Cultivation plan

chapter 60

Compared with most people, Shuxing is a person with strong adaptability, and perhaps it is the same. For many things he has just taken over, he can take the lead in reacting, with faster reaction ability and adaptability than ordinary people, coupled with efficient solving ability, such a refreshing ability will naturally In many things, it is better than others, and this excellence can be said to be reflected in all aspects of life, such as adaptability to housing.

Moving away from the house where she has lived for more than ten years, Shu Xing has no degree of hesitation. Unlike Shu Chen's snail-style way of moving to live in a place temporarily, he has to carry many things away in the house. In addition to changing clothes, Shu Xing waved his sleeves and did not take away a single extra object, which can also reflect his other nature. The concise part of the grid.

Although he can live a luxurious life, as the future successor of Rongcheng Group, Rong Chengxian is a quite low-key, diligent and thrifty young man. Even the suburban villa that belongs to him is just a simple style on the second floor. In addition to the necessary living facilities, there is no extra place, and these are for waking up Words are enough. After all, he only needs a bed with Rong Chengxian.

Shu Chen, who suddenly came back this time, just stayed for a few days and left again, but Rong Chengxian, who had already learned a lesson, was painful. He had a certain degree of worry about going home with Shu Xing. Since his Xian felt uneasy, Shu Xing did not force him. Anyway, he lived everywhere. And since I changed to live here, Shuxing has found new fun. There are few people and cars on the road next to the flower bed. At night, ** hugging each other in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window without curtains will always make the ** and shy body tremble more.

"No... I want."

The refusal words continued to be repeated every night, but the body was soaked by sweat, but it did not agree with the owner's unwilled words. The under him was a very soft blanket, not to mention that even if there was no blanket, the current hot and boiling body temperature alone would not be cool from any direction. After getting used to the integration with the same sex, Rong Chengxian sometimes wondered whether he could still behave in the same way as the opposite sex.

"Or not?" The muttering sound came from the side of the ear. Just such a gentle whisper can ignite an indescribable pleasure on the skin: "But that's what Xian's body doesn't say."

The light of the searchlight flashes through the path outside the window, and the dark indoor environment deepens Rong Chengxian's concern for outdoor light. At the beginning, Rong Chengxian will also have a little resistance from the hazy sobriety, but with the increase of familiarity with the situation and frequency, for those who do not pull the curtains He can accept the light-free situation completely, so habit is really a very terrible thing.

The occupancy rate of nearby villas is not very high, and most of them are still bought for investment and will not come to live here at all. Therefore, at this time of the night, you can only occasionally see one or two cars passing by, but it is the occasional passing vehicles, the light emitted from the headlights is enough to make Rong Chengxian The heart contracted, of course, if he could still stay awake in his arms.

In many times, almost every time in the end, Rong Chengxian will fall asleep in his waking arms. As a result, he is carried to the bedroom upstairs. While marveling at the strength of his arms, Rong Chengxian also cares about his lack of exercise, 'because Although according to his personality, he will not mention such an incident with anyone at all, he will feel ashamed if he just thinks about it in his heart.

Before Shuxing intervened in life, the number of experience of Rong Chengxian and the opposite sex was zero. Of course, it is still zero now. If you consider it again, he is ignorant of all kinds of knowledge about affairs. Basically, it is not an exawesome to say that it is a negative number below zero. Therefore, in this kind of matter, it is completely to hand over the leadership to Shu Xing. There is no doubt about the question, such as a lava-highly hot body, the brain deprived of consciousness, and the so-called feeling of being overwhelmed by pleasure, that's what it means...

No... When his body floated in the clouds and felt it, Rong Chengxian heard his mind penetrated into these three words, and with these three words, his thoughts gradually left the level of thinking, and once again... fell asleep.

"Get up, little lazy pig," he was sniffed and called to get up. Rong Chengxian's first move was to hold his waist with his hand. As expected, the feeling of powerlessness came from his waist, but it was much better than the soft feeling that he couldn't even walk.

"It's good to wake up. You don't have to go to work today." People who have to work on Sunday can't afford all kinds of injuries. Although it only takes half a day to go to the company for a meeting, Rong Chengxian works seriously five days a week. He really doesn't want to be occupied even on weekends.

"Then Xian doesn't have to go to work, even if Xian doesn't go to work."

"Ah," sitting up from ** with the strength of Shu Xing, Rong Chengxian squeezed his mouth and smiled: "Is Shu Xing want to support me?"

A heavy force came from behind. Rong Chengxian, who had not recovered his strength, was almost pressed under the bed by the force from behind. The hand stretched out from his ribs pulled his leaning forward body back to his warm embrace: "It's unrealistic."


The warm sunlight penetrated through the bright glass window. Shu woke up and liked to open the curtains before waking up Rong Chengxian, so that he could wake up under the sun. The soft white gauze curtains were swept out by the warm winter sun.

Anyway, there is nothing important to do. After breakfast, Shu Xing drove Rong Chengxian downstairs of the company and agreed to call himself to pick him up home after the meeting. After waving goodbye, Shu Xing hit the right turn of the headlights and drove to Noah's Ark, which he had not been to for a long time.

"Which evil wind blew you here, Professor Shu?" The owner of Noah's Ark, who is used to nightlife, is sitting on the bar swivel chair with no light but faint sunlight. His face and look showed tiredness: "I thought you had evaporated from the world."

There are no windless waves, knowing the wind direction, and don't want to start the source of the war. The bar is empty, and there is half a cup of still warm coffee on the bar. Shu woke up and tasted it: "Are you sure you put milk in the coffee, not the coffee in the milk?"

Reached out and grabbed the coffee cup in Shuxing's hand and almost made the ** in the coffee cup splash out. A few unpleasant folds appeared between the eyebrows of the owner of Noah's Ark: "Nobody let you drink, I like to add coffee to the milk. Is there a problem?!"

Never reason with people who don't want to be reasonable. Although Shu Xing never thinks that he has done anything to make the other party misunderstand, it is obvious that the other party does not have the same idea as himself. He recognizes this and does not want to further worsen the current relaxed atmosphere. He just takes one thing out of his coat pocket. Spread the palm of your hand: "Gift, today is your birthday."

He put the coffee cup heavily on the bar and rubbed his forehead anxiously with one hand. The man sitting opposite Shuwake out a mixed sound mixed with hoarseness and pain from his throat: "Wake up, why is that man? What's better about him than me? Is he making you feel better in **?

"Yun Qingzhou!" In the deep voice, there was a terrible feeling of not anger and self-righteousness.

It seems that he didn't notice, or can say that he completely ignored the meaning of Shuxing's words. The emotionally excited man increased his voice: "If you don't have feelings for me, why did you come to give me a gift? Shuwake, you should also think about it for me!"

In the dark bar, there is less intoxicated atmosphere at night during the day. The atmosphere is too quiet, which makes the other party's noise and quite obvious. For a moment, the air begins to precipitate the smell of gunpowder smoke. Unfortunately, this is only a unilateral feeling.

"I always thought," he woke up with a sigh and turned his eyes to the source of the light, and didn't care about the anger of the other party: "There can't be any superfluous relationship between us."

The voice of pain choked a little: "Why are you so cruel?! Shuwake...why?"

Before being kissed by two close lips, Shuwake up to separate the other party's body with a powerful arm to stop the other party's tendency to lean forward: "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

When I walked out of the bar, Shu woke up and stretched out a hand to slightly block the sunlight on my face. Although the winter sun is not poisonous, the weather is so good, and the warm sunlight also ran out to join in the fun. There is a special smell of winter in the air, which is dry but refreshing. For In terms of waking up without fear of cold, such a season is more conducive to the thinking of the brain.

Just now, I was still thinking about whether to continue the dialogue, but I was interrupted by a sudden arrival. Shu Xing vaguely felt that he had seen the person who entered the bar somewhere. Because of the other party's very three-dimensional facial features, his whole face looked quite correct and could be called a beautiful man. Zi, it's just that the lines of the face are too firm, and there is no soft feeling at all. It is the type that makes Shuxing completely appreciate and insensitive.

It may also be a good thing that the dialogue has not been deepened. That topic is an untouchable reef for both of them. Time is the best corrosive agent. Maybe some people can become a catalyst for corrosive agents.

This is the first time that Shu Xing has stepped into Noah's Ark since he officially dated with Rong Chengxian, and during the day, every partner he used to be brought to Noah's Ark, or himself a regular guest of Noah's Ark, but Shu Xing did not want to bring Rong Chengxian here. If it is a metaphor, it is probably the mood of dealing with treasures. No one will take the real rare treasures out to show off. Even if there is really no way to show it to others, you should let people go to their own home and carefully let others take a look at it.

After making such an inference, Shu Xing put his head on the steering wheel in front of him. When did his mood become like a teenager in passionate love... Such a mood really makes people feel... a little embarrassed.