Rich flowers bloom

193 wake up from a drunken dream

The sound of firecrackers changed from dense to sparse, and there was only a sky like red smoke. The joy of welcoming the new year crawled in along the window, stirring the aroma of lilies, mixed into a strange smell.

Cheng Xueyan slowly opened her eyes and looked around in disbelief.

The red candlelight shakes slightly, the light smoke of the copper crane incense burner, the cases, chair cabinets, vases and bonsai... Standing silently in the hazy candlelight with their long or short or high or low shadows. she still alive?!

blinked, sat up violently, and looked at this familiar thing again.

No, didn't the ghost say that she and the real Cheng Xueyan would "dispel" at the end of winter? But New Year's Eve has passed. It is now the first day of the first lunar month. It was called "New Year's Day" in ancient times. It is the first day of spring. How can she still be here? Does he mean next winter? Or is there something wrong with this? Or is it that the real Cheng Xueyan refuses to come back? Either he is happy, or Gu Haoren is really talking nonsense...

Anyway, I'm still alive and I'm still here...

Inexplicably, there was a trace of joy in my heart and jumped out of bed directly.

Bitong had already heard the movement of the bedroom and hurried in. Unexpectedly, she was shocked to see that the master was standing on the ground in a moon-white butterfly-patterned bedcloth. What's more terrible is later. The master actually said, "Didn't you say that you sent the New Year's Eve dinner here? Bring it in, I'm starving..."

Bitong was stunned for a long time. She didn't know how she ran to the food box in the hall to get. She kept thinking about it. Isn't the master returning to the light? If she is real... she is alone here, she will never be busy, but how can she find someone to come here? If you want her to stand alone with a hard body, won't you scare the living people to death?

Thinking about it, I almost smashed the tray on the ground.

She bravely entered the door and saw Cheng Xueyan sitting at the desk in high spirit, waiting to eat.

She kept silent but closely observed her master's every move and found that she had a good appetite. After a while, she had eliminated two bowls of fragrant rice, and eight dishes were almost empty. She was still talking about something. If she hadn't been hungry for a long time, she was afraid of eating too much and hurt her health at once. She would definitely have to eat another large bowl before she could stop.

After talking to himself, he raised his face and smiled mischievously at her...

How does this look like a person who has just recovered from a serious illness? It's not like the light back, but it's like, it's like...

Bitong was thinking about it when she had stood up and wandered around the room. She touched this, touched that, and nodded and muttered from time to time... It's so much like...

Oh, my God, the master won't lose his memory again, will he?


Cheng Xueyan was touching the bronze crane incense burner with a smile, but suddenly turned her head and looked this way, and her eyes forced her back a few steps like lightning. Then, the man moved quickly as if slipping on the ice, and his face almost pressed against her face. It looked ferocious to be so close.


For a while, all the horrors of all the ancient legends jumped into my heart and trampled together, almost bursting my heart.

"Why don't you hand over the things quickly?"

"What is it?"



Bitong hurriedly took out the three-layer paper wrapped in a veil from her skirt... She was afraid that something would happen when a girl really came to clean up.

Cheng Xueyan grabbed it, shook the package quickly, shook out the dark yellow paper inside, looked carefully, and kissed it fiercely on her lips. Fang hummed and flew into the room like a bird.

Bitong watched her disappear like a wooden chicken.

What's wrong with the girl?

In a short time, the girl jumped out of the inside again, more radiant, pushed open the sliding door of the isolation terrace and jumped out.

A cold wind suddenly poured in.

Bitong was stunned for a moment and shouted, "Girl..."

Pull the peacock-patterned feather satin cloak and rushed to the terrace to wrap the girl: "Be careful not to catch a cold again..."

"Bitong, look, it's snowing..."

Bitong looked up and saw huge snowflakes dancing between heaven and earth, fluttering and fluttering, confusing the far and near lanterns of neon, turning the pavilions into an ink painting across the veil.

"This is the first snow of the year. I want the plum blossoms in Xinyuan to bloom at this time..."

As soon as the words arrived, I saw the girl turn around and walk out.

"Where is the girl going?"


Bitong immediately repented of her mouth and hurried forward to stop her: "If you want to reward plums, you'd better wait for the morning. At this time, the road is dark and slippery. If you fall, it will not be worth the loss. Besides, the girl's disease has just recovered, so it's better not to see the wind for the time being. If you like to see plum blossoms, it's the same on the terrace. The girl forgot that there was a unique scenery of standing on the terrace to enjoy the plum blossoms. I still remember that the girl said that the plum blossoms were as beautiful as the clouds in the sky falling to Xinyuan. The girl also said that if you stared at it for a long time, you can still see the plum blossom fairy dancing..."

Cheng Xueyan stared at her suspiciously, but she nodded seriously and then helped the girl into the terrace.

The night is deep and snowy. How can you see Merlin? However, she doesn't want Bitong to be embarrassed. Since she can continue to stay in this time and space, she will always see the plum blossoms as bright as clouds. She remembers that Gufu also has a plum forest, which is also full of fragrance...

The eyelids trembled, as if I saw someone shaking on the mountain, but when I looked closely, it was just snowflakes fluttering.

Maybe the snowflakes disturbed the sight.

She looked at it again...


She noticed that Bitong, who was accompanying her, was only wearing a thin floral jacket, and hurriedly pulled her into the door and pulled the door.

"Look at me, I only care about my happiness, but it freezes you..."

"As long as the girl...sneezes!"

Bitong hurriedly boiled ginger soup while it was hot and wrapped in a sweat. She felt better, but she refused to sleep and insisted on keeping the New Year to the end.

It's not good for Cheng Xueyan to sleep alone.

The two sat around the table, played gobang for a while, chatted for a while, but in the end, they didn't know what they had said, fought with their eyelids, and finally couldn't help sleeping.

I don't know how long it took, there was a messy step on the stairs, but there was a sudden "bang", as if someone fell, but the rest of the footsteps still kept catching up.

The master and servant suddenly woke up and looked at the door together...


"Qi Tong, wait for me at the West Corner Gate, I'll take you away..."

"Big son..."

"There is no time to explain. The master has gone to the palace to ask the emperor to marry because I asked the emperor to guard the border city. If he doesn't leave..."


"Don't hesitate, believe me!"

Qi Tong bit her lips, looked at him with watery eyes, gently wiped away the blood hanging from the corners of his lips, and nodded solemnly.

He held her fiercely in his arms, but only for a while, he pushed her to the secluded path leading to the West Corner Gate and roared, "Go!"

Qi Tong looked back at him, picked up her skirt and ran away quickly.

He watched her disappear into the night and ran towards Huayutang.

He was leaving. Suddenly, he didn't have time to prepare, but he wanted to tell his sister to take good care of herself and his father...

The shocked appearance of his sister made him heartbroken, but he had to leave, otherwise...

Suddenly, the firelight soared into the sky, and a large group of people seemed to fall from the sky. One of them unfolded the golden and dazzling edict and said blankly, "Lieutenant Cheng Cangyi received the decree..."

He couldn't hear anything after that, but there was thunder in his ear. In the smoke of fire, she saw Qitong coming towards him, smiling, but with tears.

He called her name, but he was shocked to find that he could not make a sound and his body could not move. He could only watch her turn around with such a smile.

The chaotic firelight surrounded her and swallowed her like burning a piece of paper in an instant.

"Qi Tong--"


The thick eyebrows trembled** and opened their eyes in an eye.

This is...

Everything in front of him is the unretreated red, and the blue dark woven durian ribbon gauze tent is silent, as if it is strange and a little familiar.


A soft sound came from outside the account.

Wow up...

A pair of New Year's candles that burned only half a foot high burst out a candle flower.

The large paper window is transparent through a faint cyan, caged in the angular arrangement of the room, hazy, like a layer of cold, and a touch of gentleness.

It's almost dawn.

This is his room, not bad, but how can he be here?

He sat up, but there was a sharp pain in his forehead, jumping, as if a bug was drilling out desperately.

The pain gradually stopped, and Fang loosened his fingers touching his forehead, but found something in his palm.

Gently spread out... A delicate and small dragonfly lies quietly in the palm of his hand, shining with a slight light.

He remembered that he was drunk last night and was helped back to Moyiju, and then fell asleep, but he seemed to dream of Qitong, dreaming that she gave this dragonfly to himself, and dreamed that she was swallowed up by the fire.

Qi Tong......

A bad feeling surged from the bottom of my heart. I lifted the quilt and wanted to jump out of bed, but...

Clothes... Where are his clothes?

He was stunned by **'s chest for a moment, and his heart sank.

jumped out of bed quickly, and the cherry red golden mandarin duck was half hanging by the bed with his movements. He picked it up and was ready to throw it to **, but his eyes suddenly stopped at an inadvertent glance.

A touch of red, a faint red that had penetrated into the big red mattress and pierced his eyes like a needle.

He stared at it unbelievably for a long time, and the mandarin duck in his hand was weakly slipped to the ground...

A big step out of the door, facing Qingxue with copper washing. Seeing him, she immediately showed a naughty and clear smile on her face and said crisply, "Grandma is in the yard..."

His ears were hot, and his heart was as anxious as fire. He stepped over her and ran to the courtyard...