Cultivation plan

chapter 123

"Are they all right?" Before he recovered, Rong Chengxian held the paper in his hand and stared at the direction Xu Xian and the others left.

"It will be all right. Shu Chen always likes to suffer."

"Is it really okay?"

He took Rong Chengxian's hand with a smile, and a comforting smile appeared on his waking face, which made Rong Chengxian's face blush: "It's really nothing. Xu Xian can't eat him."

"Is it really okay?" Seeing that Shu Chen and Xu Xian had gone far away, Rong Chengxian held Shu Xing's hand and hesitated for a moment. Finally, he turned his head and asked Shu Xing, "The two..."

After waiting for a while, before he heard the following, Shu Xing raised his eyebrows and looked over, studied Rong Chengxian's expression that he wanted to say for a moment, and began to cover his stomach and laugh: "Xian doesn't think there is anything between Xu Xian and Shu Chen, right?"

Rong Chengxian's eyes widened slightly, and the expression on his face was surprised: "How did you see it?"

"Because it says on Xian's face, haha, no, the two of them are very innocent," Shu woke up and looked up at the sky: "It must be whiter than white clouds."

"However, Xu Xian is very accommodating to Shu Chen, just like you sometimes accommodate me."

"Xu Xian is very accommodating to many people. Basically, he has never seen him accommodate anyone, but most people are not used to Xu Xian's personality. It doesn't matter. After deep contact, few people can stand him, or at the beginning, they find that it is not suitable to be friends, so many people can't try at all. Say... Shu Chen and Xu Xian's personalities complement each other."

"That's right."

"Yes, not to mention that Shu Chen and Xu Xian have never liked the same sex. Even if both of them like the same sex, it is impossible to choose each other."

"Why? Didn't you say that the two of them are very complementary.

"As a friend, it is very complementary, which does not mean that lovers can also do it. You will understand if you have been with Xu Xian for a long time. In short, it is absolutely impossible."


"Nan alone. Shen Xiu told me that you agreed to what he proposed."

"Ah?" Rong Chengxian blinked: "He actually told you."

"Do you want me to know?"

"No... I just don't want you to worry."

"If you don't say anything, I will really be worried."

The hands held together tightened. Rong Chengxian lay down and sighed in the direction of the sky. The white clouds against the blue sky were far away and white. Looking at them with the naked eye, no impurities could be found. It was as beautiful as if they had never existed in the mortal world. There are many things in this world that could not be done. Beauty, the traces left by it, cannot be described as perfection.

Of course, he also needs to struggle to accept Shen Xiu's suggestion. No matter how bad his father is, he never thought of really going to meet each other. Of course, he doesn't need to worry about not being able to explain it to Xiaoli. After all, Xiaoli is very happy to see it, but it's not easy to pass his own level. Anyway, They also have the same bloodline. In any case, he can't do his father's cruelty. After slap, his father broke off the father-son relationship with Xiaoli for several years. Even if it has been slightly relaxed in recent years, it has not been so good. He also feels very tired to mediate from it.

Chairman Rongcheng holds 43 percent of the shares of Rongcheng Group and has the first controlling interest in Rongcheng Group. Although Rongcheng Group is a listed company, the number of shares held by retail investors is not considerable. He wants to have more than Chairman Rongcheng's holding. Quan, the person who needs to be adore the most, is Uncle Xing, who is far away in Australia.

Uncle Xing is not the third brother of Chairman Rongcheng. The descendants called him that because he is the third generation among the clan, so the younger generation respect him as the third uncle. Uncle Xing and Chairman Rongcheng fought together with Chairman Rongcheng and was one of the elders. Later, he realized in the ups and downs of Shanghai and began to worship the Buddha devoutly, with An old and young immigrating to Australia is currently enthusiastic about the local Chinese public welfare undertakings. Some time ago, he won a 'Best Citizen Award', which is a prosperous life in Australia, but his old man has reached the age when he no longer cares about his appearance.

Since Rong Chengxian nodded and agreed, Shen Xiu has done all the investigations at a very efficient speed. When Uncle Xing left here, he did not return the equity to Rongcheng Group, and Chairman Rongcheng read his brother's affection and did not talk about shares as a gift, resulting in him now holding the number of shares. It is not more than half of the situation, but so far, compared with Rong Chengxian, who holds the second largest number of shares, Chairman Rongcheng, is still the controlling shareholder with the largest number of shares.

If you want to get the absolute management right of the company, you have to get more shares than Chairman Rongcheng. Money is only a third problem. The first is to do it sincerely, and the second is to have the heart to do it. Even if the father and son for many years are not affectionate, they should have a well-known concern. However, after the car accident, they got conclusive evidence, Rongcheng Xian's heart almost fell to the freezing point.

Looking back on the past, there are many things that we think will not change, but they are distorted and abstracted into strange shapes in the gap of time.

If I could, I had known at that time... too many hypothetical words could not be recovered from the blow of reality.

Do you want to do it or not? Unconsciously, this can also become a philosophical problem.

In the vague impression, it seems that the four of them had been to the zoo before their mother's death. The father held two children on his strong arm, one left and one right. He and Xiaoli widened their eyes and shouted 'so awesome'. Such a warm scene seemed to be only once, and Xiaoli said that he I don't remember what happened.

The dullness from the heart almost makes people feel that it is not working well, and the red blood flowing through the heart also seems to solidify into a depressing black, which makes people unable to ignore the invisible depression. With in-depth thinking, the body becomes more and more tired. At this time, Rong Chengxian suddenly However, the sound of waking up came from above.

"Your father should also take care of the sun at the right time, and there is nothing wrong with the rapid retreat."

Rong Chengxian, who was thinking deeply, suddenly heard Shu Xing sitting on the grass say this and shook his head with a wry smile, with a helpless expression on his face: "But he is only less than 50. It's a little premature for him to live a long time at this age."

"If it were me, I would rather start to take care of the world earlier."

smiled bitterly and turned into a heartfelt smile. Shuxing is such a person. He is unrestrained, will not be bound by any secular fetters, and does not accept secular norms. Rong Chengxian looked at Shuxing and nodded: "It's very similar to what you can say."

"It's not bad to think about it. I went home to raise two birds and walked in the park when I had nothing to do. A group of servants at home stretched out their hands and opened their mouths. Too many people can't live such a day."

"Ha," Shu Xing said like a gust of wind, which could blow away the dust floating in his heart. The depressed mood just now suddenly became better, because the life described by Shu Xing is really very cute: "Is this the life you want to live in the future?"

"Then I haven't thought about whether to let me raise a bird or just strangle me. I'm the kind of person who can't support anything. Shu Chen can compete with me in this regard. The cactus he raised in those years are all dead. It is said that those who can raise cactus to death are all specialized talents."

"Haha," Rong Chengxian shook his arm and woke up: "Thank you."


"I always feel very happy when I wake up with Shu."

Slowly bent down and woke up to stare into Rong Chengxian's eyes from above: "So Xian, don't think too much. Isn't that good?"

Rong Chengxian raised his head, slowly touched the awake cheek, and rested his finger on it: "But it should be achieved by special means."

Covered his hand on his face, and his waking voice was very gentle: "Will Xian feel sad?"

"Sad?" Rong Chengxian shook his head: "I'm not sad, I just feel a little sad," for the sake of his father and the relationship between father and son.

"Then leave it to me."

"Do you, come and do it?"

"Yes, because Xian has been very hesitant, then leave it to me. If you don't want to see it, close your eyes and plug your ears if you don't want to hear it. If there must be someone to be blamed, it's me. Anyway, I won't care."

"How can that be?"

"There is nothing that can't be done. Sometimes, the means that can achieve the goal are just a way that you don't need to know. Xian doesn't have to say yes or nod. Don't worry about it to give it to me, and then be happy with me forever."

A cool summer wind blew, and the grass came from the direction of the head with the wind. The cool feeling brushed through his mind, and his whole body was much more awake. Rong Chengxian closed his eyes and felt the kiss imprinted on his forehead. The warm breath reached the tip of his fingers from his forehead, and his body was like being in a hot spring. Every hair Kongdu exudes incredible relaxation. After closing his eyes, he seems to be able to see the grassland where green grass grows on his ankles. In the middle of the grassland, there is a big ocean. Zebras, lions, antelopes and rhinos drink water by the ocean. Birds fly freely above the ocean. The blue sky, white clouds, grass grows, beasts, birds fly, and everything is spiritual.

The four people drove home. It was past 3 p.m. and brought a lot of food. Except for Shu Chen, who had a good appetite, the other three did not eat much. In fact, it was very interesting just to watch Shu Chen eat. Shu Chen wore a light gray pinstripe half-sleeved shirt, chocolate and potato chips mixed colors. It is basically dissipated by the true color of the clothes, but as long as you look at it carefully, you can see it clearly and the taste is also very strong.

There is revenge and revenge. After cleaning up Shu Chen, Xu Xian's face is relaxed. Shu Chen's depression only lasted for a while. Anyway, chocolate and potato chips can be washed off. At this time, it is necessary to exert an optimistic spirit, but then again, Shu Chen has At that time, I was a little too optimistic.