Cultivation plan

chapter 37

"Isn't it ready yet?" Although he had said that he didn't need his own help, after cleaning up for so long, Shu Xing still walked to the door of Rong Chengxian's room and saw him holding a dress in his hand in a daze.

"Ah, ah, not yet," put the clothes in his hand, and Rong Chengxian continued to take out all kinds of clothes from the wardrobe and put them in a small box.

"What's wrong?" Knowing that Rong Chengxian was not the kind of person who was good at expressing ideas, Shu Xing walked to his side and looked into his eyes.

"I'm worried that if I live in your house, it will cause you trouble."

"No, not to mention that Shu Chen has gone to South Korea. He hasn't been here for a while. If I live alone, I will feel somewhat lonely. I don't even have a speaker at night."

If it is only from the perspective of benefiting Rong Chengxian, Shu Xing can be sure that the other party will hesitate more than now, but from his own point of view, there is no problem. Rong Chengxian is the most thought of others. At the critical time, he must take advantage of this point, which is called the right medicine.

If you just say it in a slightly lonely tone, I'm afraid that waking up is not realistic enough, so I lowered my head slightly and tried to emit a sad aura, so that Rong Chengxian can move and make a decision as soon as possible.

"Since this is the case, I'm sorry to bother you," after saying this, Rong Chengxian cleaned up much faster and finished the box with an amazing speed: "Okay, you can go."

"Your movements are very fast," Shu Xing sighed sincerely. If only Shu Chen could have a speed of one twentieth.

"I used to be on a business trip, so I practiced it. If I can do it faster, I can sleep a little longer."

"You seem to be very busy before," always gives people a feeling that you can't sleep well and eat well. You don't look like the future chairman of Rongcheng Group at all.

"Yes, when I first joined the company, my father did a lot of work for me. At first, I didn't like to do those jobs. It was very difficult to do, but now I'm used to it and feel much better."

"Do you like this job now?" I remember that Rong Chengxian told him before that his ideal was to be a pastry chef and make delicious cakes. At that time... it seemed that Rong Chengxian was drunk in Noah's Ark.

"I don't know whether I like it or not, but I'm used to it. Not everyone can do what I like," as if looking away from this matter, Rong Chengxian's tone is very plain, without any feelings in it.

"Your brother is doing what he likes," it seems very unfair in comparison. Perhaps in the eyes of others, Rong Chengxian has things that many people can't get, but according to Shu, those things outside him are not important in Rong Chengxian's eyes.

"That's good. Even if I can't do what I like, at least it's a good thing that Xiaoli can happily do what he wants to do."

Put the box containing the salute in the back. Rong Chengxian walked in the direction of the co-pilot's seat and looked at his back. His heart suddenly woke up with a little sourness. He has always lived the way he wanted and never compromised for anything. In his mind, freedom is the most important way to survive. He can understand Rong Chengxian's helplessness, but he can't imagine that he has a life that is as bound as him.

This is the first time. He really wants to take care of a person and do something for him to make him happier, but such an idea is still unknown. The premise of everything is to keep an honest and cherished man by his side.

"It's so sunny today," the car is a little sultry, but there is no need to turn on the air conditioner. Rong Chengxian stretched out his hand out of the window and felt the trend of the wind flowing in the opposite direction: "This kind of weather will not last long. Autumn always passes quickly. After a while, it will be winter, and every winter will pass. It's very slow. It seems that half of the year is winter.

Shu woke up with only half of his mind and smiled: "It's because you're afraid of the cold."

"How do you know?" Rong Chengxian, whose eyes widened, seemed to be a frightened little animal. The moment he woke up, he couldn't help laughing.

"People who are afraid of the cold will feel that winter is long," the boyfriends he has dated before have this kind of physique. In winter, their hands and feet are cold. Even if they don't need to wake up and hook their fingers, they are very willing to automatically get into the arms of waking up.

"You laugh at me," he pouted like a child. Rong Chengxian probably didn't realize what that action meant to Shu woke up. Shu woke up unnaturally and glanced at the other side, worried that Rong Chengxian could see his expression.

When they had lunch, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. In addition, they returned to Rong Chengxian's villa to get daily clothes and supplies. When they returned to Shuxing's apartment, it was time for dinner again.

They have agreed this Monday that Rong Chengxian said that he would cook for Shu Xing and taste his cooking skills. Although Shu Xing would like to taste his cooking more than his cooking skills, he could not be quick. At the critical moment, he must have the spirit of patience.

Because they were going to make dinner, on the way, they went to the supermarket and bought the ingredients for cooking in the evening. Rong Chengxian wanted to make seafood soup and bought a lot of ingredients. This kind of soup is Shu Chen's favorite, but even the favorite people find it troublesome to make, let alone Shushu, so they rarely cook it. Eat.

Shuxing's kitchen is very large, and even if four or five people are in it, they won't feel crowded. When helping Rong Chengxian, Shuxing complained in his heart why he didn't choose a house with a smaller kitchen, so that every time he turned around, he could have physical close contact.

Although Shuxing, who had bad ideas, wanted to stay in the kitchen very much, Rong Chengxian still drove Shuxing out on the grounds that he could do it. Shuxing, who had planned to stay to the end, suddenly heard the phone ringing on the coffee table and had to answer the phone.

Seeing the name displayed on the mobile phone screen, Shu Xing frowned, looked back at the direction of the kitchen, walked to the open balcony outside, leaned himself outside the balcony, supported the railing of the balcony with two elbows, and then connected the phone.

"What's the matter?"

"Are you sure I must be looking for you?"

"I'm afraid it's not just a matter, but also a violation of law and discipline."

"I really don't know. Since when did you know how to abide by the law?"

"There are still many things you don't know."

The other party paused for a moment, and his tone suddenly became serious: "Are you interested in helping me again?"

"I knew you would have a next time."

"In fact, I'm also curious. Every time you don't want any remuneration, why?"

"What do you think?"

"You are in love with me."

With a soft smile from his nose, Shu woke up and looked up at the dazzling white clouds: "So, have you decided to marry each other?"

"If you are willing to consider it under me, you can also consider it seven times a night."

"I suddenly realized that you called me just to tell me jokes."

"Don't hang up the phone, I'm serious, do you want to think about it? As long as I can do it, any conditions are fine.

I hated the trouble of waking up. I wanted to instinctively refuse the other party, but the afterglow of the corner of my eyes swept to the direction of the kitchen, thinking of Rong Chengxian in the kitchen, and didn't say anything to refuse: "Okay, give me some time and let me think about it."

Returning to the room from the warm balcony, the seafood soup is ready. Rong Chengxian is serving rice in the kitchen. He used to cook here once. Because of his good memory, he is familiar with the decorations in the kitchen. In the whole cooking process, he did not wake up once.

"It's time to eat," he walked to the table with two bowls of rice in his hand and put down the bowl. Rong Chengxian inadvertently chatted with Shu Xing: "Look at you on the balcony on the phone, so I made another cold dish, and I don't know your taste."

Shuxing, who was not very picky about eating, had no special taste. He didn't want to mention the person who just called, Shuxing opened his chair and sat down and was attracted by the beautiful dishes: "This seafood soup is so beautiful."

"To be precise, this is called 'su pi hai xian soup'. I learned it when I was studying abroad. Because it takes a little time, it's too wasteful to eat alone, so I haven't done it again. I want to try to make it again this time, but I don't know if it has regressed."

When it comes to the topic of cooking, Rong Chengxian's face will always be stained with a different layer of brilliance, which is different from the usual one who is not interested in anything and has no special preference. At this time, Rong Chengxian has a kind of happiness from the bottom of his heart, and this happiness can even infect him.

There are many kinds of seafood soup. Crispy seafood soup is more Western-style, and it is also Shu Chen's favorite, but it is the most troublesome method. Every time I want to eat it, I go to a quite famous western restaurant to eat it. It's the first time I've eaten such food at home.

Under Rong Chengxian's expectant eyes, Shu Xing stretched out his chopsticks to the seafood soup. The pastry was very crispy and sweet, and the taste of the soup was very delicious. There were many kinds of seafood in the soup. Although he knew that the soup mixed with rice was not very good for the stomach, Shu Xing couldn't help mixing it with seafood soup.

"It's very delicious. This is the best seafood soup I've ever had." Such a man should be tied to his side. Fortunately, the women he has dated are so visionless. Otherwise, he would not have done anything to men who already have a family.

After receiving Shu Xing's praise, Rong Chengxian smiled happily: "Then eat more."

"Okay," Shu Xing smiled meaningfully and brightly: "Don't worry, I will definitely eat more."