Cultivation plan

chapter 126

"What are you doing here?" Shu Xing had just found that the direction of the car seemed to lead to the commercial area, but he didn't ask Rong Chengxian until Rong Chengxian stopped.

They have visited department stores in the future, and the two men will never have this fun. Although Shuxing's ex-boyfriend has a type of people who likes to go shopping, Shuxing is not a patient person who likes to accompany him. Every time he says that there is something to do, and sometimes, he will tell the other party more directly how disgusted he is about shopping.

Today, both of them got off work very early and had dinner outside, but Rong Chengxian and Shu Xing proposed to go to a place. He rarely had this interest. Of course, Shu Xing immediately agreed, but he didn't expect that the car drove to the high-class commercial area. Before he understood what was going on, Rong Chengxian had stopped the car.

With a very eager expression on Rong Chengxian's face, he seemed to be very enthusiastic about what he was going to do: "Buy something for the baby. You definitely can't let him sleep in an unshielded bed. I heard that it's easy to fall from ** and will definitely fall. That's terrible. There are clothes to buy. It seems to be a lot of things."

As he spoke, Rong Chengxian had opened the car door and walked out, followed Shu Xing behind for a while, and finally understood what had happened: "Is Xian going to raise that child?"

Today, they are not at home during the day. Rong Chengxian hired a temporary nanny. The other party is a well-experienced baby caregiver. He not only has good personal cultivation, but also has detailed parenting expertise. After explaining everything clearly, Rong Chengxian left the house at ease.

I think Xian is just always meticulous. Judging from the current situation, why do you think that he is going to keep the child at home and buy so many things? Is he going to formally adopt him?

A baby suddenly appeared in the family, which destroyed the world where they were alone, which made Shuxing feel very uncomfortable. As a result, in order to take care of the difficult kid, she found another nurse. Does the woman also want to live with the baby? Myself and Xian's home? Isn't that the combination of two more people, two men, a baby and a woman... or not.

"I haven't thought about this," he turned his head and woke up. Rong Chengxian walked slightly to the left and made a little distance for the passers-by walking on the left: "But he can't find his parents, so let's raise them first. A child won't do anything, and he won't cause trouble to others."

Shu Xing completely disagrees with Rong Chengxian's idea. Rather than saying that a child will not cause any trouble, he himself is a big trouble, and even his hair is eye-catching.

"Isn't it written on that paper that it is Anqiong's child? Since that's the case, you should give him to Anqiong's parents. You don't have to replace Anqiong to raise the child. Anyway, you are not his father."

Probably felt Shuxing's rejection. Rong Chengxian stopped and sat down on the backbench in the flower park in front of the department store. Shuxing also sat next to him, just looking at him without saying anything, as if waiting for his answer.

At the beginning, when he heard that An Qiong was pregnant with his child, Rong Chengxian had the first attitude of "not wanting" a life that should not appear, but later the truth came out and found that not only the child was not his own, but also nothing happened between An Qiong and himself, which really relieved Rong Chengxian.

When Shuxing left, he didn't want to ask anything other than Shuxing. What happened to Anqiong and the child? He couldn't get any news at all. After Shu woke up, it was followed by a car accident. Although Shuxing finally woke up, just worrying about Shuxing made him nervous. Lang, there is no time to think about anything else. Not long ago, he officially became the chairman of Rongcheng Group, and there are quite a lot of things that need to be handed over. In this way, he will no longer have the energy to worry about An Qiong.

When he first saw the child last night, he was really shocked. Of course, it was not easy for Xiao Jiexin to bring the child back to the Xiao family. Even if the child was An Qiong's biological flesh and blood, the An family would not accept him. Xiao Jiexin was right. He was a complete orphan, and no one would admit his identity.

"An family will never want him, even if they know that this is An Qiong's child."

"It's a matter of face again..." He sighed and straightened his slender legs: "It's really troublesome."

"So can we raise him for a while?"

"Not good," this is obviously a delaying plan. It's easy to slowly soften yourself and see through Rong Chengxian's mind. Shuxing doesn't want to compromise on this matter: "I don't like children."

"Is it because he is An Qiong's child?"

"It has nothing to do with that," it's the same thing that I don't like An Qiong, but it hasn't developed enough to project resentment on a baby. What's more, if you can choose, maybe this child doesn't want to be An Qiong's child: "I just think it's troublesome to take care of children, and besides Xian, I don't like other things in life. People."

Knowing that no one would want this child, Rong Chengxian suddenly became stubborn in this matter: "Didn't you take good care of Shu Chen? Why can't this child?"

"Shu Chen?" Shu Xing shook his head: "I won't admit that he was taken care of by me, and he will certainly not admit this. Moreover, even if this is the case, Shu Chen and I were nine years old when I lived together, and they are not creatures that can swallow their noses and tears."


"Xian, you have no obligation to take care of that child. There are too many orphans in the world. Do you want to adopt one when you see one? There is nothing wrong with the act of kindness itself, but don't you think it's too much if it forms an unnecessary burden?

Looking at Shu Xing in disbelief, Rong Chengxian was a little surprised: "Do you mean to send him to the orphanage?"

"As long as we pay to raise him, why do we have to keep him by our side?"

"What you said is not wrong. I can't adopt an orphan when I see him, but I can't casually let a child become an orphan."

"Even if he is an orphan, it's not your fault at all. You should understand that you didn't make him an orphan."

The wind rolled up a leaf and floated between Shu Xing and Rong Chengxian. The oncoming wind was not cold. In the day when it was about to enter early autumn, there was a cool breath in the wind, which seemed to be able to blow away the impetuousness in the heart and filter out complicated emotions.

It turned out that Shu Xing knew that the reason why he insisted so much was because of the guilt in his heart, the consequences, and the results of what An Qiong did today, but if he had married him at the beginning, I'm afraid it would not be like this. At least no one would die, and the child would grow up in an ordinary family.

"Xian," saw Rong Chengxian bowing his head and said, "Don't take everything on yourself. If you must investigate whose fault it is, won't you go back to Nuwa to create people?"

"Why did you suddenly say this?"

"If Nuwa did not create human beings, then there would be no Anqiong's ancestors. If Anqiong was not born, there would be no future."

"Isn't this... too mythical?"

"Have you ever thought that even if there is a mistake, it is also the problem of Anqiong's parents? As a parent, even their children are not well educated. Instead, they resent themselves for humiliating themselves and will not admit their grandchildren. Is it right? How can you blame yourself for everything? What about it?

Rong Chengxian bowed his head and meditated and did not speak for a moment. He understood that what Shu Xing said was right, but let him give up a child who had not been polluted by the secular world so easily... After all, it was very difficult. Some time ago, Xu Xian and they went on their trip and gave food to the orphans on the way back, although in the orphanage The environment is not bad, but after all, all children are fatherless. Will such children really grow up healthily?

I lost my mother since I was a child, and my father seems to be useless. Probably there is no big difference from having no father or mother, but it is also a kind of comfort in life to live with my brother in a house without a father. Nothing... It will be very difficult.

"I understand that what you said makes sense, but I still can't send the child to the orphanage like this. Isn't it good to raise him for a while?"

"Xian... Have you ever thought that if you want to raise him first, you should give him a name, and then what? Put him to sleep every day, provide him with what he needs in life, and watch him change slightly day by day. The more you give him, the more you will be inseparable from him. Do you really just want to support him for a while? Or more directly - a lifetime?"

What Shu Xing said is not wrong. Perhaps from the beginning, he didn't have the idea of raising him for a while. The child is very cute. Although he is small and thin, his eyes are very bright. When he doesn't cry or make noise, he always likes to laugh and rotate his eyes. It's so cute. If it's like now Keep it like this... Maybe it's good.

He and Shu Xing are unlikely to have children. They already have the realization that they want to live with Shu Xing forever. Rong Chengxian has never intended to have a biological child to inherit the family business. Recently, he has been thinking about these things. It happened that the child accidentally came to them. Maybe this is a signal to support this If a child is willing to inherit the family business when he grows up, isn't it the best thing?

But no matter what, these ideas are always considered from their own perspective. Whether they simply want to support their children, what suddenly came to the idea of letting the child inherit the future industry of Rongcheng's family is also their own wishful thinking. Shu Xing has no responsibility to cooperate with these troublesome thoughts, because of such considerations Worried, Rong Chengxian didn't even know how to say what he thought in his heart.