The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 33 Love

Mo Ziyao looked at Gu Moli, who was getting farther and farther away from her, and suddenly her legs softened and fell to the ground and cried.

The floor was so cold that the cold quickly passed through the palm of my hand to my heart. Her body trembled and looked so lonely and sad on this snowy night.

"Gu Moli, don't you really like me? Since you don't like it, why do you pretend to care about me? It made me think about it and erase it fiercely. Your heart...why are you so cruel..."

For a long time, Mo Ziyao slowly got up from the ground, but the two lines of tears still couldn't stop flowing. As soon as she got up, a sense of dizziness suddenly hit her. She only felt uncomfortable, and then her eyes darkened and she lost consciousness...

I don't know how long it took, and Mo Ziyao finally woke up. She opened her eyes and found that it was dark and she couldn't tell the time. The difficult supporter got up from the ground, and the feeling of dizziness still existed. He reached out to hold the pavilion pillar not far away before he barely stood up.

The cold wind blew, and she felt very cold all over. She reached to her mouth and took a gentle breath, as if it would become warmer. But how can a cold heart be warm? She looked up at the night sky. I don't know when the snow stopped. It was quiet around and there was no light. Only the thick snow on the ground reflected a faint light.

He stepped out and made a "squeaky" sound when he stepped on the snow, which looked so harsh on this quiet night.

She walked all the way to the lake before stopping. Looking at the dark lake under the night sky, the lake can only be seen in the dark at night, and the dark and still lake seems to be the ladder to hell. In a trance, Mo Ziyao suddenly had the idea of suicide in her head. She reached out and covered her heart and whispered, "What else is there in this world worth staying for me? Ha..."

Then she turned her eyes into the distance and looked at this empty world, and suddenly a sense of sadness rose from her heart. I can't help laughing, and the voice spread round and round in this silent night, which was very sad.

Suddenly, Gu Moli's figure shook in front of her again. His resolute expression and harsh words deeply hurt her heart.

She stopped laughing and looked at Gu Moli's image and chanted in a shallow voice: "The past has become smoke, and the old dreams are difficult to come true, and the white clothes are flies. Then ask the sky, who drew the end to the love of this life; the once infatuation quietly drifted away with the wind, and there is no chance."

Unconsciously, Mo Ziyao's feet have stepped into the water. The cold lake was soon soaked with thick cotton shoes. Mo Ziyao was shocked and quickly took a step back, but accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.

A feeling of chagrin surged into my heart. Mo Ziyao simply turned over and buried her face in the snow, and grabbed the two snow in her hand. The cold feeling tinged her senses and her heart. Then her whole body trembled slightly buried in the snow...

The clothes all over her body were soaked in an instant, and her whole body was full of piercing pain. The pain made her almost unconscious, and her heart was also numb at this moment.

After a long time, a low whisper came from the snow: "That's it, don't think about it anymore."

stood up from the ground with a wry smile, let go of the slightly melted snow in his hand, and walked step by step towards Jingyiyuan with heavy steps...

The body is so heavy, probably because the clothes are soaked! Mo Ziyao raised her hand and pressed her drowsy head and walked forward with difficulty.

As soon as they entered the yard, they saw Jinger and Liu Er standing in the courtyard looking up at the mouth of the courtyard with anxious faces.

Mo Ziyao was moved and smiled at the two with difficulty. She wanted to say some comforting words. Unexpectedly, the figure in front of her suddenly became blurred. Mo Ziyao wanted to shake her dizzy head, but her body did not stop her calling, and her body shook and fell down...

The last faint voice came from my ear: "Ah, Ziyao, what's wrong with you? Your clothes are all soaked! Ah, her forehead is so hot. Help her into the house..."


"Miss, why hasn't she woken up yet?"

"Well, I don't know what happened to her that day. She still talked and laughed when she went out. Why did she change after seeing Li Shiwei? The way she came back really scared me. I don't know what happened to her torturing herself like this. Alas, after suffering from such a severe cold, I'm afraid it will take some time to recover.

"However, she has been sleeping for three days..."

"Shh... Let's go out and let her have a good rest."

Wait for the door to close with a "squeak", Mo Ziyao, who had been closing her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes, and crystal tears rolled down from her cheeks without warning... Then she pulled the quilt tightly and slowly closed her eyes, leaving two lines of tears.

One day later, Mo Ziyao felt that she was almost fine. She decided to get up and walk around, but Liu Er next to her did not allow it. In desperation, she had to lie down for another day.

The next day, Mo Ziyao was lying bored, and the door was suddenly pushed open. Mo Ziyao looked up and saw Li Wei coming in.

Li Wei sat by the bedside and looked at Mo Ziyao, who had lost a lot of pain. He sighed in his heart and said softly, "Woman, why are you so stupid? You treat yourself like this... I will be very sad. You are my sister. I really don't want to see you hurt, even if you don't want to. But this time I watched you feel uncomfortable but couldn't help you. I hate it! It's useless to hate yourself! Why is this person the master... I..."

"Brother, stop talking... There is no need to blame yourself. No one is right or wrong about emotional matters. He doesn't like me. It's not wrong to like him. It's just that I fell in love with someone I shouldn't like at the wrong time." Mo Ziyao stared at the corner of the table and whispered. But his eyes were full of tears.

At the semi-open window closest to the wooden bed, a branch suddenly shook a few times before gradually stopping. There is a pair of shallow shoe prints in the wet flower bed under the window, which proves that someone has stood here.

"Oh, silly girl, forget your master and live the life you should live." Li Wei closed his eyes after saying that.

Mo Ziyao smiled bitterly but did not answer. A voice slowly sounded in his heart: "Forget him? I can't do it, but I will never go to him again and never ask about him in the future. This early love, I will deeply imprison it in the bottom of my heart.

Seeing that Mo Ziyao didn't say a word, he thought she had agreed, so he reached out and gently pulled the hair on his forehead behind his ear and smiled, "Brother, I just hope you can live a good life!" Don't do stupid things again, okay?"

Mo Ziyao also picked up the corners of her mouth and smiled, and she nodded gently.

Li Wei stood up and looked at the distant mountains through the window and said slowly, "Woman, when my master and I finish dealing with the affairs in southern Xinjiang, I will take you and your mother and brother back to the Northern Song Dynasty. Where is our home?" Speaking of this, a trace of wings flashed in his eyes.

"Good..." Mo Ziyao nodded heavily. Yes, I still have my mother and brother, so I want to live a good life!" With the people who want to take care of, the haze gradually drifted away, and the chaotic mood suddenly opened up.

She secretly made up her mind. At this point, she never mentioned Gu Moli in front of anyone.


The spring of the second year seemed to come very early. At the beginning of March, the groups of hibernating waterbirds returned to Cloud Lake again. Some early blooming flowers also scrambled to open, and the grasses were not willing to poke their heads out lonely. The whole villa was full of spring scenery.

In Jingyi Courtyard, deep in the bamboo forest...

A melodious sound of the piano came out, and with the cheerful voices of the birds, everything was so harmonious and natural.

I saw a woman dressed in a light purple skirt, lowering her head and plucking the strings carefully. The melodious sound of the piano was really made by this man.

The person who plays the piano is Mo Ziyao. It has only been three months since Jinger taught her to play the piano last year, and now her piano skills are no different from Gu Jinger.

When nothing happens, the two will play piano skills together or play chess.

"Zi Yao, your piano is playing better and better. I'm a little worse than myself!"

The sound of the piano stopped abruptly. Mo Ziyao stood up and smiled at Jinger, "Miss, don't make me happy. No matter how much I learn, I can never play so well. ...But now I finally know why you like playing the piano so much."

Mo Ziyao said, stretched out her thumb and swept through the strings, making a string of beautiful notes. It turns out that Qin can express the feeling of ** and relieve emotions. It is a rare bosom friend.

Jinger stepped forward and took Mo Ziyao's hand and said in a ethereal voice, "Ziyao, what do you think is love?"

Mo Ziyao was stunned and didn't understand why Jinger suddenly asked about this. Turn your eyes to Jinger and think for a moment, "Love is that two people who love each other can hold each other and respect each other for a long time!"

Jinger let go of Mo Ziyao's hand, walked to the other side, and watched a pair of birds chasing each other in the forest lose their mind.

Mo Ziyao came forward and couldn't help sighing slightly when she looked at the singing birds: "Beautiful love is always difficult to touch. Maybe you think it's beautiful, but you don't know it's so difficult to think about."

Maybe he found someone approaching. The bird that had been happily chasing in the forest suddenly fluttered its wings from the side of the two and flew straight to the sky.

Jinger withdrew her eyes and turned back to the stone table by the piano. She looked at the strings and said, "Zi Yao, let's not talk about these sad topics. Why don't we compose a song together!"

Mo Ziyao took back the somewhat gloomy look just now and said with a soft smile, "Okay, I've just thought about a few paragraphs in the past few days. Why don't you pop it up? Miss, please help me modify it!"

With that, Mo Ziyao went to the front of the piano and sat down, turned her head and thought about it for a while, and then hooked her right hand, and a string of notes were born from the bottom of her hand...

But the sound of the piano is sad and desolate, which makes people can't help but feel sad.

Jinger looked at Mo Ziyao, who was dedicated to playing the piano, and sighed slightly. Then, she took the paper and pen aside and recorded the song played by Mo Ziyao.

After a song, Mo Ziyao came to Jinger. The two bowed their heads and discussed for a while. Mo Ziyao nodded and returned to the piano to play again.

At this time, Jing'er gently opened her mouth and whispered:

"People say that the strings are like thoughts, and the time is chaotic and sparse;

Qingming's heart is boundless, and the hibiscus tent Manhuaxiang lamp is miserable;

Tears stained yours, singing like years, sad and happy;

It's difficult to think about it, and it's a long death. Who wants to think about it?

In an instant, my whole life became a fantasy, speechless to the sky, and fell all the red face;

Flying flowers, leaving three thousand dreams in vain;

The linguqin sound only returns to the end of the world, and the shadow lacks water like smoke;

The cloud temples are slanted and accompanied by the piano, and the gauze clothes are gorgeous. ......”

"Woo-woo... It's so touching and sad..." Liu Er, who came over at some point, held tea in one hand, tried to cry in the other, and stood there and cried foolishly.