The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 1 Weird Jade Bracelet

In a tea restaurant in the West Street Building.

A young man and woman sat by the window. They were burying their heads and drinking, and there was a beautifully packaged cake on the table in front of them, obviously a large cake that had not yet been opened.

The two of them drank quietly, and neither of them spoke. Mo Ziyao felt bored for a moment and couldn't help taking out the jade bracelet to study. Caressing the lubricating surface of the bracelet, the words of the man in white echoed in her mind: Don't wear it until you are 25 years old.

But today happens to be my 25th birthday. I don't know what I can know about myself today.

So her thoughts involuntarily returned to ten. One day.

Ten. On the seven-day long vacation, because Mo Ziyao's company received a huge order, the boss was happy and directly announced 10. A five-day trip to Jiuzhaigou!

Jiuzhaigou, a national 5A tourist attraction.

"Well, this kind of flower is so beautiful. Why haven't I seen it before?" Mo Ziyao took out a digital camera from her bag and took a picture of the good lens.

"Jiannan, look, it's so beautiful!" Mo Ziyao happily showed Zhong Jiannan, who had just taken a photo with his hands full of things in his hands. Zhong Jiannan smiled, but narrowed his eyes and looked at Mo Ziyao, who was slim beside him. "Well, it's beautiful, so beautiful!"

The two of them patted all the way and walked forward. Unexpectedly, the originally wide road is now getting narrower and narrower, and the flowers and plants on both sides of the road that should have been neatly grown more and more vigorously. Some branches stretched directly into the middle of the road unscrupulously. Obviously, the trees here have grown into this lush appearance because they are unmanaged.

Mo Ziyao wiped the fine sweat on her forehead, looked at the long road, and fell into meditation. Shall we go in and have a look, or go back home?" She has power in her heart.

At this time, Zhong Jiannan, who had rarely opened his mouth, frowned and took out the map from his pocket to look. As his eyes moved down, his eyebrows gradually frowned.

"What's wrong?" Mo Ziyao asked softly.

Zhong Jiannan looked up at the extended path in front of him and said, "If you go further, I don't know where it is. It's not marked on the map. It's getting late now. I think we'd better go back?"


Mo Ziyao opened her mouth and wanted to say: Well, let's go back. But at this moment, she suddenly felt an inexplicable throb in her heart, and she quickly covered her chest. This feeling also seems to be traction, as if to take her somewhere.

When Zhong Jiannan saw Mo Ziyao's appearance, he thought she was not feeling well. He hurriedly asked with concern, "Ziyao, what's wrong with you!"

Mo Ziyao waved her hand and looked at the winding path in front of her and suddenly said firmly, "I'm fine, but I want to go there."

What on earth is it that can touch my heart! Mo Ziyao stepped forward firmly with tension, fear and expectation.

"But..." Zhong Jiannan actually wanted to persuade her not to go, but when he saw her so determined appearance, he had to change his words and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

The two walked slowly along the path and went all the way to the end of the path. Mo Ziyao found that her heart was beating harder and harder, as if she was about to jump out of her chest, and her face was red, but Fortunately, Zhong Jiannan, who followed behind her, did not see it.

A very inconspicuous antique shop appeared on the left side at the end of the road. The signboard of the store is wooden and has long been rotten, but the word "antique shop" can be distinguished by blurry.

"That's it." After Mo Ziyao muttered, she also raised her feet and walked to the store. Zhong Jiannan glanced around and felt that it seemed strange. He frowned slightly, but also followed in.

The store is not very big, and the light in the store is a little dim. There are three rows and three layers of old shelves in it, and some things are placed on each floor. But Mo Ziyao didn't look at anything and stopped directly in the middle of the second row of shelves, staring at a wooden box motionless, and then slowly reached out to pick it up.

But at this moment, a well-knit hand grabbed her front, picked up the wooden box and opened it. Mo Ziyao looked along that hand and saw a pale man. He was also very thin, wearing white clothes, but not modern clothes, but a little like the clothes of the Song Dynasty. .

Men's facial features are very delicate, like women's feminine beauty. But the beautiful face is hung with a sick and haggard color, a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, but the eyes are not gloomy, dark gray. The thin lips are also white, without a trace of blood.

What disease should this man have? This is Mo Ziyao's conclusion to this man.

The man looked at Mo Ziyao and smiled, "Ziyao, I know you will come."

Oh my God, how could he know my name? Who is he? And why should I come here? I didn't want to come, yes, yes, yes... Mo Ziyao didn't dare to think about it anymore. There was a panic in her heart, and her head suddenly made a loud noise, and then her face turned pale.

She couldn't suppress her fear, and finally couldn't help screaming, "Ah! Ghost!"

Then, he covered his face with his hand and squatted on the ground. He medited in his heart: "This is not true. It's just an illusion, a dream, this is just sleepwalking." While comforting himself, his body trembled unobediently.

"What's the matter, Ziyao?" Zhong Jiannan saw Mo Ziyao like this and asked worriedly.

The man in white shook his head gently and his soft voice floated over: "Ziyao, don't be afraid. In fact, I don't know you, but this bracelet has a certain relationship with you. I just know you through this soul-eating bracelet."

The bracelet has been handed to her. It is a very ordinary bracelet, which is milky white.

Mo Ziyao summoned up the courage to look at the jade bracelet timidly and found the strangeness of the bracelet at a glance.

It turned out that the bracelet was not completely milky white, because she saw a bright red trace of blood swimming in the bracelet. Although the speed was not fast, it was really moving. In addition to a trace of blood, there was also a light smoke in it, which was also floating and slowly moving in the direction of the blood. It looks very weird.

"What's going on?" Mo Ziyao asked tremblingly.

Zhong Jiannan also stretched out his head to look at the bracelet, but did not find anything unusual. Although he couldn't see anything strange about the bracelet, he felt afraid from Mo Ziyao's expression. He was also a little afraid of it, so he wanted to pull her out of here.

"Ziyao, we..." Before Zhong Jiannan finished speaking, he was interrupted by the man in white, "Go out and wait for a moment. I have something to say to her."

"No..." Zhong Jiannan said decisively.

Mo Ziyao, who was already calm, said, "You go out first. If anything happens, I'll ask you to come in."

Mo Ziyao spoke, and Zhong Jiannan had to go out.

The man in white looked at the direction where Zhong Jiannan disappeared, then withdrew his eyes, looked at the bracelet in his hand and smiled: "I'm not a ghost. My identity is actually a wizard."

"Wizard?" Mo Ziyao was shocked, and the strange old women in the film who could use magic and use crystal balls quickly came to her mind with a broom and "swish" across the sky...

Why do you think of those? The wizards in the film are just fiction. How can there be that kind of people in the world? What am I thinking about? Mo Ziyao shrugged her shoulders.

The man in white smiled and seemed to see through what she thought, "I know you will say that there is no such person as a wizard in the world, but I do. My whole family is this profession. In fact, I don't want to work in this industry, but since I was born, I have no choice."

The man in white continued with a wry smile, "These are not the point, Ziyao. The purpose I'm here is to wait for you to find it!"

When Mo Ziyao heard this, she looked up at the man in surprise, but soon turned her eyes to the strange bracelet in her hand.

The man in white also looked at the bracelet and said faintly, "This soul-eating bracelet is yours."

Mo Ziyao suddenly raised her head and looked at the man in white doubtfully and said, "Why?"

The man in white suddenly restrained his pale smile and his face darkened: "This bracelet contains everything about your previous life, so I can easily find you. To be precise, this bracelet should have found you. You just felt it and followed its guidance to come here. You and it are connected." After saying that, he handed the bracelet to Mo Ziyao's hand.

"Minds are connected?" Mo Ziyao took the bracelet blankly and stared at the bracelet with a confused face, repeating the words of the man in white.

The man in white no longer looked at Mo Ziyao and the jade bracelet, but looked through the window sill in front of him and said, "You must want to know all this now. Don't worry, you will have a chance to know. I'll give it to you today!"

Mo Ziyao didn't move, just looked at the jade bracelet in her hand.

The voice of the man in white came quietly again, "Remember, don't wear it until you are 25 years old. Well, that's all I can say. Let's take care of ourselves!" The man finally took a complicated look at the bracelet and slowly got up and left.

"Alas! Sometimes there must be something in life, and there is no time to force it!" As soon as the words fell, the person disappeared. I don't know whether the last sentence was for Mo Ziyao or for himself.


After that, Mo Ziyao and Zhong Jiannan have been closely following the army and have never acted alone. Zhong Jiannan still has a lingering palpitation about what happened that day, but Mo Ziyao no longer wants to play these days. As long as she is free, she will take out the bracelet to play.

Five days passed quickly.

Back to Shanghai, he still lived step by step every day. One afternoon, Zhong Jiannan made an appointment with Mo Ziyao to drink tea in the tea restaurant opposite the company.

Zhong Jiannan looked at Mo Ziyao on the opposite side and took out the jade bracelet to play with. He sighed and shook his head helplessly, but still said with a smile, "Ziyao, today is your 25th birthday. To celebrate your birthday, I have a gift for you." Zhong Jiannan said and took it out in his arms.

Mo Ziyao's eyes finally separated from the bracelet and stared at Zhong Jiannan with a smile.

At this moment, her phone suddenly rang. She was stunned and quickly put down the jade bracelet in her hand, took out her mobile phone from her bag to look at the display, and then looked apologetically at Zhong Jiannan and said, "It was my father who called." The latter nodded and asked her to answer the phone first.

Zhong Jiannan took out the things in his hand and looked at it. It was a diamond ring. He stretched out his finger and stroked the diamond above it and smiled softly.

"Hey, Dad, what's the matter with me, ah, really? Is it serious? In which hospital? OK, OK, I'll be right there!" After hanging up the phone, Mo Ziyao became panicked and didn't wait for Zhong Jiannan to ask. She said, "My mother went out to buy vegetables today and was accidentally hit by a car. Now she is lying in the hospital. I won't go to the company in the afternoon. Please ask for a leave for me!" He grabbed the bag and was about to leave.

"Hey, your bracelet!" Zhong Jiannan looked at the jade bracelet on the table.

Mo Ziyao quickly grabbed the jade bracelet on the table and turned around and left.

"I'll go with you!" Zhong Jiannan was worried.

"Good." As soon as Mo Ziyao finished speaking, she rushed out of the store. Zhong Jiannan smiled bitterly, put the diamond ring he had just taken out back in his pocket, and then got up and chased it out.

I don't know when it rained outside. Fortunately, it was April and not very cold.

Mo Ziyao ran out of the store and found that it was raining outside, but she didn't bring an umbrella. But now she can't care so much. She holds the bag in one hand, holds the bracelet in the other, and quickly runs into the rain.

When she saw a taxi coming, she quickly waved, but found that she was still holding something in her hand, which was very troublesome, so she directly put the bracelet on her hand, but as soon as she put it on, she found that her head was dizzy, and then there were dark clouds in the sky, and a flash of lightning split her directly...

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