Cultivation plan

chapter 68

"Dad, look, that blue fireworks are so big and beautiful. Wow, and that green fireworks, what kind of flower is it?"

In the wide courtyard of the Shu family, there was a family standing. The sound of fireworks was very loud. Only between the sound, I heard the little guy's loud sighs. I heard that the memory of the fish was only three minutes. I guess the child was not far better. What I had just told him was forgotten by him in a blink of an eye.

It is not the first time to see fireworks, but the little guy is very excited every time. At this time, it can make Shu Xing realize again that the ancestors of human beings are really monkeys, but not everyone can evolve completely.

"Come on, eat a banana!" Shu Xing tirelessly proved his guess, and the little guy also really cooperated. He happily took it, and the speed of peeling and eating can record the Guinness record.

"Dad, I want to make a wish," while the adults just focused on looking up at the sky, the little guy suddenly pulled the corners of his father's clothes: "To make a big wish is bigger than a spaceship."

"Okay, just say how many bananas you want, and Dad will buy them for you," the called father gently reached out and stroked his son's hair, and his face also formed a gentle expression, but when he inadvertently looked at Shuwake's side face, he turned into surprise.

On Shu Awakening's face, there is a feeling of aftertaste and gentle superimposed. The beautiful side seems to be infected by that emotion, with a kind of psychedelic beauty. I watched Shu Xing grow up since I was a child. Even if we lived together for a short time, I know a lot about him, but this is the first time I have seen such an expression. .

Is it true? That soulmate, when I first heard it, was heard as a joke. If it was true, what would the other party look like? If you can hold a run-off wild horse, you should have the ability to do it.

I noticed the ** eyes that paid attention to me, woke up and turned my face. My eyes were facing my cousin who was staring at him. At the end of the sentence was an obviously picky question: "Brother, you don't fall in love with me, are you? In this way, I am very embarrassed, although the fat water does not flow to outsiders..."

"Wake up, there is a price for talking nonsense," the person asked turned his eyes back to the dark night illuminated by fireworks, with a faint smile in his voice: "I just feel a little surprised. It turns out that you will also show this expression."

"This expression..." I don't know what kind of expression I had just showed. I woke up and subconsciously stroked my cheek. I saw fireworks blooming in the sky. Suddenly, I thought of the man thousands of miles away. They watched fireworks together for the first time, the night they snuggled together.

The memory is like a tide, and the familiar scene is like letting go of the wrench of the gate, carving down the bits and pieces we have experienced together. That night, the patient body temperature, the tense heartbeat, the eyes staring in the dark, and the moment of hugging each other.

Missing is a kind of poison. As long as you get it, it seems difficult to quit. Your drug addiction seems to be much bigger than you think. With such a mood, isn't it hopeless?

I like him so much that I want to see him all the time. I want to hear his voice every day. I want to wake up and sit opposite him for breakfast. Of course, if he does it, once he is sick, I don't want to see a doctor, I don't want to take medicine, and I absolutely don't want to go to the hospital. He is Your own medicine, as long as you concentrate on helping yourself recover. Of course, it's better if you are willing to be positive.

It's just... How deep is this kind of love that you want to see all the time?

"Ah, it's over so soon..." With a milky voice, the little guy began to pester people: "Grandma, do I still want to release it? I still want to release it!"

The circuit of thinking was interrupted. At the moment when he was about to touch the joint points, the children's voice from the outside world bounced back the thoughts he was about to germinate. The unique warmth was slowly pulled out of his heart. He woke up and didn't know. When he didn't think about these things, he did not deliberately disguise himself at this moment. That warm expression , has faded from his face.

The hard character of the early years gradually passed away. People who already had great-grandchildren also began to experience the fun of teasing their great-grandsons, and even their names became full of pink: "Baby, it's much better today. It's only 30 years old in a few days. Shall we release it tomorrow?"

The little guy who wanted to say 'bad', but when he looked at his father, he instantly changed his words and said 'good'. Although this seemingly harmless father was gentle enough to make people melt even when he punished himself, it was really terrible.

After setting off the fireworks, everyone walked back to the house. Since he got up in the morning, the little guy did not sit honestly for a moment. When he set off fireworks just now, he also jumped around. As long as there was a fireworks in the air, the little guy jumped up, as if he could really reach the remnants of a little bright fireworks, very dared The spirit of the dead team, so at this moment, the little guy's stomach is empty again.

I heard that my baby's great-grandson was hungry, and my great-grandmother immediately cooked in person. In recent years, there was nothing important to do. In my spare time, I spent all my time on cooking. At this time, no one dared to compete with the old lady and let her bring out a lot of snacks.

In fact, I have had a big meal at night. In the whole room, there is still something to eat, probably only a fluttering little guy. Now that it has been made, it's not good not to eat. Everyone has symbolically eaten some. The little guy must be the one who gives the most face. He eats it vividly. He worked hard, with a braised hooves in his left hand and a crispy chicken leg in his right hand. As long as he could see it, he ate it all over, and the chopsticks stretched out by his great-grandmother, which were full of meat. Just looking at it with his eyes made Shu Chen very disgusting.

"Dad, Dad, I want to sleep with Uncle Chen," while eating meat and chewing, the little guy did not forget to make a request. He knew that it was useless to talk to his great-grandmother. The little guy was very smart and planned to save the country.

"You will definitely marry your daughter-in-law and forget your mother in the future. If you have Uncle Chen, you don't want grandma?" The great-grandmother who was feeding asked the little guy immediately before the little guy's father could answer.

"I like Grandma's favorite," the little guy who was asked immediately stopped eating, regardless of the chicken leg still hanging on his mouth, and resolutely expressed his loyalty: "Grandma is my favorite person. A few days ago, I accompanied Grandma Zu, but there was no How can I feel that Uncle Chen is pitiful? Grandma, do you know? In fact, Uncle Chen is quite afraid of the dark. He doesn't even dare to walk at night, so I want to sleep with Uncle Chen.

This evil content was said in a childish tone by the little guy. If the three brothers of the Shu family had not been able to control the little guy's character, they might have believed that 'how pure and beautiful this child is', but the sad fact is that this little guy, in the Shu family, the dark index can definitely be ranked Third.

However, all the unknown elders were laughed by the little guy's words and even praised the little guy for being very good and kind. Only Shu Chen looked at the ground speechlessly and couldn't wait to dig a hole with a hammer on the ground and bury the little guy on the spot. All legal, humane, conscience and morality are ignored.

It's true that you are afraid of the dark, but is that wrong?! Is it wrong?! Because I have a pair of eyes that yearn for light, okay? What's wrong with never walking at night?! Why do I have to pretend to be a good man and like to walk at night?! I'm afraid of walking at night, who am I in the way or who am I hurt?! Which law does not allow it?! The public security is so chaotic, stay away from the night road and live a healthy life, do you understand?! Do all the guys who walk at night these days dream of becoming the second Wu Song!! You can't afford to be flirted by Pan Jinlian!!

This boy must be a demon in the future! Maybe it's more terrible than Shu Xing. He is his own uncle, isn't he? Every time we meet, we have to pester ourselves to sleep together. Before going to bed, the child who always tells himself ghost stories is an authentic demon king!!

After a roar in his heart, Shu Chen didn't even have the strength to pull out a smile. The little guy had to make the bed for him by himself before going to bed every night. To be precise, it was his grandmother who was very willing to serve her great-grandson. If she agreed like this, he would definitely not be able to escape, so he took advantage of this When there is a turnaround...

"Chenchen," Grandma gave an order to Shu Chen with a smile: "Since the baby said she would sleep with you, grandma gave the baby to you. Come on, baby, grandma took you to wash your hands and ate a lot. After washing your hands, grandma will make the bed for you."

"Wow, grandma is so good," asking his father is simply a smoke bomb. Even if his father will object, as long as grandma agrees in public, the little guy will not believe that his father will refute it. The little guy happily jumped from the chair to the ground while happily ran to wash with his great-grandmother. Hand.

"Brother..." Shu Chen looked at the future demon's father next to him with his last bit of strength.

The father of the future demon has a loving smile: "Xiaochen, you can only ask for more blessings."

So, this so-called midnight snack ended in a happy atmosphere. Only Shu Chen, dragging two legs heavier than a shot put, took seven steps back, trying to make endless friction with his feet and stairs like this all night.

"Are you going to walk the stairs here overnight?"

It was a wake-up voice, and Shu Chen had no intention of looking back. At this time, even if he saw a monster with six heads and eighteen claws, he could not let the painful Shu Chen escape from the stairs: "Don't worry about me. Go to sleep."

Walking up a few stairs, Shu Xing leaned his arm on the stairs and looked down at Shu Chen: "Let's put away that helpless look. You always have to face it bravely, don't you?"

"Why don't you try it?"

"That boy didn't give me a chance. Every time he saw me, he escaped happily, especially before going to bed at night."

"Ah, yes," Shu Chen was powerless: "To your master, that little devil still needs to be respected."

Ah? How can it be me? Why don't you think it's his father?

"Don't talk nonsense, how can I be a person like you?"

"Well, you're right. I think my brother's talent is better than me. You're the right person." Shu Xing sighed regretfully: "I was going to teach you how to make that boy honest, but you've said so. How can I be in the same family?"

Quickly grabbed Shu's sleeve, and Shu Chen's eyes flashed: "Really? Why have I never heard of you? It's not mine, is it?"

"I can't help it. Jiang Ziya's fishing will be hooked for 100 yuan. Do you want to know?" Wake up with an evil smile.

"Ah... I want to know," if you don't know, you don't want to sleep well tonight, and ah, the next few nights will be terrible. If you don't fall asleep with so many ghost stories in your mind, it's all miracles.

Shu Xing spread out his hands: "I can't see the sincerity."

Shu Chen handed over 100 yuan in pain and knew in his heart that he must be playing with himself! When you wake up, you can't care about 100 yuan: "Brother, please tell me anyway."

"Ah, that's easy to say," Shu Xing took his left hand behind him to the front, and hung a light green silk bag on his finger: "This is the boy's favorite chocolate candy, but his father is strict and carefully controls the daily food, but that boy has no resistance to this kind of dessert. Now I give it to you. ."

"But he has brushed his teeth, so he won't have cavities?"

"It will be fine once or twice. His teeth are not brittle bones. If they are broken, they will break."

After struggling for a while, although he was worried that the little guy would have tooth decay, Shu Chen really didn't want to listen to those ghost stories, so he had to take the sugar bag and watched Shu Xing turn around and walk away without hesitation. Shu Chen felt a little strange: "Why do you help me?" This is completely inconsistent with Shuxing's consistent personality.

"That's right, I also forgot," Shu Xing, who said this, put the money into his pocket. Because he stood on his back, Shu Chen couldn't see Shu Xing's expression at all. Naturally, he missed the dangerous smile at the corners of Shu Xing's mouth: "But you can't tell the little guy's father that he knows, otherwise in these days compared with the little guy, you Wait for the ghost story to be played in your ears every day.