The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 12 Redemption of Jade Bracelet

The moment the teenager got the jade bracelet, he felt as if tens of millions of ants bit his heart at the same time. There was a loud noise in his head, and a lot of information were forcibly poured into his mind, followed by some vague fragments that kept flashing. It was actually all about himself and the little girl in front of him, just as he wanted to put it When I saw it clearly, there was a tingling pain in the depths of my soul, and my mind actually pulled away.

At this moment, a cold little hand stretched out, and the cold and warm feeling gradually restored his mind. He couldn't help clenching the little hand, just like grabbing a life-saving straw.

Mo Ziyao saw the teenager's pale face suddenly jump and quickly reached out to pull him. Unexpectedly, when her hand touched his finger, there seemed to be a force to suck the two of them tightly together. A familiar feeling slowly rose in her heart. Mo Ziyao felt as if she wanted to remember something. At that time, he was separated from that mysterious state by a voice.

"How about it? Are you satisfied with this jade bracelet? If you are not satisfied, there are still many bracelets of grade goods..." The old man completely took this obvious abnormal behavior of the two. When the two of them calmed down a little, the old man withdrew the bracelet and said slowly.

"No, just this one, you make a price." The young man in white let go of Mo Ziyao's little hand and interrupted directly without waiting for the old man to finish speaking.

The old man pondered for a moment: "The prince is also a bright-eyed person, and he knows at a glance that this is the top sheep fat jade." Halfway through the words, the old man suddenly paused, stretched out his wrinkled neck, looked around carefully, and walked closer to the teenager. Then he lowered his voice and said, "To be honest, this piece is from the Song Dynasty. I'm afraid only the royal family and a few meritorious ministers deserve it. He keeps it for the time being. However, if you want it, at least this number. The old man stretched out five fingers and shook in front of the teenager.

"Five million taels?" The young man in white raised his eyebrows and said, and the old man shook his head. At this time, Mo Ziyao had been standing beside the teenager, staring at the bracelet motionless, and his little hand tightly pulled the corner of the young man in white.

"How much do you want?" The young man in white lost his patience.

"Ha ha, young man, how can such a priceless treasure be obtained with 500 taels of silver?" As the old man spoke, he naturally patted the sleeves that were already clean with his thin hand.

The teenager suddenly stood up, looked at the old man coldly, and said with a slightly unhappy tone, "50 million taels, is that enough?"

"This..." A trace of greed flashed in the old man's eyes, but he still pretended to be calm. You know, 50 million taels of silver is equivalent to Ruan Nanguo's income for half a year.

The teenager took a step forward and stared at the old man's face and said in a calm voice, "Well, you are so bold. I think you obviously want to possess the royal family privately. Do you know what will happen if you are found?"

The old man's body shook slightly, and the panic in his eyes flashed, and then his originally gentle face suddenly became ferocious. His eyes showed fierce light and waved to the shadow on the left.

Mo Ziyao saw that the old man no longer respected them, but showed fierce eyes and felt a panic for no reason. She raised her eyes and looked at the place where the old man waved. Suddenly, she felt that her eyes were stabbed by a strong light. She instinctively raised her hand to cover her eyes. At this time, he felt that he was suddenly pulled behind him by the teenager. Looking forward, he could only see his great back.

When Mo Ziyao saw the white light, the teenager had found that there were many dangerous breaths hidden in the shadow. The teenager took a folding fan from his waist and held it in his hand, and his face became solemn.

"I don't know what to do?" The young man in white swept around with his spare light, and then stared at the old man's face and said word by word.

What do you do? I should ask you this sentence. Say, boy, who the hell are you? Why do you know the source of this thing? The old man straightened his back, pointed to the teenager, and asked with a little hesitation.

"Who is I? It seems that it's not your turn to take care of it, right?"

"Ha ha, I can't control it and don't want to care about it, because sooner or later you will be a dead person. I'm going to ask the dead what to do!" The old man sneered and snapped his fingers quickly. A group of people suddenly gushed out from all directions and surrounded them in the blink of an eye. The hall, which had just been slightly empty, suddenly became crowded.

These people, all looked fierce, holding a big knife in their hands, approaching the two step by step. As a teenager, there are nearly 40 people in the hall alone, and I'm afraid that the hidden ones are all masters. I don't know how many people there are on the other side. It seems that this store is not simple!

Mo Ziyao was trembling all over at this time, and her heart was so frightened that her head was even more blank. Suddenly, she felt that her hand was held by the teenager, and she looked up at the teenager. At this time, the teenager stared around with vigilance, lowered his voice and said to Mo Ziyao, "Ziyao, I'll find a way out in a moment. You can quickly run out and tell Li Wei about the situation here..."

"Would you like to run? It's not that easy. You both have to die here today. When the old man heard their conversation, he smiled and gave a winking look around. A group of people rushed up and went to the direction of the exit, with the largest number of people.

The young man in white knows that they are prepared. At present, he can only get out of danger by going out to move rescuers. Don't hesitate to think too much. Seven or eight people approached in front of him, and one of them was faster. In the blink of an eye, a knife hit the teenager's face.

The teenager hurriedly blocked it with a folding fan and cut the knife on the folding fan, bursting out a spark. The teenager did not stay much. Before the other party reacted, he turned around, followed the man's big knife, and gently poked his heart.

This seemed to be a light click, but in fact it was full of dark energy. The man sprayed a mouthful of blood and fell straight back.

With a "bang" back, he unfolded the folding fan and waved his backhand in an instant. The remaining seven people in front of him fell down with a short "ah" and bleeding on their necks.

Mo Ziyao clenched her hands, trembled and bit her lips, and her little face was pale. Suddenly, she felt something warm splashing on her face. She shook her hand and touched her face. When I put it in front of my eyes, it was blood, "Ah..." Mo Ziyao couldn't help screaming out.

"Ziyao" young man in white heard her scream and thought she was in danger, so he quickly turned his head to check. At this moment of loss, when he turned around, a big knife had been cut at the teenager's neck. The teenager instinctively stepped back a few steps before he narrowly avoided it, but his arm was still drawn out of blood.

"Be careful!" Mo Ziyao exhaled gently and then covered her mouth confusedly. The tension in his heart can't be faked. Why does he suddenly feel familiar? Is he...

The teenager's body was also obviously stunned, and he continued to participate in the battle, "Remember what I said." The teenager in white suddenly spit out this sentence again. Mo Ziyao just looked at him in a frenze and watched him struggle to kill in the direction of the door.

Mo Ziyao suddenly closed her eyes, withdrew all her chaotic thoughts, and rushed to the middle of the bloody road that the teenager had killed without hesitation...

When the old man saw that Mo Ziyao was about to escape, he shouted at the shadows on both sides of the door, "Stop her." As soon as the words fell, two people in black flashed out of the shadow. Falling behind Mo Ziyao, one of them pulled out a soft sword from his waist and threw it at Mo Ziyao.

At this critical moment, the teenager threw the folding fan in his hand this way, just colliding with the soft sword. When the fan fell, the tip of the sword also changed its original direction. This also just won Mo Ziyao the time to escape. She didn't dare to look back and rushed out directly until she rushed to the street before stopping.

Mo Ziyao quickly ran to Li Wei, pointed to the store with one point and stammering, "Li...Wei..." Before Mo Ziyao finished her words, four or five people in the store rushed over with knives.

Li Wei knew what was going on without Mo Ziyao's explanation.

He looked awe-sed, clenched the long sword in his hand, and quickly turned down from the horse. Qinger beside him also pulled out a sword from the back of the horse and jumped down together.

I only saw Li Wei and Qinger pull out their long swords, "brushing and brushing" a few times, and the five people fell into a pool of blood before they could make a sound. Although Mo Ziyao had seen such a bloody scene in it just now, she still couldn't stand the bloody smell coming to her face.

In contrast, Li Wei and the two of them did not change their faces and did not even move their eyebrows. They didn't stop at all and ran in directly with their swords. Mo Ziyao said "ah" and also ran in behind.

The teenager in white lost the folding fan and obviously fell into the wind. Although he had no weapons, he still seemed orderly during the attack and defense, but there was a slight sweat on his face.



When the teenager heard the sound, he did not look back, but raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and after solving two more, he retreated and leaned against Li Wei. The three people work together, and the people here are no longer their opponents.

"Humph, two more people are dying!" The old man looked at Li Wei and Qing'er and sneered.

No one answered his words, and the teenagers were also killing the enemy with all their strength. Only Mo Ziyao hid at the door and quietly observed the war inside, with a high heart hanging high.

After another cup of tea, the person who belonged to the old man was almost dead, and only a few people in black were still struggling to resist. At this time, the old man's face was really beautiful. His smile had not faded, and his mouth was not closed. His pride turned into amazing, with his mouth open and staring...

"Quick, fast, stop!" The old man recovered and quickly reached out and shouted to stop.

Both sides stopped, and Qinger ran past the teenager with a worried face and looked at him up and down. Brother, your arm is injured!"

Then she ran to the old man again, and her eyes were full of anger. She held a sword and put it on the old man's neck and screamed, "Well, you are so old and immortal that you dare to kill even Gu Xian Villa! Do you know what will end if you offend Gu Xian Villa?

At this time, Qing'er saw that her heart was injured, and she couldn't control her emotions and revealed her true temperament.

"Gu...Gu Xian Villa?" The old man in black repeated in a low voice, and his face suddenly turned pale, and his body couldn't help shivering.

"Gun over the bracelet, I guarantee you won't die." The young man in white looked at him coldly and threw these words impatiently.

Yes, yes, yes. If you like it, just take it directly and treat it as a villain!" The old man had already lost his arrogance and quickly handed over his hands respectfully. He is like a pug who is very flattering.

The teenager put the bracelet in his arms. The Qinger snorted with a cold face, "You are immortal, you hurt the disciple of the landlord. How does this matter count?"

"Let it go." The old man hooked his waist and replied.

"Okay! Since the prince said he would save your life, then take your arm as a lesson!" Qing'er's voice fell, and he raised his sword and cut off the old man's left arm.

The old man screamed, trembled, covered the wound with his right hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Xie, Miss, I won't kill you." After saying that, I fainted.

Sometimes if the grass is not eradicated, there will be endless troubles in the future, and they will understand today's mistakes in the future.

Qing'er looked at the old man on the ground coldly, and immediately changed into a little woman's appearance. She said softly to the teenager, "Brother, your arm is injured. You'd better treat the wound first!"

The teenager didn't say anything and walked to the door...