Rich flowers bloom

097 Li Daitaojiang

Cheng Xueyan came to the Golden Jade Tower for the first time at night. She saw the main door brightly lit and colorful silk wrapped around the beams, but she did not see the flowers wandering beside her, and only a few men came in and out.

Has Tris used a killer mace?

She quickly weaves countless plots in her mind... The lobby is bleeding and fishy, and the red Cui silk stands in it with a green dragon and moon knife, with a ferocious face.

Suddenly, a solidified blood stain moved, and it turned out to be a man, stretching out the blood palms of two fingers, and his eyes were dull and hoarse voice shouted to her intermittently: " me..."


A blue light flashed, and the man's head suddenly rolled down, his mouth half opened and moved, and finally... died...

The green light flashed again, and Tris rushed to her like a ghost, dripping blood under her lips: "You... finally came..."

She trembled, but saw that the car had driven into the backyard.

This time, M mother Ruan respectfully invited her to get out of the car and ordered someone to call Tris to come over with a cold face.


"What?" Cheng Xueyan suddenly jumped up from the rattan chair: "Are you asking me to appear for you?"

"Tris, this is not a joke!" Mother Ruan was also shocked.

"What is this?" Tris stood up curled up.

She put on makeup, which can be said to be extremely thoughtful, and this face is also extremely touching, which is more charming than usual. The oblique fallen horse bun is dotted with a few star peacock blue flowers, and the bun is crooked with four silver-red ribbons hanging straight to the chest, gently swinging, simple and charming. He cut his bangs diagonally again, and looked back with a little more **.

The cherry-red breast is pinned with a yellow mulberry flower on the upper left, and the spring light can be faintly seen under the thin silk. Pearl pink silver star-sprinkled clothes with cloud-colored water-patterned Polo skirt. The goose yellow ribbon is tied around the waist, drooping tassels, and the lotus jade pendant ring is tinkling, but it is not cumbersome. I have to say that she is very insight in dressing.

When you get up, you move gently, but it emits a fragrance like nothing. It should be a few days ago that the dress was carefully smoked to create a taste similar to the natural body fragrance.

So delicate and wonderful person, but the voice...

"Of course, I won't let the girl appear..." She shook her veil and gave up the posture of anyone else: "I just need to borrow the girl's voice..."

"You mean...oboe?" Cheng Xueyan blinked and suddenly realized.

This Tris really has hers!

"Well..." Mother Ruan's chest suddenly fluctuated violently, with a happy face and kept looking at Cheng Xueyan.

"The girl is really smart!" Tris smiled proudly.


Cheng Xueyan immediately refused, which scared Mother Ruan.

Tris only smiled as expected: "I know that the eldest girl is the daughter of Chengfu, and even a hair on her body is more expensive than a person like us, but... How would anyone feel if the so-called daughter of a rich family who doesn't go out of the door will appear here at this moment? Although most people don't know the true face of the girl, even if it is really in front of them, it is hard to believe, but people's mouths are the most uncontrollable. If such a little rumor spreads to Chengfu, will the big girl's life be better than now?

"How dare you threaten my girl?" Bitong was so angry that she stood up and said, "If you hadn't been looking for death to see my girl, how could my girl be in danger? What's your intention to repay kindness with resentment instead of not knowing gratitude?

"It's really the girl of the eunuch family, and she speaks in a good way." Tris was not angry at all: "But you should have misunderstood. I mean, I will never let anyone find your girl here, but... you need to promise me a condition..."

"Is this blackmail?" Cheng Xueyan sneered.

"I don't think so. Have you ever seen a blackmailer give money to the other party?" Cui Si's slender finger reached into her chest, holding a dark brown paper like a trick, and gently shook it: "One thousand taels, the big girl looked at it..."

Three pairs of eyes stared at the silver ticket.

"Tris, you..." Mother Ruan only felt that her throat was astringent.

Cheng Xueyan easily withdrew her eyes stuck to the silver ticket: "Do you think you can buy me in this way?"

There is a small voice in my heart shouting strongly: "Buy me, buy me..."

"Chengfu raises gold and silver mountains, and my little meaning naturally can't get into the girl's eyes. But girl, do you know how long it will take to earn this thousand taels of silver? How can I earn it?" Tris's eyes suddenly turned red: "We laughing women were played by those who claim to be high, but scolded. They spend a lot of money on us, but..."

She suddenly lifted her sleeves...

A few scars of different sizes are ferociously twisted, and there is a piece of blue and purple that has not yet retreated next to it.

Cheng Xueyan's heart suddenly tightened.

"Nothing is for nothing," Tris swallowed her tears and smiled again: "So, I won't let the big girl go in vain..."

Three pairs of eyes are staring at Cheng Xueyan...


This word is so light that even Cheng Xueyan doubted whether it came from her own mouth.

Almost everyone was relieved.

Bitong sighed quietly: "I knew the girl would agree..."

The small voice in Cheng Xueyan's heart immediately refuted, "I'm not all for money!"

"Great, big girl, you saved Tris and our Jinyu Tower. The girl's great kindness, we will never forget it!" Mother Ruan is about to bow to the ground and salute.

Tris smiled, but there was not much gratitude in her eyes. She only bowed: "Miss Tris, thank you!"


But I don't know which song the girl wants to sing? It's also good for Tracy to prepare..." Mother Ruan looked pious.

Tris doesn't think so, but it's just a mouth-to-mouth shape. She has been tired of singing those songs for a long time.

"Flower Full Moon Night." Cheng Xueyan looked at the crescent moon in the sky.

Mage Ruan's expression stagnated, and Tracy also stopped playing with the veil.

What kind of song is this?

Cheng Xueyan is not going to sing those songs that have been sung badly. Such a Tanabata lover's night, such a lonely heart... A full moon night, two hearts love each other, a full moon night, lovers in pairs, who else in the world can play with your mandarin ducks and fly with wings...

Who else...who else...


Le Feng was called.

"Quick, the girl wants to sing a new song..."

It seems to be a big deal. Mmother Ruan is as busy as a top.

Yes, if this matter is exposed, it is a small matter to lose a Tris. The key is the brand of Jinyu Tower...

Le Feng was very calm. He adjusted the strings casually and plucked a string of flowing music.

Tris sat aside thoughtfully with a handkerchief. She didn't know what Cheng Xueyan meant to change the song and whether it was good or bad for herself.

Ye Rong didn't know where to get the letter, and also ran to the backyard and was having a photo with Triss. The two hummed together and turned their faces aside.

"Oh, my little grandma, why did you come here? What about the guests in the lobby? Go back quickly..."

M Mother Ruan suddenly panicked when she saw her coming, for fear that the good things would be messed up by her.

Ye Rong just didn't leave. She leaned against the door frame and cleared her throat and blinked.

Cheng Xueyan had to go out with her.

"How did the girl respond to her? She has so many ideas that the girl is careful to suffer losses..." Ye Rong's eyes were full of sincerity.

Cheng Xueyan saw that she was dressed in gold today, and the jewelry on her head was also all gold. The whole person stood in the night and flashed clusters. It was simply a typical upstart costume, and she couldn't help but be bored.

"You are already red and purple, why bothering her?" If you don't like it, tell the truth.

"Girl, you are really..." Ye Rong repeatedly stamped her feet: "The girl is too kind, be careful not to be cheated..."

"It doesn't matter if you cheat or not, but no matter how stubborn you are, you have to leave some room for others, otherwise you will cut off your own way..."

After saying that, without looking at her, he turned back to the room.

Ye Rong stood in the courtyard for a long time until someone came to call her and stamped her feet.


Now on the second floor of the Golden Jade Building, standing behind the dim and dim rose-colored light, looking downstairs, is it "lively"?

There are golden candlesticks lined up around and in the middle, surrounded by a "back" shape, with red candles with thick arms on the child's. The candlelight clustered, the shadow of the lamp, illuminated the hall ten feet square, and the blue glowing beads hanging on the roof half a foot in diameter were also indispensable.

Isn't this the night pearl? Cheng Xueyan thought that there were no such treasures in Cheng's mansion, and she didn't expect that the Golden Jade Tower was so luxurious.

The pearl is tied by countless colorful silk, as if it were pismens, and the colorful silk is a fluttering petal, which makes people dizzy after looking at it for a long time, but it seems to be... Manzhu Shahua?

Recently, as long as she thought of the name, she panicked and hurriedly turned her eyes to the prosperity downstairs again.

People... Countless people squeezed dozens of tables full of tables. Among them, silk, orange, yellow and green, gold, silver, pearls, jade and emerald rings swayed, and the sound of pushing cups for changing cups were endlessly, mixed with jokes and smiles piled up, and the smell of wine mixed with a translucent fog floated in mid-air...

Is this the ancient brothel? It seems to be no different from some modern places, but it is also different. For example, is it natural for the light to be so bright? For example, people you don't know gather in a room to prove that you are frank?

Seeing that both men and women were laughing and forgetting their worries, she suddenly felt that her stomach was a little uncomfortable.

The stage for singing is right in front of you, which is also extremely luxurious and gorgeous. At this time, only the silk bamboo played, and the sound was murm, but it was noisy and intermittently collapsed.

Several people are busy, hanging several snow-colored salams on temporary poles and piling up layers of folds.

This is Cheng Xueyan's hiding place.

Unfortunately, there is no microphone or speaker in this era. She can only get as close to Tris as possible so that she can fake it.

The people behind shouted, how can the festival be so plain?

The man replied quickly. It was Tris who wanted to surprise everyone.

Tris? The man blinked his memory and finally spit out a sentence, as if he hadn't seen her for a long time...


PS: At present, the number of votes to meet in the brothel is leading... It is indeed in the brothel, and Xiao Gu is now among these countless people... Updated as usual in the evening, looking forward to supporting O(∩_∩)O~