Rich flowers bloom

284 Double Happiness

... Through the graceful and thin floor curtain, the moonlight spreads the willow flower-shaped or thick or light on the curtain, and swayed on the ground for a long and short length.

A wisp of flute sound passed through the cracks like a willow, quietly stirred the sleeping peach blossoms on the branches, causing several petals to fall lightly and dance like feathers. The flute sounded like a little wind, and the curtain in front of the window swings gently, against the moonlight, like water lines.

The sound of the flute is melodious, entangled with the affectionate moonlight winding into smoke, slowly floating in the room.

What kind of song is this that is so seductive?

She seemed to be pulled, flying lightly across the shattered lake, across the small stone bridge, through several moon gates, and came to a garden.

The garden is surrounded by green trees on four sides, with a stone table sitting next to a man in white sitting on the stone table.

The green silk is as smooth as water, which is so smooth that even the moonlight can't stand firmly on it. It slides down his white robe on the ground, as if it has been coated with a faint layer of jade.

This is the season when lilacs are in full bloom. The clusters of light purple snow-white flow fragrance in the smoky night. The aroma is a little bitter, a little clear, a little sad, just like this flute sound...

He seemed to feel her existence, but did not look back. He only continued to play elegantly and calmly, and a moonlight leaped on the jade flute.

For a long time, the sound of the flute gradually stopped. His slender hand put the jade flute on the stone table and said with a sigh: "In this case, that's it..."

The sound seemed to ring so close in her ear that she suddenly woke up, but she only saw the night like fog and the moon as beautiful as water.

Now it is no longer the third year of Kangjing, nor is it the season when lilacs bloom, let alone the flute sound...

But why did she really dream about the scene of that night? Why did she really listen to him say, "In that's the case, that's it..."

Move to the window, just a little hesitation, and open the floor curtain.

Lake...stone bridge...cloister...hanging flower gate...

Everything was no different from what she saw that day, but she disappeared, the man like a fairy.

The finger on the balcony railing stroked the two broken jade flutes, and his sigh was still in his ear...

In that case, that's it...

"I've never seen you in a wedding dress..."

A soft whisper suddenly sounded in my ear.

She looked back in astonishment, but saw an empty silence. The end of the silence was her wedding dress.

Go gently and brush the soft yarn.

Just a little hesitation, he took off the Yunxia wedding dress made by himself and slowly put it on his body.

The clothes drawn with mud and gold are soft and close to the body, outlining exquisite curves. The arms slowly poked out from the petal-shaped cuffs, like the beginning of the stamens. When I gently returned my hand, I saw the light veil flying and the ribbon floating.

In the slow exhibition, the silk skirt with broken crystals is layered, sloping, windless and automatic, like flowers flying and butterflies dancing, and the stars falling for nine days.

Pick up another six-inch wide silk thread, entangled and weaved, so a butterfly stopped lightly on its waist.

There is no headdress, only green silk falls on the waist.

She stood quietly in the room and slowly closed her eyes.

It seemed that a faint sweet fragrance slowly floated her into her arms, and the cold embrace dissipated the heat that had just been busy.

For a long time, when she opened her eyes, she saw the room full of light.

With tears, he sighed gently: "I'm sorry..."


On May 15 of the 10th year of Kang Jing, the Ministry of Ceremonies of Tianhao came to the palace with double joy.

With joy, the second daughter Cheng Xueman married the king of Guangling as a concubine, which caused a sensation in the imperial capital.

It turned out that the most unfathomable thing in this imperial capital was the gentle, elegant and implicit ceremonial minister. He dragged his daughter to 24 years old and planned to catch a huge golden son-in-law. Although it was robbed three years ago, whether it was born after the disaster or not, Chengfu will be more beautiful in the future.

By the way, what kind of person is the King of Guangling? The former emperor's favorite son almost became emperor, but for some reason he asked himself to be king and gave the throne to his younger brother. At that time, people rarely saw this person, but everyone who saw him said that he was elegant and handsome, like a fairy. However, I don't know why I haven't married for many years. Many royal, grandsons and nobles rushed to marry their daughters to him, but they didn't get any response. Unexpectedly, they suddenly asked the emperor to marry the second daughter of the Ministry of Ceremonies.

is also a family, but this woman is a commoner... And I heard that this woman is plain-looking and her talent is not outstanding. More importantly, she has already passed the most wonderful age of a woman and is 24 years old now... I really don't understand what King Guangling thinks. Is it because she has seen many beautiful women and wants to change her taste? Or is this woman still good for what others don't know?

All this is puzzling, so this day, the imperial capital is simply an empty alley, all gathered in the Yuzhai Street where Chengfu is located. It's really hard to breathe. Just waiting for an evil wind to blow off the princess's cover. Let's see who is the second girl of the Cheng family who can impress the cold-faced king of Guangling...

Of course, there is another reason for bringing it together, and we can't help mentioning Chengfu's second happiness.

The Ministry of Ceremonies Shangshufu and the Taiweifu got married again, and the two who got married were... Cheng Xueyan, the eldest daughter of the Shangshu of the Ministry of Ceremony, and Gu Haoxuan, the third son of the Taiwei... What do you think this is? These two are really good enough to toss around. In the first year of Kangjing, he got married for the first time. Three years later, he was divorced because the woman had nothing. In the third year of Kangjing, the man won the heart of the beautiful woman again with two purple beads. As a result, for some unknown reason, the woman divorced the man. In May of the same year, the man asked the emperor to marry, and the two got married again, but two years later, they divorced again. Wife, it is said that the woman is nowhere to be found; then today, Mr. Gu San came to welcome the marriage.

What do you think they are tossing?

On the one hand, the legendary Guangling king of Dijing married the princess, and on the other hand, Gu Cheng and the two are separated, and they are all from Chengfu. Can this Dijing people not be excited?

When the auspicious time arrives, the princess's sedan chair will go out first.

Everyone stared intently at the tightly bronzing sedan chair, waiting for an accident to see the princess's true face. Unfortunately, the guard blocked the relatives and the idlers could not approach. As a result, they could only watch the team of people beating gongs and drums.

Then, the second sedan went out.

Although the momentum is not as strong as the royal palace, it is particularly lively. A group of girls and daughters-in-law gathered around the sedan chair, sprinkled flowers, threw rice grains and tea, and suddenly threw a pile of red envelopes to the crowd like scattered flowers.


The crowd was in chaos. When they broke their heads and came back to their senses, the sedan chair was far away.


The candles are in pairs, the red curtain is low, and it is another bridal candle night.

Cheng Xueyan sat by the bed and withdrew her eyes from the pot of rare orchid grass from the "Forgetful Valley" by the window, fell on the joyful dragon and phoenix candles, and then moved to the "three idle" turtles and yellow wax turtles guarding under the candlesticks... Both of them looked at her solemnly with their mouths...

I can't help laughing. How many wedding candles are there? Every time is so different. For the first time, sitting here was the real Cheng Xueyan. It is said that the groom was so drunk that he actually rested in the study. The second time, the groom was very awake, but it was precisely because she became Cheng Xueyan, so... angrily Xiufu; the third time, she was confusedly tricked by Ye Rong. Fortunately, because of this scam, the two were like glue. Paint...

What's going on in the world is really strange. It's still him...

"What are you thinking about?"

His happy eyes suddenly darkened, and soon brightened up. He sat beside him in a brocade red wedding robe, brushed the broken crystal tassels hanging in her ears, gently embraced her, looked at her with a smile for a long time, and printed a kiss on the pink cheek: "You are so beautiful today."

She blushed and pushed him away.

"I'm an old man and wife. What else are you embarrassed about?" He brazenly hugged her over again and came to the candle shadow.

The candlelight swayed, smoke-free and dustless, but it shook the light ink epitomena on the night of Qixi, the warmth of hugging in the cave, the love of Xihu Lake, the life and death in the court, the sweetness and bitterness of two years of hardship, and the endless lovesickness of three years...

Joy, anger, sorrow, sorrow and sadness, everything is like a white horse. If I had known today, I would have lived up to the past, but who could have predicted tomorrow? The only thing is to hold her hand, watch the sunrise and sunset together, and enjoy the autumn and spring together. There may be disputes and misunderstandings, but as long as there is her, she is home and the whole world...

"What are you thinking about?"

Her question came from her ear. The small head was gently leaning on his shoulder, like a faint and familiar fragrance, wrapped in the purple pearl hairpin that never leaves her body.

He took a deep breath and hugged her more tightly, but suddenly sighed: "Some things haven't been practiced for a long time, and I don't know if it's okay..."

"Just at the banquet, I heard that you haven't taken the brush for a long time. Do you want to..."

He looked at her with a sly smile and put his lips to her ear: "I have had three years of savings..."

She was stunned and suddenly had a hot ear. She pushed him away and got up to leave, but he grabbed his wrist and fell directly on **.

The long finger gently brushed off the purple bead hairpin, and there was a faint purple lingering jewel in the green silk on the quilt...

"Three more lives..." he whispered.

The red curtain gently closes, and the candlelight that you want to peep is half out of the curtain...

There was a whisper from the curtain.

"I've wanted to ask you for a long time. Where did you learn those things?"

"I won't tell you!"

"Really not?"


"No, right?"



"Then I'll tap..."

"It's not this..."

Cheng Xueyan took out something from the bottom of her body and looked at the hazy light: "Why is there a bunch of keys?"

"I forgot to tell you that my mother said that this is the key to the Gu family. From today on, you are the head of the Gu family..."

"What?" She screamed and got up.

"Ah, it hurts..."

He pressed her back, his face came up, and his dimples turned around: "Since I am the mother-in-law, I will give all my savings to you..."

"Ah, you..."

can't spit out another word.

"Pup", a candle burst out a candle flower.

The candlelight trembled, and a faint smoke slowly floated out of the window.

Outside the window, the full moon is in the sky.


(the end of the book)


PS: I will open a few words later. I would like to sincerely thank you for your continuous support. Thank you!!!