Rich flowers bloom

082 Unrecognizable

A trace of jealousy flashed in Du Yingzi's eyes, but said, "The eldest girl has also taught boudoir gifts. She knows how to support her parents-in-law, obey her husband, add people to her husband's family, and do housework. It's all women's affairs, and her husband is our God. What can we do? How can we go against the sky? This is both a woman's job and a woman's blessing..."

Oh, my God, is this called "blessing"? Cheng Xueyan lamented.

"Xue Yan believes that she is an un blessed person, and such a blessing can't be accepted!"


Du Mizhen patted the table, and the lotus gold bowl jumped and fell to the ground. The bowl and water were broken into pieces.

"What on earth do you want?"

Cheng Xueyan was blessed and calm.

"Xueyan is not not going to get married, but these people have never met, let alone understand. How can there be any happiness in this way?"

"Since ancient times, marriage has been the words of parents' life matchmakers. Whichever you say is which? How can you talk more? Your aunt and I have picked these people for you to choose by yourself. It's tolerant enough. Don't take an inch!"

"Even though these people have been selected, Xueyan wants to ask, please ask your wife and aunt to be fair. Do you really know these people? If I really marry one of them and have a tragic end, which of you will be responsible for me?

"How can you ask us to be responsible? You chose the person yourself. This is life. How can you blame others? Du Yingzi spread out her hands and looked innocent.

Speaking of which, I just want to kick her out of the door. As long as she leaves the Cheng family, everything will be fine. How can you care about her life or death? Even if it is unfortunate, she can't resist, because in this era, only men divorce women, but they have never heard of women divorce men.

She smiled coldly: "Since I chose it, can I choose not to marry?"

"Would you like not marry?" Du Yingzi blinked and motioned Du Mizhen not to be angry first: "I have never heard of any woman who doesn't want to marry, but there are many people who wash their faces with tears because they can't get married. In the past, when I was in Canghan, my neighbor's daughter had smallpox when she was young. Although she did not die, she fell on a numb face. So who will marry her? At the age of 22, he still stays at home and makes trouble every day. There is also a distant niece. Because my brother's family is small, she wanted to help her for a few years, but she didn't tell her about her mother-in-law by the 20th. My niece was unconvinced and later eloped with someone. I told you all about the family ugliness today. I just want to say that women don't want to stay, and they stay here and there as revenge. Although you are the gentleman of Guan Juguan, your sister can't delay you..."

"Thank you for your kindness, Xueyan. It's just that although Xueyan's life is worthless, it's always her own. I hope my wife can make the decision..."

"You... don't know how to praise!" Du Mizhen gritted her teeth.

Cheng Xueyan was not angry, but smiled more brightly: "In that case, madam, don't bother about Xueyan anymore. Xue Yan quit..."

She saluted gracefully and turned around to say goodbye, but heard Du Mizhen say behind her, "Don't do anything ugly!"

Her eyebrows trembled and she couldn't wait to turn around and tear the man immediately, but she only straightened her back and turned back to smile at the two.

As soon as the thin bamboo door curtain was put down, Du Yingzi's voice came out of it: "Sister, don't be angry with that kind of person. It's not worth it. Instead of worrying about other people's affairs, it's better to take care of yourself first. In fact, my sister still has something to ask her sister..."

The pace seemed to become lighter, as if it were floating, and only a moment later came out of the collection. After stepping out of the courtyard door, his body trembled uncontrollably.

Bitong, who held her master, also felt her trembling and couldn't help peeking at her worriedly, but dared not speak.

She saw that her master was insulted by the two people but could not stand up for him, and she only felt that her chest was blocked.

"No crying!" Cheng Xueyan had heard her sobbing in a low voice, but did not look sideways at her, but said, "This time I have offended my wife."

Bitong looked at the master with tears in her eyes, but found that she was laughing and was about to say something. Suddenly, a shout came from a distance: "Big girl..."

Cheng Xueyan opened the camellia that covered her eyes and followed the sound... A bright light in the distance was dazzling, but it was Jingyue Lake.

A little closer, I saw the setting sun shining on the lake, and the whole Jingyue Lake seemed to be enveloped with a thin golden red veil. The lotus flowers coming out of the water stood shyly in pink or white gauze clothes, and the lotus leaves of the pavilion swayed in the wind and played with flying dragonflies, sending fragrance bursts. A delicate and small painting cruise ship came to them through the flowers and leaves. Miaotong stood in the bow of the boat and waved to them, and the waves of the lake shook slightly on her leek skirt...

Miaotong was a good pole pole. With just one moment, the boat rowed straight over. When she docked, she ran briskly and saluted with a smile.

"Big girl, but I haven't seen you for a long time. Our girl is drinking on the boat, and the three girls are also there. Do you want the big girl to come and sit down?

Cheng Xueyan has already been moved by the beautiful scenery in front of her. How can she not go? However, Bitong couldn't let go of what had just happened and followed dejectedly.

"What's wrong with you? The eyes are red and repaired by the eldest girl?"

Miaotong deliberately teased her, but Bitong did not have the mood of joking with her before. She was just bored, which made her suspicious and difficult to say more.

Bitong watched her master get on the boat with great interest, and couldn't help but wonder where she was in a good mood after hearing so many unpleasant words just now.

Cheng Xueyan stepped on it, and the boat suddenly shook, which shocked the people in the cabin to call repeatedly. Fortunately, Miaotong helped her in time.

"Why is my sister drunk before she drinks?"

Cheng Xueyao looked at her and smiled in panic.

She drank two cup of pear blossoms, and her white cheeks were blushed with a beautiful blush, just like the tender red of the tip of the lotus petals, which was very touching. Perhaps because of being a little drunk, the usual picky eyes were replaced by soft waves, which looked a little charming.

Cheng Sherman sat cross-legged next to the small table full of fruits, and was also drunk and looked at her with a smile.

"Originally, there were two boats, but the lake was only so big that it would hit in a moment, so I invited Xue Yao to come over. It was so comfortable. She also brought wine... Sister, this is her pear blossom white. This is my wine. Which one would you like to drink?"

Cheng Xueyan just wants to get drunk now: "Naturally, you have to taste it..."

The two of them smiled and put a white jade carved glass for her. The transparent pear white and rose purple wine were fragrant and curled, and they were drunk before they could drink.

The three of them pushed the cup and drank for a long time, adding three points of drunkenness.

Cheng Xueman suddenly sighed: "How good it is to be so early..."

Cheng Xueyao orchid gently picked up the jade cup without saying anything, but drank it all at once.

Cheng Xueman didn't care either. She tilted her head aside and didn't know what she was looking at, but her mouth muttered, "In the past, three boats were swimming in a lake, and they always had to bump into each other, and then it was noisy. What's the fun? I still remember..."

Her eyes suddenly lit up and sat up: "Xueyao, do you remember that year when you were ten years old? Our two boats collided with each other. You ran to the bow and jumped and made noise. Just as your sister's boat hit from behind, you stood unsteadily and fell into the water..."

Speaking of this, except for Cheng Xueyan, Cheng Xueyao was not angry. She smiled the most happily and burst out tears, but only wiped it: "This is the only fun that my sister still remembers it. Alas, whether you are happy or not, how many times can we go to the lake together? Four years have passed in a blink of an eye, and now it's autumn again..."

The laughter gradually stopped. A wisp of wind turned around the table with the fragrance of flowers, with a trace of coolness.

"This lotus will not bloom for long..." Cheng Xueman also looked sad and looked at the bow around a pink lotus.

Somehow, everyone is a little sad.

"I heard from my mother that Huang Zhizhou sent someone to propose marriage again. Should you or not? Although he is a fifth grade and is not worthy of our family, he is a student of heaven and a talent. He will definitely develop in the future. Moreover, he is also a foreigner, which is suitable for his sister. My sister is also seventeen years old. How long will it take?

Are ancient women all precocious? Cheng Xueyan found that Cheng Xueyao had thought about what she didn't know yet.

Cheng Sherman did not answer, but poured the pear white and wine together to drink.

Cheng Xueyan hurriedly stopped: "It's easy to get drunk together like this..."

She smiled faintly, with the bitterness of wine: "My sister is not drunk yet, how can my sister be drunk?"

Cheng Xueyan was stunned. Indeed, she drank a lot today, but she was not drunk at all. She was just hot.

She only hesitated a little. Cheng Xueman had drunk all the wine in the glass, and then filled another glass.

"Sister, we got together today, and my sister told the truth." Cheng Xueyao put down the wine cup: "You usually say little. You think no one knows what's on your mind, but can't that be hidden? People may not know what you think in your heart. Why do you suffer from yourself? I listened to the sentence 'Flowers bloom and fade are finally empty' in the "Women's Flower" sung by the girls in Guan Juguan. The woman is like a flower, and the flower blooms in a hundred days. The sister's flower is blooming, but the man has never seen it. After the flowering period, who will take care of it?

The two of them seemed to be playing riddles. Cheng Xueyan guessed secretly, but she couldn't avoid a man in a white robe like a fairy...

Cheng Xueman drank too quickly and couldn't help choking. She coughed with tears on her face. After recovering, she laughed: "Xueyao, you keep looking forward to my marriage. Are you afraid that I won't come out of the cabinet to delay you?"

Cheng Xueyao was raising her glass to drink and almost choked: "What did my sister say? I just care about my sister, but she teases me..."

"Don't think I don't know. Master Guan has mentioned it with his father several times. He is now the prince and his future is unlimited. If my sister responds, our family will have the youngest lady in the whole imperial capital..."


PS: I don't know whether it's because of Qi or the change of season. Previously, it was just dizziness and heartbeat disorder, and today's stomach rebellion. If it's the former, I think I'm funny. Is it a precursor to rabies? I was bitten by a dog on the 3rd. I didn't dare to be vaccinated because I was afraid that the vaccine would die directly after a fake injection. Later, I was afraid... What happened this month?

I set up a small group yesterday, but I was afraid that no one would add it and I didn't dare to send it. Group number: 101442476, group name: Xunfeng Chu If you are interested, go in and have a look. I usually stay at O(∩_∩)O~