The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

I only want your heart to be like my heart 8

Uya Luoxuan's face changed again and again, and a pair of big hands clucked in his sleeves. He looked at the group in front of people in front of him, and his eyes were constantly changing. He couldn't tell what he was thinking at this moment.

Grandma Ge held the tattooed dragon sword in her hand, and there was a sharp light in her eyes. The people behind her stared at Uya Luoxuan in front of her. Some people's eyes were cold, some people's eyes flashed with anger, and some people's eyes were full of hatred and hatred. They couldn't wait to rush forward to smash Wuyaluo Xuan's body!

The two sides fell into a stalemate for a while. After a while, Wuya Luoxuan suddenly turned around and sat back on the centralized bronze chair in the center of the hall. A pair of narrow eyes flashing with grunts swept to the people in the hall. Suddenly, he laughed on his back, laughed, and shouted harshly, "Come on, arrest these thieves for me!"

Soon, hundreds of people poured into the entrance of the hall, and the originally wide hall suddenly became crowded. Those people surrounded Fang Youchen and his party, but no one dared to come forward and arrest them. Just looking at the tattooed dragon sword in Grandma Ge's hand, there was a look of awe and hesitation in her eyes.

Grandma Ge's face is also very ugly at this moment. She lit up the tattooed dragon sword in her hand and said, "The first king's tattooed dragon sword is here. If you see the sword, you don't have to be presumptuous! Why don't you step back quickly?"

The guards looked at each other, stood there for a long time, and finally retreated.

Only Grandma Ge and his party are still confronting Wuya Luoxuan in the hall, and the atmosphere at this moment seems to be a little tense.

Grandma Ge suddenly waved her hand and said, "General Li, Prime Minister Yang, please retreat first. Something like this happened to my Wuya family, and I let you see the joke."

"Queen, you're welcome. In this way, let's wait outside the hall first."

Fang Youchen said 'ah', and Grandma Ge's words made her feel a little unable to turn around. She opened her mouth into an 'O' shape and stared at the extremely familiar Uncle Li and Yang, as well as other nearby villagers. And Grandma Ge, who loved her since she was a child, are actually the queens and ministers of the previous dynasty?!

She suddenly felt that the feeling these people gave her was different from before. As for the difference, she couldn't say anything, but felt that they were both familiar and strange.

If Grandma Ge is the queen of the previous dynasty, isn't the eldest uncle and the second uncle the two famous marquises of Wuya? Husband---is he the son of the world? In addition, Wuya Luoxuan is Ge Luoxuan, that is, the long-dead youngest son mentioned by Grandma Ge?

No, they are not surnamed Ge. They should be surnamed Wuya...

But Uya Luoxuan killed his own brother's family again, and once wanted to accept his nephew's wife as a concubine? Oh, my God, what's wrong with this family? How can things be like this?

Fang Youchen suddenly felt that he could not accept all this, so he looked up and looked at Wu Yaqinghuan. But he saw his pair of bloody red eyes that were about to breathe fire.

This is Wuya Qinghuan that she has never seen before.

Once upon a time, Wuyaqing was peaceful, and his gentle eyes were always like the warm sun in March, making people as intimate and comfortable as the spring breeze. In the clear eyes, there will never be a flash of anger and hatred.

"husband..." Fang Youchen couldn't help shouting softly.

Wu Yaqinghuan felt Fang Youchen's concerned eyes, lowered his head, smiled at her, and moved his lips, but did not say anything, but gently turned his head. His eyes are full of gloomy.

Maybe, he doesn't know what to say to her. As long as he thinks of becoming such a crippled and ugly appearance, his heart will become inexplicably irritable and inferior. He is afraid that Fang Youchen will dislike him and hate him because of this...

Fang Youchen also felt the irritation and inferiority of Wuya Qinghuan. However, the more he did this, the more heartbroken and sad she felt. He raised his hand, gently picked up Wu Yaqinghuan's cheek, looked at him and said softly, "husband, no matter what you become, I am willing to be by your side and always be with you. Have you forgotten? That day, you said that if there is still an afterlife, the afterlife, we will always be together! Husband, I want to tell you that no matter how time changes, as long as your heart is like my heart, no matter what you become in this life, Chen'er will always be by your side!"

"Chen'er, thank you!" Wu Yaqing Huan clenched Fang Youchen's hand and held it very tightly. If you have a wife like this, what does your husband want?

At this time, only Grandma Ge's majestic voice was heard: "Luo Capri, Longer, Huan'er, Chen'er, you four stay."

Wu Yaqinghuan and Fang Youchen looked at each other, and the two suddenly smiled. Wuya Qinghuan seemed to have untied his heart knot because of Fang Youchen's words, and no longer became inferior and afraid to face it because of disability.

For Fang Youchen, as long as Wuya Qinghuan has the same idea as her, that's enough.

At this time, there were only six people left in the hall. Grandma Ge pulled out the tattooed dragon sword and pointed it directly to Wuya Luoxuan on the throne and said harshly, "Reverse son, do you still know this sword?"

"Of course, my father's dragon sword." Uyaluo responded lightly.

"Since you know it, you should also know that the former king gave the old tattooed dragon sword to let him supervise and promote the country, kill the king and kill the syllabus! Rebel son, you killed my son's family, destroyed human nature and lost all conscience, which is not allowed by God! Come down and die!"

Uyaluo looked at everyone and smiled carelessly. Finally, he fixed his eyes on Grandma Ge and raised his eyebrows and said, "Queen Mother, do you want to disobey your father's last wish to kill the son?"

Grandma Ge's hand holding the sword trembled slightly, and then sneered and said, "Queen Mother? Isn't your mother Queen Chen? Humph! The old man never admits that he has a poisonous scorpion-hearted son like you. From the day you cooperated with the bitch of Concubine Chen to plot the former king, poison his brother, and drive away the old family, you are no longer my son!"

Uyaluo shaved his nails and said slowly, "Since it's not, it should not be legal for me to kill a family of unruly people who have violated the law, right?"

"You..." Uya Luo Capricorn's face turned pale. He suddenly went forward, grabbed Wuya Luoxuan's skirt, and punched him head-on.

"Uya Luoxuan, are you still a human? It doesn't matter if you don't recognize your mother and brother, but you even have to send someone to assassinate Luoba and his nephews Qingbo and Qingzhen! You are not as good as an animal, let me kill you to avenge your second brother and others!" After saying that, he waved his hand and punched him.

" Stop!" Grandma Ge suddenly said.

Uya Luo Capricorn didn't raise his head, "Mother, let me kill this pig and dog!"

"What's the use of killing him like this? Do you also want to carry the name of brother-hunt? It's not worth it for this person."

Uyaluo's men stopped, staring at Uyaluo under him and humming angrily, pushing him down to the ground, and then stopped.

Grandma Ge took a step forward, stared at lying on the ground, and was looking at her with resentful eyes. Wuyalo Xuan said slowly, "Since the founding of the country, the three principles and five virtues have been set to be upright. And specially cast a dragon sword to monitor the world. I don't know what the king is and what the five virtues are?

Uyaluo Xuan stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, his eyes flashed, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but he still answered: "The three principles are the subordinates, the father is the son, and the husband is the women. The five virtues are loyalty, filial piety, righteousness, benevolence and righteousness.

Grandma Ge said coldly, "Then you should know that in politics, you must first "righten your name" first in the world, and become a king, minister, father and son! It is regarded as unfilial if you conspire to kill your father; if you are jealous and can't tolerate your brother and kill your brother, you will be regarded as unkind; if you wantonly kill a minister for the throne, you will be regarded as unfaithful; if you expel your mother; if you don't love your brothers and sisters, you have no brotherhood in your heart, you will be regarded as unfaithful! Such an unkind, unrighteous, unfaithful, unfilial and untiful person like you is not tolerated by nature! I set rules for the imperial ancestor of Kaiyuan and cast a patterned dragon sword. The intention was to kill people who violated the three principles and five virtues. And a virtuous person like you is no longer suitable to be a king. Today, let the old man walk the way!"

"Haha, haha..." Uyalo listened and suddenly laughed loudly and looked crazy. He pointed to Grandma Ge and said in a sharp voice, "You're wrong! Gangde is only used to bind ordinary people, not me. I am the son of heaven, and I am the one who creates virtue. Why should I follow it? Besides, what about killing my father and brother? As long as everyone stops me before my throne, they will die!"

He stood up and approached Grandma Ge in a sasent tone: "Do you think you can punish me with a dragon sword? Is it possible? I'm afraid you don't know yet. In fact, I have already sent someone to monitor your family. When I entered the Western Imperial City from Uya Luo Capricorn to look for Fang Yilian, I have begun to notice you. So I had already expected such a day..."

He snapped his finger into the air, and suddenly dozens of masked men in black appeared in the shadow of the hall surrounded them.

Uyaluo Capricorn has been angry for a long time. Seeing this battle again, it stimulated him more and more. He glared at Uyaluo Xuan and said in a low voice, "Uyaluoxuan, what do you want to do? Do you still want to shack your mother?

Uyaluo smiled, but a cold light flashed in his eyes. "Since you have a way to go in heaven, and there is no way to hell to break in, you can't blame anyone. Haha, the second brother finally died, and the rest of you are useless, so let's all die!" With that, his eyes suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Grandma Ge, who was holding a dragon sword, and said strangely, "Look who else dares to point a sword at me!"

At this moment, suddenly, more than a dozen bloody heads were thrown in from the door of the hall and rolled to the ground.

Fang Youchen was scared to take several steps back. A familiar face appeared at her feet. When she saw it, it was Uncle Yang who was still talking to everyone in the hall just now!

"husband..." She shrank her feet and leaned tightly against Wu Yaqing's shoulder. I am extremely nervous and scared.

"Reverse son, you..." Grandma Ge looked at these familiar faces that rolled all over the ground, and her eyes were full of shock and shock. She suddenly looked up and stared at Wu Ya Luoxuan, who was laughing crazily in front of her, trembling her lips for a long time, and she could no longer say the following words.

Uyaluo looked proudly at the five frightened people below and snapped his fingers gracefully. The man in black was ordered to rush up.