The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 97 Dim Sum

Looking at the rapidly regressing scenery, Mo Ziyao's thoughts couldn't help but return to the scene when she attended the banquet of Gu Xianshan Villa for the first time. That's the picture of Gu Moli wearing a pink and elegant robe, showing 'Green Lotus Seventeen' gracefully passing through the Cloud Lake.

Thinking of this, Mo Ziyao raised the corners of her lips and smiled gently. At that time, her greatest wish was that one day Gu Moli could use the 'Green Lotus Seventeen' to take her through the world.

She waited for this day, but she didn't have much time to come. Fortunately, she can vaguely feel his heart now, which is worth it!"

When Gu Moli ran to the top of the mountain, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the mountain. A trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Mo Ziyao looked at the bottom of the mountain and couldn't help but take a cold breath and her face turned white. The mountain was surrounded by clouds and rocks, and poisonous insects could be clearly seen flying around from time to time in the cracks in the stones close to them, which made people feel creepy.

Mo Ziyao's body trembled, and a vague sense of ominousness rose in her heart. She didn't understand why Gu Moli took her here, but she was still willing to believe him and abruptly threw out those bad ideas. But he still inadvertently bit the corners of his lips and smiled bitterly and said, "Let me down."

Gu Moli gently put her on the ground, as if he didn't see her lonely look. He raised his hand and gently scratched the tip of her pink nose and asked softly, "How are you?"

"Hmm." Mo Ziyao nodded, glanced at the ugly insects, and couldn't help frowning.

Gu Moli still stared at the cloud under his feet and said quietly, "There is a person who may be able to save you, but this person has a strange temperament. I don't know if I can ask for his help." Speaking of this, she looked back at Mo Ziyao, but found that she stared at the stone crack not far away.

"What's wrong with you?"

Mo Ziyao shook her head, "No, I'm fine."

"Is it okay? Then why don't you look at me? Do I look worse than those bugs? Gu Moli raised his eyebrows and asked funnyly.

Mo Ziyao looked back at Gu Moli with a strange expression and smiled, and her mood seemed to be much better by him. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you so unconfident?"

Gu Moli looked at her fixedly and suddenly grinned, laughing wildly. Idiot, what do you think you are thinking in your heart? Can you hide it from me?

"Is that right?" Mo Ziyao squinted at the two rows of neat snow-white teeth in front of her and felt very dazzling. Is it for me to see him smile so happily for the first time?

But his smile is so beautiful, his lips are red and his teeth are white, and he really wants to bite. Then he moved his mouth and blurted out, "You laughed so ugly."

"Oh? Really?" Suddenly, he approached Mo Ziyao's little face and caught a strange panic in her eyes and said, "Do you want to bite?"

Mo Ziyao looked at the enchanting red lips that were only three inches away from her and was stunned. When he saw the deep meaning of teasing in his eyes, he smiled and trembled all over.

"Yes, you are so charming! Well..." The three-inch distance is not too far, and it can be intersect with it in only one second. A pair of sexy thin lips suddenly swooped down and kissed the chattering little red mouth.

Mo Ziyao's eyes widened with consternation, pushed Gu Moli away and said angrily, "You... you've gone too far. You only know how to bully me every time." With that, there was a tendency to burst into tears.

Gu Moli was stunned for a moment, and then laughed again, "Didn't you let me kiss? I have given you my first kiss to this stupid girl. What else do you have to be dissatisfied with?

"You..." Mo Ziyao couldn't help but remember that when she first arrived at Ruan Nanguo, she met this enemy. In that tree hole, he also treated me like this. Is that kiss really his first kiss? It's also my first kiss!

Mo Ziyao felt a sense of sweet happiness in her heart. As soon as she raised her eyes, she kissed his thin lips. As soon as she touched the soft thin lips, Mo Ziyao was secretly nervous and shouted in her heart, "You, don't push me away."

Surprisingly, Mo Ziyao took the initiative to come to the door this time, and Gu Moli also happily accepted her beauty. When the four lips touch, they are like paint and glue.

At this time, the thatch not far from them shook slightly and soon returned to its original state. It's just that the two of them are kissing in the dark state of selflessness, and nothing strange is found. Even if the sky falls at this time, I'm afraid they won't be moved.

Gu Moli was a little surprised by Mo Ziyao's initiative. His curved eyes were full of smiles. Suddenly, he changed from passive to active, and Mo Ziyao was a little stunned and began to respond astringently.

Gradually came to the emotional time, the poison of 'free and happy' lurking in Mo Ziyao's body gradually broke out, which was a little more powerful than 'dignant ecstasy'.

What she didn't know was that the three poisons in his body had hidden signs of a large-scale outbreak. Before that, she vomited blood and coma only caused the precursor of the outbreak in advance because her mood was too agitated, but the precursors made her painful, let alone the three poisons explode together.

Originally, the poison of 'free and happy' should have occurred two hours ago, but because there are not only this poison in her body, but also three! When the three poisons met, they actually played a wonderful role in suppressing each other, so that the virus that should have been the fastest to attack has never had a chance to really break out.

If the poison keeps suppressing each other like this, it is also an extreme damage to Mo Ziyao's body. If the three poisons are suppressed to a limit, it may only be a matter of time before the outbreak occurs.

But Mo Ziyao has no experience to think about it. On the one hand, she responded enthusiastically to Gu Moli and had to resist the multiple shocks caused by various pains.

I don't know whether it was because she kissed for too long and didn't breathe, or her internal organs were so painful that it was difficult for her to breathe. She only felt that her head seemed to be a little oxygen-deficient, and her whole body was almost unable to stand still, which was very uncomfortable. The blood all over his body rushed straight to the forehead, and a mouthful of sweetness followed.

But the two are still kissing affectionately at this moment, as if they are afraid that they will never be together again. The blood that came up was directly involved in Gu Moli's mouth.

Blood slowly dripped from the corners of their lips. I don't know when they both shed tears. Tears flowed down their cheeks into their mouths, mixed with blood. The fishy and astringent feeling made both of them feel unprecedented sadness and despair.

Mo Ziyao felt soft and gradually fell down, but Gu Moli reached out and hooked her shaky body into her arms.

"Ziyao" Gu Moli shouted in pain and hugged her soft body with both hands.

Mo Ziyao opened her eyes tremblingly, and her head was still a little dizzy. She tried to open her eyes wide to look at the person in front of her. But he saw Gu Moli's sad, painful and unwilling look in front of him flashed in a pair of tears.

His face was pale, his eyebrows were deeply locked, and his thin lips were covered with dazzling blood, red and gorgeous like a blooming pomegranate flower, enchanting**, sad and beautiful.

Mo Ziyao's eyes moved gently, and two lines of tears were forced out. At this moment, the man in front of her was more real.

Mo Ziyao looked at him with confused eyes and felt in a trance that she had walked in this world, met so many people and things, and so many people who loved me, even if she really couldn't live today.

The only regret is why I crossed into this world? Who has an entanglement with himself in his previous life? She didn't know this yet.

Thinking of this, Mo Ziyao couldn't help tilting her head to look at the soul-eating bracelet on her wrist and said sadly, "I'm dying. Why don't you let me know the truth?"

Gu Moli's eyes were also attracted to the soul-eating bracelet. As soon as his eyes touched, his expression changed slightly, and his eyes were wandering and not thinking about anything.

Mo Ziyao did not go to see him. Naturally, she couldn't find his strange look. She just thought that she was about to leave. Anyway, this bracelet was the painstaking she got. I can't know about my relationship with this bracelet now, so let's make a souvenir for him.

Gently raised his hand in front of Gu Moli, and the soul-eating bracelet appeared between the two. Mo Ziyao looked at the bracelet and said leisurely, "Mo Li, this bracelet is for you. Please help me take it off. In the future, it will be yours. I am already a dying person, and it is useless to keep it."

Gu Moli glanced at the bracelet and stretched out his hand to hold Mo Ziyao's jade hand in his hand. His expression changed again. A trace of warmth flashed in his eyes, "What are you talking about? Who said you would die? Didn't I say that I brought you here to ask a peerless master to save your life. Do you want to give up easily? Besides, I gave this bracelet to you, and now you give it back to me. What is this?

Mo Ziyao really wanted to explain the afterth, but she didn't expect Gu Moli to have such an expression when she heard her words, so she looked at him in a blank way and didn't know what to persuade him.

He began to think nonsense again: "Hasn't he always liked this bracelet? Now that I give it to him, why doesn't he want it? Did he do this to motivate me to live a good life?

Thinking of this, Mo Ziyao's heart was sweet, and the painful feeling from her internal organs gradually faded. Her body just felt light, but at this time, the overwhelming desire suddenly hit her still sober mind.

"Uh..." Mo Ziyao snorted softly, and two red flowers flew on her face in an instant, and her clear mind gradually began to collapse at this moment.

With a panic, the ugly raised hand couldn't help pulling Gu Moli's skirt on his chest, clenched his teeth and said with the remaining wisdom, "I... I'm afraid the poison of my 'free and happy' is about to attack,"

"Happy and happy?" Gu Moli whispered once and looked at Mo Ziyao's expression suddenly strangely. As soon as she moved, she understood that she would suddenly behave like that in the hall.

It turned out that she was poisoned.

How can this be born? Gu Moli frowned and suddenly had no idea. If I wanted her now, wouldn't I have bullied her? If I don't want her, she will be delirious, suffer, and eventually explode and die...

Mo Ziyao was hot all over and felt that there was a fire everywhere. It was indescribable uncomfortable. Gu Moli in front of her suddenly turned into a pile of sweet and delicious snacks.

It seems that as long as you eat him, you can become comfortable. Well, it must be like this. How can she care whether she is willing to do this?

So I nibbled over, which tasted really good. Um, I couldn't wait. While nibbling, he said nonsense: "Good, delicious, er... so fragrant... er, so comfortable... so sweet! Dim... er... I want... I want to eat... eat you hee hee!"