The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Only wish your heart was like my heart 1

Second generation.

114 years later...

On the edge of the huge stone where Jiang Yunxu and Du Xiyan jumped off the cliff, a 14- or 15-year-old girl knelt on the edge of the cliff. Her body trembled slightly and cried sadly.

Half a sound, she suddenly stopped crying, looked up and wiped away her tears. She got up and came to the edge of the cliff. A light pink dress wrapped her delicate and slender body, and the wind raised her long hair and fluttering skirt, like a butterfly dancing in the wind, which was touching.

Her delicate face looked slightly pale in the wind, a pair of water-like brown eyes flowed slightly, and there was unconcealable sadness and grimness in the bottom of her eyes.

She turned around and walked to the boulder that Jiang Yunxu and Du Xiyan had leaned on. She gently brushed it with her fingers and muttered with a complicated look: "I remember everything. It turns out that I am the reincarnation of Jiang Yunxu..."

She bent down, and her slender hand stroked the place where the soul-eating bracelet was once placed, but a picture suddenly flashed in her mind that made her strange and kind.


It dates back to 14 years ago, the cold dew.

It was a 17- or 18-year-old woman standing on the edge of the cliff in despair. She lowered her head, involuntarily stretched out her hand and gently stroked her unflated lower abdomen, and couldn't help whispering.

This figure made the girl feel an unprecedented sense of affection, "This figure is my mother!" It turned out to be a mother! After the girl was stunned, her body couldn't help trembling gently.

The girl heard from Grandma Ge that her mother died after she was born. Her image of her mother came entirely from what Grandma Ge told her later.

"Why does mother want to make a short appearance?" This is the most puzzled part of the girl, but now, everything is played back in her mind, and everything is quietly displayed in her mind. The girl also gradually realized how desperate and sad her mother stood on the edge of the cliff. But she still suppressed her inner grief and indignation and continued to look down.


The desperate woman slowly nodded, looked at her flat abdomen, and said softly in her heart, "Child, I'm sorry for you. If you don't have time to open your eyes to see the outside world, I will take you away. If there is an afterlife, you must not reincarnation on me again."

Speaking of this, she looked extremely gloomy. She stroked her abdomen and continued with a wry smile and continued, "Actually, my mother doesn't want to be like this. It's just that my mother is an ominous person. First, she killed her parents and brother, and then killed her father-in-law. My mother-in-law said that I was the reincarnation of the broom star, and my whole body was unlucky. Your father is the only seedling of the Fang family, so my mother-in-law will kick me out of the house anyway for fear that I will kill her only son again.

The woman wanted to laugh, but she hadn't laughed, and tears had come to her eyes. He mocked himself and said, "Yes, my husband is young, talented and talented. He is the youngest right prime minister of the dynasty, and even His Majesty looks at him differently. But who knows that when he was a mediocre centurion, who had been silently supporting him behind his back and using all possible relationships to pave the way for his career?

The woman suddenly lost control of her emotions, cried imagelessly, and gasped violently. Bowing down, her eyes were full of hatred, and she screamed, "It's me Yin Mengyuan! But what about you? Why do you want to marry a princess?! You don't need me anymore, you don't need me anymore..."

Then, his voice sank weakly: "Husband, you haven't been home for a long time. Do you know that our child is almost four months old, but you can't see it anymore..."

Then, she turned her eyes to the bottom of the smoky cliff and gently closed her eyes. When I opened it again, there was a little determination in my eyes.

"Dad, mother, brother, Yuan'er is here to accompany you!"

After saying that, Yin Mengyuan raised her sleeves for the last time to dry the tears on her face and reached out to close her long hair blown by the wind. She squeezed her lips and smiled gently, as if she wanted to keep the most beautiful appearance in the world.

Looking up at this beautiful world, she wants to reflect these beautiful things in her heart forever.


-----view, angle, rotation, change, line--------

Yin Mengyuan woke up leisurely. She slowly opened her eyes and saw a simple and narrow farmhouse. And she lay on a dilapidated wooden bed made of wooden boards.

"I'm not dead?" She was stunned. Since she was not dead, then---

Her heart tightened suddenly, and her hands touched her abdomen. When she touched her slightly bulging lower abdomen, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, the child is fine."

"Huh? Is this?" As soon as she raised her hand, she found that she was holding a bracelet tightly in her hand. The surface of the bracelet was covered with thick plaster, and she couldn't see what it looked like. She frowned and remembered the origin of the bracelet.

At that time, she was determined to jump off the cliff. Just as she was about to jump down, she suddenly felt a cold back and couldn't help turning around to look. At first glance, she was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat.

It turned out that she hadn't paid much attention to it. There was a five-step snake in the crack of the huge stone just six feet away from her!

At this moment, the snake supports the ground with its tail, and one-thirds of its body is coiled together, and two-thirds of its body is actually straight and tense, as if it is ready to make a fatal blow. On the diamond-shaped head, a pair of cold eyes were staring at her coldly, and the slightly open snake's mouth stretched out and shrank to spit scarlet letters.

Five-step snake, this kind of snake is extremely poisonous. As long as it bites and can't walk five steps, it will be poisoned to death.

Yin Mengyuan's nerves were highly nervous, but she dared not move. After looking at each other for a long time, the snake seemed to be the first to lose patience. The tense body shrank and gradually softened. Then she took a breath and relaxed a little. Just as she thought the snake was going to turn around and leave, it mutated and protruated.

She only felt that the top of her head was suddenly dark, and a figure swept down from the sky like lightning. The sharp claws quickly grasped the crisis and was about to flash into the five-step snake in the crack of the stone. A series of accidents made her couldn't help shouting.

It turned out that there was a huge threbler.

The falcon's sharp and hard claws pierced the snake's body, and its claws broke the rock under the snake's body. With a flapping of its wings, the falcon grabbed its prey and flew into the sky, and the snake flew up with a piece of 'rock' in unwilling struggle.

Yin Mengyuan looked up and looked at it. At this moment, a fist-sized 'rock' suddenly fell from the sky and hit her on the edge of the cliff. She instinctively reached out to block it, but she didn't expect to catch it with one hand.

She felt extremely incredible and secretly congratulated on the danger. The expression on his face loosened, and then his expression faded. As long as she thought that she was an ominous person, killed her parents and brothers, and was kicked out by her mother-in-law, she felt that her whole life was gray. I couldn't help taking a small step back. Unexpectedly, the stone under my feet fell off without warning, and my whole body fell off the cliff---


Yin Mengyuan couldn't help screaming, and her ears were full of 'huh' wind. She wanted to jump off the cliff and break it, but she never thought there would be such a way to die.

In this way, her body gradually fell. Strangely, she held the bracelet firmly without intention. Knowing that her thoughts fell into darkness, she was still holding the gray bracelet.


Thinking of this, she gently wiped the surface of the bracelet with her sleeve, and the original appearance of the bracelet appeared in front of her eyes.

A milky white warm jade, with good color and warm jade. But the workmanship is not like an item of this period, as if this bracelet has been around for some time.

Yin Mengyuan felt that this bracelet was very related to her, so the more she looked at it, the more she liked it. After watching it for a while, she wrapped it in brocade and put it in her skirt. She thought that if she could have a daughter, she would give it to her.

I came to my senses and suddenly found that I was thirsty. She frowned and turned her eyes slightly. She found a kettle and two cups on the wooden table not far away. So she wanted to get out of bed and drink some water, but when she lifted the bedding, she couldn't help saying, "Ah!" With a sound.

Her legs were wrapped in a thick white cloth with a splint inside. She wanted to move, but she found that the legs were unconscious at all.

"My...legs!" How did it become like this? Yin Mengyuan looked at the legs in front of her and couldn't believe it. But the grim reality forced her to accept that her legs were ruined!

"What's the matter?" At this time, the door was pushed open by an old woman in his fifties and came in. She saw that Yin Mengyuan actually wanted to get up from **, so she hurried over and pressed her in **. Her rough big hand held Yin Mengyuan's delicate and white hand and looked at her eyes full of pity.

The old woman said kindly, "For good, you finally woke up!"

Yin Mengyuan suppressed the tremor of her heart and looked at the strange old woman and whispered, "Thank you for saving me."

The old woman said, "Fortunately, my son found you when he was cutting wood at the foot of Lushan Mountain. Why can't you think about it when you are young?" With that, he looked at her slightly bulging abdomen and said, "How innocent the child is. Even if you don't plan for yourself, you have to live a strong life for the child in your belly!"

Yin Mengyuan listened to the old woman's words and felt that although the old woman lived in the mountains, wisdom and shrewd light sometimes flashed in her eyes, which made people dare not underestimate her.

"She is not an ordinary mountain woman." This idea flashed in Yin Mengyuan's mind and looked up to observe carefully. She found that although the old woman could not withstand the destruction of the years, her wrinkled face could faintly see her colorful demeanor in the past.

When the old woman saw Yin Mengyuan looking at her, she didn't mind. She only said, "Although the girl has picked up a life, her legs have been abandoned since then. Fortunately, the fetus in her abdomen is sound. I don't know what the girl plans to do in the future?"

Yin Mengyuan felt rude, closed her eyes, looked at her slightly bulging lower abdomen, and unconsciously smiled.

I didn't feel much before, but now with the gradual bulge of her lower abdomen, she can more and more feel that a small life is slowly growing in her belly, and she also has a feeling of pity for this child.

The old woman looked at Yin Mengyuan and smiled and said, "If you don't mind, you can stay here for the time being. Although the conditions here are a little difficult, at least you can ensure basic food and clothing. It's also good to let the child be born quietly.

"Hmm." Yin Mengyuan answered and couldn't help looking up at the old woman.