Rich flowers bloom

122 Reunion

"How come?" Gu Haoxuan patted his chest and promised, "If I have feelings for her, how can I take her... impossible, impossible..."

" always go to Jinyu Tower these days..."

"Have you forgotten that I don't always go in those days when she didn't show up? Besides, now I'm doing it for you..."

Han Jiangzhu smiled with relief, but he looked awe-inspiring and was about to ask questions.

Gu Haoxuan hurriedly stuffed the teacup into his hand: "Don't worry, my mind for her is absolutely clean. If you want, I hope jade will become a good thing!"

Looking at Han Jiangzhu's grin, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but he laughed louder.

"But..." Han Jiangzhu is a little like a problem baby today: "You do this to her, she treats you..."


Gu Haoxuan slapped the tea cup on the table and splashed everywhere.

"Don't you see her attitude?" At this point, Fang found that his tone was indignant and hurriedly adjusted: "Since you have seen it, why don't you understand?"

Han Jiangzhu only thought about it a little, and it was not difficult to find that Cheng Xueyan did regard Gu Haoxuan as nothing and smiled.

Gu Haoxuan was angry, but it was difficult to understand the blow to him. He said angrily, "I just don't know how General Han would feel if he learned about this..."

Han Jiangzhu waved his hand: "How can you feel? He can't wait for me to set up a marriage so that I can be firmly tied to the imperial capital. Besides, today's captain is his proudest disciple... Haha, next time I see Cang Yi, what should I call him? By the way, you can take the opportunity to visit Cangyi, and then..."

Han Jiangzhu suddenly found that he was so smart.

Gu Haoxuan only felt the fire in his heart, and the complacent guy in front of him looked a little beatable.

"Then you and the emperor... won't you leave?"

"Let's go... take her with you!"

Han Jiangzhu grabbed the tea cup and drank it all.


"Girl, have some tea."

Bitong carefully held the silver-white red Liuxia flower cup and whispered.

Since the girl woke up, she has been stunned. No matter what she shakes in front of her eyes, no matter what sound is ringing in her ear, she is indifferent. To say a disrespectful word, it is only one more breath than the dead.

Bitong is worried and scared.

Worried that the girl must be fascinated by the sudden news of Ling Su's marriage, which is very likely to lose her mind. At that time, she will not only lose her memory, but also become a fool.

What I'm afraid of is what if the master knows? Paper can't wrap fire. She can hide it for a while, but she can't hide it for a lifetime. Once the master asks, how will she answer? Besides, tomorrow is the Double Ninth Festival, and the girl wants to...

"When did it happen?"

Bitong was so anxious that she was turning around the room all over the house, and suddenly heard a faint sound behind her. She was stunned and suddenly turned around and saw the girl looking at herself. Although her eyes were still dull, there was a trace of vitality.

"Girl..." She rushed over, knelt down and cried, "You finally woke up and scared me to death..."

"When did it happen?"

Cheng Xueyan's black eyes moved down, as if she looked through her face and looked at something behind her, straight, which made her afraid again.

"What is the girl talking about? What 'when'?

"Ling Su..."

Cheng Xueyan's red lips gently opened, spit out the name like a dream, and then covered her eyes with a layer of water mist.

"Ah, Mr. Ling..." Bitong's eyes flashed.

What should I tell the girl? She also learned the news on the day of Mr. Ling's wedding. It was the Mid-Autumn Festival. The girl was awakened by gongs, drums and firecrackers, ran to the terrace to watch the fun, and said, "It turned out that someone got married. August 15th is indeed a good day..."

She just wanted to cry at that time. If the girl learned that the person who got married on a good day was Ling Su...

She didn't know what happened during this period, from the oath to the absence of a message for months, and then a marriage without warning... It's like a heavy stone suddenly threw into the quiet lake, if the girl knew...

The girl will know sooner or later. She is just thinking of a good way to let the girl slowly and naturally accept the news and accept this reality... Of course, she also has a little fluke. Ling Su has no message for so long. If it goes on like this, will the girl gradually forget him? It seems that she is cheating on herself, but still dragging her down with this reason. If the girl doesn't mention it, she will remain silent. Now she thinks she is running away...

Now the disaster has finally come, so fast... No, so slowly... The secret that has been suppressed for a long time finally exploded, and there was a little joy at the same time, as if it had put down a heavy burden, just a girl...

"I don't know what's going on. I think it's nonsense from those people, or maybe it's another Mr. Ling..." Bitong said incoherently.

"Another Mr. Ling..." Cheng Xueyan was stunned for a while and suddenly laughed: "How many people in the world are called Ling Su? How many Yingtian Academyes are there in the world? How many Mr. Ling will there be in Yingtian College?

The previous life... this life... there is only one Ling Su, one...

When Bitong saw her smile, she became more and more uncertain. She only grabbed her skirt and whispered, "Girl, girl..."

"Is it the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"Ah..." Bitong didn't react for a moment.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, she heard a sentence "Mr. Ling of Yingtian Academy..." floating from the cruise ship beside her in the painting boat.

He is still a celebrity. I think people have known it for a long time, but the person closest to him is... Is it the last person who learned the bad news is the closest person?

The closest? How could she position herself like this? Ridiculous, ridiculous... People in the world who overestimate themselves are the most ridiculous!

She suddenly stood up. Bitong was unprepared and fell to the ground, but hurriedly got up and pulled her.

"Girl, what are you going to do?"

"Even if you die, you have to die clearly, right?"

The word "death" shocked Bitong and turned her mind to understand: "Girl, there is no need to bother, let the maidservant go..."

With that, he stroked his arms and rolled his sleeves and rushed out in a posture of cursing the street.

"You?" Cheng Xueyan moved the corners of her lips with a sneer: "I'm afraid you're going to continue to deceive me?"


Why is it so easy to see through?

"But since you have this idea, you might as well help me do something."

"What's the matter?" Bitong will make up for her achievements immediately.

"Go and tell Ling Su that I want to see him!"

" does this maidservant know where Mr. Ling is?" Bitong avoided her eyes.

Cheng Xueyan turned around and sat back in the chair with a Lingyan face: "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. Even if you don't want to come forward in person, don't let me find out who is passing on behalf of this house!"

The girl's tone is as cold as a knife, which is chilling.

Since she has made up her mind to see Mr. Ling, how can she vent her anger if she doesn't fulfill this wish? It will always come. At least the girl told her about this matter without acting alone. If she blindly dissuade her, will she... Besides, the girl is emotional now. If she doesn't do this wish, she may not be able to do anything at that time...


In fact, what if you see it? Is it relatively speechless as it is now?

In the dark, the green field, Linxi Pavilion, the bluestone table... looked at each other without saying a word.

This is the place. I remember that on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, she dressed as a man and wore a hat. She hung a long veil on it and looked across the table from him. His smile is warm, and she is affectionate.

Is it because of the layer of yarn that made her ignore the haze and distance in his eyes?

Now they look at each other clearly, but suddenly there is a little strangeness.

She couldn't help looking at the person opposite again, eyebrows...eyes...lips...ling Su...

Past life... present life... overlap... separation... clear... blur...

Is it because you are Ling Su that you have to bear me in your past and present life?

Suddenly wanted to laugh and asked him to come out just for silence?

Forget which moment, my heart was full of countless questions, countless grievances and angers. I just wanted to immediately find him out and ask him clearly. Once I really saw it, those emotions dispersed like smoke. Although there were only a few doubts, it seemed to be insignificant to pick up any of them, and here The moment it rises, it turns into powder.

Yes, what do you want to ask? Ask him why he changed his mind. Have you forgotten Yu Wen's still vow? Ask him why he came to provoke himself since he had changed his mind? Ask him why he didn't tell himself earlier who she was when he had changed his mind?

... "I'm determined, but you have to wait for me..."

His warm words are still in his ears.

Wait... Is that what you are waiting for? Is your "determination" a betrayal?

This is how the ominous feeling has come. Will all the ominousness eventually turn into reality, and all the expectations will eventually turn into nothing?

Is the "must" you say an empty word? Is it just an empty word? What you promised... failed, and what you didn't guarantee... confirmed it with your actions. She... That Shi girl... The newlywed Yaner is looking forward to your return at home...

Unconsciously, he smiled. Unconsciously, tears slid to his cheeks.

Although there are tears, what you see in your eyes is particularly clear.

is still the green field platform, still the Qingxi Pavilion, but it is foggy and cold, and there is no longer the original summer. Although it was night, I could feel that the grass had withered and yellow, because their sound was so desolate and dry, and the crisp and hard leaves scratched their hearts, bringing blood marks.

The wind crossed the grass, bringing a sharp and desolate roar, and also brought a sentence... Why?


What 'why'? Don't you know all about it?"

The tone was cold and joking, as if the wind blowing across the top of the pavilion whistled.

Yes, she knows. In fact, she knows everything. So why do you have to ask? But women are so strange that the truth is in front of them, but they are waiting for others to tell them, otherwise they are like looking at stories that have nothing to do with them and refuse to believe it.