Rich flowers bloom

279 Meilin Jinxiu

The two of them walked slowly all the way. He was in front and she was behind.

The snow was very thick and it was difficult to walk. He stepped on one footprint after another in front of him, and she carefully put her feet into those footprints.

I suddenly found that it was very similar to the scene in a TV series, but the final ending of the two...

However, there are still differences. He is slender and his footsteps should be very big, but she is just right for her...

He secretly looked up at the man in front of him. He was only three steps away from him. The wind blew the snow-white feathers on his crane, as if he had covered his elegant and extraordinary figure with a layer of fog, looking close and far away. For a moment, she seemed to pick up a dream that had been forgotten for a long time. In the dream, she walked in a vast expanse and could not tell the direction, but I don't know when a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, hazy, as if it was near or far away. She followed the figure, happy but trembling...

A star of snow floated in front of her, and the dream suddenly dissipated, and she suddenly doubted whether she had such a dream and doubted her own feelings. Why did she follow him here for a piece of Merlin or for...


She was distracted. Unexpectedly, she tripped over the snowdrift with the footprints he stepped on, and suddenly rushed forward...

He caught her easily. She whispered "thank you" and wanted to get out. Unexpectedly, although he seemed to be empty, she could not get out of his control, and she was held in his arms before she could react. The flying feathers in front of him crossed, and the man firmly pressed against his chest.

The space covered by the crane is hazy and dim, and the nose is haunted by a faint sweet fragrance.

There was a faint wind passing by, with the whistling ending, but she could not be invaded because of this layer of protection. For a moment, she actually had a sense of isolation from the world. For a moment, she wanted to stay together with this man like this and didn't think about the worldly thoughts that bothered him. For a moment, she began to be greedy for this cold embrace. For a moment, she actually hoped that he would quickly say something to express her feelings so that she would no longer hesitate and help her make a decision, otherwise she might regret at the next moment...

I unconsciously leaned closer to him, as if I was afraid that the arrival of the next moment would make me wake up. Sometimes people need to sink, just do it. I hope you...

Sumbling to think of that sad autumn night, she came back from Qingxi Pavilion and inexplicably ran to Zixiangju. He was there, as if he had been waiting for her for a long time. Let her cry and let her beat and scold, as if it was him who broke his promise. He never said anything to her, but he always guarded her and let her ask for it. Unfortunately, she didn't understand at that time. She only vented her anger and grievances, and was eager to estimate her value and status in the hearts of others. He accommodated her and indulged her. He... kissed her, just like the snowy night in the listening building.

She is not moved. He is the first man she fell in love with when she comes to this space, not only because of his super vulgarity, but also... Since the first meeting, she has an inexplicable dependence on him; he is not unmoved, otherwise the cold embrace will not suddenly become hot, as if the sea of fire will burn the two. The flames in his eyes were full of her shadow... It was that she understood too late, and when she was half understanding, her heart was tied to another person. After a long time, or at every leisure moment, she inevitably recalls that day, if it is true...

His arms tightened little by little, as if with anger and strong emotions that had been suppressed for too long, which made her breathless.

A sense of grievance surged in her heart. If so, why didn't you tell me earlier? Over the years, too many things have happened and changed too much. As Li Yan said, you only waited in place, but I went further and further. You have had so many opportunities to keep me, why let go again and again? Will you still let go this time?

Thinking about it, I couldn't help choking.

The imprisoned embrace shook and gradually loosened.

He really... let go...

It's so easy to gather the warmth to dissipate.

There is wind blowing, snow blowing, and coldness invades the heart.

A long finger gently wiped away the tears from her cheeks, sighed, and untied the crane on her body.

She shook her hand and left, but the snow was so thick that she fell down again.

He laughed softly and helped her up.

She was extremely embarrassed and turned back. He didn't return his head, but he accurately grabbed her wrist.

Struggle... Ineffective, still seemingly soft, but actually strong.

The palm slid down and took her little hand, but gently clenched it firmly in the palm.

She was still angry, but she had to follow him step by step. After a while, thinking about it, I actually wanted to laugh. I just lowered my head and gritted my teeth to endure it, and burst into tears.

The people around her suddenly stopped, and she couldn't help but stop and look at it...

Is it that the sunset glow ignites the white snow and the sea of fire or the fairy's silk accidentally spread out the world?

I saw a bright red plum blossom blooming in full bloom, and the vitality flowed from the branches, turning into warm streams to them. It was refreshing and fragrant, with a strong and elegant, wrapped in mellow, so floating around on the crimson fog, which made people fascinated and dazzling.

"How did you find such a good place?" She said in surprise.

He smiled and said nothing.

How did he find this place?

He doesn't want to tell her that he has planted this Merlin ten miles away from her residence since she left the royal palace three years ago. Because she likes flowers, he thought she would be happy enough to see a dazzling plum blossom on a snowy day. More importantly, the plum blossom bones are strange, and the proud snow is facing the wind. Just like her, the colder the more gorgeous it is, the colder the more delicate it is.

He can clear the grievances of the Gu Cheng family and help the emperor calm down the government and the opposition. Many times, he can control the situation through the flash of mind in everyone's eyes, and there is no harm, but she is greatly beyond his expectation. The beauty at first sight made him suddenly have a heart to protect the flowers, but she was not as weak as she looked. He looked at her acceptance layer by layer and watched her bloom little by little. Now she is blooming, proud, and more eye-catching... So, who surprised whom?

He didn't want to tell her that he had made a wish when he planted this Meilin. Once the plum blossoms bloomed, he would show his heart to her. He doesn't know which winter the plum blossoms will bloom, but he can wait for her wound to heal and wait for the shadow of the person in her heart to fade...

Li Yan is right. He has been waiting for her to get rid of Wushan, waiting for her to pass by thousands of sails, waiting for her to leave him alone in her heart, waiting for him to become her unique, and she has always been his unparalleled world.

He waited. Since she was 12 years old, he watched her grow up, look at her startling smile, and look at her infatuated pain. She occasionally looked back at him, but finally went further and further away. Holding her in his arms today, he suddenly found that he had countless opportunities to hold her like this and prevent her from leaving.

Once he was about to blurt out, he could stop this waiting... On that almost crazy night, but... he couldn't, because he was worried that she was mentally confused because of the blow, that she would repent after she woke up, would hate him and hate himself, and if he took advantage of the danger of others, he would also despise her, right This trust is tainted. So, he let go. Every time, he was afraid that she would struggle, afraid that she would resist, that she would succumb to him against her will, and that his wishful thinking would make her go further away, just like just now, she cried...

If you let go, you will miss it. He doesn't want to lose it again... but he doesn't want her to be sad. He is willing to give her everything he can give and protect her from the wind. No one wants to hurt her at all. The last thing he wants is the person who hurt her... is himself.

Recently, he always misses that dark cave. At that time, he really hoped to accompany her like this... No, it was she who accompanied him. He is willing to protect her all his life, even if the road ahead is forever dark.

Every time Xinyue sees him, she frowns and asks, "Brother, when will you wait?"

When the flowers bloom, it should be okay, right?

Every winter, he will walk in the forest, intentionally or unintentionally look at the bare branches, and occasionally be fascinated by a green branch.

This morning, he came to Merlin as usual and suddenly found a small plum blossom blooming on the bent branches. Although there is only one, it is so beautiful and amazing. Although there is only one, it is enough... But I don't expect that when he brought her here, it turned out to be thousands of trees... And thousands of trees can't beat her smile like flowers...

"What kind of plum blossom is this? Why have I never seen it?"

She carefully climbed down a branch and smelled the fragrance of flowers.

"Falling in love at first sight..."

The hand trembled, and the fragrant branches suddenly bounced up, and a few stars of snow slipped down and floated into his eyes.

She stared at him walking towards her. For a moment, it seemed that the universe was suddenly lost, and only her heart was fluttering, which made her feet weak and dizzy.

Since his appearance this morning, she has felt that something different is going to happen. She is a little frightened, a little expectant, a little... Now that he is finally going to speak, she... What should she do?

A pair of smiling eyes suddenly curved, and the sentence "I really made up my mind to drive her away at that time!" It comes one after another...

In a trance, the snow-colored man came in front of him.

She raised her eyes with difficulty, but when she saw a pair of small figures in her eyes, she looked confused, stunned and uneasy...

The question that had troubled her for a long time suddenly jumped to her throat, and she was about to blurt out... Is it the woman under the lilac tree twelve years ago or the person standing in front of you now?


PS: Updated voting, you can choose O(∩_∩)O~