Cultivation plan

chapter 108

The remote bamboo house in the south has picturesque scenery all year round, like the light color poured out from the picture book. In the natural atmosphere of the blue sky, white clouds and black soil, there is a quiet taste far away from the glitz of the world and the deep clouds.

Putting down all his official business and drove here from the bustling city. Shen Xiu, who had never been to such a place, simply thought that he had inadvertently broke into the Peach Blossom Land. This place was sparsely populated. There were not many people along the way, but there were no fields and farmhouses, but from time to time there were small animals walking through the woods, all the way. In order to avoid all kinds of animals, Shen Xiu stopped the car more than ten times.

There is no entry and exit record, and no financial card is used. It is impossible to find Shuxing from such a place. If it hadn't been for Shuxing's sudden start and was caught by Shen Xiu, even now, no one knows where others are.

"Can't you find another place to live in seclusion?" When he finally got to the place, Shen Xiu, who was exhausted, almost fell from the car. However, as the owner, he didn't want to give him a glass of water at all. Fortunately, the food and water in the car were sufficient. Even if he was not entertained, he would not cut off food and water.

"Do you mean that if immortals want to live in seclusion, they have to choose a place that is convenient for the world to worship?"

Talking to Shu Xing is to improve his personality and endurance. Fortunately, Shen Xiu is a person who is focused on results, unlike Shu Chen, who will be awakened at any time. After taking several deep breaths and calming down, Shen Xiu came to Shu Xing and gently put the book next to the chair: "Xiao Xian asked me to give it to you. "

He casually picked up the book and opened it. The next moment after opening the book, his eyes flashed a certain emotion. Although it was only for a moment, Shen Xiu caught it. Unfortunately, he promised Xiaoxian not to open the book and read the contents of it and didn't know what was in it.

The book is an adult fairy tale written by a late French writer. Shen Xiu, who has not read the picture book, also knows something about the content, especially the story of the fox and the little prince in it. There are countless people who quote and use it, and even he is familiar with it.

"Is he all right?" His fingers gently scratched the book, and Shu woke up and didn't want to open the book in front of Shen Xiu.

I can't see that there is something abnormal in the book from the skin. Shen Xiu boldly guessed that there is something in the book, but such a thick book must not be able to put too big objects. Thinking of this, Shen Xiu actually had the conjecture of 'Is it a love letter'.

"The body has recovered," the implication is that his psychology is, and he doesn't know at all: "Would you like to go back with me?"

Shu Xing did not immediately answer Shen Xiu's question, but just looked around: "Isn't the scenery here very good?"

Even if it is very against your will, you can't talk nonsense. Shen Xiu has always been willing to admit the reality and does not let go of the circle: "It's very beautiful, but it's very inconvenient. Are you really going to hide here for a lifetime and never go back?"

Holding the book in his hand, he woke up from the lounge chair, as if to go out. Facing the bamboo fence, he turned around and stared at Shen Xiu's slightly confused eyes: "It's better to stay here for one night."

Stay for one night? It was not until Shu woke up and went far away that Shen Xiu understood what he meant. Anyway, it was four o'clock in the afternoon. Even if he drove back, he had to drive at night. If he was not familiar with the surrounding environment, there would be a possibility of an accident. After comprehensive consideration, Shen Xiu listened to Shu Xing's opinion and made a decision to 'stay'.

Shen Xiu, who threw down to find him, walked alone to the lake not far from the bamboo house. After never came here, if he hadn't stayed in the bamboo house, he would like to come here to see the flow of water waves, so that he could calm down and not think about the wounds in his heart.

Many people will have various defects in their lives, which constitute the so-called imperfections. If they have to find some defects from Shuxing, then it is his non-persistence on feelings, not unbelief, not seeking, but not persistent.

In the eyes of the world, there will be many social value orientations to measure whether a person is excellent or not, but in the final analysis, those are just external things. Many abstract and invisible existences are actually hidden in people's emotions, because they are well covered up and will not be found so easily.

Whether material, specific is more important, or abstract emotions are more valuable, this is an insoluble question that needs to express their own opinions and grievances, but for people who do not care about external things, emotional shortcomings are an indescribable and irreparable.

I believe in feelings and are willing to pay for them, but since I had my first boyfriend, I can't find the state of heart beating fast and thinking about a person in my mind. It's not because of his emotional neglect, nor because he refuses to be responsible for the other party, and no boyfriend will think that against his will. Shu Xing is an irresponsible lover, but no matter how reluctant he is, those who have really wanted to try to establish a long-term relationship with Shu Xing will eventually escape because they can't stand unequal feelings.

After realizing his emotional defects, Shuxing had a short period of negative meditation, but was soon swallowed up by his indifferent consciousness. Compared with denying himself and falling into inferiority, Shuxing never knew why he was under pressure, and quickly concluded that if he was really such a person, he would not Just live your whole life according to your personality.

Meeting Rong Chengxian was a miracle of walking around the corner. They had been walking through their respective mazes, but one day, the location of the maze was chaotic. Just before the maze was back on track, they accidentally met.

The days when I felt that life could shine were the time when I stayed with Rong Chengxian. Even if it was very short, Shu Xing was very cherished and understand Rong Chengxian's character. Shu Xing had already predicted the possibility of being abandoned. Obviously, he had vaccinated himself, and all kinds of types had been given up, but could be abandoned. For a moment, the heart seemed to be passed through by a sharp blade, twisting around the body and infecting it into a bloody blood.

He needs to rest and find a place that will not be annoyed. Maybe he can get out of his gloomy state of mind and return to the city where they live together. Maybe he can't. In fact, it doesn't matter. Life with the waves is also a very pleasant experience.

Without a wide range of spreading news, naturally it would not reach Shu Xing's ears. Rong Chengxian cancelled the wedding and was admitted to the hospital. If Shen Xiu hadn't told him, Shu Xing would have known nothing about it. The current situation seemed to give him room for relaxation, but Shu Xing didn't know that he was It is not the strength to go back and bear the unknown future.

The brain occupied by various ideas just unconsciously guided his legs forward. When Shu woke up and realized that he had walked to the lake, the book in his hand was blown by the wind wrapped in water vapor, and a white hotel paper fell from the book to his feet.

Bend down to pick up the paper, sit on the stone next to it, and open the folded paper. The familiar font and content inside immediately jumped into his eyes.

'Let's sign a paper treaty.'

Shu Xing remembered that at that time, he used this sentence and began a plan to deceive Rong Chengxian and work step by step.

It turned out that he still kept... After dating, Shu Xing was half joking. He handed over the unequal treaty that had no legal utility to Rong Chengxian, saying that he would save it as a witness of their love. Rong Chengxian, who was very red in his ears, carefully took over, but Shu Xing did not know where he had put it. I didn't expect to see it again.

Do you want to go back like this? Without thinking clearly about this problem, Shu Xing did not immediately agree to Shen Xiu's invitation to go back, but he did not really want to refuse. After all, Rong Chengxian has too much weight in his heart and really occupies too much space.

But... how many people are you in Xian's heart? It's impossible to ask the childish question of 'who will you save first' when you fall into the water? Shuxing is not such a pretentious man, but it's okay to be abandoned once. If you go back in such an unclear way, you may have to be prepared to be given up again.

Unconsciously, I sat by the lake for two hours, and there was no feeling of hunger in my stomach. Before nightfall, the darkness in the sky was not obvious. In the clean blue vastness, there were clouds of various shapes. Once Hexian lay on the lawn and woke up. It was also such a scene.

The sound of Soso came to Shuxing's ears. After staying here for a period of time, Shuxing could almost distinguish many sounds in this place where there were not many people. He knew that he was a child who always came here to swim. Shuxing didn't want to look back. At this time, he just wanted to be a A stone without life.

"Oh, it's your uncle again," the nine-year-old boy, who is also a regular visitor to this lake, is neatly dressed today, but it seems that he is not here to swim.

Since it can't be regarded as a stone, it's not easy to wake up and pout a child. The mood is very ordinary, and it still does not recover from the feeling of depression, but it does not affect his conversation with a child: "Yes, we can only talk about each other."

The child originally couldn't understand Shuxing's words, but after getting along with him for a long time, he can understand some of it, but most of the time he still knows nothing about it. However, the child has the advantage of not pestering people, feels incomprehensible, and simply gives up wisely. This time, he has a little sense of mercy. So I opened my palm and showed Shu Xing the glass ball brought from home: "Is it good?"