Rich flowers bloom

264 blessings and misfortune

Her voice is still soft and light, but it is so light that it makes people feel superfluous.

He smiled dryly, answered and left.

Bitong looked at the girl's face and was still calm as before. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief... The girl finally put down the nerd.

Have you really put it down?

Cheng Xueyan knew very well, otherwise she would not have suddenly lost her mind at the moment she saw him, and the thousands of pains and heartbreak she had experienced only delayed her heart for a moment... But it was only this moment that the next calm surprised her. Of course, she did not deny that she could not be shocked by his sudden appearance because of her involvement in family affairs.

Modern people often say that love is not in friendship. It's just that she will never be a generous person and can't greet each other with a hypocritical smile. If it is resentment... there is still a little, nothing else, just treachery for him. Although she can understand his difficulties, she must admit that she is just a mortal.

"Girl, if you don't go back, it will be dark."

Indeed, it's time to go back. You have to face it, whether you like it or not.


The matter of Gu Shuihui... It seems that no one mentioned it again, and no one blamed her for causing the disaster. If it weren't for the sluggishness of the parties, why hasn't it happened?

She cultivated peony flowers as planned.

Because it has been planned since spring, this time it is only to move the flower seedlings to the greenhouse and stimulate the flowers according to the meager memory.

Peony generally opens in late spring and early summer, and if it is cultivated properly, it is not impossible to bloom during the Spring Festival. It's just that it's a little late now. It only takes more than a month to move the selected varieties into the greenhouse and water them three times a day to keep the soil moist. After the scale buds are swollen, gradually warm up, and special attention should be paid to keeping warm at night.

Because of the delay, she needed to be more careful, so as long as she came back from the shop, she plunged into the greenhouse, and even the meal was sent in by Bitong. It was late at night when I came out, and then went back to the house silently.

Gu Haoxuan always lay down early, but whenever she got into the quilt, she was still warm.

The two of them have nothing to say. To be precise, it seems that almost everyone has become mute since the accident. When she had insomnia, she looked at his side face sleeping in the night light and didn't know what she was thinking.

Sometimes she really suspects that God favors her, not to mention that the business in the shop is getting better day by day, even this peony... Although it was a long time late to enter the shed, it gave her a great surprise before childhood. Zhao Fan, Luoyanghong, Shengdan Furnace, Ge Jinzi, Zhusha Lei, Dazi Hu Hong, Mokui, Oolong Shengsheng... or budding or spitting or in full bloom, make the small flower room into a bright cloud haze, the clouds steaming in the sea, fragrant as the tide.

Because peonies bloom in winter are rare, and the people of the imperial capital are shocked. In order to see its demeanor and for the sake of wealth and auspiciousness, I did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy it.

The price rose continuously, from the original ten taels of silver and a pot of thirty taels in just one day. That's all, because the flower room is small and just a trial planting, only 15 pots, a total of 300 taels of silver.

Regardless of how Qin Manhe's eyes were red, how she knocked around, and how angry she was, Cheng Xueyan didn't give her a penny, and she didn't leave a penny, but gave it all to Gu Shuihui... as a dowry.

After the incident, Gu Qianping left Liu Yun alone and asked him if he would like to marry Shuihui.

Liu Yun was originally interested in Gu Shuihui, but he usually saw that this family was not like ordinary people, and he did not dare to climb high. Today, he can't help but seek great luck. Dai Qianping believes that even if the water flower is not perfect, it is also a flower inserted on cow dung. Moreover, if it is urgent, it will be chaotic and needs to be discussed in the long run. Gu Qian's abnormal insistence finally settled on this marriage and asked Liu Yun to promise that he would treat his daughter wholeheartedly at any time and not despise her because of the past.

Although Liu Yun had no ink on his chest and clumsy tongue, he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times. His forehead was bleeding, and the marriage was settled.

There is only one mother in the Liu Yun family, and the Gu family has been depressed, so there is no big deal. They only follow the example of taking the lottery, asking for names, Naji, accepting expeditions, inviting dates, and welcoming relatives. However, in a form, the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is the wedding period.

After a busy day, he completely calmed down in the evening.

The two lay on **, dazed at the roof of the black hole.

"Is Shuihui... happy?"

Naturally, Gu Haoxuan sent the sedan chair this time, and he hasn't said a word since he came back. No wonder he loved this sister the most in the past, just like Cheng Cangyi loved her so much, and it was because of her that Shuihui married so hurriedly and unsatisfactoryly. He... must have blamed her.

He didn't say anything, but just clenched her hand in the palm of his hand... Since Shuihui's accident, he has been so affectionate to her for the first time.

I don't know what it feels like in my heart, as if something is gradually blurring and fading away.

"Sleep." With just one sentence, he closed his eyes first.

She looked at his long eyelashes still in the night light, as if she had really fallen asleep. In a blink of an eye, I continued to look at the black roof, and my heart was heavy and empty.

In the middle of the night, he seemed to wake up unexpectedly, but the people around him disappeared. Before she could look for him, he entered the door and seemed to be shocked to see her sitting **.

"Have you had a nightmare?" His voice was extremely hoarse.

She looked at him for a moment.

He naturally lay back to **. Seeing that she was still stunned, he sighed and held her in his arms: "Go to sleep."

His body is cold and trembling. So close, she suddenly found that he had lost a lot of weight. Was it because of Shuihui? Do you want to blame her but don't know how to speak?

"It's very cold. It looks like it's going to snow." He said.


It turns out that Gu Qian is indeed far-sighted.

Gu Shuihui was diagnosed pregnant just half a month after she got married. Everyone knew what was going on, but Liu Yun didn't say anything, but took more considerate care of her, so he only saw Shuihui's face repeatedly visiting her face becoming more and more rosy.

Everything seems to have returned to normal, including Cheng Xueyan and Gu Haoxuan, but she always feels that something is wrong and can't tell what's wrong. However, no matter how awkward it is, if it is experienced for a long time, it will become normal, which will make people get used to it and then ignore it.

Time unconsciously slipped into the seventh day of the sixth year of Kangjing.

Today is Qixi Festival. Cheng Xueyan is busy in the shop while planning how to celebrate this Valentine's Day.

She and Gu Haoxuan have been married for two years, from the original glue-like paint to the current plain water, because each other's busyness lacks too much warmth. In fact, since the incident of Shuihui, I don't know whether the two really have estrangement or her multi-mindedness. He doesn't seem to love himself as much as before. Once, he even said jokingly, "You don't seem to be more and more like a woman."

Although it was a joke, she was shocked. In her previous life, didn't she and Ling Su gradually fade away?

No, she can't let history repeat itself! So he racked his brains to make some moods, such as having a candlelight dinner in the "unusive hole". By the way, Chongyang might as well take a day off this year and let him take him to the cloud cliff to see the real "unclear sky" and recreate the past. Well, that's it!

Qin Manhe went back early, so she asked Bitong to close the store and looked around again.

She has got the land lease of this store and paid off the remaining interest of the house on Jiqing Street. At present, she still has less than 400 taels of silver in her hand. A shop across the street is planning to sell recently. She is thinking about whether to rent it to open a branch, or let Bitong open a small restaurant... Her craftsmanship is very good now. ne.

I bought some household items all the way, and when I got to the street, I was suddenly hit.

"Oh, this girl, you are black, and there are dark clouds above your head. I'm afraid there will be a disaster..."

"Bah, ah!" Bitong immediately took a few sips: "I said, you old man, the blue sky and day actually cursed others. What's the matter if you want to rob money?"

"The little old man is known as the 'divine operator'. Every day, he doesn't say that he doesn't care about food and clothing, and he has to coerce you with two small money? I'm kind to remind this girl of the disaster..."

"You have disaster, you have disaster..." Bitong stamped her feet angrily.

"Okay, I have nothing to say if you don't believe it. Finally, I only advise the girl to avoid the West within three days, or avoid this disaster."

With that, he went away with the banner of "God's operator".

Bitong stared at the back with her tongue for a long time, and Fang said, "Avoid the West and avoid the West, and you can't go home?"

Cheng Xueyan doesn't believe this, but what she said just now also sounds really annoying.

"Why don't we take the bus back, otherwise wouldn't it be true that the person who sprained his foot or hit the tree?"

Of course, Bitong had no objection, so the two looked for a light carriage.

When the two families fell and sat in the carriage for the first time, Bitong sighed a little, but the more she talked, the more she became, the less energetic she became.

Cheng Xueyan also felt more and more sleepy. She thought it was caused by a tired day and the road was bumpy, but this kind of sleepiness was too fierce. As soon as she realized that it was not good, she fainted.


Gu Haoxuan stood outside the firewood door full of roses and looked into the distance.

Xue Yan should have come back at this time...

"Is the third brother waiting for his sister-in-law? My sister-in-law is really ignorant. Even if there is so much excitement in the street, I can't forget that today is the Chinese Valentine's Day!" Qin Manhe lost a sentence behind him.


There was a smile on the corners of his lips.

Three years ago, on the night of Qixi, he met her in the Golden Jade Tower. In the chaos, a light ink flower bloomed beautifully...

Suddenly covered his chest.

A stream of hotness seems to crack from the lungs, and there is a fishy sweetness overflowing without coughing.