Rich flowers bloom

157 why did you come

Cheng Xueyan hugged her arm desperately, threw it away, took a deep breath, and sneered, "It's true that you saved me. I am deeply grateful for this, but if my wife has to turn this gratitude into resentment, I will be happy to accompany you!"

Dai Qianping was used to be powerful, but she didn't want to encounter a counterattack, and the counterattack came from the former daughter-in-law who had been silent like a dough for three years. She choked for a moment, and only the pearls on the crown jingled.

Cheng Xueyan looked back at the angry eyes hidden behind the complicated complex without fear.

Captain Gu also seemed to be shocked and looked at her fixedly, but there seemed to be light in his eyes.

A moment of silence, suddenly...

"Who is peeping outside? Grab it in and fight!" Dai Qianping slapped the red sandalwood case and shouted harshly.

A figure flashed on the diamond lattice window of the big fan, followed by a burst of tiny footsteps and hurried away.


"It's not good..." Xiaoxi shot into the door like a firecracker: "Third grandma... No, the eldest girl and her wife are fighting!"

"Is there a fight?" Gu Haoxuan sat up from **, was stunned for a while, and suddenly patted his legs and laughed: "Okay, okay...oops..."

This beat shook the wound, which made his face suddenly change and his teeth clenched.


Xiaoxi hurried to find someone for help.

"No," he grabbed Xiaoxi and sweated coldly on his forehead: "Go to Jinhua Hall to check the movement. If... come back to me..."


"I'm fine..."


"Why don't you go quickly!"



At this time, Cheng Xueyan and Bitong have come to Xuanyizhai under the guidance of the little girl.

Go all the way, as if you can leave the annoying old lady Gu far away in Jinhua Hall.

"Let Duan'er take them to Xuanyizhai. Although they have lived there for a while, they are no longer from the Gu family..." Dai Qianping shook her sleeve as if she wanted to brush off a fly.

Cheng Xueyan is so angry that she doesn't know what to hit her now. She wants to leave, but the power of the Gu family should not be underestimated. It doesn't matter if she is alone, in case it affects Chengfu...

"Bitong, your master will serve the third son later, and you can't interfere. Our Xuaner's golden and jade body, how can we tolerate people to do it?

Bitong was also angry, and Nuonuo responded.

So both the master and servant left the Jinhua Hall angrily, and Mrs. Gu was still furious: "I really don't know what you think. You invited her back. Look at her... It's just a few days away, she has been so arrogant and has no respectable. I don't know what Du Mizhen is**. I think The Cheng family..." sneered: "What worries me most is that if anyone knows that you let her come to serve Xuaner, Xuaner's marriage will..."

"What do you know?" Lieutenant Gu muttered.

Because I went far away, I couldn't hear the noise, but I was angry.

Bitong looked at the end of the road ahead and whispered to Cheng Xueyan, "I think this is just for the girl."

Cheng Xueyan clenched her teeth and remained calm, but thought to herself, "Is it difficult for me? OK, let's see who is more unlucky!"


As soon as Xiaoxi rushed to the cloister to the Jinxiang Hall, she saw Duan'er leading Cheng Xueyan and Bitong coming, but when she saw that the master and servant looked grim and their faces were blue, she suddenly felt that something was not good and immediately returned and ran back.

But his rabbit-like running posture was immediately seen by Bitong, and he immediately reported to Cheng Xueyan.

Cheng Xueyan narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Slightly cold air poured into the chest, which was shocking.

She immediately adjusted the strategic mode of quick battle and planned to lengthen the front and focus on breakthroughs. At this moment, only calmness can be measured

Seeing that he walked into a bamboo forest, the bamboo was green, and the branches and leaves supported Su, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

At the end of the bamboo forest, there is an exquisite small courtyard surrounded by green bamboo, which is very elegant.

Somehow, I just wanted to see a few ink bamboos in his robe when I first saw them, and my heart suddenly trembled.

She suddenly had some doubts... She responded to Captain Gu's invitation, or the threat was more accurate, and put up with Mrs. Gu's anger. At present, she kept following Duaner and running to Xuanyzhai, as if it was just to... see him...

Thinking of this, I didn't feel sluggish under my feet.

But the man was already at the gate of the courtyard, and the dark door flashed, and a man came out of it.

Duan'er was about to salute, but she waved her hand gently, and then Shiran took two steps this way.

The crane top red carved silk gold and silver silk satin dress, the sky blue Baihui small group flower pleated skirt, its upper ring is covered with silk, and the purse is fragrant. The head is also very grand. The fallen horse bun is crossed by a gold-embedged treasure dark blessing hairpin, and the fringed golden hairpin is decorated with several pearls of peacock sapphire. On the ears are red treasure gold leaf earrings, and the neck is equipped with a gold-inlaid collar...

This luxurious dress is like a magnificent fake flower in the bamboo forest.

Cheng Xueyan only looked at the color and shine of the eyes one by one, and finally looked at the person's face...

The face is like a silver plate, and the cheeks are plump. The carefully drawn eyebrows are slender and oblique to the temples. The eyes are slightly thin and slightly swollen. The bridge of the nose is high and straight, and the rouge closes the lips very small. The chin is slightly round, and double jaws appear when looked up and down...

This typical upbringing face with all the blessings seems to have been seen there.

She was trying to think about it, but she saw this person covering her lips with a golden peony and laughing, "Sister-in-law... Oh, she is a big girl now. Why, how long has it been since I left that I didn't recognize it?

Bitong hurriedly bent her knees to salute: "My maidservant said good to grandma."

Grandma...Qin Manhe...

I don't know why, the first thing that jumped into my mind was on the mountain road back to Ganlu Temple, the big * grandmother and her heartfelt whispered in the night... Then there were the boys and girls tied in paper under Guanyin...

She involuntarily glanced at the big grandma's lower abdomen, but found a golden doll's pendant under the Yao red ribbon tied around her waist... She had also seen this on Tang Fanrou's body, so she thought that the big grandma was still looking for a son.

When Qin Manhe saw her eyes staring at the golden doll, she looked embarrassed. She uncomportedly put down her clothes and sleeves to cover the doll, but smiled and said, "Now the eldest girl doesn't have to wear this kind of thing, not like me..."

With a pretentious sigh, she put on the superior look of being the main room of the captain's eldest daughter-in-law's household servant. When she was about to say something, the close maid came in a hurry and said a few words in her ear. Her face suddenly showed panic, but she regained her arrogance to Cheng Xueyan: "The third brother was injured, and the whole house was shocked. At first, I only heard that the eldest daughter was coming to take care of the third brother, and I didn't dare to believe it. Because my wife told the third brother about a good marriage, the girl really needs to be talented and beautiful. At present, both families agree and are waiting to be hired. If the eldest girl knows about this, the big girl can still... Unexpectedly, the big girl really came. Alas, the big girl is really generous regardless of the past. In this case, the big girl is busy and I have something else to do here, so I won't accompany the big girl.

Then he shook his handkerchief and twisted it three times.

Cheng Xueyan frowned. I really don't understand why all the people in this lieutenant's mansion are weird. It's hard to imagine how the real Cheng Xueyan survived those three years, and now she is going to do bad things that Cheng Xueyan won't do in the name of Cheng Xueyan's body and name. She feels like she feels a little sorry for her.

Xiaoxi lay on the long window of Zhuqihua grid to watch the movement for the master, and his ears kept accepting that the master "have you come in?" Did you come in?" bombardment.

"Not yet, I don't know where the big * grandma got so many words. If you pester the big girl, you won't let her in..."

"What good can she say is nothing more than to make people feel uncomfortable."

Gu Haoxuan said that he was about to sit up. He couldn't watch Xue Yan being bullied. Qin Manhe had nothing to do. Earlier, he always squeezed Xueyan, and he couldn't see it this time...

"Come in, come in..." Xiaoxiao said with a trembling voice: "Lord, lie down!"

In a blink of an eye, Cheng Xueyan had entered the door.

Because it is surrounded by bamboo, the light of the hall is not good, but it looks quiet and elegant. The tables and chairs are all made of yellow pear wood, which is different from the grandness of the Jinxiang Hall, but it is unique ingenuity. For example, two bamboos will be slanted out of the corner of the yellow pear wood case, but it seems that the painter suddenly lost interest, resulting in only one leaf grows on a bamboo.

This is nothing. I remember Bitong once said that there were many strange things in Gu Haoxuan's room, but now the room is so normal that it can't be normal.

She was surprised when she heard a cry from inside.

Walking into the room, I saw a young man dressed as a thin and tall boy kneeling by the bed and crying into tears. He said, "Master, you can't just go like this. What about the rest of Xiaoxi?"

Why is this cry so tasteless when it is said by a man?

As soon as she took two steps, Xiaoxi suddenly saw her, and she shouted in surprise but sadly: "Grandma, third master...he...woo..."

Cheng Xueyan had never seen Xiaoxi, but now she saw such a handsome teenager with a sissy, and there was no maid in this room, so she couldn't help but suspect...

Xiaoxi continued to cry, but when she saw the Bitong behind Cheng Xueyan staring at herself, she quickly buried her head in the scarf and cried bitterly.

This scene made Cheng Xueyan a little confused. Previously, she only felt that it was normal for Gu Haoxuan to hurt his leg, but if it was in danger... Can Captain Gu be so calm? Can Mrs. Gu be so energetic? Can Qin Manhe have time to be weird? How can there be only a little joy here?

She stepped forward a few steps and stared at ** the man...