The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 194 Final Showdown

"Sixth brother, do you hate me so much for 'taking' your country? Barbarians are not taught. Are you really willing to let these people destroy Ruan Nanguo's centuries-old foundation?

Ruan Lingzheng's body trembled slightly, but he didn't realize that it was not caused by fear and tension, but anger, puzzled and heartache and disappointment.

Although he is cruel to the enemy, he will never use this method on his relatives, even if he knows that they are not ungrateful. Even if he knew their private actions, he would just close his eyes.

But why don't they want to guard the country of the Ruan family with me, preferring to destroy it?

Hate blinds people's minds. Desire controls people's body and soul.

Why did you force me?!


"We are born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other? Don't force me..."

"Your Majesty..."

Zhang Ming, who was about to leave, suddenly found that the emperor's body in front of him trembled slightly and his face turned pale, and he couldn't help shouting worriedly.

Ruan Lingzheng was awakened by this shout. Soon, all his emotions were suppressed one by one, and his face quickly returned to normal. He knew that he could not be upset at this time. He was the pillar of the whole team, and he would never let the soldiers see any mood fluctuations and upset the army. He recognized the king of Pingzhen, but those soldiers may not.

He quickly analyzed the situation and said in a low voice, "Go on and surround!"

The drum of the charge sounded, and with an order, these retracted armored troops immediately roared out and came forward to rob and kill.


Thousands of Ruannan soldiers rushed in like wolves and tigers, and people turned upside down wherever they passed. After rushing for a while, he immediately turned around and ran to Gaogang, slightly rectified and rushed again.

Seeing this powerful Ruan Nan soldiers, Ruan Lingzheng was slightly relieved. The enemy didn't have time to react, but killed them unprepared.

However, at this time, there was a horn in the enemy camp, and the army immediately contracted inward and took the initiative to avoid Ruan Nan's army in the attacking camp.

This wave of killing the army returned without success, but obviously did not panic. With a wave of the flag, it immediately another wave of robbery.

Pingzhen Wang Cema came to stand on the peak opposite the city. Behind him, a big man with a tiger back and a bear waist appeared. The two looked at the people on the tower, and the people on the tower immediately stood up, and the heavy gasps showed their inner nervousness and panic.

Everyone began to guess unconsciously.

A bearded captain recognized the tough man and exclaimed, "It's the commander-in-chief. Oh, my God, why is it him? Also, who is he so respectful to the masked man? Liang Dutong, do you know this person?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be the real leader of this team, otherwise how could the Tusala army, which is not good at war, have such a superb formation?" Liang Du replied.

The captain nodded, "That's right. It seems that this is not simple, and I don't know if it's one of Tusala's princes who came out to practice."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was in an uproar. If it is really the prince of Tusara, it seems that they will have another difficult enemy from now on.

Although they deliberately lowered their voices, Ruan Lingzheng still listened to their conversation. He coughed softly. Those people realized their words and couldn't help shrinking their necks and suddenly became silent.

Ruan Lingzheng said angrily, "You ignorant things know that you will have the prestige of the enemy and destroy your morale. It's a big taboo for soldiers to be timid before fighting!"

The group were so scared that they knelt on the ground and said repeatedly, "The last general knows what's wrong, and the emperor will forgive me."

Seeing the weak appearance of these people, Ruan Lingzheng was annoyed and frowned and said, "Since you have leisure to talk here, why don't you go down and kill a few more enemies and go down."

"Yes, your Majesty." Those people turned pale in an instant and quickly got up and went down the tower.

Ruan Lingzheng did not look at them and stared closely at the war situation below.

The Ruannan army attacked again and again, and the enemy retreated again and again, once, twice, three times...

The two armies seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, constantly repeating this monotonous attack camp and being attacked. Ruan Nan's soldiers have never penetrated into the depths of the enemy's army and have been robbed and killed on the periphery of the phalanx. After half a day, the enemy's casualties were pitifully few, less than a thousand. This number is painless for their more than 50,000 soldiers and horses (some have been consumed in front), and more than 50,000 soldiers are still energetic and tireless, while Ruan Nan's side has gradually become tired.


Another robbery, suddenly a long arrow shot from the depths of the enemy, through the gap in the armor, and pierced the neck of a Ruan Nan soldier. The general's throat clucked and fell down from the horse.

It's like a stone falling into the water, ripples. At the moment when the soldiers were killed, Ruan Lingzheng's mind was shocked and he felt something was wrong.

But at this time---


One after another of long arrows shot out, and Ruan Nan's side fell several people in a row. Ruan Lingzheng's pupils suddenly shrank and suddenly found that these fallen were all generals with military ranks.

"Bastard!" Ruan Lingzheng cursed secretly. He didn't expect that the enemy would play cards so unconformly and began to hunt his generals and confuse a large number of soldiers.

But soon he calmed down, "Withdraw!"

Ruan Lingzheng immediately made a quick decision and immediately ordered all the soldiers to retreat. He looked at the King of Pingyi on the opposite mountain, and under his cold mask, there seemed to be a faint sneer.

Seeing Ruan Nan's army retreat, the enemy did not catch up. Continue to practice this army of more than 50,000 without hurry!

After a brief silence, the enemy finally began to fight back. Under an order, 20,000 cavalry surged out like a tide, rushed out in all directions of the earth, and then came to the bottom of the tower...

"Huh, can't you finally help it?" Ruan Lingzheng narrowed his eyes, his heart was extremely calm, and he said, "Archers are ready!"

The bottom of "swish---" quickly turned into a sea of arrow rain, and the cavalry rushed under the gate and were shot down by sharp arrows.

Soon, the screams of the enemy below, the hissing of the war horses and the sound of arrows flying rain mixed together.

Ruan Lingzheng said again, "Pingtong oil!"

When the oil was poured down, the rocket was immediately fired. With a 'hull' sound, the bottom of the tower turned into a sea of fire. Many cavalry and horses rushing to the front were ignited and howl in pain in the fire.

But even so, the enemies in the rear are still going forward and are not afraid of death.

"Rolling Stone." Ruan Lingzheng still gave the order unhurriedly.


Many people were killed by boulders and burned to death by fire. For a moment, the bottom became the hell of Shura.

A general-like man ran over, and this man was Vice General Wang. He half knelt down in front of Ruan Lingzheng and said, "See the emperor!"

Ruan Lingzheng answered, but looked into the distance and only asked, "How is the battle ahead?"

Vice General Wang is very proud: "Your Majesty, the last general has fought with him a few games, and Tusala's reinforcements are simply vulnerable! Under one blow, he fled everywhere and collapsed. Emperor, in fact, the last general feels that we can completely swing our army straight into their imperial city!" He spoke sonorous and powerful, and his sleeping foam flew horizontally.

Ruan Lingzheng listened and sneered, "Is it true that you can't form an army?"

As soon as his words fell, he heard the sound of drums in the distance. The dust flew in the distance, and a group of troops quickly surrounded this side. Their intention was obviously to deliberately let go of this 10,000 horses, and now they have merged with the Allies, and the rest has been wiped out.

When Vice General Wang saw this scene, his face changed, his eyes were full of horror, and he muttered, "How can it be, how can it be..."

Suddenly, he got up and said, "Your Majesty, they are all careless at the moment. Finally, the general will take the troops out to stop it!" With that, he turned around and left.

Ruan Lingzheng said, "Hist! Pass my order, and the whole army will not move!"

Vice General Wang seemed to hear something incredible. He looked back at him in surprise and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you attack immediately before they meet?"

"Attack?" He sneered and cursed in a low voice, "Waste!"

Vice General Wang was shocked and hurriedly knelt down and said, "I don't know..."

Before he finished his words, Ruan Lingzheng said coldly, "Tussala's reinforcements have joined with the Allies. Does our army still need to open the gate to welcome him? I don't want to see you again. Go down!"

Vice General Wang's face turned pale in an instant and knelt on the ground and said, "Yes, I am guilty. Thank you for not killing the emperor. I will go down to kill the enemy and atone for my sins!"

Ruan Lingzheng frowned and didn't want to say more at all. At this time, General Huang came forward and said, "Your Majesty, the last general has found General Liu's people." In the tone, there was finally some joy.

Ruan Lingzheng snorted coldly without much joy and said coldly, "Do you really think Tusara's people are so vulnerable? They used slightly injured soldiers to fight against the enemy's elite troops. Their purpose has always been on my reinforcements!"

Hearing this, General Huang's face changed greatly and quickly lowered his head and said, "Ah, no wonder they are so crazy now. It turned out that they wanted to stop General Liu's support and defeat our army before they arrived. At that time, even if the reinforcements break out of the siege, they will be weak."

It seems that this is the last fight of the enemy, and the victory or defeat will be divided after this battle. At this moment, not only Ruan Lingzheng, but also all the people behind him became nervous.

Ruan Lingzheng understands that this is a tough battle, and if he wins, he can capture Tussala and return to the court triumphantly. If you lose, you will be doomed, and everyone, including him, will be buried forever.

At this moment, Ruan Lingzheng became more and more calm, quickly analyzed the war situation, and quickly issued one order after another...

Seeing the movement of the troops on both sides, everyone immediately became aware of it. I have to admit that although the enemy's move is a little vulgar, it is very effective. It is to force Ruan Nanjun to take action.

Once the reinforcements were broken, Ruan Nanjun has really become helpless. Now the attack can only be defeated by itself!

However, if the turtle can't shrink, they will turn around to deal with the reinforcements brought by Liu Yanfei. Stretching the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife, so---

"In that case, let's fight head-on!"

As soon as Ruan Lingzheng's order was issued, all the generals and captains who had been left above the tower were ordered to come out.

At this time, General Huang suddenly found that the righteous king who had stood next to the emperor was missing!

He has always been careful about the seemingly harmless king of justice, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't watch it.

"It's over, something big is going to happen!" General Huang saw this scene and quickly told Ruan Lingzheng.

Ruan Lingzheng's face changed, and suddenly a bad feeling came to his heart.