not paid back like this, this profiteer!

Bitong also knows that this is far from the girl's wishes, and she also knows that the girl has been spoiled since she was a child and can't solve the suffering of the people...

"Girl, the shopkeeper Jin is still waiting for a reply." She looked carefully at the girl's face.

Whoever is in a hurry will wait. It's so late. Let's eat first."

That's right. After tossing around for half a day, I didn't notice that it was already dusk.


The girl didn't mention jewelry anymore, which made her always have something in her heart.

The girl stayed in the bedroom after dressing. She didn't know what to do under the lamp and didn't let her in.

After the second update, she fell asleep in a daze and called her to enter the door.

The girl has been able to stay up late since she recovered from her illness, but she is more and more energetic, but she doesn't like to get up in the morning.

She leaned against the table with her eyes half open, and she didn't know what the girl muttered to her, and then handed her a piece of paper.

Those thin lines of words were easily settled in her eyes like ants, but they couldn't read them smoothly. The girl reminded her: "Look horizontally!"

I can't understand it horizontally, because the words above are missing arms and broken legs, and I can't recognize them clearly, but I still understand a problem. The girl wants to make a contract with the gold shopkeeper about jewelry and agree on the silver matter.

The girl has decided... Twenty taels. If that is called "Two", the two will run out...

It's just these twenty-two... The golden shopkeeper squeezed his poor little eyes desperately and flashed in front of him, but the girl was really cruel...

"You transcribed two copies of this and bring it to the gold shopkeeper tomorrow. If he agrees, he will sign it here," Cheng Xueyan pointed the position of "Party B": "And press a fingerprint, and then bring one back. If you don't agree... burn it!"

The girl's word "burn" is extremely fierce, as if it is not this paper that wants to be burned, but the gold shopkeeper.

So after breakfast the next day, Bitong dressed up with all her heart, folded on fire, and went to negotiate with the gold shopkeeper in a sinking manner.

Cheng Xueyan was very leisurely. She turned over the material and began to make silk flowers again. This time, it was particularly meticulous, because it was sent to Manxue Pavilion.

She still has something to ask Cheng Xueman.

I'm going to Guanji Hall tomorrow to teach singing, so I can't sing all the time. Songs must have songs. The song is a cloud reflected in the water, and the song is a water carrying clouds and shadows, flowing clouds and flowing water, which is beautiful. Moreover, the artistic conception of the lyrics also needs to be set off, so that it can penetrate into people's hearts and penetrate into the marrow. Unfortunately, she can't play musical instruments. If she continues to sing, the girls will soon get tired of it. And now the only thing about the soundtrack is Sherman. Although she looks like she responds to her needs, after all, she is begging for help, and she may have a gap after a long time.

She carefully tied two silk flowers, chose a blue and white brocade box, laid a moon-white veil, and hid some spices. She put the flowers in and closed them. When she closed them, she wondered whether to tie a bow on it.

In this time, Bitong came back, and as soon as she saw that expression, she knew that it was going to be done.

There is no surprise, and everything is expected.

Bitong was very happy and said excitedly: "... The golden shopkeeper saw that the girl opened twenty taels and immediately beat his chest and said that he was going to lose money to the shop. I didn't say much to him as the girl taught me, but said, 'In that case, forget it', and then took out the fire folds. When the shopkeeper saw that I was going to come seriously, he immediately softened and said that 20 taels would be 20 taels, but he must ask the girl to be careful and don't confuse the tricks given to other workshops..."

This is testing me. Cheng Xueyan thought that businessmen have a lot of eyes, but it's better, otherwise the price will be too high.

"I asked him to sign the deposit, and he sighed repeatedly, only saying that he had lost his losses, but in fact, how beautiful he may be..."

Bitong took out a piece of paper from her arms.

Cheng Xueyan saw that all the items were neat and it was difficult to find loopholes, but the two big words on the edge turned into a "contract", but it was also appropriate. If the golden shopkeeper's heart was thinking about it, he could take this to go to court. She only hoped that there was no "no such clause" in the laws and regulations of Tianhao country.

She was relieved, but Bitong was a little uneasy.

"Girl, the rules in the house are known. The food and clothing are distributed according to people and levels every month. If something is short, you can naturally find someone to ask for it from your wife, but you must not take money from outside..."

Bitong, don't you know what "self-reliance" is? No, I have to teach her a lesson.

"Bitong, you are very smart on weekdays. Why can't you figure out such a little thing? Let me ask, did I steal the house or take it? Did I take someone else's money for nothing or did I know the source?

Bitong shook her head.

"Isn't that it? It's a fool not to take the good silver. Besides, God knows this and I know it. If you don't say it, if I don't say it, who else will know? You didn't make a real payment with the gold shopkeeper, did you?

"What kind of person is the golden shopkeeper? Do I have to tell him the truth?"

"It's still smart. If you are afraid of being discovered, the time to receive silver every month will be staggered for a few days.

Bitong is finally relieved.

At around noon, I had lunch and took a nap for an hour. When I woke up, the sun was not so strong. Fang Yutong led by Bitong, put on the brocade box and came to the snow pavilion.

Across the two corridors, a few piano sounds flowed over like water, and suddenly washed away the remaining dry heat and chaos, leaving only a piece of clarity.

It was the song "Lotus in the Snow", but it stopped, as if it was tired and unintentional.

Cheng Xueyan listened outside the wall for a while, and only felt that the purity of Manxue Pavilion seemed to hide countless things in her mind. No wonder, the girl's feelings are always poetry.

She smiled and Bitong knocked on the door.

A little girl in a bun opened the door. Seeing that it was her, she was so happy that she quickly let in and shouted, "The big girl is here..."

Immediately, another little girl in pink jumped out of the room: "It's the big girl..."

Miaotong pulled the bead curtain, poked the two little girl's foreheads one by one with her fingers: "You have a loud voice!"

Then he greeted her with a smile: "The big girl is coming. Our girl also said this morning how the magpie keeps calling, and the feelings are distinguished guests..."

In this group of maids, Miaotong is the best at talking, but only because she is serving the second girl from the concubine, she is usually squeezed a lot, and thanks to her clever mouth, she has turned away a lot of open guns and hidden arrows for herself and her girl.

Miaotong's acquaintance is not annoying, so Cheng Xueyan also smiled and said, "I'm not a distinguished guest. As long as I come, I have to make trouble. It's hot and boring. Is your girl awake?

As he spoke, Sherman was standing at the door of the main hall and looking at each other with smiling eyes.

I haven't seen her for three days. She seems to have lost a circle, and there are still two dark shadows at present, which should be due to lack of sleep.

At this moment, she is dressed in a purple home dress that is almost invisible. She stands against the door, looking more and more weak and delicate, and can't help the wind.

"Is my sister sick?"

She was shocked and rushed forward to help her.

Cheng Xueman smiled faintly: "What's wrong with you? The days are long and the nights are short, and I can't sleep well.

Having said that, he inadvertently glanced at the piano on the shelf.

So Cheng Xueyan couldn't help thinking of the intermittent sound of the piano just now. Could it be... worried...

When she accidentally saw Miaotong's worried expression, she was even more sure.

"Sister came to see me for something?"

Although Cheng Sherman looked weak, he came straight to the point every time he opened his mouth, which also saved her a lot of trouble.

"Naturally there is something..."

"Let me guess..."

I didn't expect her to be in this mood.

"My sister must have come to me for... Guan Juguan, am I right?"

"My sister is so smart," Cheng Xueyan sincerely praised: "This is for this matter, can you..."

"If my sister doesn't come, I will still go to find my sister..."

"What are you looking for?"


PS: Oh, my God, I finally remember to hang the following link directly today

PS: Thank you for the reward of your friends, O(∩_∩)O~

PS: Return from the banquet. A sitting position lasted for an hour, and the most hateful thing was that I ate a crab for more than half an hour...