Rich flowers bloom

147 The Beauty of Adults

Ye Rong ignored her and ran straight to the courtyard.

Tris didn't stop her. She just stood firmly on the chair and picked up the rouge to describe herself.

Just in time, he also came... What a good thing today!

As soon as Tracy ran to the courtyard, she bumped into one person.

Looking up, it turned out to be Gu Haoxuan.

"Ye Rong, why are you in a hurry?"

Yesterday was the day when Cheng Xueyan came to Jinyulou. He came, but she didn't see anyone. Tris said that she couldn't come recently because Cheng's wedding, but he really wanted to see her. Although he knew that even if there was such an idea, it was disgraceful, he couldn't help it. So she repeated the old technique and gave Mother Ruan a thousand taels of silver tickets, asking her to keep silent and only quietly invite people to come.

In order to offset his inner guilt, he went to Han Jiangzhu. Unexpectedly, the guy went to the palace early in the morning, or because of the border city. I heard that he had a clue this time. So he could only come to the Golden Jade Tower with guilt but joy.

Although there is a curtain, when I hear her voice, it is so gentle and clear that I seem to see her touching smile, as if I can touch the moon-like soft face as soon as I reach out my hand...

"Blue and white clouds and sky, leisurely waterside willows, jade hands whip horses, willows on the moon..."

Alas, why do you sing a song? Before I can hear enough, people...

couldn't help thinking about it and went around the way she had to leave the Golden Jade Tower, but she hurried away. Just as he was about to catch up, he bumped into Ye Rong.

"Ye Rong, this is..."

Gu Haoxuan couldn't help sneezing.

Ye Rong's eyes turned and he was calculating: "Hasn't Mr. Gu ever smelled this kind of fragrance?"

Gu Haoxuan thought for a moment. Just as Cheng Xueyan hurriedly passed by, she sprinkled a fragrance all the way. That's exactly this.

Ye Rong knew that as long as it was stained a little, it was enough to hold the hearts of passers-by.

"Didn't Tris have used this for the third son?" She pretended to be shy.

Gu Haoxuan suddenly woke up and hurriedly stayed away from Ye Rong.

"Why should the third son be so worried? It will take half an hour to see the effect completely. By the way, I heard that the eldest girl went to Weiming Lake, and Mr. Han seems to have arrived..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Gu Haoxuan burst out.

She couldn't help bending down and laughing, but on second thought, the three princes were still very devoted to the eldest girl, but I don't know what they thought at the beginning, but if it was really satisfactory this time, I hope he could learn to cherish it. As for Tris... Didn't you say you want the "beauty of adults"?

A heat suddenly gushed out of his chest and spread to his whole body.

It's not good. The medicine has begun to attack, and it has to cool down.


Gu Haoxuan stopped a carriage and urged the driver to rush to the lake.

Sitting in the bumpy carriage, I felt that my chest was gradually stuffy and hot, and then my whole body became hot, and something rampaged in my body. This feeling... is very familiar...

A beautiful color suddenly flashed in front of him, and he hurriedly shook his head to shake it away.

He just smelled a little and his heart rippled, but when she walked over, the smell was simply strong and pungent.

Oh no!

If Jiangzhu really went to Weiming Lake... It's hard to say, he couldn't stand this kind of thing at that time... What's more, Jiangzhu's blood and spirit...

But Jiangzhu went to the palace, and the Weiming Lake was in the deep mountains, in case he met bad people...

I couldn't help but feel the fire from the bottom of my heart and hurried to the driver and said, "Hurry up!"


Weiming Lake is surrounded by mountains. Although it is not high, it is also strange and lush. In this way, Weiming Lake is like a baby lying in a cradle, quietly and peaceful.

Cheng Xueyan looked at the reflection in the blue water and sighed.

She didn't plan to come to this Ming Lake, but what's the point of going home now? There is chaos everywhere, and there is a lot of noise. They only care about their own joy, but they don't know the pain in other people's hearts.

And Fu Yuanshan, two people in the house have been implicated because of him. Now, due to Li Yan's departure, everyone remembers Qitong again and spits everywhere.

She was afraid that Qitong couldn't think about it, so she went to the kitchen to look at her. She is now responsible for picking vegetables under the placement of Mother Tang, and a pair of white and skillful hands with needles are now full of green mud. Seeing her, I was busy wiping her on the apron. I couldn't say a few words. I only heard Mummy Tang keep boasting about how she took care of Qitong. From time to time, she asked Qitong, "Isn't it?" Qitong nodded and lowered her eyebrows and said, "Yes, thanks to Mother Tang's care."

What else can she say? As long as she is alive, she is fine, but she is still alive.

So he hated the originator, but there was nothing he could do. Because of these two things, Fu Yuanshan's prestige fell to Chengfu. She can't help but doubt everyone's "three views", but when everyone is saying that a person is good but only you can't say it well, does this mean that you... are not normal?

So she can only avoid these complicated things from afar.

During this period, she has saved nearly 50,000 taels of silver. If it continues to develop at this speed, the house on Jixiang Street will be available next summer. At that time, she will no longer have to look at other people's faces. She no longer have to worry about what they don't have. Maybe she can bring Qitong...

Alas, my own affairs have not been settled yet. Why have you arranged others?

She shook her head and suddenly felt that her chest was stuffy. She took a few breaths, as if it had aroused the heat from the bottom of her heart, and then her cheeks were hot, as if there was a fire.

Is the weather so abnormal?

She took her sleeve and fanned the wind and looked up to look for the sun, but found that the sky was thick and cloudy at some point, pressing the top of the mountain, as if it was going to rain heavily. But why... Why did she feel that those dark clouds were so cute without panic? It seems that there are still colorful colors, and the shape is also constantly changing, as if the clouds of fairies are dancing.

She looked at it and smiled unconsciously. The depression in her heart had already dispersed, leaving only endless happiness. The body became lighter and lighter, as if it was going to float into the air, but the clothes were sultry and heavy, so it was better to throw them off quickly.

She shook her hand to pull the belt of Yunqing brocade clothes and pulled the jade dark pattern lining, hoping to take her heart out directly to blow the wind.

Her ears buzzed inexplicably, as if someone was singing, but she couldn't hear anything. It was just very pleasant to sing, which made her dizzy, as if she was about to fall asleep.

But a discordant voice came in, as if shouting desperately.

She frowned and looked over, as if there was a moon-colored person running straight over the mountain beam.

"Xue Yan...Xue Yan..."

Xue Yan? Are you calling me?

She stared at the man, but when she saw him jumping around like a flea, she got closer and closer.

Gu Haoxuan......

"Why are you here?"

For a moment, I couldn't remember his nuisance or embarrassment, and completely ignored why he called her "Xue Yan" so kindly. She only felt that he was very cute, especially his red face, as if it had been cooked, and she looked at him and smiled...

Da Damn it! If she continues to laugh at herself like this...

Gu Haoxuan pressed down the heat wave rolling in his body. His throat rolled, but he swallowed the smoke that rose to her throat and grabbed her wrist: "Go!"

This touch didn't matter. Her wrist was thin, soft and slippery. The heat wave in her body instantly turned into a fire dragon and hit the place where it shouldn't have been. He held the wrist and pulled her directly into his arms with a force.

She did not hide, but still smiled at him with a mellow and intoxicating smile. Her lips are red, like peach blossoms in spring, blooming little by little, fascinating...

The head is so low that it goes down to pick two delicate petals...

Her eyes suddenly touched her scattered skirt, and a snow-white and dazzling glowed in front of her eyes.

With a "bang" in his head, his thoughts were messy. When he easily collected his thoughts and quickly reviewed whether he had done something wrong, he saw his hand trembling and grasping her skirt.

The fire dragon in the body is about to come out.

He strongly ordered himself to tie the belt on the skirt, but it was loose and loose, and he couldn't tell whether she wanted to tie it or solve it. She kept bumping softly against his finger from time to time, and her heart trembled every time she hit it.

She seemed to smile at him unconsciously, kept shouting "hot" and shaking her soft little hand to interfere with his righteous act.

She may not know that every time she touches him, the dragon is excited. He is really worried that he can't control it for a moment and it will come out and burn both of them to ashes. And the voice... lingering, sweet... ecstasy... If she wants to make two more sounds, he will...

What's the sound?

He suddenly looked awe-in and followed the sound.

But a dark cloud suddenly moved from the mountain beam.

No, it's not like a dark cloud, but like...

At a close look, it turned out to be a swarm of bees!

Oh, it must be the strong fragrance of this winding path that attracts wild bees. What should I do?

People can't run away from bees. The only way now is to hide quickly, but where to hide?

In the eager look around, I suddenly saw the lake...


Pull up the people around you and run to the lake.

Cheng Xueyan was dragged so desperately and suddenly woke up, but when she saw someone pulling her to the lake, she immediately struggled: "What are you going to do?"

Gu Haoxuan also had no time to explain to her, but struggled to drag her to the lake: "Jump down!"

"Are you crazy?!" Cheng Xueyan's eyes widened: "I can't swim!"

Gu Haoxuan doesn't care whether she can swim or not. If she is stung by this group of wild bees, she will have to go to the dog under the bridge if she can't swim.

He pushed her desperately into the lake, but she struggled: "I can't swim. Are you going to kill me?"

During the struggle, the wild bee has pressed up. The head and foot are half the size of a little finger. It is thought that it is the royal bee that has been hidden in the deep mountains for many years recorded in the book. This bee is very poisonous. If the poison needle is not taken out within half an hour, it may be fatal, which is much more powerful than Mr. Ling's cactus thorns and caterpillar needles all over his body.


PS: The second update is about 17:30, and the red tickets and collections have increased a little. Thank you for your support. I'm a little excited...