The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

May your heart be like my heart 6

Fang Youchen slowly woke up and opened his eyes. What he saw was bright yellow all over the room.

My eyes swept slightly, and I saw that the thick golden walls of the room were floating feebly in the wind. The golden columns and the walls were painted with gold paint. The classical and elegant Jinsi Nan wooden furniture were polished and appratic. On them were some small and exquisite accessories and a set of golden sets engraved with beautiful patterns. Cup. The center of the room is placed with a large incense burner, with thin smoke floating out, and the air is filled with a faint fragrance. The taste is neither strong nor greasy, but smells good.

Fang Youchen felt that the air in the room seemed to exude a faint smell of dragon saliva. The floor is ink-colored polished marble, which may be because the color of the wall is too bright, and the light can shine on it with mottled light yellow light spots.

This is a whole yellow-based bedroom, and everything in the room is noble and elegant. However, Fang Youchen felt that these bright colors made people feel that their eyes were stung by this strong gold.

She hates such grandior.

Retracted her sight and found herself lying in a strange carved large**, leaning on the bed with those complicated hollowed-out decorations, which looked like two flying dragons with two teeth and claws.

She frowned slightly, stared at the top of the tent and thought to herself, "Where is this?"

"Are you awake?"

A crisp female voice suddenly sounded in the room, which shocked Fang Youchen, because she didn't know that there was anyone in the room. She stood up and saw the speaker coming in from the door, dressed as if she were a maidservant.

The maid went to the bed and saluted slightly. She looked at her and said, "Do you need someone to send breakfast? Or let the maidservant invite the king to come over?

Fang Youchen's face changed, because this woman's clothes are not only popular in Uya, but also speak fluent Uya. Countless thoughts flashed in my mind, and finally I couldn't help asking, "Where is this?" What time is it now?

The maid looked at her gently, with pity in her eyes. She said lightly, "This is the Uya Palace, the king's dormitory. It's three o'clock."

"What, the West Palace, the king's dormitory?" Fang Youchen was shocked, then changed his mind, and soon thought of the noble man he met in the Central Plains that day. It's just that she never thought that the man was the king of Tuya...

"No, what month is it?" Fang Youchen frowned deeper.

Hearing Fang Youchen's question, the maid looked at her again with a little strangeness in her eyes, but she still quickly replied, "94, October 3rd."

Fang Youchen suffocated and her face turned pale in an instant. She subconsciously said, "What, the third day of October? ...It's been nearly a month?!"

After saying that, she lifted the bedding and ran out of the hall without even time to wear shoes. She was worried about Ge Qinghuan and her family. As she ran, she said in her heart, "I didn't expect that when I woke up again, I would have returned to Wuya, and I don't know what happened to my husband and eldest brother. I'm going to find them!"

just ran to the door, and Fang Youchen, who was anxious, was stopped by two bodyguards at the door.


Two bright big knives stand in front of her with a 'ding' sound. Obviously, the bodyguard got someone's order to keep her from escaping.

"Get out of here!" Fang Youchen, who was stopped, was furious and stared at them coldly.

At this time, a voice came from the hall: "Girl, you'd better wait in the room at ease. The king has ordered that if you want to escape, you will be knocked unconscious again. If you want to escape, the maidservant has to make you feel wronged.

Fang Youchen turned around in a surprised way, but saw that the speaker was the maidservant who had just spoken to him. At this moment, she didn't look as kind as before. She held her hands and walked over slowly, looking unhappy and indifferent.

"!" Fang Youchen saw that these slaves were so strong that he was so angry that he was angry, but now that he was caught, he was already the fish on the cutting board - being slaughtered by others. Slowly calming down her anger, she finally gritted her teeth fiercely and turned into the hall.

Returning to the hall, the maid looked at her and went out to order someone to bring breakfast. After a while, all kinds of fragrant snacks were presented. Fang Youchen touched his stomach and thought: Anyway, he can't escape for a while. There is no need to mess with himself. It's better to fill his stomach first.

So she reached out and picked up a piece of osmanthus honey date paste and put it in her mouth. The pastry was mellow and melted in her mouth. Her index finger moved greatly. After eating one piece, she took another piece in her hand.

The maid looked at her, turned her head to look outside the hall, and suddenly said, "There are still two quarters of an hour, and the king is about to go down." The bath water has been prepared for you. After eating the snack, please go to the back room to take a bath and change clothes.

Fang Youchen listened to the maidservant's words, suffocated, and then coughed suddenly, and a mouthful of pastry suddenly choked her breathing.

"Cough--" She pounded her heart hard, grabbed the teapot on the table and poured a cup for herself. After tossing for a while, she finally swallowed it. At this time, her face was slightly red, and even the corners of her eyes squeezed out tears.

Looking at these snacks again, Fang Youchen seemed to feel the suffocating feeling back, and the feeling of nausea suddenly turned up in her stomach. She couldn't help covering her mouth and vomiting. The originally red face suddenly turned a little white.

The maid looked at it coldly. Seeing that Fang Youchen could no longer eat, she waved someone in and withdrew the plate and said faintly, "Since breakfast has been served, I will help you to the inner room to bathe."

Surrounded by three or four maidservants, she entered the inner room. Seeing that there was a huge hot bath in the middle of the room, she was pulled out of her clothes by three maidservants and threw them into a bath full of rose petals. The humid air in the room exuded a strong fragrance of roses. Somehow, Fang Youchen suddenly vomited again, and her heart was very dull. It's sad.

She endured the sadness. After allowing the three to wash her, she changed into a gorgeous golden silk and blue silk, with a long smoke and purple ribbon on her arms, and tied it with a purple belt inlaid with emerald brocade. A green silk combed into a gorgeous bun, which was beautiful and elegant. The pearl the size of her little finger was as bright as snow, and the stars flashed in her hair, reflecting her face like hibiscus, and her face was extremely beautiful.

However, Fang Youchen's hand on her lap slowly stroked the soul-eating bracelet on Hao's wrist. She looked at herself in the mirror, but she looked gloomy. What will she face after such a grand dress, even if she doesn't know the etiquette of the palace...

However, Fang Youchen has made up his mind when bathing. Even if he dies, he should protect his innocence and never surrender to others.

While the palace people were packing up their jewelry, Fang Youchen put a cloud-footed pearl curling hairpin into his sleeve while they were not paying attention.

After cleaning up, the palace people retreated, and the hall returned to a dead atmosphere again.

Fang Youchen sat on the hollow carved flower**, and her heart jumped wildly. She looked down at the ink floor in front of her feet. Her left hand in the wide sleeve was tightly clenched, but her right hand pinched the cloud-foot pearl curler hairpin hard...


A low laugh suddenly sounded in the hall, and then footsteps gradually approached Fang Youchen. She unconsciously bit her lips and held the palm of the hairpin full of sweat.

A smell of saliva came to her face, and then a pair of white big hands suddenly grabbed Fang Youchen's jaw, and her head was forced to be lifted.

There was no surprise. What came into sight was the familiar and arrogant face. The person who came was Uya Luoxuan, the king of the Uya Kingdom.

Fang Youchen suppressed the pain in his jaw and stared at him coldly and said, "What on earth do you want to do? As I said, that day was just an accident, and there is no need to take it seriously... What's more, now that I have married as a woman, why do you..."

Uya Luoxuan shook his head, suddenly interrupted her and said, "You are wrong. As long as it is what I like, it will definitely belong to me. Other kings don't care. However, if it's disobedient--" His men tried hard again and suddenly said in a voice, "I don't mind destroying it directly!"

The pain from her jaw almost made Fang Youchen cry, but she would not cry in front of this man. He gritted his teeth fiercely. At this moment, the fear and tension suddenly disappeared, and the whole person miraculously gradually calmed down, and the hairpin in his hand was almost embedded in the meat.

Uya Luoxuan stared at Fang Youchen, stretched out his finger, gently brushed her full and soft red lips, and suddenly said, "Yes, I have two things to tell you. You have to be mentally prepared!" With that, he let go of his hand and looked at the eunuch beside him. The eunuch shouted at the outside of the hall: "The Right Prime Minister---"

"Right Prime Minister!" Fang Youchen's body trembled suddenly, and his eyes couldn't help staring at the entrance of the hall.

A magnificent figure slowly appeared in the hall. He walked to the door of the dormitory, stopped, bowed his hand and said, "Weichen has seen the king."

Uyaluo waved his hand and said with a smile, "This is not a court, and the son-in-law does not need to be courte. Come in."

"Thank you, King." The right prime minister also thanked him, and then looked up at the man and Fang Youchen. When he saw Fang Youchen, his feet suddenly withdrew, and his face turned pale in an instant, as if he had suddenly seen a ghost during the day.

At this time, Fang Youchen stared at Fang Yilian in front of him, with an unconcealed hatred in his eyes.

Uyaluo Xuan looked into their actions, with a faint smile on the corners of their mouths, and said, "What's wrong with this?"

With that, he pulled Fang Youchen with the same ugly face into his arms and said, "I forgot to introduce her. This is my concubine, named Fang Youchen. Ha ha, it's quite a coincidence that it's the same surname as you!"

[At the end of the article, please collect and ticket!!! Your support is the power of leaf drops!]