Rich flowers bloom

057 near Zhuzhechi

Bitong found that her master was a little strange.

In the early morning, he kept looking at the mirror and dragging his hair to his face. Fortunately, it's morning, otherwise...

Cheng Xueyan weighed for a long time and found that according to her current face shape, everything was very beautiful. However, if she wants to change a person's image, hair is crucial, and she strives to shock them.

At present, the only available tools are scissors, which is a pity, but it is not difficult for her. While Bitong, who had been peeking behind her, went out to get breakfast, she quickly took a knife...

A three-foot-long green silk fell to the ground...

After careful trimming, the lovely eyebrows and bangs were born! In order not to look stiff, she trimmed her bangs into a small arc.

So, the face in the mirror looks more beautiful.

The more she looks at it, the more she likes it.

The footsteps came from the stairs, so she chose a suitable angle to surprise Bitong.

"Girl, guess who I met when I went out?" But there is no need to answer such a question, because Bitong will immediately give an answer: "M Mother Tang! She held the food box and ran over when she saw me. She said that there would be no need to bother to go to the kitchen to get the food in the future, and she would send it over, as long as I picked her up outside the door... Because she was just a third-class woman and could not enter this court. It's just that she asked me to discuss it with the girl. She saw that the girl's silk flowers were quite beautiful and wanted to ask the two girls not to wear them for their daughter, but if the girl has any taboos..."

When Cheng Xueyan saw her talking, she was busy putting dishes on the table. She didn't look this way at all and couldn't help coughing twice to attract attention.

"Girl, you..."

Bitong turned around...

"Girl!" Bitong screamed, and her mouth seemed to be held by something for a long time.

Is this... "amazing" expression?

Bitong rushed over with her hands like a hen being dumbfounded by a sudden rainstorm. With her mouth half open and a frightened face, she suddenly knelt down and cried.

"Girl, what can't you think of? It was fine yesterday, but you can't...woo-woo..."

Cheng Xueyan's forehead is full of black lines. What's wrong with the foreword?

She stretched out her hand to help, but Bitong refused to get up: "What does the girl have to say? Why bother to abuse yourself?"

Where is this?

"Get up and talk."

"I can't afford it. If the girl has something good or something, the maidservant..." Bitong cried again.

Why does it seem to go back to the day when I first came to this time and space?

She looked around and made sure that she had no dream. Finally, she was a little annoyed: "If you don't get up again, I will punish you... I will punish you to kneel in the yard."

She herself didn't understand what punishment it was, so she added: "Don't eat for three days, don't drink water... Deduct three months!"

Finally, the cruelty came.

Bitong suddenly stopped crying and changed to a draw. She pulled her at the right time. Bitong was awkward and finally stood up.

"What the hell? I just said it well, and I cried like this in a blink of an eye. People who don't know think I abused you..."

"If a girl wants to beat or scold, she will like it. Bitong is a girl's person, and she is willing to die. The girl just can't abuse herself..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Cheng Xueyan took a picture in the mirror and fiddled with the newly cut bangs. She felt refreshed, but the tos hairstyle just now was a little out of shape. It was all because there was no softening equipment in this era.

Bitong looked at her and cried again.

"You cried so much... Alas, don't cry, I don't understand what you're crying for such a long..."

Bitong wiped her tears and saw a strand of green silk lying on the ground. She quickly trembled and picked it up and made a sad voice. Why is this scene so similar...


If you cry like this, the wolf will be attracted.

Cheng Xueyan hurried to the terrace to look out, and then quickly ran back.

"Don't cry. How unlucky it is to cry so early in the morning. Carefully, your wife will send someone to ask..."

Bitong clenched her hair and burst into tears: "Girl, if my wife knows this, I'm afraid I won't be able to live..."

"That's what I cut, not what you took down. What can't you live?"

"The parents of the body and skin, the girl actually... If the girl is annoyed, she can beat me and scold me, but now... not to mention that Bitong can't live, the girl is afraid..."

So that's what it said.

Cheng Xueyan has seen from some movies that if a woman from a poor family in ancient times can't live, she will cut her hair and sell it, but what impressed her most is that the girl cut a wisp of green silk for her lover brother. When the relationship first opened, she was deeply moved by this. She also cut a strand of hair and made a so-called purse to put it away, but she never sent it out. Later, she didn't know where it went... But since it was cut, why can't she cut it? Don't people in this time and space cut their hair from birth to death? No wonder there are no bangs... Ah, no wonder Cheng Zhuhuai's beard is so long. Could it be that his beard can't be cut? It seems that she remembered that Cao Cao made a special beard cover for the beautiful beard in order to bribe Guan Yu... It turned out that the ancients had no choice but to grow long hair and grow beards. Bitong's hair is not thick, and the two braids up to the waist are bearable, but what about Du Mizhen? She has a lot of hair and hasn't trimmed it yet. No wonder her head looks so big every time. However, the hair is always long, but I don't see any old man or woman mopping the floor with long hair on the ground...

"Do you never cut your hair?" She muttered.

"Not really, if you want to cut it, you should also choose a good day..."

Cheng Xueyan's eyes lit up. Yes, she remembered that there was a yellow calendar marked what was feasible and what was not feasible on this day, among which there was a "haircut". Who said that the ancients couldn't get a haircut?

"Why don't you take a look at the almanac?"

After this reminder, Bitong hurriedly went to hold Huang Li to investigate.

"Jingyuan three years on the third month of May, it is appropriate to marry, travel, bathe...haircut..."

Bitong read this and burst into tears and laughed.

Cheng Xueyan took a long breath: "I just cut my hair after checking this almanac, and you still..."

God knows that she doesn't know where the ghost calendar is placed.

Bitong smiled for a while and pouted again: "If the girl had a haircut, she would also tell me in advance. The maidservant went to find Mother Zhuang, and the lady in the house went to get her for a haircut. Sometimes we asked her, and she didn't put on airs..."

"What's my skill compared with hers?"

After a long time, most of the enthusiasm for showing off is less.

Bitong looked at her masterpiece, and her face suddenly turned white: "This is what the girl cut... Usually, the masters cut their hair, just because her hair is too long, and the girl is..."

"Do you think it's appropriate for me to comb so much hair in front?"

Bitong thought about the strangeness in the morning and shook her head.

"Isn't that too long?" Cheng Xueyan is too lazy to continue this topic: "Just say that how am I now compared with before?"

Bitong looked left and right, blushed, and whispered, "The girl looks better..."

"Isn't that it?" Cheng Xueyan combed the comb twice and said earnestly, "Bitong, remember, there are no ugly women in the world, only lazy women. If you want to be an excellent woman, you have to think about how to make yourself more beautiful..."

"Isn't it to find a golden son-in-law?"

"How can a woman fish for the golden turtle son-in-law if she is not dressed beautifully?"

Bitong thought about it for a long time and said "oh" in a low voice.

Cheng Xueyan stood up, took Bitong's hand, sat her on the chair, picked up the scissors, and clicked in front of her with a smile.

"Aunt... girl, what are you going to do?"

"Cut your hair..."


Cheng Xueyan immediately pressed her down, and her design addiction suddenly broke out. How can she let go of this living thing?

"Girl, the parents of the body and skin..."

"Where are your parents?"

"I haven't seen it since I sold myself in the house..." Bitong's eyes were a little red.

"Which one do you want to honor?"


"Today is an auspicious day. When will it be better if you don't cut it at this time?"

Cheng Xueyan casually pulled off the brocade tablecloth and quickly wrapped Bitong into a pyramid.


"You don't listen to what I said?" The voice turned sharp.

"No, maidservant..."

"Who just told me to beat and scold, but now I forget..."

"No, maidservant..."

Bitong finally couldn't escape the irresistible fate and had to nod with hatred.

"That's right, close your eyes..."

Even if she doesn't say it, Bitong doesn't dare to look at it. His eyes were closed, and he felt that his hair had been put down. There was a "kaka" sound and the muttering sound of "this broken scissors". A cluster of cool hair scratched the tip of his nose and fell on the cloth.

"Okay, now open your eyes..."

The girl's voice was very soft, but her eyes were still closed.

I really don't know what the girl has ruined herself. It's really close to the red and the black. The girl has learned this bad problem after three years with Gu Sanxian, but Gu Sanxian only starts with things that can't speak, but the girl is interested in living people. Follow her by yourself...Follow her...

"Open your eyes!"

At the girl's order, she opened her eyes as if she had been pricked by a needle...

She was stunned, grabbed the bronze mirror, and touched her face unbelievably: "Is this me?"

Then he took the trimmed hair in his ear: "Oh, is it me?"

A face is reflected in the mirror. The face is round and the chin is sharp. Because of the embellishment of bangs and broken hair, the face looks extremely small, and the eyes are relatively enlarged, making Bitong, who originally thought she was flat, find that she could also be very delicate.

Seeing her holding the bronze mirror, Cheng Xueyan has a sense of accomplishment. In fact, she didn't dare to trim Bitong aggressively. If she cut out a mushroom cloud style, not to mention that Bitong couldn't accept it, she couldn't get used to it in this environment. She just modified it slightly according to her image and personality, which was just icing on the cake.

Bitong's happy left and right photos suddenly found that he sat down and let his master stand for a long time, and suddenly panicked.