The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 128 Self-defeating

Mo Ziyao quietly looked at the Empress Dowager, but she didn't seem to care. Seeing the Empress Dowager smile, "When you speak, Ya Zhaoyi, you are no worse than Yi Zhaorong!"

"Empress dowager, are you trying to make fun of my concubine?" Ya Zhaoyi smiled, her eyes were extremely bright, her cherry lips opened gently, and she said shyly: The empress dowager is like this, and my concubine dares not come again!"

The Empress Dowager also laughed: "Is that the crime of mourning the family?"

Hearing this, Ya Zhaoyi hurriedly said, "Look, won't you kill my concubine?"

Mo Ziyao sighed. It's really astringent. Although she is second only to the Empress Dowager here, she can't get in a word.

"Sister, don't say much, let Concubine Yao laugh, hehe." Another woman in a light blue palace costume looked at Mo Ziyao and said with a smile.

Ya Zhaoyi smiled and said, "Come on, even Lv Chongyuan has remonned me. Mother." She suddenly looked at Mo Ziyao, "My concubine made my mother laugh."

Mo Ziyao hurriedly smiled and said, "What is Zhaoyi's sister? Is it strange to me, or is it happy to hear you say that the Empress Dowager is also happy to see the Empress Dowager!"

The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyes and said, "Look at me, Yaofei's mouth is also sweet."

Mo Ziyao was slightly stunned and had to smile.


Sitting until everyone retreated, the Empress Dowager never mentioned the emperor's title of Mo Ziyao as a concubine, as if this unreasonable thing did not exist at all.

And Mo Ziyao suddenly remembered Yi Zhaorong. She left early, nothing more than to avoid this embarrassing situation. Sneer and give her time to adapt. One day, she will take the initiative to come to the door.

Coming out of Tairen Palace, Wanqiu and Yuzhi hurriedly greeted her and whispered, "Your mother has returned to the palace?"

Mo Ziyao thought for a moment and said in a low voice, "I'm going to Mingling Palace."

Mingling Palace is Yu Zhaoyi's bedroom. When Mo Ziyao went to the Empress Dowager in the morning, she did not see her figure. When they chatted, she learned that she was slightly sick today. I was worried about her all the time, so I just left the Tairen Palace and hurried to her.

When Mo Ziyao's sedan chair appeared in the Mingling Palace, a maidservant who was trimming the flowers and branches looked at her from afar. She put down the tools in her hand and did not come to greet her, but ran to the inner courtyard.

looked at the back in surprise and twisted gently in front of his eyes and disappeared into the door. Mo Ziyao couldn't help but feel surprised. Sister Su was slightly sick and didn't come out to greet her. Why did her maidservant look like a ghost when she saw me? Am I that scary?

The sedan chair stopped at the gate, and Mo Ziyao waved and said in a low voice, "You all wait here." After saying that, he walked to the hall. Wanqiu and Yuzhi stared at each other for a moment, gritted their teeth, and quickly followed.

Mo Ziyao glanced at the two with her spare light, but did not reach out to stop them. She knew that if she guarded too much, the relationship between master and servant would inevitably deteriorate. She didn't want outsiders to see that she and her close maidservant didn't get along well with each other.

If so, won't it be an opportunity for those who have a heart to take advantage of it? So she won't do this. It's not a shady thing to see Yu Zhaoyi. Since they all came openly, I believe many people are looking at it and are not afraid of anyone chewing their tongues.

kept entering the living room before I saw Yu Zhaoyi being helped out by the maidservant just now. Her face was pale, her eyes were red and swollen, as if she had just cried. She didn't put on makeup, and her long hair was soft behind her, which set off her pale face more and more.

Mo Ziyao thought that she was really sick and quickly walked over and held her other hand. The soft and boneless jade hand was cold and slender, and she struggled to let go as soon as she held it in the palm of her hand.

Mo Ziyao looked at her in surprise, but saw her bowing and shouting, "The concubine has seen the Empress, and the Empress is auspicious."

Seeing that Su Ti was so rude to herself, a trace of disappointment flashed in Mo Ziyao's eyes and stood aside and said repeatedly, "Sister, there is no need to be polite. Please get up quickly."

Su invited Mo Ziyao to sit down and asked her maidservant to prepare a good Biluochun. Mo Ziyao sat opposite her. Looking at her careful and polite appearance, she felt inexplicably disappointed. The woman who chatted and played chess with her disappeared, and there was only the respectful and indifferent Yu Zhaoyi.

After ordering everything, Suti looked up to meet Mo Ziyao's eyes. Her eyes flashed gently and dodged. Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "Is your sister better? Today, I went to Tairen Palace to comfort the Empress Dowager, but I didn't see you. Only then did I know that you were in poor health. It's all my sister's carelessness, so I came to see you."

Since you came to see the patient empty-handed, how can it make sense? Mo Ziyao quickly waved to Wanqiu and said, "Go and bring the thousand-year-old ginseng that the emperor gave me."

Su Ti listened to Mo Ziyao's words, and her eyes were strange, as if they were surprised, humiliated, and angry. In an instant, she stood up calmly and said, "The Empress can't do it. This is what the emperor has given you. How can I get it?"

Mo Ziyao really wanted to treat her with ginseng. She didn't think so much. How could she know that this was not the case in Su Ti's ears? Su Ti thought that Mo Ziyao did this on purpose to demonstrate to her, and naturally she felt humiliating and angry.

Seeing that she refused, Mo Ziyao said, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's useless to keep it. Only when it's used where it should be used can you experience its value, and my sister is sick, so it's time for it to play its role. My sister can't refuse!"

Mo Ziyao's tone is very kind and kind, but these words are like stabs in Suti's ears, which makes people extremely uncomfortable. I can't refuse, yes, I'm just Zhaoyi. How dare I refuse your kindness?

When I looked at Mo Ziyao again, I felt that she smiled hypocritically, her face was hateful, and she began to be a little disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

But Mo Ziyao didn't know anything about all this. When she saw Wanqiu standing there, she said in a low voice, "Why don't you go soon?"

Late autumn looked at Yu Zhaoyi in surprise and couldn't figure out why Mo Ziyao wanted to please Zhaoyi who was not as good as her. However, she naturally didn't dare to say much in front of the two, so she answered and retreated.

Mo Ziyao looked at her and asked with concern, "My sister was fine the other day. Why did she get sick?"

Su Ti smiled bitterly and said, "My concubine's bones have always been poor. When the weather suddenly turns cold, it is easy to catch a cold. Maybe I'm not used to it when I first came to the palace. But you don't have to worry about it. It will get better in a few days.

When Mo Ziyao nodded and reached out to hold Su's hand, the latter withdrew her hand like an electric shock. Mo Ziyao smiled and felt a little embarrassed. When she saw her, she was not welcome to stay here for a long time, so she coughed and said, "That sister should pay more attention to rest and take good health as soon as possible. My sister will come to see you another day."

Su Ti quickly stood up and nodded slightly and said, "Thank you for your care. Take your time."

Looking at Mo Ziyao's distant figure, Su Ti said to the maidservant beside him, "Mengxi, go out. Remember to close the gate, and if there are guests, just send them away without informing me.

Mengxi opened her mouth to speak, but when she saw Su Ti's calm face, which seemed to be very unhappy, she thought for a moment and asked boldly, "If the emperor... the emperor comes..."

Suti turned around and said harshly, "Of course, it will be transmitted immediately." Then her eyes darkened and said, "Xi'er, you have followed me for so many years, and you should know better than anyone else my plan to enter the palace."

After saying that, she walked to the inner room, but took a few steps and stopped. In the future, except for the emperor who came and passed it on immediately, all the rest of the people found an excuse to send it away.

"I know." Mengxi bit her lip and sighed helplessly.

Suti entered the room, closed the door with his backhand and bolted it. She stood at the door for a moment, then quickly walked to the bedside, bent down and pulled out a wooden box from under the bed. She sat back ** and held the wooden box tightly in her arms. After a long time, she gently opened the wooden box with trembling fingers and took out a piece of black cloth from it.

The cloth was square, and it seemed to be wrapped in something. Her eyes drooped slightly and her eyes fell on the black cloth. Raise your hand and slowly open the cloth, revealing a piece of scarlet ranking.

Qi finger brushed the big word on it, and a tear fell on the dark big word touched by her finger. It was a 'Ting', and then there were five big characters 'Chenghao's Spiritual Position'. There are still two words on these six words, but they were deliberately scratched with a knife. I can't see them clearly, so I can only vaguely see the word 'dead husband'.

It's so bold. Since you dare to bring the taboo thing like ranking back to the palace, if it is found, it is a great crime to kill the nine clans. However, looking at her cautious appearance, I think she knows how powerful it is.

After touching the 'Ding Chenghao' above, Suti put the whole ranking on his heart and cried, "Chenghao..."

"Chenghao, today is your 20th birthday. I can't prepare a thin wine to celebrate for you, but I have good news for you. You will be happy to hear it. That is, I was canonized as Zhaoyi. In this way, I am one step closer to the dog emperor. After a while, I will find a way to notice me..."

With that, her eyes were cold, and her right hand touched under the pillow. When she took it out again, she suddenly had a handful of cold daggers in her hand.

She held the dagger and said ferociously, "When he spoils me, it will be the time of his death." After saying that, she took the knife and sighed, "This is the only way. Although the probability of success is very low, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up."

Then she smiled again, laughing very sadly. Whether it succeeds or not, I will come down to find you immediately. Chenghao, you must wait for me there.

A dark shadow suddenly appeared at the door. The dark shadow shook and stood there still. Su Ti was aware of it and was shocked. He quickly stuffed the ranking into the quilt behind him and put the dagger back under the pillow. After wiping away his tears, he shouted, "Who is outside!"

The shadow outside moved again and suddenly reached out to push the door, but hesitated and put it down. The shadow said, "Miss, it's me, Mengxi."

"What's the matter?"

"The thousand-year-old ginseng sent by the imperial concubine Yao has arrived. The maidservant thought, should I make soup to mend the young lady, or... send it back intact?"

I clearly told her to wait in the yard, how could she suddenly run over? It turned out that it was for this matter, this little girl was thinking about me. Su Ti thought, and his heart was also warm. After thinking about it, he said, "Store it for the time being. If there is a chance another day, I will send it back to her in person."

The dark shadow outside the house nodded, shook his body, and disappeared into Suti's vision.