The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 54 Girl Dog

At noon, Mo Ziyao was taking a nap in the room when she suddenly heard a slight footsteps approaching her. She suddenly woke up and said harshly to the door, "Who is there?"

"Ah... Bang..." Whoever screamed heard the sound of porcelain being broken.

Someone ran over in a panic again, fell down on the way, and then crawled to Mo Ziyao's feet, knelt on the ground with a "poof" and begged for mercy in horror: "Miss, forgive me, miss forgive me! I didn't mean to overturn your food! Slaves... I'll go to bring it to you right away!" Later, there was a cry in the voice.

However, after a long time, I didn't hear her get up.

Mo Ziyao inexplicably remembered her three years at Guxian Villa. Like this maidservant lying on the ground, she was a slave and frightened.

Maybe it's pity for the same disease. She soon had a good impression on the girl, so she sighed, bent down and groped for the girl's arm, gently lifted it up, and said softly, "You don't have to panic. It's okay. I don't blame you!"

The girl looked at Mo Ziyao, and the tears in her eyes were still spinning. Just as she was about to drip down, she was rudely wiped away by her sleeves and choked a few times. She trembled and said, "Thank you, Miss, thank you!" But he felt a little relieved and wanted to kneel on the ground again.

Mo Ziyao hurriedly grabbed her and said urgently, "What are you doing? I'm not dead yet! Don't kneel to me."

"Puff..." When the girl heard Mo Ziyao's words, she suddenly burst into tears and laughed. Then he said very excitedly, "Okay, okay, okay, don't kneel, don't kneel!" Miss, you are so kind!"

Mo Ziyao patted the back of her hand and whispered, "What's your name?" How old are you?"

"Oh, Miss's maidservant's name is Dog! Twelve years old this year!"

"Puff..." This time it was Mo Ziyao's turn to smile, "No! Why did you choose such a name for a girl?

The dog lowered his head and replied sadly, "Because the dog didn't know who his parents were since he was born. He used to make a living by selling art in the juggling group, and then he was almost sold to a brothel. It was the prince who kindly saved the slave maidservant and let the maidservant to work in the alliance! Er, you and the prince are both good people!" With that, there were some shiny things flashing in his eyes.

"The prince you mentioned is Chu Qingtian, right?" Mo Ziyao asked with a smile.

"Yes! It's Mr. Chu!" As the dog said, he tilted his head and smiled, and suddenly seemed to think of something. He said to Mo Ziyao, "Well, are you hungry, Miss? I'm going to bring you food!" After saying that, she was about to leave, but she was dragging one leg at this time, and it seemed inconvenient to walk with a limp.

Mo Ziyao also heard something strange, so she stopped the dog and asked, "What's wrong with your leg?"

"The slave's legs... The slave's leg was injured by Miss Zhao..."

Mo Ziyao asked, "Why did she hit you?"

"Just now, the maidservant went to deliver food to Miss Zhao. She seemed to be in a bad mood, so she vented her anger on the maidservant. She thought the maidservant was too unlucky, so she pulled out the whip and beat the maidservant. Her leg was injured by her at that time!" The dog was stunned and replied truthfully.

"What, there is such a person!" Mo Ziyao felt an anger in her heart for a moment. What she hated most in her life was this kind of person. Suddenly, she had another idea of teaching Miss Zhao a lesson! But on second thought, why? Today's identity is also just a girl. To put it nicely, she can only be regarded as a doorman under the fence.

She calmed down and said, "Go and apply some medicine first!" I'm not very hungry yet. It doesn't matter if you bring me dinner later!"

"Yes, Miss... Miss, you are so kind!" After saying that, he turned around to open the door, but whispered, "Why did the housekeeper Fu give me to Miss Zhao? If only I could give it to Miss!"

Mo Ziyao put her words in her ears. When the girl walked away, she shook her head and sighed.

Soon, the dog came back. She limped to the table and brought the food to the table, and then went to support Mo Ziyao on the edge of the bed. But it seems that the two of them can only help each other.

After only two steps, the dog's legs began to tremble. Mo Ziyao's weight was also pressed on her body, and her leg was injured. The girl's body suddenly fell forward, and Mo Ziyao on one side was also implicated and fell forward...

"Ah..." Both of them fell to the ground.

After a while, the dog endured the pain in his leg, stood up slowly, and then quickly helped Mo Ziyao up and asked in a panic, "Miss... Are you all right?"

Mo Ziyao reached out and touched the table beside her, and then touched another chair. She smiled, sat down and said in a low voice, "I'm fine."

The dog looked at Mo Ziyao's strange behavior and suddenly seemed to understand something. She suddenly stared at Mo Ziyao's beautiful big eyes and looked at her like a pair of amber. Qing Lingling's pupils showed her figure, but the person concerned did not blink and did not react at all. She finally exclaimed: "Miss, Your eyes..."

"Mo Ziyao groped for the bowl and chopsticks. She picked up the chopsticks and picked up the bowl and said calmly, "My eyes can't see anything."

"How could this happen?" The dog didn't seem to believe what Mo Ziyao said. She ran forward and shook her hand in front of Mo Ziyao. Seeing that she was just eating, she didn't seem to see anything shaking in front of her.

"Miss..." The girl stood beside Mo Ziyao's voice, watched Mo Ziyao eat quietly, and began to feel some sympathy for Mo Ziyao.

After eating, the girl quickly withdrew the bowls and chopsticks on the table, poured a cup of tea for it, respectfully handed it to Mo Ziyao, and did not forget to say, "Miss, drink slowly, be careful of hot!"

Mo Ziyao took the cup, nodded with a smile, took a small sip, and then put it back on the table. She looked up at the girl in front of her and smiled, "Dog, why don't I give you a new name?"

As soon as the dog heard this, he nodded like pounding garlic, "Uh-huh, okay, thank you, Miss!"

Mo Ziyao pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of Liu Er, a little sister who was very close to her in Guxian Villa, so she said, "I'll call you better in the future!"

"Xu'er..." The girl clapped her hands and said excitedly, "Okay, in the future, the name of the maidservant will be Xu'er!"


In the evening, Xu'er came to deliver food again. Mo Ziyao was bored alone, so the two sat together and chatted...

When it was dark, Xu'er got up and wanted to leave. Mo Ziyao smiled and wanted to give her away, but was rejected by Xu'er on the grounds that she could not see her eyes.

Xu'er just walked to the door and bumped into Chu Qingtian, who was about to knock on the door. She quickly retreated to one side and bent down respectfully, "I've met the young master!"

Chu Qingtian nodded, walked into the room, and sat down opposite Mo Ziyao. He looked at Mo Ziyao's little face and said, "Sao, are you used to living here?"

At this time, Xu'er quickly stepped forward and poured a cup of tea for the two of them.

"Well, that's good. Thank you, Qingtian!" Mo Ziyao smiled.

"Stupid girl, just live well. Why are you polite to me?" After a while, he said, "Bright, I'm here to ask you, can you go to tomorrow's martial arts conference? Er, well, I'll be there too!"

Mo Ziyao originally wanted to refuse, but after listening to him, she said, "Of course I will go, otherwise I won't miss the good time of frustration after you were defeated!"

Hearing this, Chu Qingtian raised his head slightly, put his hand behind his head and smiled, "Ha ha, do you want to see me being defeated so much? Am I as unbearable as you said?"

Mo Ziyao smiled and did not answer. After a while, she suddenly said, "Yes, I can't see. How can I go?"

Chu Qingtian looked into Mo Ziyao's eyes, and a trace of strangeness flashed in his eyes, as if there was some pity. He lowered his eyes, brought up the tea on the table, and then said, "At that time, I'll let Fubo take you there."

"Hmm." Mo Ziyao nodded, but turned her face to the xu beside her.

Chu Qingtian also followed Mo Ziyao's eyes and looked at the catkins that had been standing aside. Suddenly, he understood. He smiled and said, "Your eyes are not good. I will let the dog take care of you in the future, so that I can rest assured."

Hearing Chu Qingtian's words, he hurriedly ran to the two and knelt down, and his joy overflowed with joy, "Yes, prince, I will definitely take good care of the young lady!"

Chu Qingtian looked at the catkins on the ground and said flatly, "Well, after lunch tomorrow, you will take Miss Mo to the square. The square is crowded and messy. Please wait for it carefully."

"Yes, I understand!" Xu'er didn't dare to get up and still knelt on the ground and replied respectfully.

"Get up!" After saying that, Chu Qingtian stood up and looked at Mo Ziyao and said, "Then you should rest early! I'll go back first..."

Mo Ziyao also quickly stood up, "Qingtian, thank you!"

Chu Qingtian shook his head and smiled and said, "I promised Brother Gu to take good care of you, but now I don't know how to explain to Brother Gu, so you can live here at ease. Thank you don't have to say thank you in the future." After saying that, he stepped out and quickly opened the door for him.

When he reached the door, Chu Qingtian suddenly turned around and seemed to think of something. He looked at Mo Ziyao at the table and said with a smile, "by the way, I still owe you a wish. Let me know if you think of it!"

Mo Ziyao nodded to Chu Qingtian and began to think about what else she was worth caring about. After thinking about it for a while, she didn't seem to have it, so she said, "by the way, didn't you want to teach me martial arts? Then my wish is that you can teach me some basic self-defense skills, okay?

Chu Qingtian was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said, "This doesn't count, because I promised to teach you before you came here. Think about something else! For example, if you want to do something but can't do it, you can let me do it.

"Uh... Not yet."

"Well, think about it and let me know when you think of it! I'll go first. See you tomorrow!" Chu Qingtian said and left.

Xu'er washed Mo Ziyao and quietly retreated after helping her fall asleep.

(hehe, why did you write an inconspicuous girl alone in this chapter?... You might as well use your imagination to guess)