Rich flowers bloom

206 class back to the morning

Is this idiot scared? Cheng Xueyan is angry. With the little physique you don't like, my brother blew a breath and you dispersed. What else can you do?

"Xueyan, don't stop me, let Brother Cangyi come here..."

You unself-sufficient guy, I can't free my hand, otherwise I won't have to do it, I'll smash you first!

"Xueyan, get out of the way! This guy used to humiliate you, but now he still has a bad reputation. It's better to kill him..."

"I know I'm sorry for Xueyan, but this time I sincerely asked Cheng Shangshu to marry Xueyan to me. I promise to treat her well and won't let her suffer a little grievance. I know that Brother Cangyi refuses to believe me because of the past. I think you are not the only one who doesn't believe me, and I have nothing to say..."

Gu Haoxuan moved and knelt down.

In an moment, the room calmed down, and Cheng Cangyi held up his little hands and stopped in mid-air.

He looked calm: "No matter how well you say, what's the use if you can't do it? In the past 18 years, Brother Cangyi has been the best person for Xueyan in Chengfu. I originally wanted to go to Moyizhai to plead after marrying Cheng Shangshu, but I didn't expect to meet her here. I just hope that Brother Cangyi can ignore the past and let me take care of Xueyan for you. If I really a little wronged Xueyan in the future, even if you beat me to death, I will have no regrets! It's just that I don't know what to do now to make you believe me. If it's really possible, even if it's a sea of knives and fire..."

His eyes are clear...

His eyes are like torch...

Move her eyes... There were tears in her sister's eyes, full of pleading.

Clenging a few hands cackle...

For a long time, Cheng Xueyan felt that her brother's tight arm gradually loosened, and her heartbeat stabilized.

I was about to say something, but I saw a sudden round of the arm...

The two masters and servants screamed in surprise.


The small number is broken into pieces on the ground.

Cheng Cangyi stared at the fragment for a long time and moved his lips: "The battle in the border city is calm, and General Weiyuan's squad returned to the court... Today..."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Bitong was busy cleaning up the fragments and her face turned pale... That letter, the letter she wrote to Han Jiangzhu privately...

Who knew it would be today's situation? She is so busy, will she... In case the two fight for the girl, Gu Sanxian will definitely not be able to beat General Han. Once there is a death or injury...

No one paid attention to her distraction, and Cheng Xueyan quickly pulled Gu Haoxuan up. However, he frowned and remained motionless for a long time. His face suddenly turned white and scary, and a cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

"Your leg..." She panicked.

He reluctantly smiled at her and tried to stand up with his hand on the embroidery pier, but his body swayed.

She quickly helped him sit down. She was about to call Bitong to find a doctor, but he dragged him: "My leg... If I'm lame, will you still..."


She hurriedly covered his lips, but suddenly found that the move was too intimate. When she pulled back her hand in a panic, she was caught by him and put her hand on her lips and kissed her.

A warmth rushed along the fingertips into the chest and exploded a brilliant fireworks, and the eyes were full of bright smoke. In a trance, I heard him say, "It's time to see Jiang Zhu..."


February 2, the dragon raised its head; the large warehouse is full, and the small warehouse flows.

This day is the day to sacrifice the god of the land. The minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies will lead the ministers to hold a national sacrificial ceremony in the social altar to pray for a good harvest.

On this day, you need to "shave the dragon's head", especially men, which will make people have good luck and shine with blessings. Women can't do needlework, because Canglong has to look up and see the world on this day, and using needles will stab the dragon's eye.

On this day, every family will eat fried oil cakes (gentian), dumplings (dragon ears), spring cakes (dragon scales), steamed buns (dragon eggs), and pop corn flowers... "Golden beans bloom, dragon king ascends to the sky, clouds and rain, and grains are abundant" to celebrate.

This is a lively day, but no matter how lively it is, it can't beat the three armies outside the city wall to return to the court.

When Cheng Xueyan and Gu Haoxuan arrived, there was already a sea of people, and there was no good luck to climb the wall to watch. They only heard the joy of the crowd and tsunami.

At this moment, whoever cares whether you are the son of the lieutenant or the daughter of Shang Shu rushes forward regardless of their lives, and the guards work hard to maintain order with guns and knives.

Gu Haoxuan tried his best to protect her: "Let's go and wait first. Jiang Zhu will have to go to the court to receive the award later. He won't be free until the afternoon. He doesn't have to go to find him then. He has to come and see us first..."

Cheng Xueyan is particularly entangled at this moment. She really wants to see this triumphant general. He is like her most loyal friend and beloved brother. Whenever and wherever she sees him, she feels at ease. But she was afraid to see him. Although she didn't promise him anything, he also gave her infinite freedom, why did she feel so guilty?

She glanced at Gu Haoxuan, but saw that he was looking at her, as if to appease her uneasiness. He gently took her hand and held it tightly in the palm of his hand.

The ground suddenly trembled, like spring thunder, accompanied by the shouts of the majestic mountains and rivers. She seemed to see the ink handsome flag embroidered with the word scarlet "Han" full of vicissitudes and fierceness in the smoke and dust for a while, it was clear and blurred but closer and closer to bumps...

On the second day of the second month of the fourth year of Kangjing, General Weiyuan returned to the court!


Really, in the afternoon of that day, Han Jiangzhu appeared in the Golden Jade Tower with Gu Haoxuan.

Looking through the curtain, he saw that the person who had returned far away was thin, but still heroic. The skin seems to be darker, but it is more strong. The most distinctive feature is the beard on the face, which adds countless domineering.

He still wore a black robe and exchanged cups with Gu Haoxuan in Yunbai's robe, and Cui Si accompanied him as usual.

In a trance, it seemed that nothing had happened. In a trance, it seemed that she had returned to the night of Qixi. She sat in the snow curtain for the first time and watched them happily.

It's happy... Will it change because of her?

At this time, the two of them looked at each other at the same time.

A affectionate style, a sentimental one, made her upset and confused.

Jinyulou is particularly lively today, not only because of the "dragon's head", but also for He Tianhao to win the battle. Mami Ruan actually exerted a high degree of patriotism and announced that if a triumphant sergeant came to Jinyu Tower as a guest, all drinks would be free.

Naturally, Quer should also be happy.

Cheng Xueyan chose the song "Satisfied Smile", and everyone present shook their heads with great interest.

is followed by Drunkenness. When they first sang, there was a different cave on the cloud cliff. That day, the four of them sat around the drunken stone and drank and laughed. Against this cheerful song, it seems that it has returned to that day, and even Tris's unnatural smile has softened.

Han Jiangzhu looked this way with a smile, turned around and whispered in Gu Haoxuan's ear. Gu Haoxuan took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to him. He pulled out a squarely folded dark yellow paper inside and looked at it, nodded, put it away again, picked up the transparent glazed cup and saluted it, and the two of them drank it together.

What is that? Cheng Xueyan couldn't help but be a little curious.

Because of Cheng Xueyan, we can't get together in an ordinary place, so we went to "a teahouse".

Although the name is ordinary, the layout is extremely elegant, and there are not many guests, but they are willing to spend a lot of money, just like Gu Haoxuan. As soon as he entered the door, he threw away a hundred taels of silver wrapped in a teahouse.

seems to have formed a habit. Tris is still following as before, still virtuous and virtuous. She will still leak amorous feelings from the corners of her eyes, and will still care for Gu Haoxuan, but it seems to be less natural.

The four people sat around the table. Although Cheng Xueyan smiled, her eyes couldn't help scanning the only finger-wide gap between Gu Haoxuan and Tris. As long as Tris's charming eyes flew or called "Gu Gong Zi", her smile was stiff. If Gu Haoxuan smiled at Tris again, even if she smiled politely and perfunctorily, she couldn't wait. Jump up and hit him on the head.

After that, Gu Haoxuan once laughed and said that if she had a mirror at that time, she would have seen how ugly her face was, "Where is this tea tasting? It's simply to eat people, "If you are jealous like this, you are not afraid of people's jokes"...

At that time, he didn't realize it at all and thought that his performance was quite natural, but in order not to make people suspicious, he tried not to face the two people, but the corner of his eyes refused to relax.

Han Jiangzhu seemed to have no feeling at all and kept talking about the battle.

"...First, they couldn't hold on to each other, surrounded by Heqi, Tianhao defended, and waited for the opportunity to break through the siege and counterattack. There have also been several battles, regardless of victory or defeat. In fact, it was not difficult to win with He Qi's strength at that time, but I don't know why..." He turned to Qing Yuzhan in his hand: "What's more strange is that in the last battle, the two sides have already prepared. He Qi led the second prince of Hu and Shanyu. He is said to be tall and strong. He is said to be brave and good at fighting, and is familiar with the customs of the Central Plains, and is deeply valued by Huhe Shanyu. Nowadays, many suggestions in He Qi's dynasty have been put forward and adopted and implemented, so the soldiers are extra careful. After three rounds, I led the sergeant to charge forward. However, the second prince who led the army took two steps alone. I'm also surprised that I don't know what the other party is going to do, so I stop the soldiers from moving forward. The second prince rode left and right twice, looked this way, then turned the horse's head and held a long gun high... Unexpectedly, he was about to stop the army. Heqi's soldiers seemed to be puzzled, but they had no objection and retreated with him. Before leaving, he looked back again... I felt as if he knew me. It's just that he wears a helmet and wears an iliping mask on his face, revealing only a pair of eyes. Those eyes do look familiar, but I really can't remember where I've seen them..."

Han Jiangzhu frowned and thought about Yuzhan during the day, and finally shook his head: "The next day, he proposed peace, which was very strange. It's really depressing to think about this victory now.

"Anyway, the war has calmed down, and there is no labor and money, which is good for both countries." Cheng Xueyan comforted him.

Han Jiangzhu smiled and said, "This is very true, or Xueyan's insightfully wakes up the dreamer!"

With that, he patted her wrist.

It's Gu Haoxuan's turn to look ugly.

Tris was basked aside for a long time and couldn't help sneering.