Rich flowers bloom

133 Lang's concubine

"Jiangzhu, it's a good day today. Your apprentice's horse is also very good. Do you want to have a race?"

Han Jiangzhu seemed to immediately forget his chagrin: "Okay, last time the two of us lost to you, it's unfair..."

"Then let's fight alone today..."

Gu Haoxuan said, and the horse was ready to go.

"Wait, it's still two-to-two today." Han Jiangzhu took a look at Cheng Xueyan and said with a smile, "I haven't been to Jinyu Tower for a few days, and I don't know what's wrong with Tris. Do you want to pick her up? Let's fight?"

Cheng Xueyan immediately looked at Gu Haoxuan, but saw that he was distracted by the long mountain and turned her head and smiled at this side: "Okay, you wait!"

After saying that, he galloped away.

Cheng Xueyan looked at Han Jiangzhu suspiciously and guessed what medicine was sold in his gourd.

Han Jiangzhu just smiled and helped her on the horse again: "Practice again before they come. We can't lose!"

Cheng Xueyan held the reins and suddenly felt a tingling pain in her palm. She hesitated for a moment and put on the gloves.

"Can Tracy ride a horse? I'm afraid of me..."

"Don't worry, no one can compare with you..." Han Jiangzhu's black eyes were bright.

Cheng Xueyan suddenly panicked, rode around and jogging, looking at the direction of Gu Haoxuan's disappearance from time to time.


... On the Dragon Boat Festival, on Xi Lake, the gongs and drums are loud, and hundreds of boats are ready to go.

Tris's red lips are like diamonds, and her charming phoenix eyes have not left the giant bird-like dragon boat for a moment. Although she is smiling, the veil in her hand is getting tighter and tighter...

The giant bird was framed by the silver shuttle and almost capped. Tris's sharp nails leaning against the pavilion pillar almost sank into the wood, and her eyes stared at the river for a moment...

The giant bird won, and Tris fanned the wind with a veil, but it was not enough. No matter whose wine cup it was, she grabbed it and drank it all.

Someone joked, "I don't know who it was just now. I'm about to tear down the pillar, but someone will come over in a moment. You can just dismantle it directly?"


It turns out that she...

"It's coming!"

Han Jiangzhu's voice suddenly came to my ear.

Conning and raising your eyes...

I don't know when a red cloud floated in the right direction. In front of the red cloud is a yellowcui silk. Her smile is as bright and charming as this autumn sun, and her laughter is as crisp as a yellow phrole, mixed with screams, but it is still charming and beautiful. Behind him was Gu Haoxuan, who tasted the moon-colored robe. He smiled warmly, held her hand holding the reins, and surrounded her with his arms. From time to time, he said something in her ear, and Tracy smiled more charmingly. The two are like a pair of tiger parrots perched on a branch, and they love each other very much.

My heart was somehow sore, as if something astringent climbed to my throat.

The horse suddenly shook, but Han Jiangzhu came around her, holding her hand and shaking the reins: "Drive!"

The dark horse ran over with the two of them.

Tris seemed to be surprised when she saw her. When she saw Han Jiangzhu behind her, she immediately smiled and then looked at her up and down.

Cheng Xueyan is dressed in a dark riding suit today, and the cherry red camellia embroidered on the cuffs of her neckline makes her white skin and her eyes are like stars.

Tris immediately pouted: "It turns out that you are all prepared. I alone... Mr. Han, please judge. When he arrived at the Golden Jade Tower, he was sleeping. Without saying a word, he picked him up, and then caught him and came here immediately..."

She shook Gu Haoxuan's arm and acted coquettishly, which made people's teeth sour.

"A few days ago, I had a game with Xue Yan and Haoxuan. He won both of us. Do you think it's fair? I specially invited you today. Let's have a new match!"

"Okay, okay," Tracy immediately clapped her hands, but flattened her mouth: "But what if I can't ride a horse?"

"Hehe, Xueyan is not very good at it. We are even on this point..."

Tris looked up and down at her again, fixed her eyes on her face, and smiled: "Then there is a great girl to give in!"

Cheng Xueyan also smiled back at her and clenched the reins unconsciously.

Draw boundaries and gallop.

The black and red two-cows are comparable to you chasing me.

Cheng Xueyan leaned slightly and felt that the vegetation passed by like lightning. If the horse's speed is to the extreme, you can't feel the violent bumps. Only the cool wind turns into a knife to make his face painful. The sound of horse scolding one after another in his ears has covered the wind and makes people dizzy, but even so, he does not forget to look at Triss.

Tris's temples were scattered, flying beside her face, and her wide sleeves danced in the wind. Many times, Cheng Xueyan was worried that if Ma Su was faster, she would be blown away.

But Tris didn't seem to be worried at all. Although her face was pale and there were tears on it, her red lips were tightly squeezed and she refused to scream, which was very surprising. She only learned from their appearance, leaned her predecessor slightly, and stared firmly at the front.

The horse began to turn.

Cheng Xueyan only felt that the scenery suddenly tilted, and she seemed to fall off her horse.

She couldn't help grabbing Han Jiangzhu's arm.

Han Jiangzhu's broad and strong chest pressed on her, and his arms surrounded her tighter, as if he had built a copper wall and iron wall for her. His light and low words came from his ear: "Don't be afraid, I am!"

The horse's hoofs were approaching, and Hongyun caught up with him.

She looked sideways and saw that Gu Haoxuan also protected Cui Si, and the yellow skirt floated on his body like butterfly wings. This scene was as beautiful as a painting.

Cheng Xueyan turned her face stiffly, bit her lips, and a fighting spirit in her heart - she must win this game!

The autumn wind is tight, the horses' hoofs are anxious, the leaves are flying, and the heart is messy.

Crossing the three bushes, Tris's scream came from her ear.

She bit her lips desperately and tasted a trace of sweetness.

It's only ten feet away from the old banyan tree at the foot of the mountain...

The sound of the horse was even louder, and the sound was deafening.

Ma Ruo came out of the water and ran straight to the target through the wind and waves.

The wind became stronger, her body seemed to be burning like being rubbed by the air, and her eyes became more and more blurred. She felt that everything suddenly twisted its shape and rushed to her with her teeth and claws.

A red jump jumped into her eyes. Before she could see it clearly, it was dark in front of her...


"Wake up, Xue Yan..."

In the confusion, it seemed that someone was calling her name and smelled a cool atmosphere.

Open your eyes slowly...

"You finally woke up!" Han Jiangzhu breathed a long sigh, and the stiff lines on his face softened.

"I am..."

"Ma is too fast to breathe..." Gu Haoxuan said lightly.

"Sorry, Xueyan, I don't know your body..."

"That's great. When will we compare again?"

Tris's cheers pierced her ears like thorns.

Looking around, she jumped and shouted around the horse, and her yellow dress flew up and down like a dancing butterfly.

"We...won?" She looked at Han Jiangzhu.

Han Jiangzhu held her hand and smiled relievedly: "As long as you are fine..."

"Oh, your hand..." Tris suddenly grabbed Gu Haoxuan's hand, looked at herself in a hurry, and immediately screamed: "It hurts..."

They couldn't help laughing.

"Why didn't you shout pain when you just said you wanted to compare again?" Gu Haoxuan pulled Zhongdan and wrapped her hands carefully.

Tris's eyes were full of autumn waves, and she glanced at him, and her cheeks red by the wind became more moist.

Love and concubine, chivalrous and tender.

Somehow, this scene was particularly awkward in Cheng Xueyan's eyes.

She forced herself to stand up, took off her gloves, and handed it to Tris: "This is for you..."

The two looked surprised together.

Gu Haoxuan's eyes quickly floated a dark color, which was so fast that it was difficult to find traces. When he looked at it again, he could only see his other hand carefully wrapped Tris.

"What is this?" Tracy's mummy took the glove in her hand and played with it for a while: "It seems to be on her hand..."

"Well, I won't be afraid to wear out my fingers, and it won't be cold..."

"Really?" Tris looked happy and looked at the gloves carefully: "I'll make a pair for you when I go back. What's your hands?"

She turned over Gu Haoxuan's hand with heartache...

In addition to the cocoons grinded by the reins, there are also... needle eyes... densely covered on the index and middle fingers...

Is it really a needle eye?

Before she could see it clearly, Gu Haoxuan quickly pulled back his hand and turned around and led the horse: "How can you ride a horse without hurting your hand? How can you shout like a woman?"

He turned over his horse and shook the reins: "It doesn't count just now, Jiang Zhu, how about I play a game with you?"

Han Jiangzhu was about to fight happily, but Cheng Xueyan grabbed him: "You go horseback and leave us here?"

Tris immediately echoed: "Yes, take us with you. Big girl, don't you dare?"

It's Cheng Xueyan's turn to fight angrily.

Han Jiangzhu hurriedly stopped: "Let's change the day. It's not interesting to ride every day. Haoxuan, you know so many interesting places, let's find a place to sit and have a good rest..."

Gu Haoxuan clenched the reins and looked at the distance, and suddenly raised his whip and pointed to the front: "Go to the cloud cliff!"

Wanyun Cliff?

The name

reminds people of many stories.

Han Jiangzhu smiled and said, "Okay, just go to the cloud cliff."

With that, he wanted to help Cheng Xueyan get on the horse.

"Wait." Tris came over curled over, threw her gloves into her arms, and the corners of her lips hooked slightly: "I don't want other people's charity!"


In the afternoon, the clouds and fog on the cliff stopped slightly, and the trees, flowers and plants showed their grace.

The four people picked up the stairs and talked all the way to enjoy the scenery, but they did not feel tired. Among them, Tris's voice was the most cheerful.

"Sung Gu, when will you fly that big kite again? I heard that the kite can fly like a bird. I really want to see it. When you take me, I also want to taste the feeling of flying..."

Cheng Xueyan heard Bitong talk about this story. At that time, Gu Haoxuan and Captain Gu were just two concepts for her. Now that she has seen these two people, the main party is still in front of her. She couldn't help imagining the hilarious scene at that time and couldn't help laughing.

Gu Haoxuan, who was walking in front of her, looked back at her, but was immediately held by Tris: "When? They really want to fly to the sky..."


PS: Update as usual in the evening, thank you for your support, O(∩_∩)O~