The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 165 Forbidden Land

Because Mo Ziyao was worried about Su Ti, she left Yunlan in the Mingling Palace. At this moment, she had to go back home alone. The snow scene at night was very beautiful. Although the cold wind was still very cold, she just came out of the warm room and didn't feel it for a while.

The four attendants waiting outside saw her come out and quickly lifted the curtain of the sedan chair. Mo Ziyao took a look at the sedan chair and waved her hand and said, "I want to walk, but I don't want to take the sedan chair."

After walking a few steps forward, he heard his feet fall and make a "squeaky" sound. He lowered his head and left a pair of small footprints.

The attendants quietly followed Mo Ziyao with an empty sedan chair, without saying a word, and they didn't even dare to breathe too heavily. Mo Ziyao smiled at the corners of her mouth, holding the stove given to her by Concubine Yun, and walked slowly.

The snow on the road is not too thick. Maybe it rained before the snow fell, and the temperature dropped sharply at night, but the rain and snow were frozen together with the road. I felt a little slippery when I stepped on it, and I was always worried that it would slip. Fortunately, the wind was not strong, but the air was very cool, and the breath looked whiter and whiter.

When I raised my eyes, the sky was gray, and the snow in the distance turned black, with a depressing smell. Unconsciously, I walked to the imperial garden, but I couldn't see anything in the white area. Unconsciously looking in the direction of Cui Lake, the Cui Lake has already calmed down.

GraduALLY, I felt the cold wind pouring in from the seams of my clothes. Mo Ziyao shrugged her shoulders and quickly tightened the light clothes. Inexplicably losing her interest in night reward, she shook her head and was ready to go back.

After winding up the sheep intestine path of the Royal Garden for a while, I suddenly saw two ghostly figures on the edge of the rockery not far ahead. I met my head and flashed behind the rockery. After a while, I heard a man and a woman talking in a low voice from afar.

Mo Ziyao frowned and thought to herself: Two arrogant people dare to have a private meeting in the imperial garden. Private meeting?" Her heart suddenly tightened, and naturally she thought of the scene of a private meeting between Ruan Lingzheng and a maidservant the night before the draft.

But she knew very well that their private meeting was not coincidental, but that someone deliberately wanted to attract herself into the game and use Ruan Lingzheng's hand to get rid of herself.

And this time? Is it also a game?

Mo Ziyao looked at her position and happened to have a row of cedar trees in front of the rockery. Maybe the two cedar felt that it was night, and no one would come out in the cold weather. They were not afraid of being found, so they dared to run out boldly.

In the end, curiosity defeated reason. She wanted to find out, so she waved her entourage to wait in place, and she took a light step and slowly touched it. After getting closer, I could finally hear a few words of their conversation clearly.

I only heard the man say, "Pear, is it safe here? You were not found when you came out, did you?

"Brother Xun, don't worry, how can anyone find out that on this cold day, my sisters in my room have been asleep for a long time. Ha ha, absolutely no one will find out." The woman's voice is delicate and charming.

Mo Ziyao was finally sure that she really met a pair of men and women in a private meeting. This is in the palace, how dare these two people be so insant. A burst of anger surged in my heart and wanted to come forward to catch the man and woman. At this time, he said, "That's great, Lier, I miss you so much."

Then I heard an ecstatic and depressing moan behind the rockery. The maid named Li'er suddenly said, "No, we can't be here. In case someone comes and finds it, it will be miserable." The maidservant was smart and careful, knowing that she would not stay here for a long time. Mo Ziyao thought for a moment and decided that it would be better to see which maid she was in the palace and who she was having a tryst with first.

It sounded for a while, and the man said, "Well, why don't we go to the same place?"

There is even a nest. This is just the place where they meet. Mo Ziyao frowned and listened to the footsteps of the two gradually moving away. I'm afraid that they didn't do this once or twice. It's really lawless. Why haven't they been found? What good luck.

With disgust in her heart, Mo Ziyao was determined to catch a figure, so she stepped up and followed.

Following them through the winding path, Mo Ziyao felt that they were going west, west? She only remembers that once when she was walking in the royal garden with Yunlan, she told herself not to go to the west easily.

What's in the west? Mo Ziyao's suspicion suddenly stopped and she couldn't help slowing down. I thought to my heart that there must be some taboos there. Unexpectedly, after such a while, the two people in front of them had gone far away. I quickly caught up and found that the person had been lost.

Mo Ziyao stood in the snow and stamped her feet with regret and said 'huh'. It's really confusing. Few people come here. Isn't there a clear print of two pairs of footprints on the snow in front of you? Looking for footprints, you will definitely find two people.

Mo Ziyao looked for her footprints all the way to the door of a palace. Looking up through the faint light, you can see the towering outline of the hall and a plaque hanging directly above, on which you can faintly distinguish what palace is written on it.

But when I saw the overgrown weeds and the empty palace gate, I thought that I had not lived here for a long time. At the gate of the palace, two black things stand on both sides, like two tall stone statues. Mo Ziyao couldn't help wondering, whose palace will be placed at the door of this palace? I really don't know who used to live in this palace. It's so unique.

He lowered his head and suddenly saw two rows of wet footprints in front of the empty palace gate, extending into the hall. Mo Ziyao was overjoyed. It seemed that the two men had indeed entered the ownerless palace. Vaguely, she seemed to be able to hear the low conversation between the two and the woman's promiscuous cry.

pushed open the door, and the door made a "squeak". Mo Ziyao looked inside first and saw that it was dark and could not see anything. So with the impression of the pattern of buildings in the palace, she groped forward step by step and walked all the way inside. Her hand finally touched a table and instinctively touched it. Although she knew that the table must be dirty, she was eager to find the light source. As she touched it, she actually touched a candle with the thickness of her thumb. And the fire folds placed next to it.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard a "bang" behind her, and the door was closed. She shouted "No!" in her heart and quickly ran to the gate and pulled the door hard. Unexpectedly, the door was locked from the outside.

I didn't expect to be so careful that I was still trapped. Twice, both times use this means,

But I was still tricked. Last time there was a political rescue, but this time? I insisted on following him, and the attendants were still waiting in the imperial garden. I'm afraid no one can save them.

I was angry, but I was extremely panicked and anxious. Fortunately, the door was not completely closed and could open a gap. Through the gap, Mo Ziyao saw a masked face, which could be concluded from her service that she was a maidservant. But I'm not sure if this maidservant is the maid named Li'er I saw before.

The maid saw her, and there was no panic in her eyes. She probably knew Mo Ziyao, but she stared at Mo Ziyao and sneered, "I have seen the Empress Yao. The Empress is a thousand years old!"

Mo Ziyao's body was shocked, looked at her and said angrily, "Bold, since you know that I am the Empress Yao, why don't you let me out?"

The maid suddenly raised her head and shrilled her voice. The laughter was very harsh, but Mo Ziyao could tell that the maid was the previous pear.

After laughing, she put her hand in her waist and suddenly bowed her head and said, "Don't worry, I believe someone will find you early tomorrow morning. Oh no, your entourage in the Royal Garden found that you were missing, and someone should be able to find you soon.

Mo Ziyao listened to her voice and only felt "buzzing" in her head, and her thoughts were confused. I was just immersed in the shock and panic of being calculated. However, she was very clear, that is, it turned out to be a game. A game had been set up for a long time to wait for herself to jump in.

I thought desperately, "Who on earth knows that I have to pass through the imperial garden at this time, and I'm still alone. How did she know that I would follow? If Yunlan is by her side, she must not let me come here, but Yunlan is not here. This person seems to have expected everything for a long time and knew that I would definitely enter this game. This...this is so horrible!" Mo Ziyao suddenly felt that on such a cold day, the clothes behind her had been soaked with cold sweat.

"Our task has been completed. Let's go." The man turned his back to Mo Ziyao and looked at the gray sky and said.

The maid looked at Mo Ziyao again and didn't say much. She turned around and was about to leave. Mo Ziyao suddenly woke up, pulled the door hard and shouted, "Where is this?" Tell me, where is this?"

The maid said without looking back: "The forbidden place in the palace, Xilin Palace, Xifei's bedroom. Madam Yao, please take care of yourself.

The voice drifted away, but this sentence was like a living thing, drilling into her ears desperately over and over again.

In the dark, Mo Ziyao panicked, and her eyes showed panic. She knew that she had broken into the forbidden place, and this time I'm afraid it would be difficult for even the emperor to save her.

"Who is Princess Xi? Who is she? Mo Ziyao held her head and couldn't figure out the origin of the Empress Xi. Since it is a taboo in the palace, there are not many people who must know it. Thinking of Yunlan's look that day, maybe she knew it. But that day, she didn't tell herself about Princess Xi, and she didn't ask herself!

Since this is Princess Xi's bedroom, I think I may be able to find some clues here. Maybe there are windows or something in this palace, so you can escape. Thinking of this, Mo Ziyao walked to the table again and lit a candle with a flint.

The faint candlelight swayed and slowly rose, and Mo Ziyao saw the decorations in the hall with the help of light. Inside, the teapot, curtains and curtains are intact and novel. It doesn't look as desolate as outside, but it looks like it has always been inhabited here.

I stretched out my palm and looked at it. I just touched the table for a long time, but my hand was not even stained with dust, which was enough to show that the hygiene here was well maintained.

I quickly walked to the window and opened the curtain. I saw that the window had been nailed with wooden strips. I reached out and pushed it down without moving, so I looked at a few more places. Everywhere was like this. Mo Ziyao was disappointed and couldn't help sighing deeply.

Since she can't get out, she may still find a clue as to what kind of person and what she looks like.

So she picked up the candle and walked into the inner hall. She found that there was nothing in the inner hall, only a seat in the middle. With a slight turn of his eyes, he saw the portrait hanging on the wall in the middle of the hall. And the moment she saw this portrait, she was stunned.