Rich flowers bloom

178 Hongyan Biography

Bitong is even more confused. Is the girl from your family or my home? How does this tone look like...

"D. Song, is my girl better?"

She especially emphasized the word "my home". Look at Song Guan's blushing. Isn't she also confused? You have to remind him.

Song Guan suddenly showed his eyes and turned into an affectionate style: "If the girl took the medicine that Song personally fried, she should recover immediately..."

Bitong was stunned and realized for a long time that her inadvertent words made Song Guan take it seriously, and she suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

" Dr. Song..."

Song Guan has floated near the gate of the courtyard. He smelled the call and turned around freely. He realized that this move was elegant and unbeatable.

Bitong tried her best to suppress her smile and said seriously, "I won't bother Dr. Song. The girl's illness is taken care of by Bitong. Dr. Song is easy to leave, and Bitong is not far away..."

With that, he bent his knees and turned upstairs.

Leaving Song Guan standing alone in the yard, he still maintained the posture of Yushu facing the wind, but his face was stunned... Is it an order to expel guests? But on what basis? Even if she is a first-class girl in the house, she can't control her master's heart.

So I just hesitated for a moment and still went there... to get the medicine.

Bitong quickly fried the medicine, served Cheng Xueyan to drink it, and helped her press the embroidered quilt and put down the gold account.

"Sister Bitong..."

Yueyue called outside again.

She frowned slightly and crept out.

Yueyue stood breathlessly in the courtyard. As soon as she saw her, she respectfully handed over a water-blue envelope and changed the usual carp pattern at the beginning and end, but changed it into ink bamboo and epile.

"The driver said that the big girl must dismantle it herself..."

"Hasn't he left yet?" Bitong looked at the back of the envelope.

"I'm gone... I'm back..." Yueyue looked at her face secretly.

Bitong received the letter and went upstairs. She wanted to hand it over to the girl, but she thought that the girl had just drunk the medicine and fell asleep, so she only put the letter on the mirror table.

Suddenly, I felt that there was nothing to do, so I took the crochet. In her spare time, the girl once taught her to weave a gauze net covering the outside of her skirt, which could be decorated with pearl crystals and silver bells. When it's done, you can take it to be angry, but I haven't seen her for many days.

Because of the beginner's study, the progress is slow, but because there is a goal, so it is very strong.

Just put on a small bell, and Yueyue cried outside again.

This time it was still a water-blue envelope decorated with ink bamboo, so she folded it on the mirror platform and continued to concentrate on the gauze net, but it was not at peace, because almost every half an hour, an envelope was added to the mirror platform. By noon, it was piled up into a hill, and when Bitong went to the kitchen to get lunch and came back, I have one more in my hand.

She threw the envelope on the mirror table angrily.

It must be Gu Sanxian's ghost. Who else can do such a strange thing besides him? Do you want to apologize to the girl or explain something? Humph, an apology is hypocrisy, and explanation is a cover-up!

I wish I could throw out all these eye-catching scourges and burn them!

Yes, burn it, so that the girl won't be upset when she sees it...


Just as she was about to put away the pile of envelopes, she heard the girl call her.

rushed to the bed, but saw that although the girl's forehead was covered with fine sweat, her face was much better and her lips returned to powder.

Song Guan is worthy of being a famous doctor, and he is more dedicated to girls...

"The girl slept soundly, and the maidservant just thought about whether to ask the girl to get up for dinner..."

As soon as I helped the girl sit up, I heard a burst of footsteps from the stairs.

Bitong couldn't help frowning. Can't wait to send the letter upstairs?

The soft curtain of coral sprinkled flowers flashed, and Song Guan appeared at the door.

When his eyes touched the dark warm bucket in his arms, Bitong's head roared... He really went to decoct the medicine...

Song Guan was a little excited.

He took a lot of time to fry the bowl of medicine in the warm bucket.

Why do you say it took so much? He went to more than a dozen medicine shops in Dijing and selected the best medicinal materials after several comparisons. I planned to send her to suffer on the spot immediately, but I was afraid of disturbing her... The patient needs to calm down. So Te fryed at home, adding water to the fire, and did not dare to leave for a moment. I took a double silver cup and wrapped it in a few layers. I was still worried. I took a large cup of celadon, closed the lid, wrapped it with a scarf, and then put it in a warm bucket and came in my arms.

It's a bad thing, Bitong thought. She just wanted to be angry with Gu Haoxuan. How could she be listened to by Song Guan, and...

Look at his face full of spring, although he was standing at the door, his eyes rolled straight to the bedside, and he was about to drown the girl...

The girl won't like him. If one end of his shaved head is too hot and he is fascinated, he will suffer. At that time, it will be investigated because of her Bitong's joke...

"Dr. Song, the girl has taken medicine..."

"Two pairs of this medicine a day, my medicine is at night, and I'll send it to you tomorrow morning..." Song Guan was not discouraged and answered fluently.

Isn't this obsession? Does he really think that he can capture the girl's heart with this little favor? I really don't know if it's pitiful or ridiculous now.

Song Guan took a few steps forward with a bucket of affectionate style, but his eyes were tripped by a pile of water blue on the mirror platform... It seemed to be a letter...

letter...what letter?

People who fall in love are always ** and suspicious.

He couldn't help moving to the mirror and picked up a letter...

"That's what Mr. Gu gave to our girl..." Bitong roared eagerly.

What's wrong with Song Guan? Open the letter privately without the permission of others, or our girl's letter...

Hearing "Gu Sanzi", Cheng Xueyan's slightly closed eyes and raised her eyes.

Song Guan's hand holding the letter shook violently, and the warm bucket in his arms slipped and almost fell to the ground.

Bitong said what she shouldn't have said in a hurry. It is reasonable that Gu Sanxian and the girl's affairs should be kept secret, but so... Maybe it's also a good thing to let Song Guan die, otherwise I don't know how much chaos there will be in the future.

Song Guan's unbelievably eyes moved to Bitong's face, and what he got was the other party's extremely firm nodding affirmation.

I was dizzy and couldn't help taking a step back. Fortunately, there was a mirror platform blocking it and I didn't fall down.

The bowl in the warm bucket hit the edge of the bucket because of this tilt, making a muffled sound, like a heartbreaking sound.

This kind of sadness can't even bear to look directly at Bitong. It happened that Cheng Xueyan struggled to get up, and she held the pile of letters to **......

Suddenly she remembered that a letter was stupidly stuck to Song Guan's hand, and she easily pulled it down.

Cheng Xueyan got the letter, but she was not in a hurry to open it. She only looked at the envelope, with a weak but delicate smile on the corners of her lips.

Two ink bamboo pens are quite beautiful, and a temporal flower is charming and arrogant. As soon as it is up, it looks up and down.

The chaos of the night of Qixi Festival floated in front of us again, and the smile became stronger.

The letter is not sealed.

Take out a piece of square paper and slowly unfold it...

Bitong and Song Guan both craned their necks to wait for the event, but they didn't see a word, only a tray with four dishes, a bowl of soup and a bowl of rice, and a pair of chopsticks and a silver spoon next to them.

What does this mean?

Bitong and Song Guan looked at each other and put their eyes back, intending to find something mysterious in it... Is it possible that they wrote important words in places that are difficult to find for fear of people to peeking?

Cheng Xueyan was stunned, thought for a moment, pulled out a letter from the bottom and unfolded...

The long window of Zhuqihua lattice... Although the window is closed, it still reveals the silky green of the green bamboo outside the hospital. The flower-like window grid and scattered bamboo leaves are faintly laid on the ground under the window...

seemed to be a little clear, and then changed the next letter.

It's still a long lattice window, still a little green...

"Girl, is there any difference between these two paintings?"

Bitong really doesn't understand why she wants to draw two windows.

Cheng Xueyan smiled and pointed to the shadow under the window...

Bitong looked at it for a long time and finally understood... The shadow of one painting is oblique and the other is straight... But what does this mean? Bored!

It's really boring. In the days without her, Gu Haoxuan only looked at the sun shadow outside the window in a daze...

The third door curtain is moved to make Cuizhi Jinxiu, and the bright colors are dim on the drawing paper, just like the mood of those who stare at the door curtain and look forward to the arrival of a beautiful woman but are finally rare.

The fourth one is the tea cup with seven treasures embedded in gold... Cheng Xueyan choked him half dead when she arrived at Xuanyizhai on the first day.

The fifth one is the water-patterned lotus mahogany bed... where she stayed yesterday.

The sixth picture was changed into a long lattice window, but the sun shadow was biased to the other side.

The seventh...

Cheng Xueyan smiled, picked up the drawing paper and handed it to Bitong.

Bitong blushed after only one glance.

Originally, it was painted with a golden mouth. Standing on the shelf, he tilted his head and looked this way with a sense of camera.

Even if Gu Haoxuan did not indicate that this one was given to Bitong, she knew it clearly...

The eighth one is Xiaoxi. Xiaoxi is probably not used to being a model for others. The handsome young man grinned awkwardly, and even his movements were a little twisted. Although one hand rested on his head, he nervously grabbed his hair, as if to lift himself off the ground.

The two masters and servants laughed while watching, but forgot that there was a Song Guan next to them.

Song Guan has already shifted his eyes to Cheng Xueyan's face.

She smiled beautifully, even if she was still sick, but the painting seemed to give her a ray of sunshine, making the slightly lonely cold plums welcome the snow and spit out the fragrance, but the sunshine is... Gu Haoxuan's...

The warm bucket in my arms is still warm, but it makes my heart colder and colder.

He quietly retreated to the door and left.

Cheng Xueyan saw the soft curtain of coral flowers and brocade suddenly moved. Looking back, she saw that Song Guan was missing. At that time, she found that she only cared about her own happiness, forgot to thank him, and hurriedly sent Bitong out to chase her out.

But Bitong came back soon and carried a warm bucket: "Dr. Song only said that if you let the girl drink this medicine, she will soon recover."

Cheng Xueyan knew Song Guan's heart. Although she didn't like it, she didn't want to hurt him, but it still made him retreat gloomy.

is also good. If you want to meet the source, you are doomed to not please everyone.


PS: It's the last day of 2010... I wish you all the best in the new year and happy every day! O(∩_∩)O~