Cultivation plan

chapter 16

"Drink some water," Rong Chengxian just sat in the co-pilot's seat, handed Shuxing a bottle of pure water, and accompanied by a big smile: "I'm sorry to bother you again this time. I didn't expect such an accident."

Twenty minutes ago, Shu Xing suddenly received a phone call from Rong Chengxian and asked him if he had time to send him to a place. Shu Xing, who had not had lunch yet, held the mountain-like information that had just been taken out of the printer in his hand. The warmth on the paper was still there. Unexpectedly, he said that there was nothing wrong. After the expected questions and Q&A answers were handed over to Shu Chen, he hurried over.

After handing over the water, Rong Chengxian opened his mouth and explained, "Uncle Zhong's car broke down somewhere else, and the company couldn't send a car at the moment. The place I'm going to go can't be announced to the public for the time being, and I can't take a taxi there. I have to bother you after thinking about it."

Falling to serve as a on-call driver, Shu woke up reluctantly comforting himself in his heart. Fortunately, he is still a private person, and Rong Chengxian can think of himself when he needs help, which can also show how special he is.

Since staying at Rong Chengxian's villa, Shu Xing and his relationship has developed to a higher substantive stage. After Shu Xing's repeated reminders, Rong Chengxian will not always look sorry in front of Shu Xing, but also think of asking Shu Xing for help first when he encounters something. This is a feeling. What a great progress in the history of emotional development! Fortunately, Rong Chengxian is a very considerate person. If it is not an emergency, he will never wake up at will. Judging from the current situation, their relationship seems to be very harmonious.

"Since it's not easy to announce, does it matter if I know?" Turning the steering wheel, Shu woke up and drove the car in the opposite direction of the road.

"It doesn't matter, you won't tell those reporters. Speaking of those entertainment reporters, they are really powerful." Although the content of the words is very annoying, Rong Chengxian smiled generously: "As long as it is a place where you can see the seams and insert needles, entertainment reporters can find it. There was once a film crew to protect Mi, we all had to walk on the path of the mountain for 30 minutes. If it hadn't been for them, the confidentiality work would not have been carried out so thoroughly. I was worried about an accident at that time.

"What's the reason this time?" I didn't eat in the morning and didn't eat at noon. I woke up naturally a little hungry. In order to distract my attention, I had to find some topics with the man next to me. Even the entertainment topic that was meaningless to him was better than saying nothing when he was hungry.

"The company is going to hold a talent show, which is slightly different from the previous talent show. After the first round of strict screening, all players have to enter the training camp for a 30-day training, and then they will start the competition and enter the knockout system. Before the official competition starts, they do not plan to let reporters come to play Disturbing, so I have been doing confidentiality work.

Yongcheng Entertainment is a first-class entertainment company in China. Whenever it comes to Rongcheng Entertainment, entertainment reporters will prick up their ears, open their eyes, open their noses, fully use their eyes, ears and nose, and always remain vigilant. Therefore, in large and small paper entertainment pages and entertainment news on the Internet Every day is full of news about Rongcheng Entertainment and its artists. Since meeting Rong Chengxian, Shu Xing will pay more or less attention to it.

A few days ago, the entertainment newspaper used a large page to promote Rong Cheng Entertainment's latest draft plan. Unlike ordinary auditions, this draft plan obviously needs to be more secretive and cautious. It is said that after the first round of screening, the players left behind are more or less real. Therefore, this draft plan is nicknamed a dazzling PK between 'grassroots' and 'elite'.

Although I have never paid attention to entertainment news, Shu Xing still has common sense after all: "There seems to be few such a type of talent show, and compared with large-scale talent shows, there will be many less opportunities to build momentum. I'm afraid the public attention is not high enough, and the popularity of the gathering will be less."

"However, the purpose of this draft is actually to promote the new generation of stars. Although many people have been selected from non-art players to enter the training camp, in general, if it is not particularly outstanding, it is difficult to stand out from many art colleges. Regarding this matter, I have more I don't think it's a little..."

Although Rong Chengxian did not finish the following words at one time, Shu Xing can definitely guess that even if a kind-hearted man follows the policy and plan of the entertainment company, it is inevitable that there will be be benevolence when implemented. Sure enough, Shu Xing heard Rong Chengxian say beside him, "I always feel somewhat sorry, and those people are also very Work hard, but it should still be difficult to compete with professionals.

It's not only this draft plan, but also many plans of the company's past, which will make Rong Chengxian feel unbearable. Although in the end, reason can overcome sensibility and will not affect the company's whole plan, but in Rong Chengxian's heart, looking at the scenes of the jungle, that feeling is really not It's so good, but there was no one to talk to in the past. Rong Chengxian can only think about it in his heart. Now that he is awake, every time he talks to the other party, it can make him much more comfortable.

"In that case, you will work very hard," there are actually many ways to comfort others, even the simplest way, as long as it can make the other party feel your sincere consideration, an ordinary sentence or two will comfort the comforted person a lot.

Rong Chengxian, who does not like to run such a large company at all and only aspires to be an ordinary pastry chef, has been indoctrinated with the concept of inheriting the family business since he was a child. After his brother almost ran away from home, he was given infinite high expectations. He and Rong Chengli's father did not ask their brother at all if Having your own ideals, no matter what, you are quite autocratic to make decisions for them. As long as he thinks he is right, he will never take into account his son's ideas. In any way, it complements the name of a tyrant.

It is extremely impossible for such a person to want him to comfort his son, so when Shuxing combs Rong Chengxian's heart with a gentle tone, it is like nectar pouring on a withered grass in the desert.

Many times, we meet each other, not because they are perfect.

In this world, there are many women who are so gentle that they can give Rong Chengxian a spiritual harbor, and there are also men who can always cater to a relaxed personality. However, at a doomed moment, an unexpected encounter that can be rewritten is not just a person's fate.

is not more than a second, but at the moment when the eyes meet, although the encounter is very abrupt, it can write another kind of eternity.

"I always felt very hard in the past, but since I met Shuxing, I felt that it was not so bad to be able to express my feelings frankly."

Rong Chengxian, who truthfully expressed his feelings, did not hesitate to smile like a warm sun, which made the comfort sitting next to him wake up a little amazing at the moment when he occasionally looked sideways at him.

Turning back and concentrate on driving, although his eyes were looking straight out of the window, his waking heart was like a boat moored in the sea. With the sea wave called Rong Chengxian' moving up and down, and then moving up and down several times, he actually felt a little like he was in love.

Thinking of the 'first opening of love' echoing in his mind again, Shuxing felt that his cheeks were a little hot. At this time, Rong Chengxian actually stretched out his hand and probed Shu's forehead, saying 'There doesn't seem to have a fever, but why is it so red', which made Shuxing's face a little redder.

At this age, in the face of a type who has never had his appetite, and is still a straight man, although Rong Chengxian feels that he has no sign of illness at this moment, he wakes up the alarm bell in his heart and feels that it is very bad.

He must be sick and has a very serious illness! If not, how could I have a strange feeling because of Rong Chengxian's defenseless smile?

stopped at the convenience store on the roadside. Facing Rong Chengxian's question, Shu Xing only said to buy some food to relieve his hunger. Rong Chengxian, who had just known that Shu Xing had not eaten yet, said sorry and wanted to help Shu Xing buy something, but under Shu Xing's resolute refusal, he had to wait in the car obediently.

The size of the convenience store is not large, but the variety of water is very complete. I picked two bottles of very cold pure water in the freezer and casually took several rice balls. After paying, I drank a bottle of ice water next to the door of the convenience store before returning to the car.

"Uh... are you all right?" The car was parked not far from the entrance of the convenience store. When Rong Chengxian saw Shuxing pouring a bottle of water, he was so surprised that he even forgot to blink his eyes. Looking at the pure water he brought, he did not move. Rong Chengxian thought that Shuxing had never been thirsty.

"It's okay," Shu woke up and smiled and handed another bottle of ice water to Rong Chengxian: "This is cool. Do you want to drink it?"

"You keep it for drinking," after seeing Shu Xing's feat just now, Rong Chengxian feels that Shu Xing seems to be very short of water now, and especially lacks cold water.

"Help me with the car," Shu Xing raised the rice ball in his hand: "I eat."

"But I don't have a driver's license," Rong Chengxian honestly refused.

Shu woke up with a helpless face: "In such a race for lunch, the police will not appear."

But the sad fact tells Shu Xing that we can't doubt the firm determination of the police uncle to complete the task.

Holding the ticket, Shu Xing asked for advice with a very knowledge-seeking spirit: "How do you see that the driver doesn't have a driver's license?" Obviously, Rong Chengxian's driving speed remains unchanged at 60 miles, and it is impossible to be stopped for speeding and other traffic violations.

The traffic policeman in his early 20s smiled softly: "Because there are always some people who think that the policeman will not come out to patrol at lunchtime."
