The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 14 Robbed halfway

Ye Er has something to say: tell you a good news, Xiaoye's text has been signed! The contract has been sent out, just waiting to change the status! This is a signed work of Xiaoye. I'm so happy! There are still two daily Updates these days. Xiaoye is here to promise everyone that he will give you the third update on the day of the change of state! Let the big guys enjoy watching it! Er, if you like this book, you might as well collect it first and wait until it gets fat.


The sunset gradually went down, and the sky gradually darkened. The sun was like blood, slowly covering the whole mountain. On the silent official road, there were bursts of horseshoes, from far to near.

I saw three horses running wildly on the road with four people on their way. The people on horseback are either handsome or amazingly beautiful. Take a closer look, it was the young man in white and his group.

"Brother, it seems that we can't catch Quanling Town before dark. What should we do?" Qing'er caught up with the teenager in white and asked softly.

The teenager pulled the reins and slowed down a little. He looked back at Li Wei and Mo Ziyao behind him and said flatly, "There is still a distance from Quanling Town. If you continue to travel at this speed, you can arrive in three hours. But now the horse has been exhausted, and I'm afraid it won't last so long.

"Then let's find a place to rest first! Anyway, we have enough dry food to go on the road at dawn!" The innocent man glanced at Mo Ziyao, and then hurriedly offered advice to the teenager with a smile on his face.

The teenager raised his eyes and looked around and said, "Well, it's just that this road is in the middle of the canyon. It may not be appropriate to camp. Let's wait until we get to the open area!"

The group did not speak any more, but just focused on the road. Mo Ziyao sat behind Li Wei, holding the clothes on both sides tightly with her little hand. At this time, she didn't seem to feel well. Her lips were closed, her face was slightly pale, and a head of blue silk flew up and down in the wind.

Mo Ziyao really wants to stop now, because she feels uncomfortable and a little dizzy at this time. Her arms have also stiffened because they have been keeping the same movement for too long. Especially the cute fart, she feels like she is not her own. She has been bumping on the horse for most of the day. She is afraid that the iron man is about to disperse, not to mention a delicate girl.

The horse they are riding is even worse! After running at a high load for a long time, he is now foaming, breathing like a cow, breathing more and less air intake. The four legs are just moving mobilely, and the speed is getting slower and slower...

At this time, it was completely dark, and the road became blurred... But fortunately, they finally walked out of the continuous canyon and came to the plain with a wide view.

Several people pulled their horses and stopped. At this time, Li Weice immediately came to the young man in white. Lord, this place has just come out of the canyon, and I heard that there are often bandits there. It may not be appropriate to camp here. I wonder if we will continue to travel?"

"It doesn't matter. We are sleepy now. Let's find a place to rest first!" After the teenager finished speaking, he looked at a small forest not far from the left and thought about it.

"Master, go and find out the situation first!" Li Wei took Mo Ziyao off his horse and turned to run towards the woods.

As soon as Mo Ziyao fell to the ground, she quickly shook her arm, turned her head, and kicked her legs, as if it would become more comfortable. The young man in white closed his eyes and listened carefully to the wind and grass around him. This is a dangerous place. Although they have unique skills, they still have to be careful.

Na Qinger took a look at the teenager, and then turned her eyes to Mo Ziyao. Although it was very dark, the extremely unfriendly eyes still made Mo Ziyao shiver.

After a while, Li Wei came back. He came to the teenager and said, "Master, I have carefully observed the whole forest and found no suspicious situation. There is a stream behind the forest. The vegetation by the stream is very lush. If you camp, it is a good place, but I always feel that there is something strange in the forest!" Li Wei told the teenager in detail what he had just seen.

The teenager frowned and said thoughtfully, "As you say, this place should belong to those who passers-by, but there is no trace left by passers-by in the forest? There are only two possibilities. One is that passers-by are killed as soon as they enter the forest and are not in a hurry to rest. Second, you just went in and didn't find anything, and now you come back safe and sound. That shows that we have been targeted for a long time and wanted to catch us all, so we didn't touch you just now for fear of beating the grass and frightening the snake. I think there must be someone in ambush behind this hillside!"

At the end of the teenager's words, his voice suddenly became high, and his eyes swept around with vigilance.

When the teenager said this, Li Wei and Qing'er suddenly changed their faces and held the long sword tightly in their hands.

Only Mo Ziyao stood there, counted her fingers and muttered in a low voice, "How can it be so horrible? It's really unfounded."

After saying that, I went to count my fingers.

Li Wei went forward and grabbed Mo Ziyao from the ground and threw her behind him. Mo Ziyao shouted softly and only heard Li Wei's voice in front of him: "I don't know whether to live or die." Mo Zi listened and stared at Li Wei's back. He ignored it, but continued to play with his fingers.

"Since you are here, why hide?" The young man in white stared at the corner of the hillside and said in a low voice.

"Ha, good boy, you have seen through this. Not bad, not bad!" As soon as the words fell, a wild male voice really came from the corner of the hill, and then a big tall man came out.

Then twelve people came out from behind him. After these people came out, they lit the torch with flint, and the dark earth became fiery in an instant.

At this time, I finally saw the leader. The man was shaved with a bald head, ** with his upper body and a pair of black trousers. His legs were stuffed into his boots and carried a dark wolf tooth hammer on his shoulder. On the big square face and right cheek, a scar is on it, which is shocking under the light of fire.

It's not just these people. After a while, fire lit up all around, and people from all directions slowly came closer, and finally surrounded the four of them in the middle.

counted silently, and there were almost 80 people. The young man in white and Li Wei suddenly became solemn. The teenager secretly hid the flying knife bought in the blacksmith's shop when he waited for Mo Ziyao at noon, and was holding it in his hand at this time...

The leading scar man spit, tilted his head, and glanced back at the four of them. First of all, he looked at Qinger and Mo Ziyao. When he found their beauty, a pair of small eyes suddenly glowed obscenely. He rubbed his hands, turned around, and looked at the young man in white and Li Wei again. His eyes swept over Li Wei and turned to the young man in white. When he saw the appearance of the young man in white, he suddenly became ready to move.

Mo Ziyao finally found the seriousness of the matter and began to become a little scared. She shrank behind Li Wei and grabbed his clothes tightly with her little hand.

"Grandma, God treats me very well. Knowing that I like beautiful women, I sent two of them. Well, I also sent a man who is longer and more beautiful than a woman! Hahaha, tonight is so fucking cool!!" The scar man raised his hand and wiped the saliva flowing from his big mouth, and then stared at Qinger**-evil and said, "How's it going? Little lady, how about having fun with my uncle tonight? Hahaha"

"You are shameless!" Qing'er's eyes were round, pointing her sword at the scar man and said angrily.

"Brother, let's kill it!"

The teenager raised his hand and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid the road has been blocked for a long time, and the only way now can only fight to the end."

The scar man also ignored their conversation, but just came forward, staring at Qinger's beautiful face with his little eyes and drooling: "Yo! I'm quite angry, hehe, I like it! Tonight, I will be the first to spoil you and turn you into a meek little sheep! Hahaha..."

His eyes turned again and turned to Mo Ziyao** behind Li Wei and smiled, "You are a little man, tut, you look quite good, but it's too small. Look at your dress, you should be a maid, right? Isn't that very good at serving people? I will keep you first and let you serve me every day in the future! Ha..."

The teenager frowned and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. When the scar man said that he wanted to spoil Xing Qinger and let Mo Ziyao serve him, he finally couldn't help it. When the scar man laughed, he directly shot the hidden knife in his hand...