The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Poor Blue Falling Yellow Spring 1

Three generations of love

The first life.

On the top of the mountain, Jiang Yun's face is like white paper, and his forehead is sweaty. She tried her best to carefully pick up the child who had no vitality on the ground, reached out and stroked his cold little face, bursting into tears. The child's eyes were closed, and the corners of his mouth were gently raised, looking peaceful. She wanted to smile at the child, but her lips moved, but she frowned, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell into Du Xiyan's arms.

Du Xiyan's body was scarred. He breathed heavily and his face changed greatly. He took Jiang Yunxu's hand, put it on his chest, and said painfully, "Yun Xu, Linger has gone, and I can't lose you again!" Please don't think about it anymore. Master, come soon. He must have a way to save you.

Jiang Yunxu shook his head, trembled his hands, put the jade bracelet made from the blood sacrifice of two people in his hand, and said gently, "Husband, it's too late. I can't change anything when I live. Hurry up and leave with Linger and the jade bracelet. We can't be together in this life. In the next life, you wait for me, I will... Be your wife..."

After Jiang Yunxu finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes, and his hands also slid down from Du Xiyan's palm.

"Yunxu..." Du Xiyan cried bitterly and hugged Jiang Yunxu's body tightly.

In the distance, there was a sound of horses' hoofs. Du Xiyan looked up and saw a group of people riding horses chasing this way quickly.

"They are chasing again." Du Xiyan smiled miserably, looked at Jiang Yunxu in her arms, stroked her gradually cold face and said softly, "Yunxu, you and your child have left, and I don't want to live alone in the world. It's a death. I also want to be with you and your children!"

Du Xiyan finished speaking, finally took a look at the jade bracelet in her hand, stuffed it into the stone crack beside her, turned her head to look at the bottomless cliff behind her, picked up Linger and Jiang Yunxu, and turned around and jumped off the cliff.


In the late Western Zhou Dynasty, the slave owners and nobles marched violently, aggravated the exploitation and aroused the resistance of the people. Civilians and slaves revolted, the war continued, the people were displaced, and the world was in chaos.

Since Jiang Yunxu was sensible, she knew that she could not be free in her life. She is lonely and cold. She doesn't care where she will be tomorrow. She just feels that the world has nothing to do with her.

Her background is very low. Her mother is an official prostitute. As for her father, even her mother doesn't know which official nobleman she is.

From her birth to her memory, what she saw most was her mother moaning and twisting under different men. Until she was ten years old, she saw her mother die under a man's belly. His body was still hot and had been dragged to the mass grave in the back mountain and discarded like a dead dog. She watched. Even so, she didn't shed a tear for her mother, but sighed that it might not be long before she would become the same fate as her mother.

Until her mother died, she did not know her mother's name. She only knew that her mother had told her that her family was originally an official family. On the night she married into her husband's house, the family was framed and rebelled, and the whole family was convicted and killed by the nine families. Her mother was accepted as an official prostitute because of her beauty, and her husband was stabbed to death that night. She was given the surname Jiang to pay tribute to her deceased husband whom she had only met once.

Jiang Yunxu, Yunxu, the lowest and humble things, can't control their own fate. When the wind rises, it floats with the wind, and I don't know how the final outcome will end. Her mother gave her such a name, hoping that she could take root like a cloud catkins and live a cheap life.

Maybe she hates her mother's incompetence, but more she hates her untimely life.

This day is the darkest day of her life. As soon as her mother's body was abandoned, someone from the Qian family came to lock her with four or five catties of iron chains and threw her into a large iron cage. Standing firmly, I found that there were more than a dozen children like her in the cage. The eldest was thirteen or fourteen years old, and the youngest was only a little more than six years old.

They are ragged, their faces are yellow, their faces are dirty, their eyes are lax, and some people have a bad smell. Jiang Yunxu glanced at these crying children indifferently, and then found an empty place to sit down cross-legged. She was a little uneasy. She didn't know where the Qian family were going to send them.

All the way, about two hours later, the car drove to the downtown. In the crowded and noisy wide square, they were released one by one and chained to the railing at the edge of the square.

Jiang Yunxu's heart sank. Only then did she know that the Qian family pulled them to the largest slave market in the town to bid on them.

Soon, a group of people gathered around and looked at them with critical eyes. The children also knew the situation they were facing, and they were so scared that they cried.

Only Jiang Yunxu and a few slightly older children did not cry, but the older children also scurt angrily, spit, and insulted the businessmen or guests who came to watch.

At this time, Jiang Yunxu only heard the harsh sound of the iron bar dragging on the ground from behind, and the field suddenly became quiet. At this time, the teenager in his teen who was the most excited and scolded the most fiercely suddenly screamed and fell to the ground with a 'bang'.

Jiang Yunxu turned his head and took a look. He saw the teenager fall into the pool of blood, half of his head sunken in, and the red and white flowed all over the ground, and died tragically.

The master of the Qian family came up with a fat belly. He took a huge iron axe from the hands of the people beside him and pointed at them with a ferocious expression and said, "Ant-like things are really thick. Humph, ignorant things deserve to die. If any of you want to end up like him, you can scold him. I'd like to see if your mouth is hard or my axe is hard!"

This threat was indeed much more honest, and even the crying became sobbing.

Several well-dressed middle-aged men came forward, walked to a few better-looking teenagers, paused, reached out to lifted their hair, nodded to the money stewor and said, "Well, what's the price?" With that, he didn't forget to pinch the teenager's buttocks with his hand.

In the end, the three teenagers made a deal with ten pieces of money. Soon, the attendants took out iron and burned red and branded a big word 'Xia' on the teenager's cheeks, which made the three screamed in pain.

Jiang Yunxu heard their screams and saw a smell of burnt meat in the air, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

At this moment, Jiang Yunxu saw a pair of white sheepskin boots stop in front of her. Suddenly, a slender and white hand stretched out and picked up her chin. Jiang Yunxu raised her eyes and saw a cold teenager appear in front of her.

He is dressed in a moon-white silver fine-patterned brocade suit, and a large lotus pattern appears on his white clothes. A white silk thread tied more than half of his dark blue hair high behind his head, and his black eyes under his handsome eyebrows were like thick ink, and a cold face carved like a knife made him look indifferent and inaccessible.

While the teenager looked at Jiang Yunxu, she also looked straight at him without fear.

She has seen from the teenager's clothes that he must be the son of a rich family, with the same purpose as those people, to come out to buy their lowly slaves.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yunxu was disgusted and even looked unfriendly.

The teenager's eyebrows moved slightly. After looking at it for a while, he let go of his hand and walked in front of her, turned around, and selected five teenagers and five girls. When he finally walked to her, he deliberately stopped.

Jiang Yunxu saw that the white sheepskin boots stopped in front of her again. She frowned and turned her head to look at him again. Her eyes flashed with a very unhappy look. A trace of anger flashed in her clear eyes, as if she was complaining about something.

The teenager's sharp pupils seemed to have detected her thoughts, and a faint smile appeared on his cold face, which made everyone sigh.

Jiang Yunxu also looked at it infatuatedly. For a moment, he forgot to take back his sight. He only heard the teenager turn around and say to the money steward faintly, "How much do I want these ten?"

Manager Qian looked at a few people and said quickly, "Each tripa, a total of 30 pieces of money."

"Hmm." The teenager nodded, "I heard that if there are ten, I will get one, right?"

"Yes, prince, you can choose another one. If you are 20 years old, I can send you three. The money stewman flattered.

The teenager glanced at the money stewor with Yu Guang and said, "20 don't need it."

He pointed to the clouds with one finger and said, "Just her."

Jiang Yunxu's body trembled. She knew that since she had come here, she would inevitably be bought, but she didn't expect that she would be sent out without even a copper plate.

stared at the teenager with hatred. When he turned his eyes, he saw someone coming forward with a hot soldering iron and pressed her to brand her face.

Jiang Yunxu is just a ten-year-old child. Seeing this posture, he suddenly panicked and finally changed his face with fear.

She remembers that her mother once told her that once she was branded, she could only accept her life as a slave. With this mark, he can't even escape. If he is found, he will be sent back according to the name branded on his face. After returning, he will probably be beaten to death by the owner and abandoned in the wilderness.

She instinctively stroked her face, turned her head, and looked at the teenager with pleading eyes and said, "Sir, you can buy me back to be a cow and a horse, but please don't brand my face."

The teenager's eyes showed a little surprise and indifferently spit out two words: "reason."

Jiang Yunxu thought for a moment and said, "If half of my face is ruined, it must be ugly. It will be difficult to sell it in the future."

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly and became interested. His eyes turned slightly, as if he had an idea. He suddenly laughed and said, "Is that your reason? Unfortunately, it didn't convince me. Disappointed, isn't it? But as you wish, I won't let you be easily disfigured.

With that, he approached Jiang Yunxu, took out a unique dagger from his sleeve and grabbed her shoulder.

Jiang Yunxu looked at the teenager with an evil smile that was getting closer and closer to her, and the dagger raised in his hand. She was so frightened that she couldn't help screaming, "Let go of me, what are you going to do!"

The teenager smiled at her, and the tip of the knife suddenly sank, and made a few marks on her face.

"Ah!" Jiang Yunxu covered the wound with her hand in pain, and blood flowed out of the cracks in her fingertips. She couldn't help crying.

Not because of pain, but because of anger and shame.

She didn't know what the teenager wrote on her face, but she knew it would not be a good thing.